Showing posts with label CUFI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CUFI. Show all posts

Thursday, July 21, 2016

CUFI’s Hagee on Israel: “Will Christians Be on the Right Side of History?” [BIN EXCLUSIVE] By Abra Forman - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Pastor Hagee

CUFI’s Hagee on Israel: “Will Christians Be on the Right Side of History?” [BIN EXCLUSIVE]

“Pray for the peace of Yerushalayim; may they prosper that love thee.” (Psalm 122:6)
On Monday, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), led by Pastor John Hagee, held its 11th annual Washington Summit in the nation’s capitol. The two-day event drew top speakers from the pro-Israel global community, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu via satellite, and boasted an attendance of over 5,000 people.
In an exclusive email interview with Breaking Israel News on the occasion, Pastor Hagee, the founder and national Chairman of CUFI and one of the Christian community’s strongest voices for Israel, shared his hopes and beliefs for the future of the pro-Israel Christian movement and offered his strongest arguments in favor of supporting the Jewish state.
He began by explaining that the need to stand with Israel is more urgent today than ever before, pragmatically as well as spiritually. “Israel’s enemies are our enemies. Israel’s fight is our fight,” Pastor Hagee declared, pointing to the current global spread of Islamic terrorism as evidence of this truth.

Omar Mateen, the gunman who killed 49 in a gay bar in Orlando on June 12, 2016. (Facebook)
Omar Mateen, the Muslim gunman who killed 49 in a gay bar in Orlando on June 12, 2016. (Facebook)

“If this wasn’t clear before, our shared enemies are making it crystal clear as they strike in Tel Aviv, Kiryat Arba, Brussels, Paris, Nice, San Bernardino and Orlando.”
Israel has long been at the forefront of the war against radical Islamic violence, he continued, making it a key ally in the war on terror.
“Radical Islam is more violent and aggressive than ever. This makes it more important than ever to support our front-line ally in the fight against radical Islam: Israel.”
Hagee admitted that the anti-Israel voices spreading through America are loud and strong. He attributed this to an appealing, oversimplified narrative which is easy to understand – unlike the actual situation in the Middle East.
“The biggest challenges [CUFI and Christian Zionists] face are the lies told by Israel’s detractors. Israel’s enemies advance simple, attractive myths. And the truth about Israel is often more difficult to convey than the myths,” he explained to Breaking Israel News.
For example, the Jewish state’s enemies call Israel an apartheid state.  Anyone who’s spent even an hour in Israel understands how outrageous this lie is. But with this one short sentence Israel is demonized.
“Explaining the reality – Israel’s diversity, Israel’s tolerance, Israel’s equal rights – takes more than one sentence.”

BDS protesters in Washington DC, August 2, 2014. (Ryan Rodrick Beiler /
BDS protesters in Washington DC, August 2, 2014. (Ryan Rodrick Beiler /

In an attempt to combat the anti-Israel narrative at its root, CUFI has become active on college campuses – often hotbeds of pro-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activity – where Hagee says its programs have enjoyed great success.
“If you value peace, equality and liberty, you should stand with Israel,” he said, describing why liberal students can and should identify with Israel. “One of the great assets Zionists have is that Israel exemplifies many of the ideals about which our young people are most passionate.
“Concerned with freedom of religion? Israel guards that freedom for every person regardless of their faith. Focused on freedom of the press? You’d be hard-pressed to find a country with a more vibrant and open media. Impressed by diversity? Israel is a celebration of ethnic and religious diversity. I could go on.”
While getting out the pro-Israel message is indeed fraught with challenges, the “vast majority” of America’s Christians stand with Israel, said Hagee, estimating that there are “tens of millions of Christian Zionists” in the US alone.
Bring home your bit of Jerusalem!
As for those Christians who support the BDS movement or other anti-Israel activities – a growing group which includes the Southern Baptist Convention and the Presbyterian Church USA – Hagee has a simple message.
“You are misguided,” he said. “Yes, our Christian values demand that we have compassion for those that suffer.  But if you blame Palestinian suffering on Israel then you’re ignorant about this conflict.”
Hagee suggested that anti-Israel sentiment is an offshoot of adherence to Replacement Theology, which holds that Christians have succeeded the Jews as God’s chosen people, essentially nullifying the Hebrew Bible.
In other words, Christians who do not support Israel are defying the Bible – and embracing anti-Semitism.
“If you believe that God has replaced the Jewish people as his chosen people then you’re ignorant about God’s word,” he said. “Those who advance Replacement Theology are advancing an anti-Semitic theology.
“And make no mistake,” he added. “Anti-Semitism is sin.”
He praised the interfaith nature of his organization’s work, which he said is very different from the “cold dialogues in which people agree to disagree” that have marked most interfaith efforts until now.
CUFI emphasizes the commonalities, not the differences, explained Hagee. “What is great about CUFI is that we bring Christians and Jews together to focus on those things we passionately share: love of Israel and the Jewish people.”

A Christians United for Israel (CUFI) solidarity march in Jerusalem in 2010. In center in front the banner, holding American and Israeli flags, is CUFI founder Pastor John Hagee. (Photo: CUFI)
A Christians United for Israel (CUFI) solidarity march in Jerusalem in 2010. In center is CUFI founder Pastor John Hagee. (Photo: CUFI)

Hagee acknowledged the initial reluctance felt by many in the Jewish community towards working with Christians. “We know that for centuries Jews were persecuted by those who carried the cross, and we know that many in the Jewish community are thus understandably wary of Christians bearing gifts,” he said.
“But we’ve shown that CUFI is a non-proselytizing organization, and that we are focused exclusively on being a friend to the Jewish people and the Jewish state.”
In the end, there is no better reason to stand with Israel than the simple fact that “God is Israel’s ultimate protector,” Hagee told Breaking Israel News in closing. “As Christians we are blessed with the opportunity to stand with His Chosen People.”
The influential pastor ended on a somber note with a hint of warning.
“Israel will survive and thrive – the only question is whether or not Christians and Americans will be on the right side of history and God’s blessings.”

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Father Naddaf: Israel the Only Country in the Middle East Where Christians are Safe By Tazpit Press Service - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Father Gabriel Naddaf (Photo: Facebook)

Father Naddaf: Israel the Only Country in the Middle East Where Christians are Safe

“My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless ye Hashem.” Judges 5:9 (The Israel Bible™)
By: Tzvi Lev/TPS
Israeli Greek Orthodox Priest Gabriel Naddaf opened the Christians United For Israel (CUFI) Washington Summit on Monday by lauding Israel as the safest country for Christians in the Middle East.
“Today, there is just one country in the Middle East where Christians live in peace and security,” said Naddaf. “In Israel, they have freedom of speech and religion, they can exercise their faith freely, and they have democratic rights.”
Christians United For Israel, or CUFI,  is an American pro-Israel Christian organization and the largest such organization in the United States, with over 1.6 million members. The Washington Summit is being held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center from July 17-18 and features many pro-Israel speakers as well as a message by satellite from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Victory of Zionism in the Modern Age
“Israel is something we need to protect,” Naddaf continued. “We need to protect its freedom, we have to protect our home, and we have to protect the cradle of Christianity.”
Gabriel Naddaf, a resident of Nazareth,  is a priest and actively encourages Christian Arabs to enlist in the IDF. He has faced fierce criticism as a result, including threats to his family. Naddaf”s eldest son was physically assaulted in 2013 over what Naddaf attributed to opposition to his pro-military stance.
The Washington Summit has been ongoing from July 17-18 and featured a message from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu via satellite.

CUFI Responsible for GOP's Strong Pro-Israel Platform? - CBN News Chris Mitchell

CUFI Conference
CUFI Responsible for GOP's Strong Pro-Israel Platform?
CBN News Chris Mitchell
WASHINGTON – From the streets of Tehran to the halls of the U.N. to Hezbollah on Israel's northern border, the Jewish state is surrounded by enemies seeking to demonize or destroy it. But the number of Christians standing up for Israel is growing.
Christians United for Israel, or CUFI, has grown to more than 3 million members.
Eleven years ago, Pastor John Hagee founded CUFI to teach Christians about the biblical mandate to stand with Israel "because every evangelical has a biblical basis for supporting the State of Israel."
"Supporting Israel is not a political issue, it's a Bible issue," Hagee told CBN News.
CUFI is having an impact on presidential politics. CNN credits the group with influencing Republicans to adopt the most pro-Israel platform in U.S. history.

"So because of Christians United for Israel, which was specifically named in the article, the Republican Party said we're going to have a plank that says Jerusalem shall be an undivided city in the future," Hagee explained.
Even with that political victory, Middle East experts like Col. Oliver North believe Israel is under more threat than ever.
"Now the Iranians and the North Koreans are building nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them. Israel is the nearest target and us as the Great Satan [are also a] target.  So it is different than it ever has been before," North told CBN News.
"So CUFI, Christian United for Israel, can make all the difference in the world for educating people about the real threat and what we need to do about it, simple as that," he said.
CUFI believes a big part of standing with Israel is what's happening on college campuses. An apartheid wall on one college campus vilifies Israel's security barrier.
The organization has enlisted hundreds of students to present the truth about Israel. They call it the battle for the future.
"We are fighting for the future of Israel. We're fighting for the future of America," CUFI campus representative Maria Lilly told CBN News.
Lilly says pro-Palestinian groups often try to shut down pro-Israel speeches on college campuses.
"We're in for a battle," she said. "On so many college campuses around the country and even around the world students face so much anti-Semitism and backlash for their support of Israel."
Pastor Hagee feels it's crucial for the United States to stand with Israel.

"The Bible verse, 'I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you' is the promise of God and God keeps His promises."

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Evangelical Support for Israel is Under Threat - What You Can Do By Lea Speyer - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

(Photo: Wagdi Ashtiyeh /Flash90)

(Photo: Wagdi Ashtiyeh /Flash90)

Evangelical Support for Israel is Under Threat - What You Can Do

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)
Evangelical support for Israel is under threat as a growing trend of Christians consciously turning their backs on Israel continues to increase.
To address this major concern among the Christian Zionist and Jewish community, The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) is hosting a groundbreaking conference, entitled “Get the Facts about the Assault on Christian Support for Israel,” exploring the troubling campaigns to undermine the historical and theological support for Israel among Christians.
“It is important to address threats against Evangelical support for Israel because this part of Christendom has historically been the largest and most consistent in their support of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State and defend itself against those who intend to annihilate it,” explained Tricia Miller, Christian Media Senior Research Analyst at CAMERA, to Breaking Israel News.
“The existential dangers facing Israel are more intense than ever. Therefore, it is more important now than it has ever been for Christians to stand with Israel.”
While major Christian Zionist organizations, such as Pastor John Hagee’s 2 million strong Christians United for Israel (CUFI) or the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), the largest Evangelical Christian group supporting Israel financially, which is led by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, remain committed to their support of Israel, “recent trends in the Evangelical world point to a conscious turning away from Israel by some key members of this important part of Christendom,” explained Miller.
Want to know what the experts have to say?
One of the major influences turning Christian Zionists into anti-Israel advocates is the “fallacious narrative promoted by Palestinian Christian leaders that is both anti-Jewish and anti-Israel.” With the emergence of a stronger and more organized politicized voice among the Palestinian Christian community, Miller stated, many American Evangelical leaders are responsible for “enabling and assisting the spread of a deceptive political agenda based on erroneous theology and have rewritten history.”
Theologically, Palestinian Christians are now claiming loudly and proudly that the Palestinians, not the Jews, are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. “Not only does this assertion deny the prophetic significance of the regathering of the Jewish people to their Biblical homeland that is supposed to be important to Christians, but the logical conclusion of this assertion is the belief that Jesus and the first disciples were Palestinians,” Miller told Breaking Israel News.
“As a result, Biblical history – that Evangelicals have believed in traditionally – is rewritten and the Christian faith is delegitimized.”
Significant examples of this growing trend and shift in theology is the popup of organizations such as Christ at the Checkpoint and the Bethlehem Bible College. The annual conferences run by these two organizations alone are, as Miller explained, the “primary promoters of virulent anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda.”

(Photo: Christ at the Checkpoint Facebook Page)
(Photo: Christ at the Checkpoint Facebook Page)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the Christ at the Checkpoint logo says it all. The logo depicts a church standing behind the security barrier built by Israel as a means to keep Palestinian terrorists out of Israel.
“Through their imagery and content, these conferences present a one-sided narrative that perpetuates the two millennia-old Christian doctrine that Jews are an obstacle to God’s purposes,” Miller told Breaking Israel News. “As a result, Jews are demonized, the Jewish state is delegitimized, and Christians are encouraged to accept the message in the name of peace and justice.”
The upcoming one-day CAMERA conference, which will take place in Los Angeles, CA, on January 18, has what can only be described as an all-star lineup of world renowned scholars and religious leaders committed to countering the false religious narratives and anti-Israel agenda turning away support for Israel among the Evangelical community.
Among the speakers taking part in the conference are Laurie Cardoza-Moore ThD, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, who will discuss the rising threat of replacement theology and the faulty theological foundation of the Palestinian Christian narrative; Rev. Gerald McDermott PhD, who will explore the historical and theological case for Christian support for Israel; Dr. Brad Young of Oral Roberts University, who will explain the Biblical reasons Christians are connected to the Jewish people and honoring Jews as the elder brother in faith; and highly esteemed Orthodox rabbi, Yitzchok Adlerstein, Director of Interfaith Affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
If you would like to learn more about the upcoming conference, click here.
Paperback $5.95  Kindle $1.99

STANDING FOR TRUTH IN A WORLD OF DECEPTION - Now Think On This – Book 4 Here are more encouraging messages written by Steve Martin for the Love For His People and Now Think On This blogs. 

They cover a variety of topics to encourage you, believers in Jesus, to stand strong in your daily walk, firmly committed for His plans and purposes in our nations. As the Lord would give Steve a word or two in his spirit, he would begin to write. 

With a prophetic and inspirational edge, these messages will be an encouragement to you to stand clear in your faith, fulfill the call on your life, and be a light to the nations, beginning within your own family and to those around you. 

These simple words are meant to be an addition to your daily Bible reading and prayer time. While the days growing darker, each of us must be built up in the faith of our forefathers and the Jewish writers of the Written Word, as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We must stand strong for truth in this world of deception which increasingly surrounds us.

Paperback $5.95  Kindle $1.99

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

23 Israeli Charities Receive $3.2 Million from John Hagee Ministries [VIDEO] - BIN

John Hagee of Christians United for Israel and Tony Gelbart of Nefesh B'Nefesh embrace at the Night to Remember Israel event. (Photo: Screenshot)

John Hagee of Christians United for Israel and Tony Gelbart of Nefesh B’Nefesh embrace at the Night to Remember Israel event. (Photo: Screenshot)

23 Israeli Charities Receive $3.2 Million from John Hagee Ministries [VIDEO]

“Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.” (Genesis 18:18)
At the recent 34th annual “Night to Honor Israel” event held by John Hagee Ministries, various charity and non-profit organizations from all over Israel were presented with donations which will allow them to continue their work for the Jewish State. Over the years, John Hagee Ministries has given over $80 million in donations towards humanitarian efforts in Israel, cementing the strong bond between Christians and Jews. A the 2013 “Night to Honor Israel” event, John Hagee Ministries presented $2.7 million to 26 charities, and at the event in 2014, the organization gave $2.8 million to 26 charities. This year’s donations represent a 12.5% increase over last year.
Here are some of the organizations honored by John Hagee Ministries and the amounts they received followed by a video from the event.

$400,000 – Nefesh B’Nefesh  

Headed by Rabbi Yehoshua Fass and Tony Gelbart (pictured below), this organizations Jewish residents of the United States and Canada immigrate to Israel.

yehoshua-fass-and-tony-gelbart-cropped- with logo
Rabbi Yehoshua Fass (left) and Tony Gelbart (right).

$250,000 – Shurat HaDin

Shurat HaDin – The Israel Law Center directed by Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner (pictured below) helps victims of terrorism fight in court for legal justice.

Nitsana-Darshan-Leitner-cropped  - with logo
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner (left) and John Hagee (right).

$200,000 – Netanya Academic College

Netanya Academic College senior vice-president Dr. David Altman (pictured below) shakes hands at the “Night to Honor Israel” event in Texas.
netanya-academic-college-david-altman - cropped - with logo
Dr. David Altman of Netanya Academic College shakes hands at A Night to Honor Israel.

Watch a video of the 2015 “Night to Honor Israel” event here. List of donors continue below.

$200,000 – Galilee Medical Center

The Medical Center Of The Galilee is a hospital located in the coastal city of Nahariya and is the second largest hospital in northern Israel. It was established in 1956.

Galilee Medical Center
Galilee Medical Center

$200,000 – Laniado Hospital

Laniado Hospital, also known as the Sanz Medical Center, is a voluntary, not-for-profit hospital in Kiryat Sanz, Netanya, Israel, serving a regional population of over 450,000 in Netanya and the Sharon plain.

Laniado Hospital
Laniado Hospital

$200,000 – Herzl Institute 

The newly established Herzl Institute was founded by Dr. Yoram Hazony,  in Jerusalem. It seeks to contribute to a revitalization of the Jewish people, the State of Israel, and the family of nations through a renewed encounter with the foundational ideas of Judaism.

Herzl Institute
Herzl Institute

$150,000 – National Council of Young Israel

Young Israel is a network of affiliated synagogues originally founded in 1912. Representing the group was Rabbi Pesach Lerner (pictured below) who served as executive vice president for over 20 years.

young-israel-rabbi-lerner-cropped with logo
Rabbi Pesach Lerner of the National Council of Young Israel.

$150,000 – Just One Life

Just One Life offers expectant mothers assistance and empowers mothers to continue their pregnancy through social services and financial support.
Just One Life
Just One Life
 $150,000 – Ohr Torah Stone
A net of institutions for Jewish education, focusing on social justice and Jewish unity. Founded in 1983 by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin.

Ohr Torah Stone
Ohr Torah Stone

$150,000 – Save a Child’s Heart

Save a Child’s Heart improves the quality of pediatric cardiac care for children from developing countries who suffer from heart disease, and who cannot get adequate medical care in their home countries. It was founded in 1996 and is based at Israel’s Edith Wolfson Medical Center.

Save a Child's Heart
Save a Child’s Heart

$125,000 – Lev Benyamin 

Sondra Baras (pictured below) is the founder of the Lev Benyamin (Heart of Benjamin), an organization that helps children with Down Syndrome.

Sondra Baras of the Lev Benyamin (Heart of Benjamin) organization that helps children with Down Syndrome. (Photo: screenshot)
Sondra Baras of the Lev Benyamin (Heart of Benjamin) organization that helps children with Down Syndrome. (Photo: screenshot)

$100,000 – Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum

The Israeli Christians Recruitment Forum headed by Father Gabriel Naddaf (pictured below) assists Israelis of Christian background who choose to join the Israel Defense Forces.

Gabriel Naddaf cropped - logo
Father Gabriel Naddaf was born near Nazaerth and is a spokesman for the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

$100,000 – Koby Mandell Foundation

Rabbi Seth Mandell (pictured below) and his wife founded the Kobi Mandell Foundation in memory of their son., The group runs therapeutic healing programs for those who have lost a loved one to terrorism including overnight camps and retreats.

Rabbi Seth Mandell, head of the Kobi Mandell Foundation shakes hands with Father Gabriel Naddaf of the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum. (Photo: Screenshot)
Rabbi Seth Mandell, head of the Kobi Mandell Foundation shakes hands with Father Gabriel Naddaf of the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum. (Photo: Screenshot)

$100,000 – American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

The JDC provided rescue and relief assistance for Jewish communities in crisis in more than 70 countries and in Israel. It was founded in 1914 initially to provide assistance to Jews living in the Land of Israel under Ottoman rule.

American-Jewish-Joint-Distribution-Commitee 660x330
American Jewish Joint Distribution Commitee

$100,000 – Magen David Adom

Magen David Adom is Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service. Jonathan Heart to Heart director Jonathan Feldstein, director of Heart to Heart Israel has worked closely with pastor John Hagee to arrange the donation of ambulances.

Jonathan Feldstein stands behind John hagee at the Night to Remember Israel event.
Jonathan Feldstein stands behind John hagee at the Night to Remember Israel event.

 $75,000 – Friends of the Israel Defense Forces

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces was established in 1981 dedicated to assisting active IDF personnel, wounded veterans, and the families of fallen soldiers.

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces
Friends of the Israel Defense Forces

$75,000 – WIZO – Women’s International Zionist Organization

The Women’s International Zionist Organization is a volunteer organization dedicated to social welfare in all sectors of Israeli society, the advancement of the status of women, and Jewish education in Israel and the Diaspora.

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Women’s International Zionist Organization

$75,000 – Afikim Family Enrichment Association

Afikim is a network of afternoon centers across Israel for disadvantaged, troubled families.

afikim - 660x330
Afikim Family Enrichment Association

$75,000 – The Jewish Agency for Israel

The Jewish Agency for Israel is the largest Jewish nonprofit organization in the world. Founded in 1908, it is best known as the primary organization responsible for the immigration (“Aliyah”) and absorption of Jewish people and their families from the Diaspora into Israel.

jewish agency for israel for israel 660x330
Jewish Agency for Israel

$75,000 – The Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio

Since 1975, the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio has raised awareness of the dangers which prejudice, hatred and violence brought about during the Holocaust.

holocaust memorial museum of san antonio 660X330
Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio

$75,000 – Israel Help and Educational Center at Kiryat Gat

The Israel Help and Education Center at Kiryat Gat, helps children and needy people that have little to no other means of support or family care. Kiryat Gat is located in the southern district and was founded in 1955 as a development town by Jewish families who were depopulated from Morocco.

Israel Help and Educational Center at Kiryat Gat 660X330
Israel Help and Educational Center at Kiryat Gat