Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Saudis Say Israelis Have Right to 'Their Own Land'; Israeli Minister Calls Turkey’s President Anti-Semite; 100,000 at Western Wall Priestly Blessing - World Israel News

Why 16 Palestinians Were Killed in Gaza Last Friday - Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY

Why 16 Palestinians Were Killed in Gaza Last Friday

Tuesday, April 03, 2018 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Last Friday was the eve of Passover, a day on which nearly every Israeli Jewish family was busy marking one of the Bible's most foundational events - the Exodus from Egypt.
Last Friday also played host to a classic example of deadly Palestinian propaganda.
We say "deadly" not because of the terrible long-term effects it will have on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which it will. But our present concern is more immediate. The "deadly" in this case is the cynical exploitation of Palestinian Arab civilians to score points against Israel in the international media. Yes, there are a great many of us in Israel who take offense at the despicable exploitation of average Palestinian Arabs as pawns in the grand scheme to destroy the Jewish state.
A prime example of this was witnessed on Friday when Hamas activists sent a 7-year-old Palestinian girl to breach the Gaza security fence during massive riots in the terrorist-ruled coastal enclave.
With cameras trained on the frightened little girl, she slowly made her way toward the heavily-armed Israeli soldiers. There could be only one reason for doing this - Hamas hoped the Israelis would assume the child was carrying a bomb and gun her down, thus providing the Palestinian cause with a PR victory that would make headlines for years to come.
The Israelis didn't take the bait.
The girl was stopped by the soldiers and returned to her parents unharmed. It was a clear demonstration that Israel had no intention of harming Palestinians who were either innocent or could not be held accountable for their actions.
Toward those who were not innocent and who could be held accountable for their actions, Israel was far less forgiving.
Hamas leaders made clear that the goal of what they called the "March of Return" was to breach Israel's southern border, and then...who knows? Attack nearby Jewish towns?
Singling out Israel for protecting its border against such a breach and subsequent violence and mayhem is hypocritical in the extreme, considering that any other nation would have done the same.
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Christian Student Responds After Being Viciously Attacked for Promoting Traditional Marriage - CARLY HOILMAN/FAITHWIRE

Providence College student and resident assistant Michael Smalanskas became the subject of vicious criticism and harassment after he adorned a bulletin board in his dorm hall with messages and photos promoting the biblical definition of marriage.
Providence College student and resident assistant Michael Smalanskas became the subject of vicious criticism and harassment after he adorned a bulletin board in his dorm hall with messages and photos promoting the biblical definition of marriage. (Michael Smalanskas)

Christian Student Responds After Being Viciously Attacked for Promoting Traditional Marriage

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Providence College student and resident assistant Michael Smalanskas became the subject of vicious criticism and harassment after he adorned a bulletin board in his dorm hall with messages and photos promoting the biblical definition of marriage. His story gained national attention after students at the historically Catholic college vandalized the board, staged a protest and posted a grotesque drawing in a school restroom of Smalanskas being raped.
In an interview with Faithwire, Smalanskas discussed the controversy and what he believes it means for Providence College and schools like it.
Smalanskas told Faithwire that when he set up the bulletin board display on March 1, he expected some negative reactions. Though Providence is a Catholic college that encourages diversity and inclusivity, conservative students who defend church teaching on social issues like marriage are an increasingly persecuted minority, he explained. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

New life in Messiah - Jews and Arabs coming into the kingdom! - ONE FOR ISRAEL

Dr. Erez Soref, President of ONE FOR ISRAEL 

Believe it or not, our ONE FOR ISRAEL videos and materials in English represent a relatively small part of our productions. We mainly produce information about Yeshua in Hebrew for Israelis to hear the truth in their own language, as well as a growing number of videos in Arabic.
We often receive messages telling us how these Hebrew and Arabic language videos have impacted people - and even brought them to faith.

Here's a message we received from a man living in the north of Israel. He grew up knowing God was good and tried to keep the Jewish law to the best of his ability. Then one day, he found out one of his friends was a Messianic Jew...

I said to myself, "Let's see about this," and I started watching your videos. The video that most influenced me was the one about Daniel's prophecy [see below]. After I saw it, I said to myself,"There's no way Jesus could be the Messiah." 

After a while, I don't know why, but something in me told me to investigate, so I went on researching and seeing more videos...  After a while an old friend betrayed me, and I was angry at him, but I remembered your videos about how we should not be angry but forgive instead, and I just forgave everyone and have started talking to them again. I feel full of love, of God's love. I am grateful to you and to Moti and Anastasia and to my messianic friend for making such a difference. I now understand what you are talking about; that God loves us, that we are all in perfect love, and I want to say that I love you, your website www.igod.co.il, and want you to make the people of Israel and the nations find God, just as you have helped me. Thanks for everything!

Here's another message we got from a believer who came across someone who had recently come to faith in Tel Aviv. 

He says,

"A guy just came to me who was a new believer, and he said that he had seen all your videos and that he really loves them! And that he was really encouraged by all the testimonies too."

When will the Messiah (first) come?

According to the book of Daniel, the Messiah has to appear no later than 483 years after the year 445 BC. And what will be his mission?
"To put an end to sin, and to atone for iniquity." In other words, to solve the problem of our sin once and for all.
We need to remember that during the time of the Scripture one year equaled 360 days. Thus, 483 years after the issuing of Artaxerxes' command, we get right to the year 32 AD. Whoever takes the Bible seriously understands that the deadline for the Messiah's coming ended almost 2000 years ago. Continue reading...

"The Messiah Crucified"

Did you know that Muslims believe Yeshua was not actually crucified at all? They believe that he was so holy and righteous that God wouldn't let him die such a shameful death on the cross. Watch Carlos below, explaining why Yeshua was indeed crucified, and what that means for us: Jews, Muslims, and all the peoples of the earth (Arabic with English subtitles).

Carlos and his small team are now following up several people who have left Islam and come to faith in Yeshua.


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ONE FOR ISRAEL - A Ministry Headquartered in Netanya, Israel,North American Office - 300 State St., P.O. Box 93000, Southlake, TX 76092-9998

Sing Over the Unrested Parts of Your Heart by Lana Vawser Identity Network

Sing Over the Unrested Parts of Your Heart by Lana Vawser

Identity Network

I heard the Lord say today "Sing over the unrested parts of your heart." I saw many in the body of Christ battling with "unrest" in their hearts for different reasons. These places of the heart were battling with fear, anxiety, doubt and many other things.
I watched as hearts swirled inside, but the swirling was not sent by the Lord. It was a swirling caused by issues of the past, areas the enemy was triggering, and places of uncertainty.
I heard the Holy Spirit whisper, "Worship! Praise! Sing over the unrested parts of your heart!" It was an invitation to lift eyes above the swirling and unrest in hearts and declare who He is, His kindness, love and nature in worship over these unrested parts of the heart.
I watched in this vision as His people lifted up the name of Jesus, glorifying who He is, above what was swirling in the heart, these unrested parts of the heart were being caressed by His love, His comfort, His encouragement, His words of truth and covered in the honey of His healing.
The Lord whispered again, "The answer is the revelation of My love! The answer is the revelation of My love!"
I then saw those unrested parts of the hearts of His people covered by the broken, bruised body of Jesus. The sense so strong surrounding me of the healing, the forgiveness, the freedom that is brought to hearts and lives through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The atmosphere boomed and testified, "I PAID FOR IT ALL! I PAID FOR IT ALL!" The atmosphere filled with the glorious truth of His blood covers it all and His love demonstrated through His death on the Cross is bringing a sealing of healing and rest to hearts.
Many have been battling with this swirling for decades, others in this season, others for years, others their whole life, but the revelation of His love through His death on the Cross, the beautiful demonstration of His love was bringing a deep rest of heart in these areas once and for all, a peace that surpasses all understanding. No matter the root of the unrest, whether issues from the past, condemnation, shame, or situations now, the revelation of His love was bringing a deep quietness and peace of heart.
"Then by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, the RESTING PLACE of His love will become the very source and root of your life."Ephesians 3:17 The Passion Translation
The Torrential Rain of the Revelation of His Love was Increasing
As God's people raised their voices and sung over these unrested parts of the heart, singing with faith-filled hearts of His goodness and His nature, the rain of revelation of His love increased, more and more and more until the rain of revelation of His love was torrential.
"Then, you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences, the great multitude of the astonishing love of Christ in all its dimensions. How deeply intimate and far-reaching is His love! How enduring and inclusive it is! Endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding - this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:18-19 The Passion Translation
The more this torrential rain of the revelation of His love increased, the smaller and smaller these unrested parts of hearts became covered in the honey of His healing, were then left marked and sealed by the fiery flames of His love leaving the people of God with a peace and freedom they had not experienced before.
The Lord is going after the unrested places of the heart with His unrelenting love and bringing a final resolve, a breakthrough of peace!
I heard Him whisper, "Out of the places of the heart were there was unrest, these places are now being turned to a place of great encounter with My love, bringing healing and sealing and from those places where unrest once resided, now rivers of living water and revelation will flow from these parts of the heart bringing life, refreshing and healing to many. Where those unrested places of hearts were, they are now being reset by My love, and where there was swirling because of unrest, now there will be swirling in wonder and awe of My unconditional, passionate love."
Lana Vawser

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Banned: Conservatives Being Silenced on Social Media - CBN News Dale Hurd

Banned: Conservatives Being Silenced on Social Media
CBN News Dale Hurd
STOCKHOLM — Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe. Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked and canceled on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, often over criticism of Islam or immigration. 
Popular British anti-Islamization activist Tommy Robinson had his Twitter account suspended last week after he tweeted that Islam promotes killing.

A German activist received a 6-month suspended jail sentence for calling Islam a fascist ideology. 
A 65 -year old Swedish woman faced charges for saying immigration from the third world will lead to low IQs.  She was cleared only because authorities couldn't prove it was her. 
Public Enemy No. 1: 'Hate Speech'
Two weeks ago three conservative activists were refused entry into Britain because British Border Police said, "likely to incite tensions between local communities in the United Kingdom."  One was interrogated as a terrorist and was asked if she were, a "Christian extremist." 
This is the same Border Force that allowed more than 400 former ISIS fighters to return to Britain for "reintegration." 
Authorities in Britain now seem more interested in fighting hate speech on the internet than fighting crime and are warning social media users that their comments are being monitored.
Sweden 'Moving Toward Authoritarianism'
But Sweden is taking the most aggressive approach against free speech with a proposed new law that would make it a serious offense to publish material that would embarrass the Swedish government internationally. Another law would make it harder to show that immigrants are responsible for most violent crime. 
Crime is now so bad in some parts of Sweden there has been talk of calling out the army to help the police.
But the new law would ban public use of government data that could be used to identify the ethnic origins of criminals.
"We are moving toward authoritarianism," warns Swedish blogger Johan Westerholm.
Westerholm runs a website critical of uncontrolled immigration in Sweden. He's not sure how much longer before his website is shut down.
"I will not be able to report the issues I'm reporting today. I will not be able to report on migration. If I report in a way that puts Sweden in a bad standing or bad position regarding other countries, even if what I am reporting is true, is relevant and is fact-based, that might be a criminal act, I might have to go to prison for life, for that kind of reporting."
If You Can't Fix Immigration Problems, Blame the Critics…and Call Them Names
"We call the critics [of Sweden's immigration policy] foul names and say the problem is racism, says  Iranian-born Swedish lawmaker Hanif Bali, who takes heavy criticism for his opposition to Sweden's immigration policy, even though he himself is an immigrant.

"I'm not only called 'racist;' I'm also called 'Uncle Tom;' I'm also called 'house nigger.' I've been compared with Doctor Mengele. And it’s not from average people. This is from well-established opinion journalists and politicians.’
The Swedish media helped pioneer what is now called 'doxing' – exposing the identities and addresses of people who express politically incorrect opinions online.  CBN News showed a video from 4 years ago showing a Swedish journalist going to the home of a man who posted in a right-wing forum and then publishing the video nationally. The man reportedly lost his job. 
One Swedish organization,  Näthatsgranskaren, whose name means 'internet hate surveyor' hunts down politically incorrect speech and reports people to the police. It has received funding from the Swedish government.
But Sweden's worsening crackdown on free speech will do nothing to fix any of the real problems that have created the speech in the first place.  It's as if the government thinks if it can just stop people from talking negatively about the problems, the problems will go away.

"There is not a single study about how immigration has causally affect crime in Sweden. That's absurd, I would argue, says Swedish economist Tino Sanandagi.  "The government even in the last 12 years has stopped publishing the statistics so nobody knows really what percentage of total crime last year was committed by immigrants. The numbers are collected, but not used." 
Sweden's New 'McCarthyism'
And Westerholm compares planned new laws to a new McCarthyism that will hunt down and silence criticism of immigration: "The government, through more repressive and restrictive media legislation, would be able to shut independent media voices down."
Swedes will proudly tell you that their law protecting freedom of speech is older than the United States. But freedom of speech is being crushed in Sweden and across the Western world in the name of political correctness. 
And it doesn't matter if what is being crushed is the truth.