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CAMERA has alerted the U.S. media that Palestinians and Muslim nations are trying to convince the UN to "rewrite biblical history" with regard to the Temple Mount. (Reuters photo)
Amid the chaos of the current American political environment, Palestinian and Jordanian representatives submitted a draft resolution to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization's World Heritage Committee.
Its goal: to rewrite history and eradicate any Jewish connection to Judaism's holiest sites.
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America isn't taking the resolution—which is clearly based on pushing a Muslim-dominant agenda for the Middle East—lightly. The organization made the following statement to American media outlets:
"Though the resolution is clearly based on falsehood and distortion, there was no guarantee that the U.N.'s cultural organization would dismiss it. After all, UNESCO had just three months earlier sided with anti-Israel forces to pass a resolution condemning Jewish visits to and policing of the Temple Mount, which it referred to only by its Arab terms—al-Aksa Mosque/al-Haram al Sharif.
"While France, a member that voted for the April resolution, subsequently apologized for this, Palestinians and Muslims were encouraged to step up their campaign. This time around, however, members of the World Heritage Committee realized they would probably lack the votes to pass the contentious resolution at their annual meeting in Istanbul, and indefinitely delayed voting on it."
CAMERA has put together a summary report that details the historical facts about the Temple Mount, as well as the implications of adopting a resolution such as the one presented recently. Click here to read the entire report.
"The demand by Palestinians and other Muslim groups to usurp Jewish holy sites through historical revisionism should not be dismissed as merely an academic or political dispute," the group said in its statement. "Were these groups to achieve their goals in expelling Israelis, Jews and non-Muslims from the site, the disastrous results would resonate far beyond the Middle East."
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“And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3)
Evangelical support for Israel is under threat as a growing trend of Christians consciously turning their backs on Israel continues to increase.
To address this major concern among the Christian Zionist and Jewish community, The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) is hosting a groundbreaking conference, entitled “Get the Facts about the Assault on Christian Support for Israel,” exploring the troubling campaigns to undermine the historical and theological support for Israel among Christians.
“It is important to address threats against Evangelical support for Israel because this part of Christendom has historically been the largest and most consistent in their support of Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State and defend itself against those who intend to annihilate it,” explained Tricia Miller, Christian Media Senior Research Analyst at CAMERA, to Breaking Israel News.
“The existential dangers facing Israel are more intense than ever. Therefore, it is more important now than it has ever been for Christians to stand with Israel.”
While major Christian Zionist organizations, such as Pastor John Hagee’s 2 million strongChristians United for Israel (CUFI) or the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ), the largest Evangelical Christian group supporting Israel financially, which is led by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, remain committed to their support of Israel, “recent trends in the Evangelical world point to a conscious turning away from Israel by some key members of this important part of Christendom,” explained Miller.
One of the major influences turning Christian Zionists into anti-Israel advocates is the “fallacious narrative promoted by Palestinian Christian leaders that is both anti-Jewish and anti-Israel.” With the emergence of a stronger and more organized politicized voice among the Palestinian Christian community, Miller stated, many American Evangelical leaders are responsible for “enabling and assisting the spread of a deceptive political agenda based on erroneous theology and have rewritten history.”
Theologically, Palestinian Christians are now claiming loudly and proudly that the Palestinians, not the Jews, are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. “Not only does this assertion deny the prophetic significance of the regathering of the Jewish people to their Biblical homeland that is supposed to be important to Christians, but the logical conclusion of this assertion is the belief that Jesus and the first disciples were Palestinians,” Miller told Breaking Israel News.
“As a result, Biblical history – that Evangelicals have believed in traditionally – is rewritten and the Christian faith is delegitimized.”
Significant examples of this growing trend and shift in theology is the popup of organizations such as Christ at the Checkpoint and the Bethlehem Bible College. The annual conferences run by these two organizations alone are, as Miller explained, the “primary promoters of virulent anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda.”
(Photo: Christ at the Checkpoint Facebook Page)
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the Christ at the Checkpoint logo says it all. The logo depicts a church standing behind the security barrier built by Israel as a means to keep Palestinian terrorists out of Israel.
“Through their imagery and content, these conferences present a one-sided narrative that perpetuates the two millennia-old Christian doctrine that Jews are an obstacle to God’s purposes,” Miller told Breaking Israel News. “As a result, Jews are demonized, the Jewish state is delegitimized, and Christians are encouraged to accept the message in the name of peace and justice.”
The upcoming one-day CAMERA conference, which will take place in Los Angeles, CA, on January 18, has what can only be described as an all-star lineup of world renowned scholars and religious leaders committed to countering the false religious narratives and anti-Israel agenda turning away support for Israel among the Evangelical community.
Among the speakers taking part in the conference are Laurie Cardoza-Moore ThD, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, who will discuss the rising threat of replacement theology and the faulty theological foundation of the Palestinian Christian narrative; Rev. Gerald McDermott PhD, who will explore the historical and theological case for Christian support for Israel; Dr. Brad Young of Oral Roberts University, who will explain the Biblical reasons Christians are connected to the Jewish people and honoring Jews as the elder brother in faith; and highly esteemed Orthodox rabbi, Yitzchok Adlerstein, Director of Interfaith Affairs at the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
If you would like to learn more about the upcoming conference, click here.
STANDING FOR TRUTH IN A WORLD OF DECEPTION - Now Think On This – Book 4 Here are more encouraging messages written by Steve Martin for the Love For His People and Now Think On This blogs.
They cover a variety of topics to encourage you, believers in Jesus, to stand strong in your daily walk, firmly committed for His plans and purposes in our nations. As the Lord would give Steve a word or two in his spirit, he would begin to write.
With a prophetic and inspirational edge, these messages will be an encouragement to you to stand clear in your faith, fulfill the call on your life, and be a light to the nations, beginning within your own family and to those around you.
These simple words are meant to be an addition to your daily Bible reading and prayer time. While the days growing darker, each of us must be built up in the faith of our forefathers and the Jewish writers of the Written Word, as they were inspired by the Holy Spirit. We must stand strong for truth in this world of deception which increasingly surrounds us.