Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proudly spoke
these words at a Jerusalem ceremony last year:
“Our generation had a great privilege - we saw the
words of the prophets come true.
We saw the rise of Zion, the return of Jewish sovereignty
in the Land of Israel, the ingathering of exiles and our
return to Jerusalem. We will make sure Jerusalem’s golden
light will shine on our people, and spread the light of
Jerusalem to the whole world.
We will protect Jerusalem, because Israel without Jerusalem
is like a body without a heart...Our heart will never be divided again!”
These stirring words give heart to the newest and neediest
immigrants to return to Zion; the 40 members of the lost tribe
of Bnei Menashe who have just arrived from India.
Please, Israeli government, I beg you: Don’t go looking for my son’s killers. The ones who cruelly beat Koby and Yosef to death with rocks, the barbarians who attacked two eighth grade boys — my son and his friend — who were on a hike near our home in Israel. Please don’t find them. Don’t apprehend them and put them in jail and make my family and me sit through a long trial and sentencing, where my heart will quake and my stomach will constrict and I will feel that I am about to faint.
Biblical Prophecy and the Middle East Reality
Could it be that the events unfolding in the Middle East today are somehow mirrored in the Bible by the prophets of Israel? This phenomenal video proves that the challenges Israel faces today stem from and are the same as those described in the Bible.
Watch »

String and Silver Plated Star of David Bracelet
This beautiful and funky bracelet will remind you of the
source of Psalms with the large, central silver plated
Star of David in a circular frame. With a braided beige
string double cord and turquoise beads, people will be
asking where you got it (so get ready to describe
Israel365 to them!)
Check out this Amazing Deal »

Today's Israel Photo
Boruch Len's breathtaking photo of sunrise over the
Jordan Mountains.
More Boruch Len Photos »

Thank You
Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by
Ronnie Berman of Pennsylvania in honor of his
children. Shlomo & Adina Berman, & Chana Berman.
It is also sponsored by David and Letitia Scheffey in
honor of their 62nd Wedding Anniversary on Dec. 29th.
Thank you and Mazal Tov!
Sponsor a Day »
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Thank you for producing and maintaining a quality
product that delights so many people every day.
You are dear to my heart.
Brachot v'Shalom, Krista
I am enjoying Israel365 from Martinez, California!
Thank you for always having so many wonderful
articles to be blessed by and current articles to
keep up... HaShem is Good and may He bless
you each and everyday. I pray that one day G-d
will provide a way for me to come to Israel.
Always Shalom, Rachael
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA