Showing posts with label #1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #1. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Think About It. Again - "No Names" by Steve Martin

Think About It. Again - "No Names" by Steve Martin

July 6, 2019

While searching for a previous message I had written, to share with friends of mine, I came across this Now Think About It from September 1, 2014, entitled No Names. And then I got to thinking, "How many who currently are readers of my messages have seen my most recent ones but don't know about the other 436 that I started writing 10 years ago?"

I think there may be yet a few left in the world's population who would fit in that category. And you just may be one of them.

So, here is one I selected to kick off a new series of mine which I am calling "Think About It. Again". It just might be an encouragement for you today, yet written from back then, especially if you are from New York City.

Think about it. Again. 
Or for the first time.

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina  USA

No Names
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed; and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it; and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.” Rev. 21:25-27 NASU

It had been almost two months since I had written a NOW THINK ON THIS article. In fact, when I started writing this one I didn’t even have a title, so I just started out calling it “No Name.” Come to find out that is what it ended up being, in plurality though.

Lorraine Unzicker - front row, left
Over this period of summertime, from mid-July to the first day of September, the days had been long as time moved forward. During those days, my wife’s Mom, Lorraine, had passed on at the age of 92 to her eternal reward. Other than that, it seemed nothing significant had occurred that directly affected our immediate lives here in North Carolina, or so one might think. 

Almost daily newscasts reported on Israel protecting her citizens and eliminating some Hamas terrorists in Gaza (though you had to get news from Israel itself to get it reported accurately); Russia seemed to be lying about its involvement in Ukraine; and the USA continued on its downward path socially and economically, that a good portion of its citizens haven’t eyes to see. Only our Lord has the complete wisdom and understanding as to what it all means, where it is going, and how exactly this age will be fulfilled in His plans and purposes.

Through all of this, many well-known people have been spoken of or written about. In considering those names whom the world highlights, with their feats of glory in government, sports, education, entertainment, religion or science, it makes me think of the millions whom we never hear about, who live or had lived “normal” lives, rarely seen or heard outside their immediate family and friends, and yet whom the Lord considers as friends for the relationship they have (or had before their passing) with Him.

My wife Laurie likes to read the daily obituaries printed in the Charlotte Observer delivered to our home. I have questioned her interest in this a few times, thinking of it personally as a waste of time, to read of the deaths of those in our city and nearby towns. But then again, as we value the lives of those the Lord has created, these “no names” in my life are among the many who have impacted the lives of kin, workplaces, and realms they walked in while living. Hopefully, many of them lived the life their Creator had intended – to be fruitful, multiply, and demonstrate His love. Hopefully, they knew the Lord Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord, and now also abide with Him. Time will tell us. By now they know for themselves.

Gravestone in the Old Settler's Cemetery in uptown Charlotte, NC. "Blessed are the pure in heart..."

Looking back over 60 years of life, I believe I treasured the desire in my heart, of wanting to make my life count, of hearing what the Lord had created for me to do, and then doing it. He has certainly taken me down many roads, both physically and spiritually, that I would not have expected. I also believe that when the roll is called up yonder and the Book of Life is opened, that the life led here on planet Earth will have had an impact beyond what my natural eyes have seen. I too would hope that the ripple effect of obedience will have touched others enough to have caused them to look to the One seated on the throne, for faith, hope, and love.

Many “no names” are doing what they know to do – in serving the needs of those around them; raising families in an environment hostile against Scriptural marriages; working a noble job the best they know how; and giving to their fellow mankind a part of the Father’s heart – doing so while living their daily life. We may never hear their name broadcast on the local or national news, printed in the town newspaper or going viral on the social media, but He Who is All-Knowing knows their name and is ready to give them their reward at that appointed time.

I may not start reading the obituaries, but next time I do hear of someone “famous” dying and their feats glorified, I will think of the many who also left their body here that day, unreported by most accounts, and whom the majority of us will never hear about. But when I meet them in heaven, where true eternal deeds will be revealed, having passed through the testing fire, I will marvel at the impact they certainly had, doing what they were gifted to do. They certainly will be honored and cherished more than what they ever dreamed of, as they stand before the Lamb, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and their names in the Book of Life are called off. The “no names” will have shared His Name.

“Then I looked, and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Tziyon; and with him were 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.” Rev. 14:1-2 Complete Jewish Bible

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

Originally published - Now Think On This #162 - “No Names” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (09.01.14) Monday at 2:30 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on my Now Think On This website.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

What Do You Do? - Steve Martin 1st Edition June 15, 2019

What Do You Do?

Steve Martin
1st Edition June 15, 2019

What do you do, when changes are rapidly happening around you, and you really want to do what is right, but don't know what to do?

When meeting with our local leadership team recently, the question was asked in regards to what would be a good topic for the next session of teaching. I suggested by saying, "People are always wondering what to do with today's situations we find ourselves in. They just aren't sure at times, as in "Do I have compassion? Do I stand up and fight? Do I express "love" and let it be?"

It can be very confusing at times, as your heart, mind, and soul are pulled in every direction, depending upon who or what you last hear in regards to these matters.

When my suggestion was basically set aside, of course, I had to fight rejection, with my tail between my legs, as the discussion moved on. Another topic took the top prize.

Yet sensing that the matter was not closed, at least for me, I have been thinking about it for these past three days, when the Lord Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, spoke a word to me this morning, "This thought you had came from Me. I want you to do it."

And so I shall!

Needing a Scriptural basis to stand on, because if you don't have a solid rock you don't have anything, I asked the Lord for a foundational verse from His Word, the Torah, the Bible. This is what He gave me.

"Then I said to them, "You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are
burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach." And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me. So they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work." (Nehemiah 2:17-18, NKJV)

Each of us can agree that our nation, the world, is in waste, and further destruction is happening every day, as the nations turn from the Living God and move forward in deception, self-centeredness, pleasure-seeking, and self-fulfillment. As believers, we are being called upon to stand up and lift the banner of the Lord high above all else. Only then will people hear and have the choice of salvation and true freedom.

There you go. Now you will get some answers as to what to do when you aren't sure what you and I are to do.

Be watching for the next one!

Wanting to know His ways, always, and share them with the world,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry
Charlotte, North Carolina

Photo: With my grandson, Levi! I want to help make sure this world, for him and his generation, is safe and following hard after our Lord Jesus!

P.S. If you think I am stopping my regular messages, Now Think On This, have no fear! I certainly am continuing those, and they will appear on our current website, Love For His People, and our new one that will be in the works this summer, for its fall debut.

These messages will also be posted on our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages. Yeah!

I ask for your support so we can continue, and reach more. Please donate online safely through our website, using PayPal or Givelify.  Or you can use the DONATE  buttons on the Love For His People website.

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc. 
P.O. Box 414   
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.) 

Please share What Do You Do? with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

What Do You Do? #1 - in the year of our Lord 06.15.19 – “What Do You Do? - 1st edition – Saturday, 8:00 am (New beginnings!)

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Paul Wilbur - Christians For Messiah Ministries annual Women's Conference - 2019 #1

Paul Wilbur - Christians For Messiah Ministries annual Women's Conference - 2019 #1

Published on Feb 24, 2019

Paul Wilbur singing and speaking at the Christians for Messiah Ministries Women's Conference session # 1, held at Antioch International Church, Fort Mill SC. CCLI- CSPL082445

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Introducing Our New Blogger! My daughter Hannah Avalos! - "Worship While You Wait"

Special Note from the Editor: 

What a joy it is to have your children grow in the love of the Lord and then reach that place where they too become an encouragement to others, sharing His love for people.

I am so blessed in my heart, spirit, and soul. Today we are introducing to you, the Love For His People blog readers, my oldest daughter Hannah Elizabeth Avalos. (You may have seen a few of her pictures along the way!)

Knowing her desire to be one in also encouraging others, as she has been encouraged in her walk with the Lord, I believe her messages will touch the hearts of her generation, and even us older olders!

Thank you, Hannah, for hearing the call of the Lord on your life, living for Jesus, and stepping out in faith to share His Word in love to those looking to Him also.

Mom and I are proud of you!

With our love,

(Steve Martin)

Worship While You Wait

Hannah Avalos
Aug. 31, 2017

How many times have we been eager about something? Scared? Anxious? I have been thinking about this a lot! When I pray and ask the Lord to reassure me He is with me, I hear a whisper "worship while you wait". 

Worship while you wait?! Yes, give "weight to worship." You have all the time to worry, so instead, I want you to worship! 

Why worship you ask? Because the peace of God passes all understanding. (Philippians 4:7) All short comings. All confusion. All fear. All anger. All Anxiety. We worship not to dismiss our anxiety but to release it to the Lord. We worship to feel his peace. We worship to magnify Him and not our problems!  
When we are in the midst of a trial, we must believe that the author, the Maker of our faith, is in every situation we are up against!! He doesn't ordain the things that happen to us, but He is with us through them. 
I often realize the more "weight" we give to worship the less time we have to analyze our circumstance. This doesn't allow our circumstance to go away. It allows us to persevere through our circumstance with God's help. Often times we find Him most in the deep trenches of our struggle.

Our worship can strengthen us and encourage us for something more important than just our Monday struggles.  As we go through our circumstance with our son Levi, we know the most important thing, God is still God and He is STILL Good. 

As we face these trials with our son and for his upcoming surgery, the enemy still has a small window to put in our minds of fear and anxiety. It's like we are driving straight into oncoming traffic, but I know that we are going to swerve and not hit anything at all. It's kind of like the Christian faith when you're under attack! You have to know God is in the car and He will protect you! 

Sometimes there is a question of, "He is going to show up? Is He going to get us through this? Will we be ok?"

Yes. The answer is YES! 

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

So I encourage you as I also encourage myself to "worship while you wait." I ask the Lord to give you and I a peace that passes all understanding - no matter what you're facing today. 

Be blessed. He is with us. 


P.O. Box 414
Pineville, North Carolina USA

 Hannah with her family
Parents and siblings - 2015

 Jonathan, Payton, and Hannah 
- before their wedding 2012

Hannah and husband Jonathan - 2017

 Hannah - 1985

Hannah at  her grandparents Otto and Lorraine Unzicker's house 
- Peru, Illinois (1986 maybe?)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Jerusalem Log #1 - the First Day May 1, 2017 - Steve Martin

Jerusalem Log 05.01.17
Jerusalem, Israel

Greetings from Jerusalem!

During my 13th trip to Israel I will be sharing brief logs as I can, hoping to give my insights while on this journey. I hope you will enjoy them!

I left Charlotte, NC on Saturday, April 29, 2017, flying American Airlines to Philadelphia and then onto Frankfurt. The flights were uneventful – the usual packed plane with little sleep those combined nine hours. After transferring onto El Al airlines in Frankfurt and completing the customs arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv late afternoon on Sunday, I obtained my Chevy Smart rental car and headed up Highway 1 to Jerusalem. Other than the stop-n-go early evening traffic, along with sections where I could go the allowed 110 kph, I noticed the major work on the highway had been completed since I was last on it a year ago. This time even the new tunnel near Abu Ghosh was lit up and in full use.

Knowing my way around the city of Jerusalem, I decided to drive through the bustling residential and city shopping centers rather than take the around route to Hebron Road, my lodging destination for the next five days. Good friends, whom I first met when they came to the Vision For Israel office in Charlotte, NC seeking some advice, are again putting me up for the 3rd or 4th time! They have been volunteers at a major Christian ministry here in the capitol city of Israel since 2009 I believe.

With Sunday being the first day of the week after the conclusion of Shabbat the day before, the streets and sidewalks were full of families, business people, students and tourists as usual. I am especially glad they have good city bus drivers here. Waiting at the stoplight corner, watching them make their right handed turns within inches of my car, makes me most grateful for their maneuvering skill.

Seeing once again the Jewish people, full of life and determination to live in peace, makes my heart grow with love each time I come. Having begun our ministry of Love For His People in April 2010, our main objective is to be a voice of support and assistance is seeing them fulfill the great call of the Lord God of Israel upon them. Being here readily confirms His prophetic words of bringing them back to the Promised Land, to be a witness to the nations. We stand with them fully.

Today I plan on meeting with a Messianic Jewish family of seven whom we have given much financial assistance over these past many years. The wife/mother has just completed a year-long cycle of chemo treatments in her fight against cancer. We last saw her a year ago in the local hospital when she first began them. A full recovery is expected!

As is my normal routine, I expect to take plenty of photos (averaging 300 a day whenever I am here) and videos to share with you. Using our social media connections on our blog (, Facebook pages (Steve Martin and Love For His People) and our YouTube channel (LoveForHisPeople), you can always follow along.

Ahava (love) and Shalom (peace) from Jerusalem!

Steve Martin

Love For His People