Sunday, June 16, 2019

'God Can Use This!' Vikings QB Kirk Cousins Champions the Impact of Fathering - CBN News Tom Buehring

'God Can Use This!' Vikings QB Kirk Cousins Champions the Impact of Fathering
CBN News Tom Buehring
Minnesota Viking Kirk Cousins is one of the NFL’s most highly prized and highly priced quarterbacks. While pressed in a career of leading and audibilizing – his inspiration quickly throws to fathering – once as a son and now as a dad! His wife Julie, and boys Cooper and Turner reflect a bigger perspective for Kirk to navigate through the ups and downs of both life and the game.
Kirk Cousins: “My Heavenly Father will allow painful experiences to come into my life from time to time. Much like I need to allow my own children to fail and to experience a setback and understand that’s part of life and so I can go through a challenge, a loss, an injury, a frustration, undue criticism! I can endure that knowing that God can use this! He’s not wasting it and it’s not for nothing! So there’s purpose and there’s meaning and as a result I take great comfort in it.”   
Question: “What does fatherhood give you?”
Kirk Cousins: “Well fatherhood has been a joy, it’s been a challenge and it certainly takes a lot of energy! You know, when I leave you start a whole new chapter of work when you come home and it really gives me a picture of what my Heavenly Father is like, looking at me. For the first time I truly have a picture of maybe what it’s like when I have to discipline my son or say ‘no’ or take him away from something that could hurt him. It paints a cool picture.”    
Question: “What is it about that child-likeness that you find yourself borrowing?”
Kirk Cousins: “There’s just those moments when you see his trust in me. He doesn’t want me to leave, there’s a dependence there. He reaches for me and just those moments are so special but also then makes me think you know does my heart yearn and trust my Heavenly Father the way my son’s heart yearns for me and trust me? And it just kind of drives you to place of humility, a place of surrender and a place of – really – gratitude!”  
Question: “How have those kids redefined wonder for you?”
Kirk Cousins: “(Laughs) When they experience things for the first time – big eyes and a big smile and I get so much joy out of seeing them experience that! I can’t wait to take them to amusement parks or I can’t wait for them to try food that I love and show them some much joy and so many unique experiences and opportunities ahead of you. I can’t wait to expose them to really all that football has brought our family I think they’re gonna have some thrills a bad as a result of being able to be close to that.”   
Question: “What’s most urgent for you to deposit into their lives now?”
Kirk Cousins: “Well my children are so young they see what I’m doing and they imitate. And so it’s so important for me and my wife to have good eye contact and listen and be patient and be present and not be on my phone and engage with them and be kind and loving so they can respond when they inevitably meet another kid who may push them or shove them to maybe learn that OK when I upset my parents they respond with grace and kindness and I wanna do the same.”  
Question: “What do you gratefully admire most about your dad?”
Kirk Cousins: “I was fortunate to have a dad who was very involved, very present, very wise. Just about every experience we had through the years my dad would bring back to our faith walk and our faith journey. So it was pretty hard to go a day or a week and not go through something without scripture being accompanied to it so it would be a great thing if I parented close to the way my mom and dad raised me!”    
Question: “The most impacting instruction he gave you was …”
Kirk Cousins: “Was based out of Galatians 6:7, ‘do not be deceived God is not mocked, a man reaps what he sows’. When you make good decisions good things happen. When you make bad decisions bad things happen. And it was so simple. You know, the decisions you make are going to become the life that you live! What do you want those consequences to be? And so walking with God, obeying God, understanding what His word says and applying it to your life became so important!”
Question: “Does it ever playback for you out here on the field?”
Kirk Cousins: “Plays back every day because as a quarterback the number one trait of a quarterback is to be a great decision maker. If you don’t make the decisions with the football on your hands -- no other quarterback trait really matters! It comes down to your decision-making and obviously, you can get better and better as a decision-maker as you play, and get reps and go through experiences and learn, but football’s the same as life: you've got to be a great decision maker to have success.”   
Question: “Those guys down there that are your friends and teammates, diverse backgrounds, polar opposites, a lot of them experiencing -- failed fathering. What do you find to be the most common denominator that everybody that is fatherless craves?”
Kirk Cousins: “Well this concept is a passion of mine because I have had so many teammates from so many different backgrounds and so many of them grew up without a dad. Someone truly leading and guiding them responsibly and with maturity. And then I look and I see some teammates who grew up in very difficult backgrounds - very tough neighborhoods, very poor schooling and yet had a dad, a dad who was present in their life, loved them, cared for them and raised them and you see how they were able to overcome so many adverse circumstances that were thrown in their life!  You know I don’t want the dad to feel any shame but I don’t want the son to feel that their needs to be blame. I want the son to be able to say - a fresh start - forgiveness - the ground is level - and then let me maybe break that cycle with my children.”
Question: “What about the individual who hears Heavenly Father? There’s nothing heavenly about my father!" 
Kirk Cousins: “Part of the reason they struggle with becoming a Christian or believing that there is a God is because their earthly father was such a bad example that it’s hard for them to understand a relationship with a Heavenly Father.”
Question: “Those that are wandering from fatherlessness, look them in the eye and what would you tell them?     
Kirk Cousins: “First of all my heart breaks for you …There is a Heavenly Father, a perfect Heavenly Father who desires a relationship with you so much so that he sent his son to die for you … He doesn’t put any shame on you or on your dad … there’s forgiveness, there’s restoration and redemption and God wants a fresh start, a clean slate, find the freedom and the peace and the healing when you come into relationship with your Heavenly Father.”

Blessed Father's Day!...from our God the Father to our own...

Blessed Father's Day!...from our God the Father to our own...

Love For His People ministry
Steve Martin

Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
June 16, 2019

 Thank You, God our Father, for giving us life in You, and showing us how to love and grow our family in Your love and care. We are blessed because of You!

My dad, Louis James Martin with me
circa 1956
Plainview, MN

 The Louis Martin Family - 8 kids!
Cedar Falls, Iowa

The Louis Martin Family - 1999

Steve & Laurie Martin family
Charlotte, North Carolina

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Is The Bible Outdated - Lance Wallnau

June 14, 2019
The Bible is seen by many contemporary readers as intolerant, outdated, out of step with societal norms at best, and a tool of oppression at worst.
In this earnest and illuminating interview, millennial thought leaders and aspiring theologians Michael and Lauren McAfee are here to say: fair enough. But they're also here to raise a few questions of their own: What if we cleared the deck on our preconceptions of this book and encountered it anew? What if we came with the understanding that our questions are welcome? And what if these pages presented less of a system to figure out, and more of a story to step into - a story with more surprising plot twists than we might think?
In this video, I interview Michael and Lauren about their new book it’s, Not What You Think. No really... that’s the name, “Not What You Think.” In this interview, we discuss millennials and their view of the Bible, Michael’s life verse, and how Lauren overcame a history of panic attacks through the power of scripture. This is a video you don’t want to miss!
You need to watch this interview!

Amazing Moment!

Check out my conversation with David Barton of Wallbuilders!
  • Kingdom Business Event 2019 June 12 - June 14. Join Lance, Andrew Wommack, Andy Mason, Ken Eldred, Dr. Henry Cloud, Willie Robertson, Paul Milligan, Billy Epperhart, Dr. Dean Radtke, and Karen Conrad in Woodland Park, Colorado.
  • Global Leadership Symposium 2019 July 2 - July 22. Join Lance (via Livestream), Hany Soryal, Carl Wallnau, Dr. Marc Beliles, Arleen Westerhof, Prabhu Guptara, David Nolan, and more in Prague, Czech Republic.
  • 29th Annual Global Conference October 15 - October 18. Join Lance, Shawn Bolz, Ed and Ruth Silvoso, Poncho Murguia, Bishop Vaughn Mclaughlin, Scott Winters, and Graham Powers in Monterey, California.

Lance Learning PO Box 2688 Keller, Texas 76244 United States (817) 431-4828

What Do You Do? - Steve Martin 1st Edition June 15, 2019

What Do You Do?

Steve Martin
1st Edition June 15, 2019

What do you do, when changes are rapidly happening around you, and you really want to do what is right, but don't know what to do?

When meeting with our local leadership team recently, the question was asked in regards to what would be a good topic for the next session of teaching. I suggested by saying, "People are always wondering what to do with today's situations we find ourselves in. They just aren't sure at times, as in "Do I have compassion? Do I stand up and fight? Do I express "love" and let it be?"

It can be very confusing at times, as your heart, mind, and soul are pulled in every direction, depending upon who or what you last hear in regards to these matters.

When my suggestion was basically set aside, of course, I had to fight rejection, with my tail between my legs, as the discussion moved on. Another topic took the top prize.

Yet sensing that the matter was not closed, at least for me, I have been thinking about it for these past three days, when the Lord Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, spoke a word to me this morning, "This thought you had came from Me. I want you to do it."

And so I shall!

Needing a Scriptural basis to stand on, because if you don't have a solid rock you don't have anything, I asked the Lord for a foundational verse from His Word, the Torah, the Bible. This is what He gave me.

"Then I said to them, "You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are
burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach." And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me. So they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work." (Nehemiah 2:17-18, NKJV)

Each of us can agree that our nation, the world, is in waste, and further destruction is happening every day, as the nations turn from the Living God and move forward in deception, self-centeredness, pleasure-seeking, and self-fulfillment. As believers, we are being called upon to stand up and lift the banner of the Lord high above all else. Only then will people hear and have the choice of salvation and true freedom.

There you go. Now you will get some answers as to what to do when you aren't sure what you and I are to do.

Be watching for the next one!

Wanting to know His ways, always, and share them with the world,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina

Photo: With my grandson, Levi! I want to help make sure this world, for him and his generation, is safe and following hard after our Lord Jesus!

P.S. If you think I am stopping my regular messages, Now Think On This, have no fear! I certainly am continuing those, and they will appear on our current website, Love For His People, and our new one that will be in the works this summer, for its fall debut.

These messages will also be posted on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Yeah!

I ask for your support so we can continue, and reach more. Please donate online safely through our website, using PayPal or Givelify.  Or you can use the DONATE  buttons on the Love For His People website.

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Please share What Do You Do? with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

What Do You Do? #1 - in the year of our Lord 06.15.19 – “What Do You Do? - 1st edition – Saturday, 8:00 am (New beginnings!)

"The Golan Heights: President Trump's Bold Move" - Curt Landry The Elijah List

"The Golan Heights: President Trump's Bold Move"

Curt Landry  The Elijah List

Jun 15, 2019

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Steve Shultz
This is quite a sobering word from Rabbi Curt Landry and what was in recent news concerning the Golan Heights.
As Curt admonishes us here:
The turbulent fighting over this land should not surprise Believers, nor should we be ignorant of the fact that it is impacting us—politically and spiritually. Standing with Israel shuts the mouth of the enemy. Will you be the one who stands up to be a voice of truth?
As you read through Rabbi Curt's article, let's remember to keep Israel in our prayers and all God is doing in this hour. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

The Golan Heights
The Golan Heights region has been in the news for decades and has been considered the "high place" with both Biblical and political significance.
The Golan Heights is a territory in Israel's northeast corner along the Syrian border. It is a rocky, elevated plateau. Mount Hermon marks the highest point, standing at 9,232 feet above sea level, and holds the Israeli Defense Forces' strategic observation post. The Golan Heights also overlooks the Sea of Galilee and the Hula Valley—some of Israel's most fertile lands.
The Golan Heights is part of the land that God gave to Abraham and was subsequently passed down to the half tribe of Manasseh (see Deuteronomy 4:43). As long as this land is not in alignment with the Biblical covenant, there will be no peace for Israel or its neighbors.
The Land Covenant
God made a Land Covenant with Israel before the death of Moses and the nation's entry into the Promised Land. This covenant remains in effect still today. Until the borders of Israel align with what God has commanded, turmoil will continue.
We must understand that what happens in the physical is a manifestation of what is happening in the spiritual. Spiritual warfare is all around us in the atmosphere. The enemies—both in the spiritual and physical—want to steal this fertile ground because they know of its abundant potential and great blessing.
The turbulent fighting over this land should not surprise Believers, nor should we be ignorant of the fact that it is impacting us—politically and spiritually. Standing with Israel shuts the mouth of the enemy. Will you be the one who stands up to be a voice of truth?
New Beginnings
This is a time of great awakening as the Hebrew year 5779 comes to an end and we transition into 5780. The number 8 represents new beginnings.
• Will we awaken to the coming together as the One New Man's new beginning?
• Will we understand the significance of aligning our calendars with God's during this new season?
The Political Significance of the Golan Heights
"After 52 years it is time for the United States to fully recognize Israel's Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!" (President Donald Trump tweets on March 21, 2019)
It's about time we had a president bold enough to make this move.
As a nation, we are used to slow governmental changes that block political and Biblical alignment. But President Trump, who is believed to carry the Cyrus anointing, is known for making bold moves and statements.
This is exactly what this nation needs—a strong leader who is not afraid to stand with God's people and align our land with Israel's. A president who creates a barrier of entry for the enemy and says, "You cannot have it. It is not yours."
As we approach these latter times, we will start to see a greater increase in the shaking of the atmosphere as spiritual and political forces collide.
Can't You Talk Louder, God?
The shaking must occur so that the false beliefs and anti-Semitic acts of this world are sifted out. The Lord is preparing His Church to unite as One New Man in order to take up dominion in the seven mountains of influence.
Without this authority, we are not only crippled but the next generation is as well. Our children and grandchildren will be subjected to injustices that are camouflaged as fairness. Without the Church taking their rightful place in our world, our children will be told by media, leaders, and religious organizations that acts of violence and atheistic principals are righteous and will bring peace.
This is a tragedy that does not leave a lasting legacy.
Operate According to the Power of the Holy Spirit
In Ephesians 3:20, God says, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us..."
If we think for a moment that as Believers, we are to sit back and keep our convictions of truth because the Church has no place in business and leadership in our world, we are mistaken. We are not to be silenced—we are to be bold and move in the authority of the Holy Spirit given to us by Yeshua.
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19)
I ask you, are you claiming this inherited dominion that you have been charged with?
Yeshua spoke of separating the sheep nations from the goat nations during the end times. (Photo via Unsplash)
"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world...'" (Matthew 25:31-34)
The sheep nations will be placed at His right hand. Where do you want to be found? Where do we want to be found as a nation? When we honor and support the leaders who are honoring and supporting Israel, we supernaturally move into authority.
President Trump's bold move to proclaim Golan Heights as part of Israel is not just a political move but a God move. God is aligning the nations. He is positioning His people for what is to come.
In the natural, it's important we understand that if the high place of the Golan is taken by the enemy, it is not defensible. Jerusalem and other areas of Israel are subject to firing rockets. If the only democratic nation in the Middle East is overtaken by opposing forces, you can imagine what this means for the position of the United States.
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34)
As the Bible exemplifies, if a nation's moral standards are not in alignment with God's, they are overtaken and fall. Though we each have a personal responsibility, we also have a joint responsibility to preserve the Christian heritage that America was founded upon. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Rabbi Curt Landry
Founder, Curt Landry Ministries

Curt Landry is the founder and CEO of Curt Landry Ministries, an apostle and founder of House of David Ministries, and the acting CEO of My Olive Tree and Dead Sea Moringa. Curt and Christie Landry travel extensively, operating in the gifts of healing, signs and wonders, and teaching about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and the One New Man. Curt is also active in raising support for Israel throughout the Evangelical community as he desires to be a bridge of unity and restoration between Israel and the Church.
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How To Overcome Opposition That Is Trying To Stop You | Dr. Lance Wallnau

How To Overcome Opposition That Is Trying To Stop You
 | Dr. Lance Wallnau
Published on Jun 14, 2019
How To Overcome Opposition That Is Trying To Stop You Rise and Fall of Nations Bible Study Series Part 5 ------- Like what you see? Give us a like and subscribe to my channel here: Learn more about where I am, what I'm working on, and how you can be involved: Thanks for watching! "As One!"