Al Thomas:
The Elijah List
Have you ever had an important appointment and then came upon an unexpected road block? Suddenly you find yourself on an unknown road and lost? The traffic is heavy and you are barely moving. You know if you don't get off this road you will be late. Then you fall into an agitated state and get stressed out. This is when the Holy Spirit says, "Child, be at peace." And so it is in the spirit: Some think they are in an unknown place (stuck in spiritual traffic), but God is actually preparing them for a blessing.
The Holy Spirit is saying: "The unexpected road block is a blessing in disguise."
Often, when everything seems to be going well for you, then problems come; but, actually, God is up to something good. Sometimes battles are easily won, and temptations (although constant) don't usually trip you up (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). Other times it seems like life is falling apart and everything breaks loose. Those things that you used to handle with ease now overwhelm you. You wonder, Where did my strength go? (see Psalm 6:2).
So there you are, called by God, following His plans the best you know how, when things start to go downhill. Your spirit was soaring with enthusiasm, but now victory seems illusive.
Yes, the road looks unfamiliar, but you are not on the wrong path. Psalm 37:23 declares "The steps of a man are established by the Lord..."
You didn't ask for this, but now you must fight a small battle (see Ephesians 6:11-12). You must keep moving forward. Tremendous rewards await you if you do not quit (see Philippians 1:6). You decide to keep moving (see Philippians 4:13) and not quit. The formally congested road is about to clear up (see Romans 8:28). The fog will soon lift, because God is preparing an unexpected blessing for you. God is saying to you, "Behold, I will bless, and nothing can reverse it..." (see Number 23:20). (Photo via Pixabay)
Don't Think Because You Are Not Moving God Is Not On the Move
Sometimes, if God would have allowed you to keep on the same old path you were on (see Proverbs 14:12) you would have missed the opportunity (and blessing). Often, God forcefully detours us so we will head into the blessings He has for us (see John 4:38). Often more is accomplished in the spiritual realm when He makes us wait (see Isaiah 40:31) and wonder.
Wait doesn't mean inactivity. It means "resting in Him." Don't panic because nothing seems to be happening. He has pushed the "divine pause button" to bring you to rest in Him. (Something He has been trying to get you to do for some time now.) Yes, you are moving, only this time He is carrying you. Yes, progress is being made; but this time He is directing it.
You prayed for this long ago, so don't fight it. You can now He takes over.
Realizing this, your faith allows His joy to manifest. Expectation replaces stress.
Because of the Road Block, Don't Think His Promises Are Postponed
You allow God to do it His way (see Psalm 18:30). Oh yes, you meant well and your heart was in the right place; but God wanted to show you "a better way." And, because you didn't take your road (and avoid His detour), God can now speak with you about His plans, not yours (see Jeremiah 29:11).
Now you realize that you should have taken His detour long ago. You start to thank Him for the "strange road."
Deeper communion with the King results (see Luke 24:15). You smile knowing He's in charge, and His peace arrives. (Photo via Freeimages)
You're In Good Company And About To Make History
God's in the business of "divine road blocks." He gave Paul a heavenly detour (see Acts 9) and changed history, turning the world upside down (see Acts 17:6). Jesus gave a few fisherman a divine detour and it also turned their life (and the world) upside down (see Matthew 4:18-19). God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary for the grandest detour of all, and because she accepted it (see Luke 1:30-31), you and millions of others are now in the Kingdom of God. They and many others could have taken the "normal, beaten path," but they would not have changed history.
Remember, no one said you have to always understand this divine road block. That will come later. As for now, take a deep breath, slow down and enjoy the view.
Don't worry. Be anxious for nothing (see Philippians 4:6). Simply keep your eyes on Jesus and He'll let you know which exit to get off (see 1 Samuel3:10). Road block? Detour? I think not. You're on the road to blessings. (Photo via Pixabay)
CONSIDER THIS: God has never had a day when He said: "Gee, I didn't see that coming..."
Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life
Celebrating His Life
Al Thomas is a noted Bible teacher who travels mostly east of the Mississippi with a ministry of encouragement to the Body of Christ. He teaches heavenly truths with down-to-earth practicality and humor. Al and his wife Sherry publish a free teaching newsletter that reaches many homes each month. Al has pastored in California and Wisconsin and was mentored by evangelist Jim Spillman.
Al and Sherry minister in churches of all denominations, and are known for the gift of faith to be in operation in their meetings. Al and Sherry move prophetically and see many healed in their meetings. They have four children and six grandchildren. They reside in central Maryland.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA