With New Optimism, Christians Are Waking Up
Over the past several months, Christian voters have had much to celebrate. From strides in religious liberties protections to bills defending the unborn, some of President Donald Trump's promised agenda is being realized. And the optimism of those who put him in office is palpable.
Award-winning journalist and author Stephen E. Strang says that feeling is reminiscent of election night in Nov. 2016, when Christians sensed the nation had turned a corner—given a window of opportunity and a reprieve from God with Trump's election.
In Strang's new book, God and Donald Trump, set for release on Nov. 7, nearly one year to the day after the historic election, the author recounts some of those election night scenes and Christians' hope for the future. God and Donald Trump also reveals the strategies, behind-the-scenes activity and profound voices that helped shape the dramatic events of the election and presidency thus far.
"I believe that Christians are waking up," Strang said. "The evidence we've seen tells me that there is a new optimism and a new spirit rising all across the land. Many Christians believed they had to vote for Donald Trump or the downward spiral of the past eight years would continue. There is no doubt things would have gotten worse under Hillary Clinton's administration. Even though our own culture and all of Western civilization remains in a downward spiral, there is hope. Two years ago, I would have never suspected that God would raise up a brash billionaire from Queens, New York, to undertake the transformation of America, not only politically but also spiritually. I expected to vote for Ted Cruz in November, but when he left the race, I had to reconsider my options. Now, I have a better understanding of why that reorientation was necessary.
"Could it be that this intersection of God and Donald Trump, or the simultaneous shifts in the United States of America and the kingdom of God, are much more than a random anomaly of coincidental occurrences?" Strang continued. "Is it possible that Donald Trump was raised up suddenly out of the obscurity of the business and entertainment environment with what Frank Amedia called a 'breaker anointing' that was activated to make a way for our nation to return to God? Is it the Creator's plan that the diverse factions of the Christian church be united in a way to take back our country for God?"
A website and video for God and Donald Trump, which contains a foreword from presidential hopeful and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, may be found at GodandDonaldTrump.com; view the video here. Visitors to the site can also download a free chapter and preorder the book.
Strang is an award-winning journalist and successful businessman who began his career as a newspaper reporter at the Orlando Sentinel before founding a Christian publishing house and media company while interviewing and writing about nearly every Christian leader in the country over the past four decades.
God and Donald Trump is published by Frontline, an imprint of Charisma House, which has published books that challenge, encourage, teach and equip Christians, including 13 New York Times best-sellers.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA