Monday, May 1, 2017

Eerily Accurate 1968 Prophecy From A 90-Year-Old Woman In Norway Is Being Fulfilled Right Before Our Eyes - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

A member of Iraqi Federal Police is reflected in a mirror during clashes with the Islamic State fighters in western Mosul, Iraq. (REUTERS/Muhammad Hamed)

Eerily Accurate 1968 Prophecy From A 90-Year-Old Woman In Norway Is Being Fulfilled Right Before Our Eyes

In 1968, a 90-year-old woman in Norway was given an incredible glimpse into the future. She was shown what life would be like just before World War 3 and the return of Jesus Christ, and what she saw is eerily similar to current conditions in our world today. When evangelist Emanuel Minos held meetings in the town of Valdres, Norway where she lived, this precious elderly lady shared what the Lord had shown to her with him. Minos wrote down what he was told, and it got put away in a drawer for 30 years. But after many of the things that she saw started to come to pass, Minos remembered the vision and decided to share it with the world.
One of the reasons why I wanted to share this vision now is because it has so many parallels to other visions that I have been sharing recently. You can read her entire vision here, but in this article, I just wanted to highlight a few portions of it. One of the things that this 90-year-old woman was shown was that there would be a "lukewarmness without parallel" before Jesus comes back and that "Christians will not be open for penetrating preaching":
A lukewarmness without parallel will take hold of the Christians, a falling away from true, living Christianity. Christians will not be open for penetrating preaching. They will not, like in earlier times, want to hear of sin and grace, law and gospel, repentance and restoration. There will come a substitute instead: prosperity (happiness) Christianity. The important thing will be to have success, to be something; to have material things, things that God never promised us in this way. Churches and prayer houses will be emptier and emptier. Instead of the preaching we have been used to for generations —like, to take your cross up and follow Jesus—entertainment, art and culture will invade the churches where there should have been gatherings for repentance and revival. This will increase markedly just before the return of Jesus.
This prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.
There is a reason why you very rarely hear words such as "sin" and "repentance" in the Christian world today. In fact, for many ministries those have become extremely dirty words. It seems like everyone wants to have "happy church", and so the conviction of the Holy Spirit is suppressed as much as possible.
I have been thinking a lot about Steve Hill lately. Could the evangelical Christian world even handle his kind of preaching today?
One of the reasons why you won't find a Brownsville revival in America today is because evangelists who dare to preach about sin and repentance like Steve Hill once did are run out of large churches and are blackballed by large ministries.
If you study church history, you will never find a revival without repentance.
So for those of you who claim you want revival, you had better start embracing repentance.
I have previously warned about the "exposure" that is coming to the church, and if you have been paying attention to the headlines lately, you know that it has already begun.
Those in ministry cannot embrace great sin and expect to get away with it. In these last days God is raising up an army, but those that refuse to live in holiness will not be able to be part of it.
Getting back to the prophecy, this 90-year-old woman was also shown the great moral decay that will immediately precede the second coming of Jesus Christ:
"There will be a moral disintegration that old Norway has never experienced the likes of. People will live together like married without being married. Much uncleanness before marriage, and much infidelity in marriage will become the natural, and it will be justified from every angle. It will even enter Christian circles and we will let it—even sin against nature. Just before Jesus returns, there will be TV programs like we have never experienced. [TV had just arrived in Norway in 1968.] TV will be filled with such horrible violence that it teaches people to murder and destroy each other, and it will be unsafe in our streets. People will copy what they see. There will not be only one "station" on TV, it will be filled with "stations." [She did not know the word "channel" that we use today. Therefore, she called them stations. -E. Minos.] TV will be just like the radio where we have many "stations," and it will be filled with violence. People will use it for entertainment. We will see terrible scenes of murder and destruction one of the other, and this will spread in society. Sex scenes will also be shown on the screen, the most intimate things that take place in a marriage." Then the old woman said: "It will happen, and you will see it. All we have had before will be broken down, and the most indecent things will pass before our eyes."
In addition to everything that you just read, she also saw that there would be a long period of peace between the superpowers of the east and west, that there would be a tremendous wave of immigration into Scandinavia (that is happening right now), and she was shown that World War III would involve the use of nuclear weapons.
Up to this point, everything in her vision has been fulfilled with precise accuracy, and so it would seem to be quite foolish to doubt the rest of it.
We are living at a time when a great shaking is coming to the church and to the rest of the planet as well. Those who are on the fence right now are going to be forced to pick a side, because during the times to come there is going to be a great price for following Jesus Christ.
And we can already see this starting to happen. According to one expert, 90,000 Christians were killed for their faith last year alone:
A well-known researcher recently told Vatican Radio something shocking: More than 90,000 Christians were reportedly killed last year because of their faith, meaning that about one Christian died every six minutes, the Christian Post reported.
Massimo Introvigne, founder of the Italy-based Center for Studies on New Religions, gave a highlight of some soon-to-release statistics that paint a picture of how dire Christian persecution truly is across the globe. One measure he shared is the estimate that between 500 and 600 million Christians worldwide can't freely practice their beliefs.
If you are not right with the Lord, now is the time to repent and to turn to Jesus Christ with all of your heart, because without Him, none of us is going to have any chance of getting through what is rapidly approaching. 
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael's controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict" is available in paperback and for the Kindle on
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God Has Chosen Jerusalem—It's Time We Do the Same - REV. CHERYL L. HAUER BRIDGES FOR PEACE

God Has Chosen Jerusalem—It's Time We Do the Same

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the reunification of the remarkable city of Jerusalem, and celebrations will abound in Israel and around the world. We hope you will join us as we celebrate! It is a unique moment in history, just as Jerusalem is unique among all the cities of the world. The very name evokes an emotional response. It is God's city, His holy mountain! He chose it for His earthly dwelling place, and those who love Him are drawn to His home.
"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in His holy mountain. Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King" (Ps. 48:1-2).
As believers, when we think of the LORD our King and the fact that He chose Jerusalem as His habitation, perhaps we can begin to recognize the eternal importance of this incredible place. Millions visit the city every year, many coming to seek the face of God in His holy habitation.
Others come with a different heart. Historically, many have sought to destroy this city that God claims as His own and others continue in their determination to divide it. They may not realize it, but those who conspire against this place make themselves opponents of the LORD of the universe. There is a spiritual war over Jerusalem as the forces of the enemy would destroy that which God holds so dear. That same war is also experienced in the natural realm. During its long history, Jerusalem has been attacked 52 times, captured and recaptured 44 times, besieged 23 times and destroyed twice. During the 1948 war for Israel's independence, Jerusalem was again attacked and torn apart. The Jordanians occupied half the city until the Six-Day War in 1967, when it was miraculously restored to the Jewish people. What a glorious day it was when the city God chose to be Israel's eternal and undivided capital was reunited and once again under Jewish sovereignty!
At Bridges for Peace, we are sponsoring a worldwide celebration to rejoice with those who rejoice over Jerusalem! You can be part of this celebration without ever leaving home, and we will help to provide resources and ideas to make your Jerusalem party a success. Everything is free, and if you host or attend a party, you might even win a free trip to visit this incredible place. But most important, your voice will join with others around the world, declaring into the heavens that this city is indeed God's city and the eternal and undivided capital of the State of Israel.
Imagine the incredible spiritual power that will be unleashed when thousands or even millions of Christians around the world all join together to praise and honor Jerusalem within the same two-week period! Please, visit, sign up and join us. What a blessing you will be to the God who claims Jerusalem as His own!

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Jerusalem Log #2 - Monday 7 p.m. 05.01.17 - Steve Martin

Jerusalem Log Monday p.m. 05.01.17
Jerusalem, Israel

Greetings once again from Jerusalem!

My first full day back in the Land. This Monday it was Memorial Day, with the sirens going off all over the country at 11 am, causing the Jewish people to stop everything (driving included) in honor of the memory of fallen soldiers. It was awesome being right in the heart of Jerusalem and seeing Jaffa Street totally shut down, with people, trains, buses and all stopped, remembering their friends and fallen. Everyone in Israel has lost a close one over these 69 years.

And tonight at sundown begins Independence Day, when the annual celebration begins!

Bus #74, before it got packed

I began the day getting on the city bus #74 on south Hebron Street, taking it to the Central Bus Station at the end of Jaffa Street, before catching the light train back down Jaffa to Ben Yehuda. (Just for the fun of it.) In between I stopped in at the Distribution Center of Christian Friends of Israel, which has for more than 25 years been helping Jews making Aliyah get settled in Israel. Other projects provide needed humanitarian supplies for IDF soldiers, Holocaust victims, wedding dresses for those lacking funds, and much more.

Visiting shop owner friends on Ben Yehuda is always a joy. David, Dahlia and the Saiden family, owners of two shops, always give me special deals at Golden Jerusalem and David and Dan. I met their father Avraham over 10 years ago when I first walked into his Judaica gift shop. We have been friends ever since.

Dahlia Saiden

My good friend at Shkalim Fashion blesses me as I bless him, filling my hoodie, fleece and t-shirt orders from family and friends.

               Hoodies and t-shirts at the Shkalim Fashion shop on Ben Yehuda

Leaving the shopping center, I made my way to the Western Wall in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, I first walked on the Ramparts, which I had never done. This is a walk on top of the outer wall, formerly used by Jordanian soldiers to fire their guns at Jews prior to the 1967 Six-Day War. This end of May marks the 50th anniversary of when the Jews took back control of their city for good, reclaiming what was theirs in the beginning, when King David made it the capital of Israel.

The Western Wall (Kotel in Hebrew) has always been close to my heart. Last night a Memorial Service was held in its plaza, remembering the fallen soldiers who fought the many wars of defense during these 69 years of present day Israel’s existence.

Memorial Day at the Kotel (Western Wall)

It was good spending the afternoon at the Liberty Bell Park with a family of seven whom our ministry Love For His People has supporting going on seven years now. We are grateful for these relationships, giving us the opportunity to bless Israel and the people.

Until tomorrow…

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Jerusalem!

Steve Martin

Love For His People

The Ark at the Western Wall

The Ark

This large ark sits inside the prayer hall at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. I was able to visit the Kotel (Wall) today while in Jerusalem.

For those not knowing what an "ark" is, here is a definition from Wikipedia.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

The ark in a synagogue (also called the Torah ark or holy ark) is generally a receptacle, or ornamental closet, which contains each synagogue's Torah scrolls (Sifrei Torah in Hebrew).[1] Most arks feature a parokhet (curtain) placed either outside the doors of the ark (Ashkenazi and Mizrachi custom) or inside the doors of the ark (Spanish and Portuguese and Moroccan Sephardi custom). The ark is known in Hebrew as the aron kodesh ("holy ark") by the Ashkenazim and as the hekhál ("holy place") among most Sefardim.

 Smaller arks

The arks are pulled out into the Western Wall open are on special occasions, when the Torah scrolls inside are read.

Jerusalem Log #1 - the First Day May 1, 2017 - Steve Martin

Jerusalem Log 05.01.17
Jerusalem, Israel

Greetings from Jerusalem!

During my 13th trip to Israel I will be sharing brief logs as I can, hoping to give my insights while on this journey. I hope you will enjoy them!

I left Charlotte, NC on Saturday, April 29, 2017, flying American Airlines to Philadelphia and then onto Frankfurt. The flights were uneventful – the usual packed plane with little sleep those combined nine hours. After transferring onto El Al airlines in Frankfurt and completing the customs arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv late afternoon on Sunday, I obtained my Chevy Smart rental car and headed up Highway 1 to Jerusalem. Other than the stop-n-go early evening traffic, along with sections where I could go the allowed 110 kph, I noticed the major work on the highway had been completed since I was last on it a year ago. This time even the new tunnel near Abu Ghosh was lit up and in full use.

Knowing my way around the city of Jerusalem, I decided to drive through the bustling residential and city shopping centers rather than take the around route to Hebron Road, my lodging destination for the next five days. Good friends, whom I first met when they came to the Vision For Israel office in Charlotte, NC seeking some advice, are again putting me up for the 3rd or 4th time! They have been volunteers at a major Christian ministry here in the capitol city of Israel since 2009 I believe.

With Sunday being the first day of the week after the conclusion of Shabbat the day before, the streets and sidewalks were full of families, business people, students and tourists as usual. I am especially glad they have good city bus drivers here. Waiting at the stoplight corner, watching them make their right handed turns within inches of my car, makes me most grateful for their maneuvering skill.

Seeing once again the Jewish people, full of life and determination to live in peace, makes my heart grow with love each time I come. Having begun our ministry of Love For His People in April 2010, our main objective is to be a voice of support and assistance is seeing them fulfill the great call of the Lord God of Israel upon them. Being here readily confirms His prophetic words of bringing them back to the Promised Land, to be a witness to the nations. We stand with them fully.

Today I plan on meeting with a Messianic Jewish family of seven whom we have given much financial assistance over these past many years. The wife/mother has just completed a year-long cycle of chemo treatments in her fight against cancer. We last saw her a year ago in the local hospital when she first began them. A full recovery is expected!

As is my normal routine, I expect to take plenty of photos (averaging 300 a day whenever I am here) and videos to share with you. Using our social media connections on our blog (, Facebook pages (Steve Martin and Love For His People) and our YouTube channel (LoveForHisPeople), you can always follow along.

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Jerusalem!

Steve Martin

Love For His People

The Prophetic Reason Your Path May Be Diverging - RICKY SCAPARO CHARISMA NEWS

The Prophetic Reason Your Path May Be Diverging

In this segment, we will show you how many times in our walk with God He will deliberately allow us to go through a different path, one we didn't see coming, because He knows our hearts and the path that is before us. You will also discover that you are in one of three specific transitions right now and what that means. To view the entire message, watch the video:
Ricky Scaparo is a former pastor and founder of the international ministry End Time Headlines. This ministry has exploded over the past few years, attracting hundreds of thousands of followers and subscribers via the website ( and social media streams. Ricky provides resources to equip believers and to inform the discerning of the signs and seasons in which we live. His mission is to inform his readers and viewers of prophetic events and how they are unfolding before our very eyes through news and headlines presented from a prophetic perspective in light of the holy Bible. This ministry is also an outreach ministry that presents the gospel to the lost through preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
This article originally appeared at
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Yom HaZikaron begins this evening at nightfall - Israel Today

Yom HaZikaron begins this evening at nightfall

Sunday, April 30, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
The beginning of "The Yishuv" in 1860, marked the first uprisings against the Jewish people in Israel, when Moshe Montefiori developed Mishkenot Shaananim, The neighborhood was the first Jewish neighborhood to be built outside the Old City of Jerusalem, directly across from Mount Zion, above Sultan’s Pool.
The neighborhood was the answer to overcrowding and lack of Jewish residential space within Jerusalem's Old City.
Since then a total of 23,544 soldiers and terror victims have died. Over the past year 97 have joined the ranks of Israel's fallen. Of these 37 were wounded IDF veterans who have passed away as a result of their injuries and have been recognized as IDF fallen.
Events marking Memorial Day for Israel's fallen and Victims of Terrorism began on Sunday morning with the inauguration of a new memorial hall in Jerusalem. The memorial hall was dedicated in the presence of President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Ministry Avigdor Lieberman, and other ministers as well as defense and security dignitaries.
Yom HaZikaron will begin at nightfall this evening and a 1-minute siren will be sounded nationwide at 8pm when the official State memorial service will begin on Maount Herzl and the Israel Flag will be lowered to half mast until tomorrow evening. Tomorrow a 2-minute siren will be sounded at 11am which will mark the opening of the official and private memorial ceremonies at each cemetery where soldiers are buried.

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Love for His People Editor's Note: I arrived in Jerusalem last night, April 30, 2017, in time to hear the 1st siren. Today, May 1, 2017, is Memorial Day.
Steve Martin

If my people will pray! - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

If my people will pray!

Sunday, April 30, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
As we stand at the crossroads with multiple challenges before us as a nation – politically, economically and spiritually – our greatest need is prayer. But in order to be aroused to what many would see as an extreme measure, we need leaders called “for such as time as this” – men and women who refuse to be intimidated into submission to the current worldview and who recognise the urgency of the hour.
The Bible says: “…If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7.14)
But where is the Church, and where are her leaders calling us to pray? We now have the example set by South African Christians who responded to such a call by travelling hundreds of miles across the country to join an estimated 1.7 million people petitioning the God of Israel to intervene in their nation’s desperate problems with corruption at government level spiralling out of control.
The immediate euphoria of the early post-apartheid days, when a rainbow nation swept clean of injustice basked in the new sunshine, are long gone. Instead of godliness taking root for the long-term, a spiritual vacuum was left in the corridors of power, and it is as if the demons of the past have returned with fellow spirits making the last state of the nation worse than the first, as in the teaching of Jesus on the subject in Matthew 12.43-45 when he explained that some cases could only be dealt with by prayer and fasting (Mark 9.29).
In a book written in the wake of the 7/7 bombings in London, Oxford vicar Charlie Cleverly likened the church to the position of Queen Esther when called to rescue the Jewish people from destruction in ancient Persia. The author calls for men of courage to rise up and lead us to the foot of the cross, to be prepared to suffer for our Lord as our forbears did when burnt at the stake for bringing us the gospel in our own language.
A mini-version of Foxes Book of Martyrs, The Passion that Shapes Nations (Victor, an imprint of Kingsway) also compares England to the spiritual dilemma described above by Matthew. We were swept clean by martyrs and others who lit a flame for the gospel to be spread throughout the world, but we have since disowned our godly heritage and are now seven times worse off than under the likes of Henry VIII.
Where is the courage that took Paul Hannington to Uganda where he died for his troubles; that took Hudson Taylor to China at great personal cost? Where are those who will stand up to godlessness and compromise in both church and state? We are approaching a crucial election, but God is apparently not on the agenda – a shameful situation for a nation granted the inestimable privilege of spreading the gospel across the globe.
Lib-Dem leader Tim Farron, a declared Christian, has long refused to be drawn on his view of gay sex, but has now finally succumbed to press intimidation by stating that it is not sinful. As Cleverly states in his book, “…the Church today, when faced with homosexuality, hardly dares to mention sin in this context. She is intimidated like Esther into silence.”
The alarm bells are sounding. Preachers are being hounded and even arrested for quoting the Bible, a student has been expelled from Sheffield University for his biblical views on sexuality. Appropriately, the South African prayer gathering was called It’s Time. Surely it’s time to say, as the irrepressible farmer/evangelist Angus Buchan has said, that ‘enough is enough’.
As he addressed the teeming masses gathered on a former Springbok rugby player’s farm, he thundered to the young men present: “You will not sleep with anyone until your wedding night!” Cries of ‘Amen’ echoed across the veldt (I have watched videos sent by friends on the ground).
Need I say more? The great need of the hour is not political debate, but urgent, passionate prayer. God’s people, and especially church leaders, need to humble themselves and pray and seek the face of the Lord for the healing of our nation.
The Old Testament refers to the “men of Issachar who understood the times and knew what Israel should do” (1 Chronicles 12.32) and the prophet Hosea calls us to break up our unploughed ground – “for it is time to seek the Lord” (Hosea 10.12).
As Charlie Cleverly put it, Esther understood “that the destiny of nations is not in the hands of politicians but in the hands of the people of God who pray”.
He adds: “I believe the Church is under threat as in the days of Esther and she needs to awaken to a coherent strategy.”
As John Knox called out, “Give me Scotland or I die”, where are those crying out in the wilderness: “Give me England or I die”?

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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