Friday, August 16, 2019

The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America - Steve Strang

Strang Report, with Steve Strang
August 14, 2019
The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America

(Getty Images/iStock/Ron and Patty Thomas)
The Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and evil in high places (Eph. 6:12). This verse perfectly describes what is happening in our nation right now. While people fixate on the political battle, they are often oblivious to the spiritual war right in front of them.

Our country is incredibly divided right now because of that war. That division is between good and evil. (I talk more in depth about these issues in my podcast today, which you can listen to by clicking here or clicking on the podcast icon in this article.)

That divide between God's way and the enemy's way seems to be deepening at an accelerated rate. Some people nowadays want to push Judeo-Christian values out of the public sphere entirely. Because of that, Christians have found a new comrade in arms in the Jewish community. For instance, Dennis Prager is a committed Orthodox Jew but also a strong supporter of evangelical Christians. I interviewed Prager for my upcoming book, which is scheduled to release next year.

David Horowitz and Mark Levin are also committed Jews who have a deep respect for Judeo-Christian values. Horowitz wrote a book called The Dark Agenda in which he exposes the left's radical agenda to rid America of Christianity forever. And Levin, a conservative radio personality, often speaks up about the danger we are in as a nation.

But the danger goes deeper than just losing our constitutional rights. Even if that were to happen, the Bible would remain true, and the Christian community would still survive. But we would not have the same freedoms we do now. In fact, we would likely face strong persecution.

Christians received a small taste of that discrimination when the Obama administration tried to punish Hobby Lobby with Obamacare. The government tried to force the Christian company to provide its employees health ... read more 

The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America
The Devil's Spiritual War to Neutralize Christianity in America
13 Minutes - August 13th 2019
While people fixate on the political battle, they are oblivious to the spiritual war right in front of them. Host Stephen Strang explains how our country is incredibly divided right now because of the spiritual division between good and evil. Listen to hear why now is the time for believers to stand up.
Strang Report podcast
Strang Report podcastHot topics affecting your Christian faith. Challenge your beliefs each week with topics on U.S. and International politics, missions, Christian movements, persecution and global outreach. Join host Steve Strang, founding editor and publisher of Charisma magazine, as he discusses these topics and challenges you to know what Christians are experiencing nationally and globally. Listen now
Charisma Media
© Copyright 2019 Charisma Media. All Rights Reserved.  |  600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746  |  Phone: 407-333-0600

Joshua Aaron - Israel Virtual Tour Episode 9 Music House - Aliyah Return Center, Chaim Malespin

Chaim Malespin and Joshua Aaron

Joshua Aaron - Israel Virtual Tour Episode 9 Music House - 
Aliyah Return Center, Chaim Malespin

Chaim Malespin and Joshua Aaron at the Aliyah Return Center near Tiberias, Israel

Premiered Mar 31, 2019
Virtual 📽Holy Land Tour episode 9 featuring a special visit to the Aliyah Return Center with Chaim Malespin and music by Aaron Shust. Seats now available for Joshua's 11th annual Israel Holy Land tour (Sept 15 - 26, 2019) at The Aliyah Return Center

Thursday, August 15, 2019

"O let us praise Him, friends." - Love For His People newsletter, Steve Martin

Aug 15, 2019

Greetings to you, our friends of Love For His People ministry.

It is a bit late for me to be up this evening. My, my. It is almost 10:00 pm! I normally try to get to bed by 8:30 pm, so I can get up at 3:30 am and spent that time with the Lord until out the door to work at 6.

Try it some time. The time with the Lord, I mean. It will change your life, as you put Jesus first, where He should be. With so many things grabbing our attention, how best can you live when you place the One who made you on the throne of your life. O praise His Name!

With our eyes wide open and our ears attuned to that around us, it doesn't take much to see that our land, and the nations, are in trouble. What does one expect when for decades we declare, "No God" in schools and media, and then see the results.

We must praise His name!

With the USA elections becoming ever more upfront and in our face, and as turbulence rages even more so in the towns and cities unsuspecting, I encourage you to do as I do, and praise His Name.

Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I WILL draw all men unto Me." All men. That is the good, the bad, and the ugly. I think we'd best heed His words and do that. First in our life, and then among others.

With that said, check this message out that I wrote recently: "If I Be Lifted Up"

Also, I want to again give you notice of upcoming times to gather together, in unity, and to lift up His Name.

On August 23, Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett, Founder) is hosting Carolyn Hyde from Israel. She will be using my Taylor guitar, so you'll want to hear that, and her! Highway To Zion assembly

Two weeks later is our monthly Strength For Israel time on September 6, 2019, with Hadassah Lerner from Jerusalem speaking.

And then a month or so later, there will be a great couple of days with Paul Wilbur coming to Dr. Peter Wyn's CFM's annual conference, Roar From Zion October 25-27.

And finally, mark your calendars for the Gathering Together Event (GTE) in April 2020.

The last three listed will all be in Fort Mill, South Carolina at Antioch International Church. Check for more details with those links provided.

I will be jetting off to Israel September 24 -Oct. 4, 2019 with three other men. We are calling it the "Four Louis Brothers Ahava Adventure". (Want to know why??!!) You can email me if you want to go on the next "only for men" adventure next October 2020. (Sorry, ladies, the Lord and I have our reasons! Gotta shape some men up!

Be encouraged in all that He puts your hands to do. We have the God Who is revealing Himself to us as we seek Him.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, NC USA

P.S. Join us Friday, Sept. 6, 2019, for our next Strength For Israel at Antioch International Church in the main auditorium - The Barn. We will have Hadassah Lerner from Jerusalem speak.

Now Think On This

by Steve Martin

“And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." John 12:32, NASU

Speaking of His soon approaching death on the wooden cross, Jesus (Yeshua) told His disciples that when He was lifted up, this would be the main catalyst that would then draw all men to Himself.

When Jesus was lifted up, He drew all people to Himself.

In a recent Sunday worship time, before the speaker came to the podium, the beautiful song being sung wonderfully proclaimed Jesus. As the congregation focused in on praising His Name, I could really sense the move of the Holy Spirit drawing those focused on Jesus, and bringing them into a greater realm of the spirit. Jesus was being lifted up in our midst. He was drawing the people even closer to Him.

We weren’t focused on our needs. We weren’t singing, “Bless me. Bless mine.” Or, “Woe is me. Help me. Take care of me.”

We were singing Jesus.

Over 7 years ago now I led a worship team at a local Highway to Zion assembly here in Charlotte, North Carolina, headed by founder Cathy Hargett. We sang several Messianic songs, written by Messianic Jews, and a few written by popular Christian worship leaders. Present in the meeting was a Messianic Jewish leader from Israel, one very prominent in the movement taking place among believers in the Land of His people.

Read what he said to me after the worship time: "If I Be Lifted Up"
You coming? Look here: Paul Wilbur is coming back to Antioch International Church, with full concert! Hosted by Peter Wyns and Christians For Messiah Ministries. Also conference with Michael Brown and Rick Joyner.
by Steve Martin

Be encouraged in your daily walk with God, for when it is all said and done, our God wins!God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and God the Holy Spirit - the Three in One - rule from their heavenly throne. Together they are daily involved in the lives of men, women, and children in all the nations.

The establishment of their kingdom here on earth is taking place. And one day Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, will set up His earthly throne in Jerusalem, Israel, the place where He left from in 33 AD, promising to return to that same place.

Knowing the last chapter recorded in the end of the Book, the Word of God, the Bible, as revealed to John the Apostle, we know that from the beginning in Genesis, to that ending chapter in Revelation, the Lord has been preparing His people and bringing about His plans and purposes.Both believing Jews and Gentiles are seeing His work and getting involved.

These messages are to encourage you, included among them I trust, in your walk with the Living God of Israel.

Paperback or Kindle. Amazon Paperback $9.95 Kindle $2.99
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134