"You Shall Know the Truth..."
by Karla Shrake
Jan. 30, 2014
Those of you receiving this most likely already know Jesus / Yeshua as the truth, as "the way, the truth, and the life" - you have come to know Him as your Savior and all that includes. And we know Him also as the light of the world as He spoke about Himself in John 8:12; "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."
We must have His truth and light to walk in daily victory
As believers who live in the last-days we so very desperately need more of heaven's truth and light to permeate every aspect of our lives. We need illumination for not only our spiritual walk, but we also need truth and divine illumination in every area of our personal lives as well.
We would all agree that we need Holy Spirit enlightenment and guidance in our finances as we continue to hear of the lack of stability of our economy. Most likely we have all been hurt or stolen from through relationships with people who were not honest and good to us, and hence we so need enlightenment as to whom He wants us aligned with in this season.
And of course regarding the new Obamacare we most certainly need His enlightenment and guidance in our decisions that relate to our medical and health choices. And we do have choices, so we must be led of the Lord in our decision-making rather than being manipulated by the pressure-propaganda of the system.
Those who have followed me for any length of time have heard me share the scripture from Isaiah 60:1-2:
"Arise and shine for your light has come,
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For behold darkness will cover the earth,
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you,
And His glory will appear upon you."
I believe dear ones, that we are living in the best of times and the worst of times. I think we would all agree that darkness is now covering the earth and deep darkness the peoples -- so it would seem we are the ones that Isaiah the prophet saw long ago. The good news is that He is arising and shining through us as His children, His ambassadors and His Bride. Glory to His name for that!
We must not be Ignorant of the Schemes of the Enemy
For me personally the Lord has led me on a bit of a different pathway the last nine or so months. He has prompted me and required of me to become more informed and educated as to more of the nature of the 'darkness & deep darkness' that is now covering the earth and its peoples. We are told in II Cor. 2:11 that we must not be ignorant of the schemes of the enemy, lest he be able to take advantage of us and Ephesians 6:11 warns us 'of the wiles of the devil.'
Yeshua says in John 10:10 that "the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy." The truth is we have an adversary who dwells in the shadows of darkness and deceit, but we must understand that he is nevertheless a very real enemy, one who wants us poor, sick, and dead!
What is really going on?
Believers can sometimes be naive about what is going on in the real world and I agree it is tempting to look the other way and stick our head in the sand, but we cannot do that in the hour of treachery in which we live. We must look to our Father and walk more closely with Him than ever before in order to avoid and overcome the snares, assignments and schemes of the powers of darkness, for they are many, and aimed at all areas of our personal lives.
Yeshua said 'the gates of hell' would come against us, but that they would not prevail. Dear champions of the faith in order for us to overcome we must live in the reality of what is really going on. We can no longer blindly buy what the mainstream media is selling nor can we live in a fantasy world of what we would like to believe. But as followers of Yeshua who IS The Truth and The Light........we must also live in the light and reality of what the scriptures reveal regarding the challenging last days.
The Fresh Oil of divine Courage is Pouring Forth
The Lord is eager to pour out a new oil, a new grace upon us for the hour in which we live. He is empowering us as His people with a new courage so that we are both able and willing to see and know the truth of how and what the enemy is doing behind closed doors.
And that is still our challenge precious believers, to comprehend the depth of the horrific wickedness and the hellish things the enemy is planning for our country and yes, even for us.
You were Born for this Day
Dear Champions,
And while it is imperative that we become aware of the deep wickedness of the world around us, it is also imperative that we realize who we are -- we are the solution! Yes, like the saints of old, we are God's solution to what is going on! We are the Gideons, the Moses, the Davids, the Queen Esther & Mordecais, the Deborahs, the Elijahs, the Peter, James' and Johns.
We are those Daniel saw long ago who know our God and who are stepping forth to do great exploits in the name of our King! We are arising and shining, emboldened and empowered by His glory!
I hope you will read the newsletter below from last August, as it provides a faith-perspective on what I shared with you in the article above. As I went back and reread it this morning I was lifted and encouraged. And please join me as you scroll down below to the Davidic Warrior's section, as we receive together the Father's outpouring of fresh oil, fresh courage!
From August 2013:
"I am The Divine Globalist," says the Lord,
"and I am Lifting the Veil of Deceit"
by Karla Shrake
"My champions, you were chosen to be born for this day and you have My DNA," says your Father. "As The One who conceived and fashioned you I want to assure you that you shall surely stand and even flourish in the midst of all that is on the horizon in this late hour of human history."
Change at Hand - My Peace I Give to You
"In your personal lives be not concerned that there are things of the past season that are coming to an end, for you must understand this must be so in order to make room for the new commissionings and faith-adventures I have for you. Be not anxious as many things begin to shift, change and turn, for the prophetic time-clock of history is accelerating. As the Father-of-all I am very busy on the planet, on every continent, for I so love all the diverse peoples and cultures of the earth."
"I am the Divine Globalist!" laughs the Creator of the Universe. "I have the whole world on My mind and I have had a plan of redemption from the beginning. Did I not tell you in detail that the time near the end would be marked by birth-pangs and much change? In the midst of circumstances that are changing and shifting, the one thing that will never change is that you are Mine and I watch over My covenant children. There is no power in heaven nor on earth that can snatch My blood-bought children out of My hand," consoles your Father, the Lord God Almighty.
"So do not become consumed with excessive focus on the markets or on your government and its politicians, but rather focus on The One who made the heavens and the earth, the One who formed you within the belly of your mother, The One who has loved you from the beginning."
I am The Righteous Judge "You will also come to know Me as The Righteous Judge as I am now beginning to judge the powers of darkness and the enemies of the cross, and I will judge the enemies' of My children, My bride. I am long-suffering but because I am also forever just you will now begin to see My righteous judgments increasing in the earth, for it is through these that many prisoners will finally be set free." "The veil of darkness, the shroud of deceit, I have begun to lift so that the enemies' lies and wicked schemes would be exposed. Among those who oppose Me are those who have a counterfeit plan of destruction and take-over of the peoples and resources of the earth. But I sit in the heavens and laugh as these enemies are being made a footstool under the feet of My Son."
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households. Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle. For more information, go to: www.MantlesOfGlory.org |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA