Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Charlotte, NC - Uptown's Romare Bearden Park in Center City - Walk With Me, Steve Martin

Charlotte, NC - Uptown's Romare Bearden Park in Center City - Walk With Me, Steve Martin 

Charlotte Center City Partners - to the right of the WeWorks building
Published on Aug 21, 2019

Charlotte, NC - Uptown's Romare Bearden Park in Center City - Walk With Me, Steve Martin Aug. 21, 2019 Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

When It Comes To The U.S. Economy, Everyone Wants To Pin The Credit Or The Blame On Donald Trump - Michael Snyder

Posted: 20 Aug 2019 Michael Snyder

No matter what happens with the U.S. economy, most of the credit or the blame is going to go to President Trump.  And now that the U.S. economy appears to be headed for big trouble, the mainstream media is salivating over what this could mean for Trump’s chances of winning in 2020. 

Within the past few days, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News have all run stories about Trump and the economy, and they are all perpetuating the false premise that presidents should be held accountable for how the economy performs.  As I have repeatedly reminded my readers, the truth is that U.S. presidents generally have relatively little control over the direction of the economy. 

In our system, it is the central planners at the Federal Reserve that primarily direct our economy, and so most of the credit or the blame for our economic performance should go to them.  And the truth is that even President Trump realizes this.  He understands that the Federal Reserve has control over key economic tools that he does not, and that is one of the reasons why he is so frustrated right now.  The Fed is not running things the way that he would run them, and he realizes that this could severely hurt his chances of winning the next election.

During his first term, President Trump has not actually been able to do much to alter the overall trajectory of the economy.  Some pundits point to the tax cuts that he was able to pass, and certainly reducing corporate tax rates helped things a little bit in the short-term, but the overall impact of the tax bill was relatively negligible.  Ultimately, the moves that the Federal Reserve has been making have been far more important, and at this point Trump seems to be convinced that Fed Chair Jerome Powell and others are intentionally trying to undermine him
He has insisted that his own handpicked Federal Reserve chair, Jerome H. Powell, is intentionally acting against him. He has said other countries, including allies, are working to hurt American economic interests. And he has accused the news media of trying to create a recession.
“The Fake News Media is doing everything they can to crash the economy because they think that will be bad for me and my re-election,” Mr. Trump tweeted last week. “The problem they have is that the economy is way too strong and we will soon be winning big on Trade, and everyone knows that, including China!”
Trade policy is one area where presidents do have more power than anyone else, and this is definitely where President Trump has had the biggest impact on the economy.  After claiming for months that a trade war would be “easy” to win, President Trump is now acknowledging that our trade war with China could potentially result in a recession
“I am doing this whether it’s good or bad for your statement about, ‘Oh, will we fall into a recession for two months?’ The fact is, somebody had to take China on,” Trump said.
“Whether it’s good for our country or bad for our country, short term, it had to be done,” he said, repeating that “whether it’s good or bad, short term, is irrelevant.”
And to be honest, this is the argument that Trump should have been making all along.  A trade conflict with China is most definitely going to be very painful, but it is also very true that something had to be done about China.  They have been taking advantage of us and ripping us off for years, and when previous administrations decided to do nothing about China they were being exceedingly negligent.

However, there is a huge difference between recalibrating our relationship with China and antagonizing them so much that our relationship with the Chinese is completely destroyed.  At this point it appears that we are doing the latter, and that is going to have enormous implications in 2020 and beyond.

And if our trade war with China does push us into a recession, there are many on the left that would greatly rejoice.  The following comes from a Fox News editorial by Steve Hilton
It’s pretty obvious that these establishment Trump-hating hysterics — all of them, of course, living comfortable coastal lives — actually want a recession because they think that’s the best way to get rid of Trump. At least one of them is honest about it.
“I’ve been saying for about two years  — that I hope we have a recession, and people get mad at me,” said Bill Maher, host of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”
Unfortunately for Trump, most Americans will squarely blame him if a recession happens even if it wasn’t his fault.  When the U.S. economy was doing relatively well, Trump repeatedly took full credit for it, and that was a huge mistake.  Because if the economy is really struggling in 2020, he probably won’t be able to successfully shift the blame to someone else.  The mainstream media will hammer him over and over again with editorials about “the failure of Trumponomics”, and even though most of those editorials won’t make any sense, they will still have a huge impact on millions of Americans voters.

It is often said that “pride goeth before destruction”, and President Trump has repeatedly told us that this is the greatest economy ever and that he is responsible for it.  But of course this isn’t even close to the greatest economy ever.  The following comes from another Fox News editorial
The fact is Trump’s best economic growth is 3.5 percent in two quarters out of the 10 quarters he’s been in office, CNBC’s John Harwood reports, adding that same growth figure, 3.5 percent, is Obama’s seventh best quarter, George W. Bush’s eighth best, and Bill Clinton’s 17th best. Yet, Trump claims his economy is the best ever. Far from it.
When things were going relatively well, President Trump should have said that it was a team effort and he should have acknowledged that we still had an enormous amount of work to do.

And all along he should have been educating the American people about the fact that the Federal Reserve has far more power over the performance of the economy than he does.
But now it appears that we are facing a nightmare economic scenario, and everybody is going to blame him for the failure of the economy.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve will once again escape accountability for running our economy into the ground, and that is extremely unfortunate.

About the author: Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared NowThe Beginning Of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream and The Most Important News

From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time.

The post When It Comes To The U.S. Economy, Everyone Wants To Pin The Credit Or The Blame On Donald Trumpappeared first on The Economic Collapse.

2020 Election at Stake: Google Insider and Pysch Expert Warn Tech Giants Could Unfairly Shift Outcome -

AUGUST 21, 2019
A top social scientist and now a Google whistleblower both say the tech giant could sway millions of undecided voters and ultimately the election in 2020. Their concern includes Google's search engine which they say skews results to favor a liberal agenda.


Special from Mevo Modi’im with Rabbi Tuly | Jentezen Franklin

Rabbi Tuly and Jentezen Franklin

Special from Mevo Modi’im with Rabbi Tuly 
| Jentezen Franklin

Published on Aug 18, 2019

This is "Special from Mevo Modi’im with Rabbi Tuly." In Israel, terrorism is not just a threat; it’s an everyday reality. In this special message Jentezen Franklin visits Rabbi Tuly in Mevo Modi’im, an Israeli community ravished by fire just weeks ago. Watch as the biblical prophecy of Isaiah 61 unfolds and learn how you can be a part of fulfilling God’s miraculous work. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what's going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: See our outreach programs: Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin: Donate to help us share the gospel around the world through Kingdom Connection broadcasts and other humanitarian outreaches:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dream Encounters by Barbie Breathitt IDENTITY NETWORK

Dream Encounters by Barbie Breathitt

Dream Encounters by Barbie Breathitt

Ebook PDF Download
By Adrian Beale & Adam F. Thompson
Price: $24.99
Sale! $17.99
Click HERE to order.

Recurring Dreams

Why do we sometimes dream the same dream over and over? The main reason dreams reoccur is that we have not entered into the understanding of the message yet. So the same dream message continues to play over and over. Sometimes the characters change or the setting changes, but the overall message remains the same. Once we come into the understanding and we apply the wisdom and insight of the dream's meaning to our lives the dream will cease to replay. 

Oftentimes, through recurring dreams, God is trying to communicate something. When we finally understand what he is saying to us, the dream script will stop repeating itself. Our dreams will change when our behaviors change. We can have several different types of dreams but they all deal with the same underlying theme. A biblical example is Pharaoh's dream of the seven cows and seven ears of grain. (Genesis 41:1–7)


Why do we have nightmares, and how can we eliminate disturbing dreams? Nightmares are about things in our lives that we fear. We are not to be fearful or run from the enemy or difficulties but face them in God's power and boldness. Once we face and confront our fears they will stop haunting us. The people, places, and events in our dreams hold tremendous significance for understanding ourselves. Nightmares are simply messages from the deepest part of us to our consciousness calling for change. If unheeded, not only may we continue to suffer from the unpleasantness of a "bad" dream, but we run the risk of perpetuating negativity in our waking life.

Sometimes a nightmare can be a wakeup call from God. Oftentimes when we ignore what God is trying to speak to us through dreams, whether consciously or subconsciously we can experience nightmares. These terrors of the night get the point across in a graphic way, in order to make a lasting impression on us, so that we will remember the dream and dig into its meaning.

Universal Symbols

There are universal symbols such as the circle, which represents covenant, wholeness, or completeness. But sometimes only the dreamer knows the meanings of the symbols. So in order to accurately interpret dreams, the interpreter should ask questions to find out what personal significance a particular dream symbol holds for that person. Symbols can have totally different meanings to each dreamer. Although they are not as important as people in our dreams, animals can be of large significance as well and sometimes portray our emotional state. 

People are usually symbolic of our inner person. As light divides the colors of a prism so a dream will help divide the various parts of our personality. Dreams help us to rightly discern our true selves and to remove the mask that we wear to protect ourselves from our world. Dreams help us to learn to listen to God's voice through symbolic language. They enable us to cooperate with God's greater purpose and plan for our lives. Dreams help us to reach our untapped potential by bringing us into harmony with ourselves, God, and others. They enable us to get at the heart of the matter.

If we want God to speak to us through dreams and visions, he will. God is not a respecter of persons. Abraham, Jacob, Mary and Joseph, Peter, the Prophets, Gideon, Solomon, Daniel, Joseph, and heathen Kings were all lead by dreams and visions, so we are in good company. We must pursue God and learn the way he speaks through dream symbols and night parables. We should focus on and give attention to our personal dream language. Develop an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and he will give insight, revelation and the interpretation for not only our dreams but for the dreams of others as well.

Interpreting the Essence of a Dream's Theme

Identifying the essence or tone of a dream means we are determining the theme, main concept, or message that the dream brings to light.

To capture the essence of the dream, the dreamer should first record the main symbols of the dream removing the extraneous details, objects, and names but retaining the action of the dream. This should be done before the dream is evaluated by point of view or perspective. The theme or main concept of the dream will provide the focus of what or who the dream is about.

Each person has a unique dream vocabulary that has been assigned specific meanings depending on the dreamer's life experiences. Personal symbols in dreams are joined with surrounding details that give them life and dimension. While to some a candle symbolizes romance, ambiance, and beauty, to others it may symbolize their only source of warmth, poverty, and shame. Dogs are known as "man's best friend." This interpretation may apply to dog lovers but not to the person who was viciously mauled by an angry dog as a child. Animals are used in dreams to symbolize our good and bad character traits.

Children and babies often represent a new phase or beginning, immaturity, or childishness, innocence, purity, naivety, spiritual fruit, or something that is very dependent upon us for its well-being.

The dreams that God formulates to speak to us in our sleep are oftentimes very precise. They efficiently address multiple areas, layers, issues, and topics as they reveal concealed knowledge and hidden mysteries come to light through one short dream. It is not unusual for one dream to address both a personal concern and a universal meaning that can be applied to other situations. 

A dream can forewarn by predicting the future and enable the dreamer to prepare by removing health issues or character flaws or to solve a problem that is arising. We associate dream symbols with our personal experiences and the memories those experiences inspire. The symbols that appear in dreams evoke certain reactions or responses from the dreamer based on that person's individual makeup.

The dreamer will often ask more questions when the interpreter is only giving the essence of the dreams meaning. This technique will keep dialogue and communication flowing between the dreamer and the interpreter. There is an art to giving just enough to keep the person interested but not outlining each and every symbol by definition or rote memory. There must be a flow of the Spirit and not just head knowledge that is given in the interpretation of dreams.

To arrive at the essence or theme of a dream, remove all of the unnecessary information such as extraneous details, descriptions of things and places, and names. The theme is going to surround the action or focus of the dream that will lead to the understanding of the big picture.

The greatest power in the universe is love.

Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt