Tuesday, December 22, 2015

We Must Wake Up the World! ✡ "See My Affliction From My Enemies" - ISRAEL365

Have mercy on me, O Lord, see my affliction from my enemies, You Who raise me up from the gates of death.

PSALMS (9:14)

יד חָנְנֵנִי יְ-הֹוָה רְאֵה עָנְיִי מִשּׂנְאָי מְרוֹמְמִי מִשַּׁעֲרֵי מָוֶת

תהילים ט:טז

yad kha-n'-nay-nee a-do-nai r'-ay an-yee mi-sin-ai m'-ro-m'-mee mi-sha-a-ray

Today's Israel Inspiration

The Psalmist's words are a modern day plea for the world to wake up and
see the affliction” of Christians and other minorities who are being persecuted, driven and wiped out, and their places of worship destroyed. Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize recipient, once said “We must take sides. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Yet the world remains quiet in the face of ISIS’ declared campaign to eradicate Christianity. “Faithkeepers” is an upcoming documentary film about the violent persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East. Support an urgent crowdfunding campaign to distribute the film and educate America about the plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East and mobilize people to action. Inspire the world to stop the genocide of Christians.

Sneak Preview of "Faithkeepers" the Film

Faithkeepers – the movie and the movement –  enlighten and inspire all people of faith to stand-up and take action.

Go Behind the Scenes of Groundbreaking Documentary & "Sound the Alarm"

The Clarion Project, a nonprofit organization founded in 2006, is working to wake up the sleeping masses with a new, groundbreaking film about radical Islam called “Faithkeepers – Sound the Alarm on Christian Genocide”.

Multi Leather Cords Necklace

This beautiful silverplated ring necklace with turquoise accents, combines crystals and Hebrew blessings for happiness, health, love, and good luck!

Israel Photo Trivia

Can you guess where Ilan Rosen took this incredible photo in Israel? (Hint: it's a geological landform considered unique to Israel's desert.) Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Victor Koros of Brooklyn, New York. Todah rabah!

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It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Hi, my name is Kathryn. I am from Minnesota. Thank you for your emails, I just love them! God Bless you!

I am enjoying Israel365 from my job desk in Harrisburg, PA. It is really a blessing to know what is happening in my beautiful Jerusalem and be able to pray for everyone out there. Blessings to all in Israel!.-Luz Rivera
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Joy. Merry Christmas. Noel. These three words are still being proclaimed in this season. By the world!

Joy - a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Joy. Merry Christmas. Noel. 

These three words are being proclaimed 
in this season. 
Even by the secular world no less!

I love the Christmas season in America. Evergreen trees, created by our Almighty God, lite up with colored lights and commonly is found with an angel or star of Bethlehem on top; electric candles shining brightly in home windows; angels blowing trumpets (shofars!) hanging from street light poles; the celebratory giving of presents to one another. 

There are even nativity scenes in front yards of neighborhood homes, and yet still on some government building grounds! And of course Linus is still quoting Scripture on the 50-year old A Charlie Brown Christmas TV classic.

As Christians, we used to take it for granted that the United States, being a "Christian" nation, would always celebrate Christmas the way it has been for many decades, if not for the last two centuries. But that is all changing, as humanism and secularism continue to take root and grow their branches in all areas of American lives.

And yet it is a joy to see Merry Christmas all around many of our cities, proclaiming Noel in retail stores and even at car dealers. (That I know, as I took these three Christmas tree photos in a South Carolina car dealership just this week - Dec. 22, 2015.)

May the Lord's glory, His Name, and Jesus' holy character still be evermore proclaimed!!!  

So Merry Christmas, with the love of the Lord Jesus,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Christ (Messiah) is the heart of Christmas.

EL is Hebrew for God. 
Noel - "Know-EL", for the King Jesus (Yeshua) it is Who is born. 
And lives forevermore.

Of Course Christians and Muslims Don't Worship The Same God - MICHAEL BROWN CHARISMA NEWS

To the Muslim, God (Allah) is too transcendent and "other" to be our friend. He is to worshiped and adored and obeyed, just as our heavenly Father is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed, but Muslims do not have "fellowship" with God as Christians do.
To the Muslim, God (Allah) is too transcendent and "other" to be our friend. He is to worshiped and adored and obeyed, just as our heavenly Father is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed, but Muslims do not have "fellowship" with God as Christians do. (Reuters)

Of Course Christians and Muslims Don't Worship The Same God

It is true that the three primary monotheistic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all believe in an eternal, uncreated Creator God to whom all human beings must one day give account. But it is self-evident that Muslims and Christians do not worship the same God.
First, God is the heavenly Father of Christians, but Allah is not the Father of Muslims.
This is one of the most fundamental revelations of the Bible, which is why Jesus taught His followers to pray the "Our Father" prayer on a daily basis (Matt. 6:9-13). The New Testament even goes as far as saying that God has put the spirit of sonship into our hearts so that we can call God "Abba," just as Jesus called His Father "Abba" (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6).
But Allah is not seen as the heavenly Father in Islam, let alone as "Abba," an even more endearing term. That's why "father" is not one of the 99 names of Allah in Islamic theology.
Second, through Jesus, we can have intimate fellowship—even friendship—with God.
Already in the Old Testament, God referred to Abraham as His friend (Is. 41:8), but in the New Testament, Jesus takes this even further, saying to His disciples: "Greater love has no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you" (John 15:13-14).
A Muslim could not possibly think of Allah in such terms.
To the Muslim, God (Allah) is too transcendent and "other" to be our friend. He is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed—just as our heavenly Father is to be worshiped and adored and obeyed—but Muslims do not have "communion" with God as Christians do (2 Cor. 13:14).
In Islam, a human being cannot enjoy that kind of personal intimacy with the Creator.
This difference between the Christian conception of God and the Muslim conception of God is seen clearly when we consider the aspect of prayer. The depth of communion we enjoy with the Lord is expressed in the words of a famous hymn by Fanny Crosby, who wrote,
"O the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God
I commune as friend with friend!"
In Islam, Muslims must follow prescribed prayers in Arabic, even if they don't understand Arabic. So much for friendship with the deity. This alone underscores the deep contrast between these two faiths in terms of how God is viewed.
Third, Christians believe that Jesus is the full manifestation of God, whereas Muslims see Jesus as only a human prophet, not as the unique representation of the image of God.
Jesus told His disciples that if they He had seen Him, they had seen the Father; that He is in the Father and the Father is in Him; and that He and the Father are one (John 14:9-11; 10:30). The New Testament also states that Jesus is the very image of the invisible God and "the express image of Himself" (Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3).
All of these concepts are totally foreign to Islam.
For Muslims, Jesus is simply another creation of Allah. For Christians, Jesus is the one through whom the Father made the universe.
Fourth, the Christian "blessed Trinity" is, for Muslims, a cursed blasphemy.
For 200 years, Christians have sung the classic hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy," which speaks of "God in three persons, blessed Trinity," articulating truths taught by the Church for centuries.
The words of that hymn are terribly offensive to Muslims, as emphasized in a chapter in the Quran which Muslims recite in prayer five times a day, Sura 112, which states that Allah "begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him."
This Sura was originally spoken with reference to Muhammad's polytheistic hearers but was then applied to Christian beliefs as well. This means that five times a day, Muslims denounce some of the most fundamental tenets of the Christian faith.
Fifth, true Christians would rather die than deny Jesus as Lord; true Muslims would rather die than confess Jesus as Lord. This is as basic as it gets, and I can't imagine that a devoted Christian or Muslim would argue with this premise.
The New Testament tells us that an essential element of salvation is confessing Jesus as Lord (Rom. 10:9-10). In stark contrast, the Quran says of those who believe that Jesus is God's Son, "May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?" (Sura 9:30).
Can there really be any serious debate as to whether Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
Someone could argue that both faiths represent human attempts to please and obey the Creator, but what those faiths say explicitly about that Creator is mutually exclusive.
We do not worship the same God, which is why Muslims seek to convert Christians to Islam and Christians seek to convert Muslims to faith in Jesus.
The good news is that Jesus really is Lord and that one day, willingly or unwillingly, every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will make that very confession—"Jesus Christ is Lord"—to glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:9-11).
Michael Brown is the host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire and is the president of FIRE School of Ministry. His newest book is Outlasting the Gay Revolution: Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide. Connect with him on Facebook at AskDrBrown or on Twitter @drmichaellbrown.
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PROCLAIMING JUSTICE TO THE NATIONS - Personal message from Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Laurie Cardoza-Moore

Israel and our Jewish brethren have been through extremely challenging times this year.  With a rise of global, genocidal anti-Semitism, our response at PJTN has dramatically risen as well.  
I am reminded in Leviticus 19:16"You shall not stand aside while your brother's blood is being shed." 
Because of your past financial support: 
  • We were able to reach Christians in over 200 countries and 900 million homes through the distribution of our award-winning films and programs at our annual event at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention (NRB)
  • We were able to reach Christian ambassadors, delegates and staffers at our annual UN symposium in New York
  • Our anti-BDS global campaign spread to 45 states and 9 countries
  • We were able to educate and mobilize more parents/citizens to action through our K-12 initiative, exposing the anti-Semitic, anti-Judeo/Christian, pro-Islamic indoctrination in our children's textbooks throughout the U.S. 
But we can't stop now!  
That is why I am personally contacting you today.  
With the end of the year fast approaching, I am asking you to help us with a generous end-of-the-year donation.   The threats we are facing with our Jewish brethren and Israel are facing are real.  Will you stand with PJTN too?

With a donation of $25 to PJTN, 
you will receive this gift to share with 
family and friends.

With a donation of $50, you will receive this gift to share with your friends and family.

Finally, with a donation of $100 or more, 
you will receive this gift to share with
your friends and family.    

PJTN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. PJTN was established to educate Christians about their Biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel, utilizing powerful film and video presentations, a variety of grassroots rallies, events and speaking engagements to facilitate dialogue between the Christian and Jewish communities in support of the State of Israel.

LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE EDITOR'S NOTE: We support PJTN on a monthly basis, to help them educate Christians in regards to the truth about Israel and our Jewish brethren. We hope you will too today.

Steve Martin

The Jim Bakker Show - Let Food Be Your Medicine - Day 3 with Dr. Don Colbert

Dr. Don Colbert

Dr. Colbert with Jim & Lori Bakker

The Jim Bakker Show - Let Food Be Your Medicine 
- Day 3 with Dr. Don Colbert

Jim Bakker

Watch here: The Jim Bakker Show 

Dr. Don Colbert, Mary Colbert

Jim Bakker Show 2015 | Show# 2876 | Aired on December 21, 2015

Jim Bakker Show © 2015 • Morningside Studios

Home » Video Archives » Let Food Be Your Medicine (Day 3)

7 Thoughts About Christmas From a Messianic Jew - RON CANTOR CHARISMA NEWS

Here is a different view of Christmas--from a Messianic Jew.

Here is a different view of Christmas--from a Messianic Jew. (Ron Cantor )

7 Thoughts About Christmas From a Messianic Jew

Standing With Israel
Over the years, I have run into many hurting Christians who tell me of loved-ones suddenly having an epiphany and declaring they can never celebrate Christmas again!
These well-meaning, but a bit overzealous believers often connect it with Messianic Judaism. The end result is that folks believe Messianic Jews are on a Crusade (pun intended) to end Christmas. Whether Christmas is pagan in origins or not, one is not going to win over their loved-ones by preaching to them that they are now pagans or celebrating a pagan holiday.
If one has a longstanding tradition of celebrating Christmas with their extended family, I see no reason not to continue even if he or she has come to different conclusions about celebrating it. Family is too important. Just recently I was in a Jewish synagogue singing songs about the Creator with 40 Jews who don't share my belief in Yeshua. It was not a time to preach, but to be a light. I was there to honor my nephew who was married last week. Though we have strong disagreements regarding the Messiah, I want to win my in-laws, not drive them away. With that in mind, I wrote a series of blogs on Christmas.
Back in 1999 we lived in Ukraine. We were working with the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, training leaders for Jewish ministry. When Christmas came, we were invited to a party with about 30 other expats working in Ukraine. They decided to go around the room, asking each other what their favorite Christmas memory was. There was a gasp when I shared that I didn't have one—"I've never celebrated Christmas." Mental hard drives began to crash.
It is simple. I am Jewish. I didn't grow up with Christmas. There is no spiritual or cultural connection. However, I do have a few things I would like to share with both Jew and Gentile alike about Christmas. I am not here as a Christmas Basher. I think (hope!) you'll find my view balanced and affirming and hopefully enlightening as well. But we need to go through it point by point.
1. Christmas is not in the Bible and neither is the timing of Yeshua's Birth. And neither is Hanukkah, for that matter, and I love to celebrate it. We are never commanded to celebrate the birth of the Messiah. That doesn't mean we shouldn't. I have many God-honoring traditions in my life that are not commanded in the Bible. John 10:22 tells us that Yeshua celebrated the aforementioned extra-biblical holiday of Hanukkah. But regarding Christmas, it should be stated that for centuries it never occurred to the first believers that they should celebrate His birth, nor did they know when he was born.
"With no Biblical directive to do so and no mention in the Gospels of the correct date, it wasn't until the fourth century that church leaders in Rome embraced the holiday." (click for source)
If I had to guess—and I'm no expert in this—Yeshua was born just before Passover. Here's why in a nutshell.
Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, was a priest and according to the Luke passage there are only five possible times that someone in the Abijah grouping, as was Zechariah, could have been serving. It was either during one of the three feasts or the tenth week after the beginning of the year or nine weeks after Rosh Hashanah.
For sure, one of these dates (the Feast of Tabernacles), assuming that Elizabeth conceived within a short period of time after Zechariah came home from the Temple, could lead to a winter birth. We know that Yeshua was born 15 months after Elizabeth conceived as Miriam conceives in Elizabeth's sixth month.
However, it would be highly unlikely for shepherds to be outside on a cold and possibly wet winter night. It would make more since that they were with their lambs in the warmer spring in preparation for the Passover, when Lambs would be needed all over Jerusalem. According to Dr. Ziony Zevit, lambing season—when lambs were born—was at this time.
It is unlikely that Caesar Augustus would call for a census in the middle of the winter, when the rains could make for a cold, muddy trip. Although it could rain in the spring, it is less likely at the end of March/April and a lot warmer.
It would make sense that Yeshua not only died as the lamb of God on Passover, but was born at the time that the Passover Lamb would have been.
Of course, this is just a hypothesis—but a cool one.
2. Is Christmas Pagan? First a story. I was getting ready to preach one morning and the fellow giving the announcements said: "Everybody's talking about the pagan roots of Christmas. Next thing we'll know, they are going to start telling us that Halloween is pagan too!" He was being funny of course. But we must deal with the pagan roots of Christmas or at least the accusations.
One theory is that Christmas was connected to the heresy, Docetism, spreading in the fourth century which stated that Jesus had never been physically born, but was merely some sort of spiritual entity. The Council of Nicea dealt a blow to this heresy affirming both the divinity and humanity of the Messiah. It is believed that church leaders felt that if they gave Him a birthday, it would crush the heresy.
The winter pagan celebrations were already widely observed, so they chose December. It is believed that they did this to win pagans to Christianity.
"More than likely, this date was picked to line up with the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, which was celebrated with a pagan sacrifice to Saturn and a public banquet, followed by gift-giving and a carnival-like atmosphere." (click for source)
However, Saturnalia ends on December 23, not the 25th. There is a strong case made that Christians were celebrating Christmas before the fourth century. To be honest with you, there is much that is written on the pagan roots of Christmas and just as much written to refute it. Many of these folks have outstanding credentials and they all make strong cases. But as we will see in point three, it doesn't really matter.
3. Just because the pagans use a symbol doesn't make it pagan. For instance, the LBGT community uses the rainbow. But when I see a rainbow I think of God's covenant with Noah. A symbol only has meaning to the extent that you give it meaning. That is why Paul said that for someone who realizes there is no power in idols, he can eat meat sacrificed to idols. But for someone who grew up as a pagan, he still might think there is some spiritual power in this practice, so as a believer, he abstains.
My point is that if someone brings a Christmas tree into their house, it doesn't mean that are embracing pagan practices. Yes, it is true that pagans were fond of bringing greenery into their homes in the winter and many Romans decorated the tree to honor Bachuss, the fertility God. But that doesn't make trees evil.
Jeremiah (10:2-4) does condemn pagan practices, but again, he is condemning mimicking the pagans who sought spiritual reward or favor through such things. So to be clear, if you think that your Christmas tree has spiritual power, then Jeremiah has a problem with you. But if it is merely a family tradition that reminds you of Yeshua's birth, what is to condemn?
Stay tuned Tuesday for parts two and Wednesday for three of this series.{eoa}
Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Cantor also travels internationally teaching on the Jewish roots of the New Testament. He serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. His newest book is Identity Theft. Follow him at @RonSCantor on Twitter.
For the original article, visit messiahsmandate.org.

For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here
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A Christmas Tree for the Devil | David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

A Christmas Tree for the Devil

Tuesday, December 22, 2015 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
Earlier this month, the annual Christmas tree was adorned once again in Bethlehem as Palestinians gathered under the starlit pine in Manger Square, a reminder of the peace and light that Jesus brought to the world.
What a wonderful time to celebrate the goodness and hope that we have in Jesus Christ, especially in that marvelous Little Town of Bethlehem, lying so still under the starry winter night. 
Let’s listen to the speaker, as he stands before the manger and addresses those gathered in honor of the birth of the Little Boy Jesus, circumcised the 8th day by his Israeli Jewish parents, asleep in the hay.
“From the land of Palestine, which has long been home to the coexistence of human beings, religions and cultures, and their children taught the values ​​of tolerance embodied by Jesus, the messenger of love, we bring the message that, in Palestine, people yearn to live in freedom and peace, and that the time has come to unite the world, to lift the historical injustice done to them, and it is time for the implementation of UN resolutions on Palestine, and end the Israeli occupation.
"As in every year, Palestine is celebrating the glorious festivals, while it is reeling from the injustice of the Israeli occupation, and experiencing a serious Israeli escalation, with the intent of murder and torture, and holding the bodies of the martyrs (sic terrorists). [Palestine] is facing the worst deportation schemes and forced displacement, turning towns and villages and towns into ghetto, and the destruction of their houses and confiscation of their land and violation of holy places. [Israel] prevents worshipers, Christians and Muslims alike, to have access to their churches, mosques, and the practice of worship and religious beliefs.
"As we light the holiday Christmas tree, we remind the world that the city of Bethlehem represents the story of the Palestinian (sic Jewish) people and their history and their struggle. Despite our wounds and general pain and suffering and tyranny we remain steadfast, and we are still vibrant with joy despite the walls and settlements which encircle us, and Israel is trying to stifle hope and to confiscate the necessities of life from us. We hope the valued guests here will be ambassadors of the truth, and to relay to their countries and their governments how much sorrow and injustice that they have seen, and how much resilience and hope the people of Palestine have...”
Wait just a minute! This is a celebration of the life of Jesus Christ? This is their way of bringing Glad Tidings proclaiming that Christ has come into the world? By spreading lies and stirring up more anger and hatred towards Israel and using a celebration of the most precious and pure light that will ever come into the world to spread deceitful rumors and call the Jewish people evil? 
And who is this messenger and Bearer of Sad Tidings? Why it is Rami Hamdallah, Palestinian Prime Minister, and known collaborator with PLO terrorists. His pronouncements confirming once again, for Palestinians, that they have no responsibilities and Israel is evil.
O, little town of Bethlehem, how still we see you lie.
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