Monday, August 28, 2017

Prophetic Word: I Hear a Holy Spirit Fire Alarm Going Off! - Larry Sparks CHARISMA NEWS

In the spirit, the fire alarm is meant to call you, like Moses, into the unknown realms of His glory (instead of away from them). (Max Pixel)

Prophetic Word: I Hear a Holy Spirit Fire Alarm Going Off!

08/27/17  Larry Sparks  CHARISMA NEWS
I received the following prophetic word at my hotel in Toronto, Canada, after receiving prayer from Carol Arnott:
"I believe a fire alarm is going off in the spirit realm; for some it's good, for some it's bad.
For some, they are running toward the fire—they are following the loud, interrupting sound of the alarm. It awakens them from sleep, apathy, slumber. It awakens them from routine and ritual. It awakens entire churches—it's confrontational and awakening in nature. It's loud and, to some, obnoxious. In the same way a natural fire alarm interrupts what we've been doing, demanding attention and action, the fire alarm in the spirit interrupts what we've been doing spiritually. It interrupts the show, the spectacle, the programs. I prophesy the fire of the Holy Spirit interrupts "cookie cutter Christianity," calling us out of routine and ritual and into the depths of the unknown. The fire alarm is calling us out of predictability, and summoning us into the smoke on the mountain.
This fire alarm, however, is doing the opposite of what a natural fire alarm does. In the spirit, the fire alarm is meant to call you, like Moses, into the unknown realms of His glory (instead of away from them).
So on the third day, in the morning, there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud on the mountain, and the sound of an exceedingly loud trumpet. All the people who were in the camp trembled (Ex. 19:16).
At Mount Sinai, a "fire alarm" went off. The people trembled and drew back, but Moses drew near. Moses had tasted the fire before at the burning bush (Ex. 3). Even though Mount Sinai looked ominous and Moses had no guarantees, he would rather venture into the fire and thunder and lightning of the unknown, where God was present than stay on the sidelines of comfort where God wasn't.
Moses is your invitation.  Jesus opened the door of access so you could, at any time, go up to God and boldly enter the realm of His glory!  We are not waiting for a move of God; God is waiting for a move of people. The church needs to shift from waiting for an expression or manifestation of God's fire that is comfortable and on her terms, and instead, turn aside, like Moses did, as the Spirit of God begins to move—perhaps in unfamiliar and unpredictable ways.
When they set out from Rephidim, they came to the Wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness. Israel camped there before the mountain.
Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel" (Ex. 19:2-3).
Don't Be Content Living at the 'Foot of the Mountain!'
"Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain" Ex. 19:17)
With this fire alarm going off, I see people "taking a stand" in the church—either for the Holy Spirit or against His movement. He is so loving and embracing, though. I believe that people who took stands against the Spirit in one season are now desperate to encounter Him. They are desperate to venture into the realm of His glory, instead of sitting on the safety of sidelines. It means interruption. It means risk. It means the unknown. It means shakings and rumblings. It means unusual manifestations of His Presence breaking out. It means dealing with demonic spirits and fleshly attention-seekers. Pastors and leaders, this is for you as well. The Lord is calling people individually and collectively into the untapped and accessed realms of His glory, where His presence is given priority. Moses had priority for the presence of God, even when it terrified him. We see this as Moses turns aside and listens to the voice that comes out of the burning bush. His response?  "And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God" (Ex. 3:6). Even though he was afraid, and the experience was unusual, and the encounter was unfamiliar, he didn't run. He didn't flee. He didn't take a stand at a distance; he moved toward the fire. The voice of the Lord is summoning His people—all of His people—into the fire of divine encounter.
Please... don't take a stand at the foot of the mountain, when in fact, every barrier has been removed for you to boldly approach the throne of God (see Heb. 4.16).
The Spirit Is Hovering, Brooding and Testing the Waters!
Sadly, for some, they want to run away when they hear the fire alarm going off. I see churches with fire alarms going off as the Holy Spirit starts to move. In fact, it's like the Spirit is currently brooding and hovering throughout the body of Christ. He's testing the waters to see where He is welcome in His fullness. It's like what happened in Genesis 1. The Spirit hovered over the waters; He was brooding. He was waiting for something to partner with to effect creation. God spoke, and the Spirit moved and created. Likewise, the Spirit is hovering, awaiting partnership in the earth from those who are, literally filled with the Word of God. God is, in essence, looking for a people filled with Himself to partner with His movement and activity.
Here's the deal: I sense that as the movement of the Spirit begins to manifest, even in the most timid measures, fire alarms will go off. You see, the fire alarm is very sensitive to anything that would confront the norm. Just a little smoke sets it off. Just a spark will cause the alarm to start blaring. The fire alarm upsets the status quo, the way we've always done life, ministry and church. The fire alarm immediately recognizes the invasive movement of the Spirit, threatening our programs and protocols and agendas. The question: is the alarm a call to run, or a summons to turn aside?
But I believe the Lord is saying that He's not trying to throw out agendas and protocols, as many charismatics and Pentecostals sometimes propose. Oh no. He's just looking to infuse them. He's looking to fill them with the life, breath and effectiveness of heaven. Continue with your sermon series, worship sets, tithe and offering, announcements and so on. Have three services, five services, 10 services. You don't even need four-hour services to host the Holy Spirit. None of these things matters. What matters is giving the Spirit's movement absolute priority—and hosting Him on His terms—so that when the fire alarm goes off, you move with His movement rather than shut it down.
Run Toward the Fire!
As the fire alarm goes off in the church, people are going to run—somewhere. They will either run toward the Lord or away from him. And if our church communities speak against the movement of the Spirit and encourage people to move away from the Spirit, that puts them in danger of missing, yes missing what God is doing in this season. This is a hard word, but there is great grace in it as well.
Repentance and humility are instant keys to getting on board with the move of God, regardless of how much you have been against it in the past. Sure, you may have responded negatively to the fire alarm in previous years. You may have taught against the movement and manifestations of the Spirit. Perhaps you witnessed much of the goofy stuff that has happened in the name of "revival," outpouring, the Charismatic movement, Holy Spirit manifestations and so forth. But this is no excuse to run away from the Spirit when the fire alarm goes off; if anything, the Lord is calling you to press in and run toward Him all the more to seek for the pure, the genuine and authentic.
I see the Lord literally changing and tenderizing the hearts of His people, so that as they hear the fire alarm, they respond by running toward the fire—toward the fire, in Jesus' name! 
Fire Alarm: The Call to Filled Altars
I see altars filled, and it's glorious. Yes, in many non-denominational mega-churches. I see large, influential churches where the pastors, leaders and yes, the people are so hungry for the presence of God that they put aside their cares and concerns of what the fire might look like—and they go after it.
I see distinct moments in meetings and gatherings—especially during praise and worship—where the Spirit begins to brood. He starts to hover. He starts to touch. And with His touch comes a choice. I see pastors and leaders literally watching their communities get subtly touched by the Spirit, and know in their hearts that all it will take is one word to partner with God to see a rumbling of the Spirit released in their midst. One word shifts the service. One decision to partner with the movement of the Spirit will shift and change everything. One choice to turn aside, not turn away. I see this happening. I see during praise and worship, and even the preaching, moments where God moves, the pastors and leaders see this, and they say, "Yes ... at any cost. yes!" 
I see their yes opening floodgates of divine presence that produces filled altars. I see this yes actually removing ceilings over the church. Right now, I see in the spirit ceilings breaking off entire church communities: ceilings that were not placed there by God; they were established by man and the ways of man. These ceilings represent our attempts to control and regulate church culture according to what we think is most effective—and more so, these ceilings have been built to actually "protect" the church from the unexpected, the "weird," the strange, and the unusual. But I see the collective hunger of the church, both from the people who attend our services and the pastors and leaders, rising to heaven.
In the spirit, I can clearly see pastors and leaders (especially those of non-denominational mega-churches) in their offices, almost like with the window shades closed and the lights out, crying out in travail, "God, there has got to be more!" I specifically see the cry of John Kilpatrick on pastors and leaders in this season (John Kilpatrick was pastor of Brownsville Assembly of God during the historic Brownsville Revival and before the revival broke out, he would go over to the church in the middle of the night, lay sprawled out over the front row, and cry out to God, "There has got to be more! Oh God! I need you, Lord!" 
I see pastors and leaders filling the altars, and this act of church leaders expressing their personal hunger breaks something open in the spirit realm.
Step Into the Glory
The Lord says, "Responding to this hunger—regardless of what it costs—will break the ceilings that prevent you and your community from accessing the open Heaven is already available!"
I see open heavens over these churches. There's nothing that really needs to happen from God's end. Heaven is opened, the Spirit is brooding and the fire alarm is going off. The next step is up to us. It's up to you, pastor!  It's up for you, believer!  What will you do when the fire alarm goes off and the Spirit moves upon you?  Your church community?  Your gathering?  Will you run toward it, as Moses did, or run away and keep your distance, as the people of Israel did?
So step into the glory. God is moving. His Spirit is brooding. He wants to break out with force and fire. He wants to respond to every song lyric we've sung in past and present seasons: "Holy Spirit ... come flood this place and fill the atmosphere" ("Holy Spirit," Bryan and Katie Torwalt), "Fresh outpouring, tear the fabric open ..." ("Fresh Outpouring," Kim Walker-Smith); "Spirit break out ..." (Tim Hughes); "God let Your fire fall down" ("Here for You," Matt Redman), "Open up the heavens, we want to see You, open up the floodgates ..." ("Open Up the Heavens," Vertical Worship); "Let the Heavens open, let Your kingdom move..." ("Let the Heavens Open," Kari Jobe); "Let it rain, let it rain, open the floodgates of heaven" ("Let it Rain," Michael W. Smith).
Need I continue the list? 
"Your songs are steps into the glory," says the Lord. We've been praying for this outpouring, family of God. We've been asking for it with our songs. These anthems of worship are not exclusive to the charismatic church. Far from it!  These lyrics are arising from Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic communities. These songs represent a corporate cry that has been arising from the earth. Even from those who are unfamiliar with a "charismatic" expression of Christianity, the desperation and desire for God to rend the heavens, come down and move with power is still so strong.
The Moses Company: Go Into the Fire!
Now Mount Sinai was completely covered in smoke because the Lordhad descended upon it in fire, and the smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently. When the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him with a voice.
The Lord came down on Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up (Ex. 19:18-20).
So, what is God looking for?  A Moses company—a Moses people. A people who would follow the example we see in Exodus 19. They would see the smoke and fire. They would hear the rumblings and thunderings. They would even be startled by the lightnings and dramatic nature of the manifestations. Smoke. Fire. Thunder. Lightning. And then the sound of the trumpet—the fire alarm!
Two choices: run away, or run toward and step in!
Run toward, not away. Run toward the rumblings, the lightnings, the smoke and the fire. Yes, this fire will kill you. It will purify you. It will purge you. This fire will consume you. It will immerse you. It will baptize you. The fire will change everything.
Larry Sparks is co-author of the book, The Fire That Never Sleeps, with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry's mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars, and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as vice president of publishing for Destiny Image Publishers.
You can receive daily empowerment for personal revival from Larry on Facebook (
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Israel Likes the F-35 So Much, It's Buying 17 More - Israel Today

Israel Likes the F-35 So Much, It's Buying 17 More

Monday, August 28, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
US President Donald Trump was initially no fan of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which ended up being America's most expensive weapons project ever.
But Israel's been pretty happy with the new plane since taking possession of its first five such aircraft back in December 2016. In fact, Jerusalem is so pleased with what's called the "Adir" in Israel, that it's ordered an additional 17 F-35s to go with the original order of 33 planes, for a total fleet of 50 aircraft.
The planes will arrive in Israel as they are built, a process that will take several years. By 2021, Israel is expected to take possession of all 33 planes from the original order, and by 2024 the full 50-aircraft fleet will be deployed.
Here's video footage of Israel Air Force pilots testing the first F-35s to arrive late last year:

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman called the F-35 a significant and strategically important improvement to Israel's military capabilities.
PHOTO: Defense Minister Lieberman in an F-35 aircraft (photo by Ariel Hermoni / Israel Defense Ministry)
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The Real Reason You're Spiritually Exhausted—And How to Fix It - PAT AND KAREN SCHATZLINE CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Maybe you wake up so weary and exhausted you think you can't possibly make it through the day. (Getty Images)

The Real Reason You're Spiritually Exhausted—And How to Fix It
Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
"Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being" (Gen. 2:7). It is the breath of our Father God that imbued life into us, and it is His breath that continues to sustain us. Without this precious breath, humankind would not exist. The breath of God is life itself.
Throughout the Bible, when the breath of God is present, it produces or revives life. If God is our very life-breath, we should be living in a place of revival, but many of us are not. In fact, some of us are out of breath. Life has a way of taking our breath away. The phrase "take my breath away" typically makes us think of moments when the beauty and grandeur of God leave us breathless, but that is not the kind of breathlessness we're referring to. There is another kind of breathlessness that comes upon us when life is pressing in so hard that we feel crushed and desperate, as if we can hardly breathe.
Maybe you wake up so weary and exhausted you think you can't possibly make it through the day. Perhaps you feel hopeless and lost. You're certainly not alone. But our God is a God of hope. If you let Him, He will breathe into you and fill your spiritual lungs with His very life and revive your soul. Then, when you are full of God, His presence will overflow to everyone you come in contact with.
If you have reached for your spiritual inhaler on more than one occasion, perhaps it is time to build a "breathing room" for God. Maybe it's time to create a place for God to meet you and breathe new life into you as you encounter Him on a personal level. But know this—when you inhale God's breath, you will exhale revival fire!
So what is revival fire? The word "revival" has become a buzzword the church uses to describe a great spiritual experience. We are continually talking and praying for revival. But if we're going to pray about revival, shouldn't we know what it actually is?
Oxford Living Dictionaries describe "revival" as "an improvement in the condition or strength of something; an instance of something becoming popular, active, or important again; a reawakening of religious fervor."  Wow! That definition should not only excite us but also awaken us to the fact that most of us are not living in a state of revival.
Yes, we go to meetings where we are moved by the music and touched by the sermon, but are we in fact improved, strengthened or reawakened in our spirits? If we truly experienced revival. Shouldn't entire cities, states and nations be changed as people encounter the living God? It seems the body of Christ would be influencing culture rather than culture influencing the church if we were in revival, but that is not always happening. We have become satisfied to merely coexist with the culture around us.
It's time for us to experience personal revival so corporate revival can begin to influence our society. It's time for us to be resuscitated out of our state of lethargy and compromise so we can improve the condition of our world, strengthen the next generation, and reawaken our spiritual fervor so our lives display God's resurrection power. That's what revival is!
It's time for us to groan again that God would send His Spirit across our land. Charles Spurgeon said, "Groanings that cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused." We need to get back to a place of deep travail, where our soul groans for the breath of God to blow afresh into our lives. We call this the "sigh of the soul." A sigh is when you audibly exhale in disgust or relief. If you are tired of where you are in your walk with God, disgusted by continual shifting winds of cultural compromise, exhausted from fighting the enemy on every front and just surviving, then it is time to build a breathing room in your life, a place where you can breathe in the breath of God.
rebuilding altar schatzlineAdapted from Rebuilding the Altar by Pat and Karen Schatzline (2017, Charisma House). This book challenges you to return to the place where you can daily encounter God: the altar. When this happens and you truly encounter Him, His light and power will flow into you, your homes, church, nation and the world. To order your copy, click on this link.
Prayer Power for the Week Beginning Aug. 27, 2017
This week, go to your spiritual altar and seek a fresh encounter with God. Continue to seek and pray for personal and worldwide revival. Lift up our national and spiritual leaders. Pray that they would seek godly counsel and receive wisdom, protection and direction to navigate the challenges they face every day. Pray for the families who suffered loss due to terrorist attacks, crime and service to their country. Read Isaiah 6:4-8; Romans 13:11-14
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Hurricane Harvey Will Render Some Parts Of Texas ‘Uninhabitable For An Extended Period Of Time’ - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 27 Aug 2017 Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Do you remember what Hurricane Katrina did to New Orleans?  Well, now we are watching the same thing happen to southeast Texas.  On Friday, Hurricane Harvey made landfall as a category 4 hurricane.  It is the first hurricane to make landfall in the United States in 12 years, and it is the most powerful storm to hit the state of Texas in at least 50 years.  One meteorologist is saying that what we are witnessing is “worse than the worst-case scenario for Houston”, and another stated that this storm “could easily be one of the worst flooding disasters in U.S. history”.

It would be difficult to overstate the devastation in the Houston area at this moment.  Hurricane Harvey has ripped roofs off of homes, turned vehicles over and snapped thousands of trees.  Thousands have been rescued from their homes and vehicles, and it is being reported that so far five people have died.  In fact, one woman’s dead body was actually spotted floating down the street.

According to the National Weather Service, over 24 inches of rain fell in Houston in just a 24 hour period.  More rain continues to fall in southeast Texas, and meteorologists are running out of adjectives to describe the nightmare that is currently unfolding…
“It’s catastrophic, unprecedented, epic — whatever adjective you want to use,” Patrick Blood, a National Weather Service meteorologist, told the Chronicle“It’s pretty horrible right now.” The newspaper reported the weather service said five people have died in the Houston area in unconfirmed flood-related deaths.
The latest forecasts are telling us that we could see a total of 40 to 50 inches of rain in southeast Texas by Thursday, and so some areas will actually receive a “year’s worth of rain” in less than a week…
“A year’s worth of rain may fall in the span of a few days near the Texas Gulf Coast,” reported “A multi-day deluge of the Texas Gulf Coast with catastrophic and life-threatening flooding and destructive winds through could leave areas uninhabitable for an extended period of time, the National Weather Service has warned.”
Did you catch that last part?

The National Weather Service is actually saying that some portions of Texas could be “uninhabitable for an extended period of time” as a result of this storm.

It appears to be inevitable that more people are going to die before this is all over.  Authorities are trying to rescue as many people as they can, but there just aren’t enough resources.

As the water continues to climb, some people are actually climbing into their attics in a desperate attempt to save themselves, but that is a very bad idea…
“We are getting calls from people climbing into their attic. This is along I-45 between downtown and Clear Lake,” Lindner said. “This is along Berry Bayou, Beamer Ditch, Turkey Creek, portions of Clear Creek, Vince Bayou, Little Vince Bayou in Pasadena,” he said. “Pretty much the entire southeast side of Harris County has had 13 to 15 inches of rain in three hours.”
Lindner said they’re also seeing flooding along portions of Hunting Bayou, downtown along Buffalo Bayou, Brays Bayou and Keegan’s Bayou.
Chief Art Acevedo tweeted,” have reports of people getting into attic to escape floodwater do not do so unless you have an ax or means to break through onto your roof.”
This is already being called “a once in a 500 year flood”, and the experts are already telling us that the total economic damage is going to be in the tens of billions of dollars.

Earlier this month, I wrote about an unusual series of events that would happen over a 40 day period starting with the recent solar eclipse, but of course at the time I couldn’t account for additional unexpected events such as Hurricane Harvey.  And I find it very interesting that this hurricane began forming just about the same time as the eclipse.  The following comes from Wikipedia
The eighth named storm, third hurricane, and the first major hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Harvey developed from a tropical wave to the east of the Lesser Antilles on August 17. The storm crossed through the Windward Islands on the following day, passing just south of Barbados and later near Saint Vincent. Upon entering the Caribbean Sea, Harvey began to weaken due to moderate wind shear and degenerated into a tropical wave north of Colombia early on August 19. The remnants were monitored for regeneration as it continued west-northwestward across the Caribbean and the Yucatán Peninsula, before re-developing over the Bay of Campeche on August 23. Harvey then began to rapidly intensify on August 24, re-gaining tropical storm status and becoming a hurricane later that day. Moving generally northwestwards, Harvey’s intensification phase stalled slightly overnight from August 24–25, however Harvey soon resumed strengthening and became a Category 4 hurricane late on August 25. Hours later, Harvey made landfall near Rockport, Texas, at peak intensity.
As a result of this storm, thousands could be trapped in their homes without power for an extended period of time.

Do you think that those that have been storing up food and emergency supplies all this time will be glad that they have done so?

Of course the answer to that question is obvious.  If you wait until disaster strikes to get prepared, it will be too late.  A whole lot of people down in Texas are going to end up in some very desperate situations because they never believed that something like this could ever happen to them.

For those of you that would like some helpful advice on getting prepared for future disasters, I would encourage you to check out a book that I co-authored with Barbara Fix entitled “Get Prepared Now”.  Barbara is a highly respected prepping expert, and she is also getting heavily involved in my campaign for Congress.  So much of the information in that book is timeless, and my hope is that we can encourage as many people as possible to start getting prepared because very troubled times are ahead of us.

Please pray for the people in Houston and throughout the entire southeast Texas area.  We truly have not seen a storm like this since Hurricane Katrina, and many portions of the Texas Gulf Coast will be changed forever by this disaster.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Houston Five Pastor Intercedes Like Elijah as Flood Waters Devastate Houston - JESSILYN JUSTICE AND JENNY ROSE CURTIS CHARISMA NEWS

This dog has become a symbol of hope among hurricane survivors. (Tiele Dockens/Facebook)

Houston Five Pastor Intercedes Like Elijah as Flood Waters Devastate Houston

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Houston Five pastor Doug Stringer is asking for people to intercede like Elijah as flood waters devastate Houston in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.
"Thousands of Houston homes flooded already," Stringer, founder and president of Turning Point Ministries International, tells Charisma News. "Many stranded. We're getting messages for need for help and seeing many FB notices for people who need rescue. I'm actually currently stranded in my home too. Our street is like a river, and the retention lake behind us is rising rapidly. It's like a river rising next to our home because there's nowhere for the water to go. Our roof is leaking in different places, and our chimney is like a slow waterfall. There are tornado warnings every few minutes in our area. My wife and I are praying for everyone we can as we hear of their need. We are declaring like Elijah the word of the Lord for the diminishing of the rain and waters to recede throughout the region."
Reports confirm the storm has killed three people, and the death toll continues to rise. Though the initial Category 4 hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm, damage escalates.
More than 30 inches of rain are expected to saturate the city and beyond. Some areas are expecting up to 50 inches, the highest ever recorded in Texas.
Houston's mayor says more than 2,000 residents have called for rescue.
Hope, though, is rising faster than the flood waters. In one viral image, a dog is seen carrying a bag of food. The dog, who quickly captured the heart of the internet, is just one refugee of thousands.
Stringer says 12 million out of the 28 million residents of Texas are now under a flash flood warning. Tornadoes have been touching down in Houston's surrounding area due to air shifts.
"Water is now rising from the street and almost to the house," Stringer says. "We are praying, worshipping and declaring the greatness and goodness of the Lord. 911 in Houston is overloaded and already has thousands of requests for rescue. I'm moving my mother-in-law, wife and daughter upstairs soon with water and supplies."
Dozens of ministries answered Houston's call to help, including the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, Convoy of Hope, Somebody Cares and Samaritan's Purse, among others.
Jodie Chiricosta of Somebody Cares tells Charisma News the nonprofit is prepared to respond with direct aid like hot meals, generators, cleaning supplies, tarps and volunteer clean-up teams to help those in Harvey's wake.
"We have identified staging locations from Brownsville, Texas; to Corpus Christi; to San Antonio and Houston. Our network has assets positioned within hours of the forecasted landfall area and supplies are being brought into the region to distribute once the storm subsides. We have mobile kitchens, a shower trailer, BBQ pits, generators, hygiene supplies and teams ready to move into the area as soon as it is safe for teams to respond."
She continues:
Harvey stormed ashore as a Category 4 hurricane and has left a path of devastation. As of Saturday afternoon, officials say that half of Texas' 25-plus million residents and 1/3 of Texas' landmass have been impacted by Harvey. The cities of Rockport and Victoria have been particularly hard hit.
A Somebody Cares team has arrived in Corpus Christi and is currently assessing the damage and needs along the coast from there northward to Victoria and Rockport. Since Harvey continues to dump rain as a tropical storm, many additional communities in and around Galveston, Houston, the Texas Hill Country and surrounding areas are preparing for evacuation due to the expectation of severe flooding. Current plans are to establish a first-staging area and service base in Victoria, where we will begin serving hot meals in conjunction with ministry partner Mercy Chefs and distributing needed supplies. We continue to be in constant communication with churches, ministry partners and government agencies so we have real-time assessments. Of course, these plans may change and will expand as conditions and needs on the ground shift.
The scale of this disaster is expected to be unprecedented in recent history, with millions of families, homes and businesses impacted. Please pray for those who are being impacted by this ongoing storm, and give a generous donation today so we can rush real aid to meet the needs of real people!
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team deployed chaplains in response to the hurricane's extensive damage. Because flooding is expected to last for days, the team will initially focus its ministry efforts on areas near evacuation centers.
"We see this as an opportunity to demonstrate God's love and care for people," saysJack Munday, international director of the Rapid Response Team. "For them to know that God hasn't forgotten them."
Convoy of Hope arrived in Texas on Friday, saying: "Our Disaster Services team continues to respond to Hurricane Harvey. Winds reached 130 mph overnight, and southeast Texas is expected to receive up to three feet of rain. ... The advance team is in Corpus Christi today working with local partners to identify the areas of greatest need and stage product where we can host distribution sites in the coming days. The rest of our team and disaster services fleet plan to arrive later today, weather permitting."
Prayer continues to be a huge focus as disaster relief efforts take on the flooding and rain.
"My heart continues to be heavy for the good people of South Texas as they begin to deal with the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey—and the flood waters are still rising in many areas," said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse. "We have pre-positioned Samaritan's Purse disaster relief trucks and materials outside Dallas and will be moving into the hardest-hit areas as soon as we are given the all-clear by the state authorities. We hope that over the next few months there will be thousands of volunteers who will want to come and help those whose homes have been damaged by this destructive storm."
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