Aug. 10, 2017 |
 | | Archaeologists May Have Just Found The Jars In Which Jesus Turned Water Into Wine
A massive 2,000-year-old chalkstone quarry and workshop has been discovered in lower Galilee, and experts believe that this could be the... |
 | | Tim Tebow To Make Guest Appearance In New PureFlix.com Soap Opera
Christian move company PureFlix.com is set to produce its first soap opera, debuting this fall. "Hilton Head Island" is currently in pr... |
 | | Former Pornstar Says She Waited Until Marriage To Sleep With Pastor Husband
Former pornstar and Christian convert Brittni De La Mora has detailed that she chose to wait until she was married to have sex with h... |
 | | 25 Of Mike Pence's Greatest Quotes Of All Time
Vice President Mike Pence might have only been in office for a matter of months, but in that time he has given us some absolutely stunnin... |
 | | Perry Noble Registers His Own Church: Is It Too Soon For Him To Be Back In The Pulpit?
Pastor Perry Noble is back in the pulpit after being fired from his North Carolina megachurch NewSpring following a battle with alcoholism.... |
 | | Shane Claiborne: 'Will We Confess Our Allegiance To Bombs.. Or To The Prince of Peace?'
August 9th is a tragic day in history.August 9, 2014, Mike Brown was killed in Ferguson.August 9, 1945, the United States dropped the n... |
 | | Press Reacts to Sarah Huckabee Sanders' Confession of Faith
Social media is all a flurry as the mainstream press reacts to a recent revelation made by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the new White Hous... |
 | | Don't Give Up On The Church In America
In a recent interview the "Bible Answer Man" Hank Hanegraaff says watching pastors who act more like entrepreneurs focused on brand... |
 | | Five Armed Forces Members Suing Trump Over Ban On Transgenders In U.S. Military
Five members of the armed forces are suing President Donald Trump over his ban on Transgenders being in the U.S. military. &ldqu... |
 | | 27 Bible Verses About Worry to Put Your Heart at Ease
You may have heard that fear is the opposite of faith, and this is true! Worry, anxiety, and fear can so quickly consume us. At times... |
 | | Joyce Meyer: The Four Keys To Spiritual Breakthrough
"If you need a breakthrough, what can you do?" asks preacher Joyce Meyer. "First of all you believe. Like a little child you believe." T... |
 | | The One Phrase Christian Parents Should Ban From Their Households
As Christians, we want to honor God in our speech. Too often, we let our mouths speak offensive or even blasphemous language. It is a... |
 | | North Korea Says It Has Released Korean-Canadian Pastor
A Canadian pastor who has been held in North Korea for two and half years has reportedly been released, according to CNN. Hyeo... |
 | | 5 Ways To Deepen Your Integrity
Daniel and his three friends are some of my favorite bible characters. They modeled what it means to live a life of integrity. S... |
 | | What Every Pastor Wishes His Worship Leader Knew
A few weeks ago, one of our leaders asked me to come speak to a group of worship interns, telling them “everything I thought pa... |
 | | Trump Selects Ambassador-at-Large For International Religious Freedom
ICC - International Christian Concern (ICC) is pleased to announce that President Trump has nominated Kansas Governor Sam Brownback... |
 | | Social Media Voyeurism – Why I Quit Instagram
The Fear of Disconnect – FOMO It would be a fair statement to make that we live in the ultimate era of connectedness, in... |
 | | Anthem Lights - It Is Well
If you have been a Christian for any length of time, you are likely to have heard Horatio Spafford's classic tune 'It Is Well.' But ha... |
 | | Study Finds Prayer for Significant Others Improves Relationships
Prayer works! A recent study finds that when couples engage in petitionary prayer for their significant others, it improves their relation... |
 | | Pastor's Wife Arrested for Embezzlement of $1.4 Million
It's always the people you least suspect, isn't it? Susan Combs Pratt was a respected community member, clinic employee, and pastor'... |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA