"My children and My leaders," says your Father, "this is the hour of the fulfillment of your destinies. As I positioned John the Baptist in his key place of influence long ago, even so am I now shifting and pulling you into your key God-appointed posts and positions of influence. John was the forerunner who prepared the way for My earthly ministry, and as forerunners of the last days, you are preparing the way of My return. Hell has surely resisted you as heroes of the faith, but know that what is now coming to pass in your life was My idea from the beginning and it shall not and can not fail as you yield to Me in this critical hour of human history," laughs The-Lord-of-All-The-Earth!
This is the Hour
"You have waited for this hour, so rouse and stir yourself to press in as I release a fresh fervor, focus and alertness, for it is here and it is now. And while My Son left the earth as the broken Lamb that had to be slain as a ransom for many know that He is now ruling as the Lion Commander-Chief who is roaring among the nations. His thundering roar is a clarion call that is resounding not only in the heavens and on earth, but it is also shaking the underworld beneath where the counterfeit lords of darkness dwell and conspire."
Take Your Place
Your role and calling is to allow Me to rule through you from the courtroom and throne room of heaven, for I am giving higher levels of rulership to My faithful ones. |
"The powers of hell and darkness are conspiring to kill most of the earth's population in order to prevent the great last-day gathering of souls into the Kingdom. But as I laid out in My Word long ago through many prophets, I have preempted the work of the enemy.
And while many last-day trials shall occur according to prophecy, know that multitudes will call upon My name and be gathered into the ark of safety.
You do not war to win My dear children, but rather you stand in the triumph that Yeshua has already
completed. So take your places - those places of authority and influence that I have created you for and yield to Me as never before. For I am releasing massive harvest nets through heavenly wisdom and strategies."
Triumph Manifests Through You
"You have been formed, fashioned and trained through decades of rigorous preparations and challenges dear ones, and now is the time to step up and step forth as there are many souls in the valleys of decision. My precious family on earth is ripe to hear and taste of the good news of My love for them."
"It is true that multitudes are blind and deaf as they have been born into deception through generations of idolatry and darkness. But that is no surprise to Me," says your faithful Father, "for assuredly I made provision for that beforehand through My Son who was willing to take on those powers of deception on the cross and He overcame them, ALL of them. The Lamb overcame the power of idolatry, paganism, witchcraft, divination, occultism and every form of darkness that manifests through demons, fallen angels and even through bizarre and perverted mixtures of dark beings.
And it is through you
My dear champions,
that The Lamb's triumph shall manifest so that multitudes are set free
to enter the refuge-ark
of salvation in this late
and stormy hour."
Marching Orders in Heavenly Mailbox
"Be aware the enemy seeks to frighten and intimidate you, My children. He seeks to frighten and intimidate even you My brave leaders, because he knows full well that you possess the keys to his destruction. He is working to distract and divert your attention so that you will not utilize the tools, keys and spiritual weapons that I have given to you," warns your Father. "But know that My instructions, strategies and marching orders are in your heavenly mail-box."
No more Business as Usual
"My mighty ones seek Me for every decision, large and small, for I am shifting and moving quickly now. Don't get hung up in the way things have been in the past, or in how they are currently, but rather shake off all that has kept you in routines and in the traditions of men and in the expectations of others, including carnal family members. Shake off the old ways of doing things, and shake off the old ways of thinking that have limited many of you. For the greater works have begun and the season of My vengeance toward the enemy is now upon us," assures your Captain-of-the-Hosts.
The Adventure Begins
"Yes the shaking has begun, the shaking that I foretold of long ago. And while it will be quite an adventure at times My mighty ones, you are empowered to do all that I have ordained for you as ambassadors of My good news. So be not dismayed nor frightened, but rejoice in that you have been given the honor of living in this most awesome time in human history. The stakes are high for so many lost, dying and broken souls and much is riding on you and your obedience, My precious ones."
Death precedes Rulership
"But know that I your Father have wired into you greatness from the beginning, and also through years and decades of adversity and hardship. The character of The Lamb had to be worked into you before you could sit on the throne of rulership with Me, otherwise you would have been destroyed. Ambition and the carnal self-life had to be emptied out to create a place from which I can rule freely and unencumbered."
Bridegroom calls to Bride
"Come into the arms of your Beloved and dance the glory-dance of all the ages! Follow My embrace and My steps as we dance our way through the highways and byways of lost humanity, revealing the kind and good heart of our Father! Come My beautiful one and dance with Me upon the mountain tops and dance with Me through the valleys.... so that all people can behold how great a love the Father has for His children of every tribe, tongue, nation and culture. As we dance together in this last-day love-cadence the fragrance of hope will overtake despair and the power of life will overtake death."
Bride's Response:
"Yes our Beloved...
We are stirring ourselves and stepping forth into our God-given places of rulership authority and influence.
We are stepping into the loving arms that were stretched out at Calvary and we are leaning more deeply into Your embrace, our Lamb-Lion.
For our hearts and lives are poured out before You in adoration and surrender..." All Glory to our Beloved King Yeshua / Jesus!
Davidic Warriors
I trust you had a good 4th of July weekend and I hope you have a productive and enjoyable summer underway.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA