"I Heard the Lord Say, 'Australia, You Are on RED ALERT!'"
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
As I've expressed many times, my good friend, Lana Vawser, is a significant prophetic voice, not only FOR Australia but also FROM Australia to the earth.
Really focus on this word as you read it. Things are starting to look very interesting in the Body of Christ. God is truly on the move!
Here is a small portion of what Lana is saying from the Lord:
"The enemy is coming to steal, but I am coming to shake. I am coming to shake the nation and all that can be shaken. There must be a shaking for the revealing of My glory to take place. There must be a shaking of the foundations not established in Me to bring forth the foundations of righteousness that I desire to establish in the nation."
"The enemy is coming to steal, but I am coming to shake. I am coming to shake the nation and all that can be shaken. There must be a shaking for the revealing of My glory to take place. There must be a shaking of the foundations not established in Me to bring forth the foundations of righteousness that I desire to establish in the nation."
We have entered a fascinating season for the Church and for the Kingdom of God. Hold on. It's going to be a wild ride! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Heard the Lord Say, 'Australia, You Are on RED ALERT!'"
This week I heard the words "Australia, you are on red alert!" When I looked up the meaning of the words "red alert" this is what I found: "the final stage of alert in which enemy attack appears imminent; broadly: a state of alert brought on by impending danger."
I heard the Lord say: "My people in Australia, the nation is on red alert. I am decreeing a state of emergency from the heavenlies. The enemy is coming to steal the baby. The enemy is coming to steal the birthing. The enemy is coming to steal the hundredfold blessing. I am sounding the trumpet. I am sounding the alarm. The enemy seeks to come to steal, to kill, to destroy and to terrify, but I am sounding the trumpet. I am sounding the trumpet and I am decreeing the sound of TRAVAIL.
"Now, now, now is the time to travail! NOW is the time to invite My Spirit of travail to come and to travail through you to LIFT THE VEIL of deception over the nation. Many have been afraid to travail. Many have been under a heaviness. Many have been under a slumber, but I am sounding the alarm!
"It's time to pray, it's time to PRAY! It's time to pray like you have never prayed before. It's time to partner with Me to see My mighty hand come down and to break stubborn resistance in the nation. There is a spirit of death that is operating in the nation to steal the birthing I am going to release. I am calling forth the intercessors to arise! arise! arise! Arise in this final hour and shut down the plans of the enemy.
"The intimidation that has come against many of the intercessors in the nation over the last few months, and especially this week, is an ATTACK. Trust in My protection. Trust in My hand over your life. The threats of death are smokescreens to stop you from praying, to stop you from speaking, to muzzle you. For the enemy is coming to steal the hundredfold blessing, but I am decreeing a victory cry as My people partner with Me to see My hand move.
"The enemy is coming to steal, but I am coming to shake. I am coming to shake the nation and all that can be shaken. There must be a shaking for the revealing of My glory to take place. There must be a shaking of the foundations not established in Me to bring forth the foundations of righteousness that I desire to establish in the nation."
From the Fire You Shall Come Forth as Pure Gold
Prophets: Arise, Speak, Decree!
These words surrounded me: "My strong arm will be found in the fire. My strong arm will be found in the fire to come down and to save, to deliver and to bring down stubborn resistance. My Word shall come forth like a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29) and smash down the stubborn resistance.
"I call you forth, prophets. Come out from under intimidation. Come out of your hiding and speak. Come out of your hiding and decree. There has been a battle over many of you to keep silent, but I am summoning you and calling you forth. Come out and step forth and decree that the HUNDRED FOLD BLESSING of My hand will NOT be stolen from the nation. The inheritance of the nation of Australia, that I have decreed, will not be stolen. Decree over the nation that DELAY WILL NOT be found in the nation.
"Prophets and intercessors, ARISE! Arise and call the nation into her inheritance. Call her forth. Continue to stamp on the hard ground. Continue to strike the ground until you see the hard ground burst forth and the well spring forth. Decree forth: 'SPRING UP, OH WELL!'
"The enemy is working and planning to come and steal the birthright of Australia, and it is time to war. In these midnight hours it is time to wage war against the enemy. For the enemy seeks to come with a 'final blow' and I am decreeing 'red alert.'
"Prophets, stand up and SPEAK! Do not change what I am speaking. Do not be afraid to speak what I am speaking. Do not water down the words I am giving. Speak the words of truth, speak the words of life, speak the words of alignment with love and boldness. I am raising up prophets in the nation of Australia with swords in their mouths. The sword of the Word will bring forth such an alignment, such a purification and such a strengthening to the Body of Christ in Australia.
"Prophets in Australia, beware to not be 'ear ticklers' but stand forth and speak with purity and integrity that which I am speaking. Allow repentance to rise within you and then receive even greater revelation of My heart for what I am releasing into the nation of Australia. For I am not speaking words of death into the nation, I am speaking words of life.
"Do NOT be afraid of releasing words that correct or words that exhort, for the correction that I am bringing into the Body of Christ in Australia is being brought with love, it is being brought with truth, and it is being brought with encouragement to PREPARE My people for the greatest move of the Spirit of God upon the nation. Stay TRUE, prophets of God, to that which I am speaking. Speak life!
"I am calling you forth, My people, STAND UP! Stand up for righteousness. Stand up and call forth the tidal wave of My righteousness and My presence to flood the nation. For the enemy is setting up dam walls to stop the flow of My Spirit and the flooding of My righteousness.
"It's time to take back the land, My people, for the scales have been weighed and the Body of Christ in Australia has been found wanting. It's time to repent. It's time to step out of complacency. It is time to step out of mixture. It's time to repent and humble yourselves and cry out for the healing of the land like never before (2 Chronicles 7:14). The heartbeat within the nation of Australia is crying out for revival. The heartbeat of the nation MUST be revived, and I am looking for a people who are standing NOW, without mixture or agenda, and crying out for the move of My Spirit on My terms, in My way and My timing.
A Repentance Among Many Leaders
"Leaders, I am holding many of you accountable. Speak My Words without hesitation. Speak the words that are flowing from My heart and from My Word without mixture and without watering them down. Speak forth righteousness. Speak forth the truth of My Word. Speak forth the truth of My heart and do not allow 'fear of man' to silence you and water down the messages that I am wanting you to release. Repent of idle speech. Repent of words of death over the nation. Repent of words of accusation and words of flattery.
"Do not abandon wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will keep you safe."(Proverbs 4:6)
A New Sound to Usher in the King of Glory
As I continued to sit with the Lord, I heard the words: "Worship! Worship! Worship! It is time to worship LOUDLY! Worship above the noise, worship above the confusion, for worship will fling open the gates of the nation to usher Me in as the King of Glory."
"So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you ageless doors of destiny! Welcome the King of Glory, for He is about to come through you. You ask, 'Who is this Glory-King?' The Lord, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, invincible in every way! So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you ageless doors of destiny! Here He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in." (Psalm 24:7-9 TPT)
The Lord says, "What I am going to do in the nation of Australia will bring the nation to a standstill. It will bring a holy awe, a wonder, the reverence of who I am in the nation. I am coming in a way that's unexpected. I am coming in a way that will surprise and to some it will offend, but I am coming in POWER. I am coming to position Australia as the key to unlock many other nations.
"I will release a new sound out of Australia to the nations of the world, the sound of My heart and the sound of revival. Right now the enemy is attempting to muzzle the sound. The enemy is attempting to hinder that sound, but as My people rise up and worship Me above all else, there will be a mighty move of My Spirit that will break down all the walls the enemy is building to keep Me out. There will be a sound released in and through the nation of Australia that resounds loudly: 'WHO CAN STOP THE LORD ALMIGHTY?'
Stand, Strike and Strike Again!
"My people, no matter what you see in the natural, no matter what you see with your physical eyes, STAND! STRIKE and STRIKE again! Stand, strike and strike again! The Church of Australia will be brought to her knees again in awe and wonder of who I am, of My power, My glory and My beauty." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with their family.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA