Monday, August 21, 2017

Signs in the Heavens: Biblical Darkness, the Solar Eclipse, and the End Times - CBN News Julie Stahl, Chris Mitchell

Signs in the Heavens: Biblical Darkness, the Solar Eclipse, and the End Times

Aug. 21, 2017 - CBN News Julie Stahl, Chris Mitchell

– Many Americans are anticipating Monday's eclipse and wondering just what it means. It won't be visible in Israel, but the Bible records several times when dramatic signs involving the sun took place in this area. The question is can we expect to see such signs today?
One of the 10 plagues over Egypt before the exodus of the Israelites was three days of darkness (Exodus 10:21-29).
"The Jewish sources describe it not just as darkness, but a darkness that was so thick it's like, people couldn't move in it or the Egyptians couldn't move in it. So that's an example of God suspending the laws of nature," Rabbi and historian Ken Spiro told CBN News.
"The sun god was one of their [the Egyptian's] major gods, the major god, I think, so by God covering their god, He was saying, I'm bigger than your god. And that was presumably one of the signs behind that one," said Stephen Bridge, director of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.

Garden Tomb Director Stephen Bridge
Many historians believe the valley of Ayalon is where Joshua battled the five Amorite kings, when he said to the Lord, "'Sun stand still over Gibeon and moon over the valley of Ayalon' so the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, til the people had revenge upon their enemies." (Joshua 10:12)
The Bible tells us three hours of darkness fell at Jesus' crucifixion/ (Matthew 27:45)
"Whatever the darkness was it wasn't an eclipse and we have no explanation of what it was or even what it meant, but it certainly would have invoked in the people who were there a profound sense of something monumental happening, which indeed it was," said Bridge.
God definitely made points with signs in the sky throughout the Bible. But is He still doing the same thing today?
Michael Mott, who serves as assistant pastor with Jerusalem's King of Kings congregation, and Rabbi Spiro say "yes."

Pastor Michael Mott, assistant pastor of Jerusalem's King of Kings Congregation
"He uses nature all the time in different ways to communicate," Mott told CBN News. "In Romans chapter one, it tells us that God has ordered the world in such a way that the hearts of man can know that God exists just by the way nature works all the time. So does He use nature to talk to His people?  He does."
Spiro said, "It's a fundamental belief in Judaism that everything that happens in the world is for a meaning and there's a message hidden in there somewhere, even in astronomical phenomenon. So interpreting the message is, of course, a little more problematic."
Bridge believes God already gave mankind His greatest sign.
"I think that some of that depends on our own personality – and I'm not downplaying that – but the biggest way God speaks is through His Son. So the writer to the Hebrews draws that out: 'In former times God spoke in many and various ways through the prophets, but in the last days he's spoken through His Son.' And so for us that Jesus is the revelation, Jesus is the Word made flesh; Jesus is the ultimate sign and His death and resurrection, the ultimate sign of that. So we should be looking to Him."
Spiro says Judaism is looking at actual events today as signs of the end of days – not so much signs in the sky.

Rabbi Ken Spiro
"The rabbis always talk about the coming of the Messiah as a woman giving birth – birth pangs, and the basic idea behind that is just as a woman giving birth goes into contractions [and as] they get closer and closer together, they get more and more intense as you approach the birth," he continued.
"So too events on the planet earth will get more and more intense and happen much more rapidly and certainly I would say we see that things are speeding up very dramatically in the world, the change that is taking place, the political upheaval, the technological advances, as to whether that is linked to astronomical events that are coming, we'll only know at that time," he said.
The Book of Joel includes an often-quoted end time prophecy about the sky.
"The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord." (Joel 2:31)
"We get this picture from God's word that He will use those kinds of signs in the skies to speak to His people, to speak to the earth," Spiro said. "And how do we know which one is which because I think sometimes we want to attach God to every single natural event that takes place and I think that most of the time God just wants to show that He is in nature and not that He's communicating 'watch out something is getting ready to happen.'"
"Now, that could be interpreted as eclipses by the way," he added. "You know, the moon turning to blood is called the blood moon actually, which is what happens in a lunar eclipse and … when you have a solar eclipse, the sun disappears and turns to blackness. So there in the prophets it's talking about signs we see at the end of days.  Whether that is what it's meant to be interpreted as remains a big question. We don't know."
According to Jewish teaching, the Messiah will come before the year 6,000 on the Hebrew calendar. We're currently at 5777. If each day is like a thousand years, Spiro says we're about at late Friday afternoon, meaning we're getting very close.
"We could be hitting that end of days' scenario," he said. "Certainly time is definitely running out, and as we see by looking at what's going on in the world, in a positive and a negative way – I mean the rebirth of the State of Israel, the reunification of Jerusalem. We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of that. I mean that's unbelievable, that's prophecy coming true before our eyes: the nations of the world lining up against Israel, largely what you see going on in UNESCO, the United Nations, is clearly a sign."
So, other than looking through protective glasses, how do these leaders recommend we view the eclipse?
"We're only a few headlines away from direct convergence of that biblical end of days scenario with the headlines in the news today and that to me – and I think to most Jews – is far more impactful and serious in terms of waking people up in their expectations of like the redemption than celestial signs happening up above in the heavens," the rabbi said.
"We need to prepare our hearts and continue to ask God to show us, is this you?" Mott said. "Is this you who are you speaking to your people? Are you speaking to the earth? And I believe that he'll tell more than just one person that this is Him speaking to the whole earth."
"We just need to be cautious, fix our eyes on Jesus, hold firmly to scripture and keep proclaiming the mystery and the profound victory of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah," Bridge said.

Watch here: Signs in the Heavens
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Prophecy: Your Extensive Spiritual Warfare Is About to Become Your Increase - NATE JOHNSTON CHARISMA NEWS

Your repayment begins right now. (Unsplash/Tim Bogdanov)
Prophecy: Your Extensive Spiritual Warfare Is About to Become Your Increase
If you have been through an extensive season of warfare, especially in the last nine months, as the Hebrew year 5777 brought about a clashing of kingdoms and an increased tension between your barren place and your promise, you will now find starting this month—the warfare begins to convert into your increase and advancement.
This is where it pays off! This is far from just a feel-good word but more of a kairos word burning hot in my spirit. I feel like I have been birthing this deep in my belly for weeks now, and I pray it unleashes encouragement, strength and life back to you—shifting your eyes off the storm and back onto the Promised Land in front of you.
The Enemy Caught Out
Recently, through a series of dreams, God began showing me the significance of this season and why it feels like all of hell has been dispatched to bring every believer down. I hear it every day, not to mention that we have experienced more warfare this year than ever before. This tells me that there is something valuable the enemy doesn't want us accessing.
In one dream, I saw the body of Christ backed into a corner with many dark and evil voices of slander and opposition ridiculing and mocking her; kicking, cursing and accusing her. It was as if the sole focus of the enemy was to intimidate and bully the church into a defenseless position until she ran out of energy, hope and vision. But suddenly, I heard an almighty, loud sound of, "No more! No more! No more!" This sound resounded until the body rose up and fought back, and the enemy shrieked and ran in terror. She then stood up and opened a door that said "destiny" upon it.
This speaks volumes to me about the season we are in as the body of Christ. Once bullied and intimidated into the corner, feeling weak and powerless, we suddenly were rising up, overcoming and defeating the obstacles that the enemy placed before us.
This is truly a season of discovering the power and authority we possess and beginning to take dominion in the earth; seizing back the mountains of influence for the kingdom and awakening the earth to the sound of triumph and freedom.
In another dream, a man came to my door trying to steal my mail. He was madly racing around my house in an attempt to break in and steal my mail, trying to take "an invitation" he thought I wasn't meant to open. The next day, the Lord said to me that the enemy is trying to intercept the invitation that will release people into their breakthrough and promise. He is doing anything he can to distract people in one area so he can enter through another route into our lives that we didn't expect, to rob us from the promise. I say no more to you being robbed, and that repayment begins now!
"But if he is found, he will restore sevenfold; he will give all the substance of his house" (Prov. 6:31).
As Fuel for the Fire
For over two years now, our youngest daughter, Sophie, has been constantly facing a specific health issue that has found us in the ER many times and for multiple days at a time. It would always happen at times we were experiencing breakthrough or we could sense that we were about to. Recently, one early morning, Sophie was yet again in the ER for these same issues (that we have actually seen miraculously healed in services we have been in).
So here we were with her, surrounded by a few doctors discussing the situation, but despite the negative tones and the facts of what they were saying, something in my spirit said, "No, this is a violation!" I felt like I had just had enough from being ripped off. I got up and began praying in the spirit when suddenly this Scripture came to me.
"For all the sandals of the tramping warriors and all the garments rolled in blood shall be burned as fuel for the fire" (Isa. 9:5).
Something happened in that moment I won't forget, like an out-of-body experience, almost celebrating the soon to come victory. It was like I could taste it! When you have been through the fire enough, you begin to learn that victory always follows—every time. Sure enough, God turned the situation around, and the doctors were confused by her rapid recovery. It reminded me of the Scripture: "And having disarmed authorities and powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them by the cross" (Col. 2:15).
When God fights for you and shuts down the enemy's plans, it becomes a public spectacle. It becomes a beacon to the world that you have something different about you, or rather living inside of you. If you haven't experienced breakthrough, don't feel condemned. Just know that God is changing your win-history, and it's about time that you see every dark and crushing moment of your life become fuel for the fire—and converted into blessing.
I prophesy that you are about to see the enemy caught out in many areas he has been stealing from you, and I prophesy that you will step into a new arena of breakthrough and victory that you didn't have before in Jesus' name!
This Is Your 'No More' Moment!
Maybe like Joseph you have felt like your life has been a constant string of unjust situations, and maybe right now you still feel imprisoned. You need to know that nothing goes to waste. Like Joseph said in this passage as he was upgraded to the second in charge of Egypt: "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many lives" (Gen. 50:20).
I see the enemy being caught out in your life where you have been delayed and diverted, sideswiped and paralyzed. I prophesy that this is a time of repayment for every area you have been robbed and harassed. You will experience a seven-fold return for every attack sent to your doorstep.
Every place of harm the enemy brought to your home, your spouse, children and extended family, every bondage and stronghold he latched to your family line that wreaked havoc, and every inch of death and sorrow he inflicted upon you—is being broken right now!
You are a dangerous weapon in God's hand, and right now there is a sound of awakening ringing around the earth. The enemy is going to wish he didn't mess with you because of the unrelenting and unstoppable fire that is released everywhere you go, disrupting systems of chaos and captivity in your wake. The floodgates are now open and it's a time of recompense and vindication for what was stolen. Can you hear the sound of awakening?
This is your no more moment. Your moment to make a declaration and prayer—that no more will you be a slave and pawn to the enemy. No more will you live under the weight and control of a demonic master, and no more will you allow anyone but Jesus to influence your heart again. I invite you to pray to Jesus right now and ask that He would remove every yoke of the oppressor and He would restore you and increase you from this day forward.
The Midnight Season Is Over
More than any other season, so many believers have been robbed in their night seasons. Where once they were dreaming and encountering God, they have been suddenly warring and fighting for peace. Many have been gripped by unexpected fear and anxiety, insomnia and torment.
Without a doubt, night seasons have been one of the most resisted and opposed places, because the enemy knows how powerful dreams are in this time. It is the new language people are learning as they are diving deeper into the oceans of God.
However, I have never seen more people being set free right now than those who have been robbed of their nights. They will be suddenly restored and hearing God in a fresh way. As I was writing this word I heard the Lord say, "Prophesy that the midnight season is over," and so I decree that over you today!
Your midnight season is over. Your season of living powerless, surrounded by the weight of the fight, is over. This month you will upgrade and rise above every noise and distraction into a newfound hope and expectation, and you will cross over into the new place God has for you, in Jesus' name! 
Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshipper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry "Everyday Revivalists," he teaches on intimacy and hearing God's voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into Gods sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.
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Prophecy: Expect the Unexpected & Sudden God-Encounters - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

The Lord spoke to me clearly when I was in Singapore: "Expect the unexpected." When I meditated on this, He showed me many things, including sudden encounters with God.
In this season, we're going to see God move in extraordinary ways. Of course, we have to position ourselves in faith to believe and receive. That's why I've filmed this teaching video to unpack the prophecy with Scriptures that will build your faith and prepare your heart for what God is doing in this season.
Readers are Leaders! Subscribe now and get 3 magazines for the price of 1. Get Charisma, Ministry Today and SpiritLed Woman all for $24. YES - Sign me up!
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!

In light of terrorism, support for Israel in Iraq rises - Itamar Eichner Ynetnews

In light of terrorism, support for Israel in Iraq rises
The Israeli Foreign Ministry is surprised to receive thousands of messages from Iraq in support of Israel in light of the crisis on the Temple Mount and recent terror attacks, with Iraqis saying they 'recognize the State of Israel,' and even calling Palestinians 'traitors and terrorists.'
Against the backdrop of the events on the Temple Mount and the recent terrorist attacks, the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem was very surprised to see a dramatic increase in the number of Israel sympathizers in Iraq.

Yonatan Gonen, head of Arabic-language digital diplomacy at the Foreign Ministry, who also runs the Foreign Ministry's Facebook and Twitter accounts, said that the ministry has been flooded with pictures and messages of sympathy, support and even a desire to establish relations between the two countries.

'Iraq with Israel' - Iraqis showing support of the Jewish state
'Iraq with Israel' - Iraqis showing support of the Jewish state

In addition, several new Facebook pages were opened, and even an Arabic-language website was created to bring Israelis and Iraqis together.

The reactions include harsh criticism of "the hypocrisy of the Arab peoples," with an emphasis on the Egyptians and the Jordanians, whose countries have signed a peace treaty with the State of Israel.

One of the main arguments raised by the respondents on the matter is that if they oppose normalization with Israel, they should act to cancel the peace treaty with Israel before they start complaining. Another central argument is based on the approach that normalization with Israel is not shameful, as long as the interests of both countries are preserved.

At the same time, some respondents admit that the desire to establish relations with Israel does not stem from their love for the country, but rather from their disappointment with the Arab states and their desire to eliminate terrorism in their country.

For example, Zaid, from Baghdad, wrote to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, "All the Iraqis are with you, not necessarily out of love. Israel did not (even) throw stones at us while the Muslim Brotherhood sent suicide bombers and financed them to fight us."

Abdullah Bassem from Baghdad wrote, "A message from Baghdad to Tel Aviv: We recognize the State of Israel—the chosen and the victorious people. Fakestinians (a derogatory term for Palestinians) are traitors and terrorists. We, as Iraqis, will be happy to visit Israel and welcome a visit by Israelis to their second homeland, the great nation of Iraq."

Bader from the city of Basra wrote, "The Iraqis have suffered for years, while the Israelis have been refusing to accept terrorism for decades. The Palestinians must be expelled to countries that adopt and teach death and destruction."

The scene of an attack in Baghdad, in which 55 people were murdered, carried out by a Palestinian terrorist.
The scene of an attack in Baghdad, in which 55 people were murdered, carried out by a Palestinian terrorist.

The Foreign Ministry's digital staff responded to Bader, saying, "We share your courageous view and know that you have suffered. We are in the same boat as far as terrorism is concerned and hope that Iraq's sons will enjoy security. As for your advice, we will never expel anyone, because we are all from the same region and there is no escape from living together. We believe in peace in the region."

An interesting and recurring point in the reactions of the Iraqis who wrote to the foreign ministry is that the State of Israel is an existing reality and a fait accompli, and it is a shame to waste energy and resources in an attempt to change this reality. Quite a few even wrote that the Iraqi people are tired of killing and bloodshed, and that normalization with Israel will promote Iraq economically and help rebuild it.

Many have also harshly criticized the Palestinians as "ungrateful," after reports that no less than 1,200 Palestinians have committed serious attacks on Iraqi soil and killed hundreds of Iraqi people. Individual responders even went so far as to say that if the Al-Aqsa Mosque was controlled by the Palestinians, it would become an arena of terror attacks and bloodshed.

On the other hand, there are Iraqis who told the foreign ministry that every self-respecting Iraqi is committed to fighting Israel and to "liberating Palestine and Jerusalem."

Bashir, for example, wrote, "I, as an Iraqi, think that hostility to Israel is a duty just as we must fast and pray. The victory of our Palestinian brothers is a must. We— Sunnis and Shiites, Christians and members of all ethnic groups—love Palestine."

"It seems that the Iraqi people are divided on the matter, but the very fact that such opinions are voiced openly and without fear indicates that this is not a negligible phenomenon," said Gonen. "It is clear that if such opinions were uttered 20-30 years ago, the people who expressed them would be probably hanged."

Ptoject Bright Future, calls for establishing relations with Israel
Ptoject Bright Future, calls for establishing relations with Israel

A source in the foreign ministry added, "We hold on to it like breathing air, because it balances all the curses we absorb every day, hour, minute and even second."

In the past month, a group of Iraqi citizens have opened a Facebook page under the name "Iraq with Israel," one of whose stated goals is to establish relations between the two countries and promote dialogue and discourse.

Among other things, they wrote, "We are a group of Iraqi citizens who call for opening channels of civil cooperation between us and Israeli citizens. To this end, we launched a campaign to support the security of the State of Israel."

"First and foremost, we firmly condemn all terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians," they added. "As a country that has suffered and is still suffering from terrorism, we are aware of the great pain these attacks cause. Despite the tangible risk to us in managing this campaign, thousands of Iraqi citizens have joined it so far."

In addition, an Iraqi website called "Project Bright Future" was opened, calling for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Iraq, under the motto "Iraq and Israel are allies."