Here Come the Good Reports by Lana Vawser
Identity Network May 30, 2019

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By Tim Sheets
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Over the last few weeks the Lord has been speaking things to me like, "case closed" and about the definitive deliverance of God. I have been hearing Him speak about things the enemy has used against God's people over and over again. The Lord is decreeing, "case closed." I have been hearing Him say, "legal grounds" that the enemy has found in the lives of believers are being dealt with through repentance and healing. There is a definitive deliverance and victory manifesting in the lives of believers right now, as the Lord is moving powerfully.
In the past few days I have been hearing the Lord saying, "Here comes a good report! Expect a good report!"
God is exposing all "false reports." He is exposing lies of the enemy. He is turning "negative reports" around. There is a major shift taking place right now in the body of Christ that I began to sense around the end of Feb/early March and it is gaining momentum intensely.
The Lord is moving in power and bringing forth good reports and favorable outcomes. These good reports and favorable outcomes are going to see the Spirit of God breathe life and refreshing back into many.
"Eyes that focus on what is beautiful bring joy to the heart, and hearing a good report refreshes and strengthens the inner being." Proverbs 15:30 (The Passion Translation)
I heard His whisper, "Things will not be as they have been."
Things are shifting.
Things are changing and God is releasing His favor upon many.
I feel the encouragement of the Lord to expect a good report. Expect to receive good news. Any fear or foreboding about circumstances or the future is the enemy attempting to hinder, cripple, steal, kill and destroy, where the Lord is moving powerfully and there will be many testimonies of receiving good news and good reports!!!!
Welcome to Health Good Reports
In this new era there are going to be unprecedented demonstrations of God's power to bring healing to bodies in ways we have never seen before. There are going to be major demonstrations of the Lord's power in such rapid increase that will restore health to physical bodies and emotional/mental health. This is the season where many long-standing health issues and negative reports will lose their hold.
I prophesy good reports over your physical bodies in Jesus name. Any bad reports will be turned around by the hand of God, by the mighty healing power of God any negative reports will be turned to good reports and many of them in a suddenly, testifying to the healing power of Jesus Christ.
Where people have spoken against you, now there shall be an increase of favor.
The Lord spoke to me that where there have been negative, unjust, unfounded, negative reports spoken by others over people that the justice of the Lord is going to continue to manifest in significant ways. Where these negative reports and negative words have been spoken, the Lord showed me there shall be an increase of favor upon the ones spoken against as they have prayed for those who have cursed them (Luke 6:28) and continued to walk in love.
The Lord showed me that many of these negative words and negative "reports" spoken over many have been done in "secret" but the Lord is going to vindicate the ones being spoken about publicly.
Activate your faith friends! God is for you (Romans 8:31). Victory manifesting is all around you.
Here come the good reports in Jesus name!
Lana Vawser
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA