Wendy Griffith:
T.D. Jakes and I Agree:
Get My friend Wendy Griffith's
Book Today!
Get My friend Wendy Griffith's
Book Today!
T.D. Jakes and I agree on Wendy Griffith's NEW BOOK...available for the first time NOW!
We love Wendy and we love the content of this book!
I'm telling you, from my heart to yours – Wendy walks the walk. She's experienced the hardships of life and she grows stronger in the Lord by the day. In her newest and probably best-selling book, Wendy encourages women, "YOU ARE THE PRIZE – DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS THAN GOD'S BEST!"
You need to get Wendy's book for yourself. And please, order one for a dear friend too.
One more thing...Wendy, a co-host on The 700 Club will be interviewed today, January 28th onTHE 700 Club. She talks about her book with Pat Robertson. Watch the interview
and then support THE ELIJAH LIST and move forward in your life by ordering this book TODAY from THE ELIJAH LIST BELOW!
Pat Robertson will interview Wendy Griffith about her new book "You Are a Prize to Be Won!" today, January 28th – check your local listings, or you can also see a full schedule of The 700
700 Club and CBN airing times – just click here or watch online at CBN.com – just click here.
Order the book You Are a Prize to Be Won! right now right here:
NEW! You Are a Prize to Be Won!: Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best by Wendy Griffith Book

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from
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Wendy Griffith:
T.D. Jakes and I Agree:
Get My friend Wendy Griffith's
Book Today!
Get My friend Wendy Griffith's
Book Today!
Wendy Griffith had often preached to other women about being a prize to be won, but did not practice it. She did not realize her true value in Christ, and became the "beggar" in a year-long romance, begging for a few scraps of love. When her romance ended, she was devastated. Through her tears, God showed her that she had settled for emotional "crumbs." She learned that God had so much more for her, (Eph. 3:20) and that she was a pearl of great price!
Now she shares her past heartache and experiences, defining what real love is and showing you how to: Guard your heart; Avoid the counterfeit; Not look back and enjoy being sensationally single until the right one comes along. You'll learn why God's love for you is extravagant and you shouldn't settle for emotional crumbs. You are a prize to be won!
From the Back Cover
In her warm, storytelling style, Wendy shares the heartbreaking experiences that have helped her define real love. You will learn—as she did—to:
• Guard your heart
• Avoid counterfeits
• ...and enjoy being sensationally single until the right one comes along.
God's love for you is extravagant and you shouldn't settle for emotional crumbs. You Are a Prize to Be Won! is for every woman who has ever doubted her incalculable value.
In her new book You Are a Prize to Be Won!, Wendy Griffith shares:
Ladies, the Lord wants you to know that you are a pearl of great price, a treasure worth pursuing and protecting. You are worth fighting for and, like the pearl in the parable in Matthew 13:45-46, worth everything it might cost a guy to obtain you.
You are worth someone sacrificing his time, his routine, his comfort, his money, his whatever in order to have you. You are worth it!
You are a prize to be won. Don't settle for crumbs!
Order the book You Are a Prize to Be Won! right now right here:
NEW! You Are a Prize to Be Won!: Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best by Wendy Griffith Book
- T. D. Jakes, CEO, TDJ Enterprises
Wendy Griffith is an intelligent, accomplished, beautiful woman. To simply look at her, one would assume that she lives a charmed life without care or pain. Looks can be deceiving. In this book, Wendy opens her heart
and her life to help us realize that we are valued beyond our imagining and loved with an everlasting love.
It is in our deepest loss and our greatest pain that we discover the "Lover of our Souls"—the One who is always true, never leaves and knows our deepest longings. Read Wendy's book! Be encouraged, embrace healing and open your heart to a new beginning. You are a prize to be won! - Terry Meeuwsen, Co-host, The 700 Club; Founder, Orphan's Promise
Engaging, real, authentic and deeply personal...this book challenges me, inspires me and makes me feel a little bit braver in my own journey as I walk with Wendy on hers. There have been a million little "me too!" moments that I've stumbled across as I read...and any woman, single or not, who has ever struggled to move past "The Ex" or to "let go and let God" will be able to relate.
What a refreshing and moving look at the journey of the modern, single Christian woman! - Mandy Hale, Creator of The Single Woman blog; Author, The Single Woman: Life, Love & a Dash of Sass
Order the book You Are a Prize to Be Won! right now right here:
NEW! You Are a Prize to Be Won!: Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best by Wendy Griffith Book
About the Author
Wendy Griffith with Kevin Costner...
...Wendy Griffith with Joel Osteen
Order the book You Are a Prize to Be Won! right now right here:
NEW! You Are a Prize to Be Won!: Don't Settle for Less Than God's Best by Wendy Griffith Book
I am sure it is a good book too!
Steve Martin, Editor
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA