Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
Highway to Zion Outreach Ministry June 2017 at Aliyah Return Center. Cathy Hargett of HTZ shares about why we are here!
June 29, 2017
Shalom, Shalom, Highway to Zion Friends and Mishpocha!
Our Outreach Ministry Team just returned from Israel on Monday
after serving with two groups in the Land - Aliyah Return Center in the Galilee
and Christian Friends of Israel in Jerusalem.
I will be sending you a more detailed update in the coming days about both the groups
we served, but wanted to share this video produced by Aliyah Return Center
when I was asked why we came.
Dear Friends, He is calling us in these prophetic days to take our place as those
in the nations who have seen a great Light!
"Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. (Isa. 60:1-3)
Thanks Cathy for sharing the good report from the Land of Promise, given to the Jewish people! We stand with you in support of believers in the Land of Yisrael - both Jews and Christians.
And may many hear the call and make aliyah to their homeland, promised by HaShem to Abraham and his seed.
Glad to have you back in America, but we all know where your heart is longing for!
Ahava and shalom,
Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
P.S. See you soon at the next Highway to Zion assembly, if not before!
Highway to Zion Ministries
"Blessed is the whose heart are the highways to Zion!"
Ps. 84:5
~ Because we worship the only true God,
Yeshua ha Mashiach, the God of Israel,
and because we bless Israel,
and we will help you bless her, too ~
We are a ministry that gives the major portion of what we receive to other ministries.
We are biblical Zionists who support Messianic Jewish believers, a practice that is not the norm in the restoration of Israel movement.
We support Aliyah - the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.
We support the salvation of Israel - by giving into "on the ground" ministries in the Land and through media outreach.
We raise support for and give financially to believers in the Land. We know and have discernment about the ministries in Israel who are walking in integrity and bearing fruit for the Kingdom and who are so worthy of support from believers who live outside of Israel - this is where we give.
The work we are doing in Highway to Zion Ministries extends to other areas besides direct financial contributions to other ministries, and we believe the work we are doing is also worthy of support from believers who share the same vision and desire a place to express tangible giving for Zion's sake - there are not many places to gather in Messianic community - the traditional church rarely offers a connection with the roots of our faith - we believe that the embrace of Messianic faith is totally foundational for believers in Yeshua - some areas of service we provide:
We are actively serving by offering classes where we teach on such subjects as Hebraic roots, what the "restoration of Israel" means, Davidic worship, prophecy - we will come to you and we also offer classes under our Highway to Zion umbrella.
Highway to Zion Assemblies are held on a regular basis, usually about 4 times a year where we invite special speakers and guests, many times directly from Israel - we know the Lord has put us on the cutting edge of the restoration of Israel movement - at our Assemblies we worship, dance, pray, hear the Word, prophesy. Here we gather together in Messianic worship - people come from many different denominations and backgrounds and gather for Zion's sake and the restoraion of Israel and the nations through Messiah Yeshua.
We provide opportunities for Hebraic worship using Israeli folkdance - we teach classes and we go on outreaches to many different churches and fellowships. We believe in congregational worship, not performance, and we believe in releasing others to worship with all their strength. We believe this type of worship is prophetic and the Lord is raising it up in these last days to usher in revival and the return of Yeshua ha Mashiach.
Intercessors play a vital role in Highway to Zion Ministries and provide a place for those with this calling to use it for His glory and for the restoraion of Israel. These opportunities for intercession are on a regular basis and over a prayerline every week. It is a powerful ministry even on its own.
We provide opportunities and tours to go to Israel to serve other believers and also for immersion in the Word by experiencing the land itself, participating firsthand in prophetic fulfillment of the Scripture. While we are there, we grow relationships with our friends and partners. We are not spectators and we are not going on vacation - these are prophetic destiny journeys.
We provide unique gifts to the Body of Messiah and we rarely take up offerings for ourselves, but we really could use them to expand even more the work we are doing.
We bless Israel, the Jewish people, because God expects it of those who love Him. (Gen. 12:3)
(Highway to Zion is a 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.)
Gift designated for:
_____Messianic believers in Israel and their outreach in the Land
_____Highway to Zion events and ministry expenses (literature, mailings, postage, Assembly expenses)
_____Wherever needed
_____Please contact me about becoming a Highway to Zion teacher, leader, host home
_____Please send information about Israel Immersion and/or Outreach Tours
Pastor John Hagee has written an open letter to President Donald Trump on behalf of Christians United For Israel, urging him to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (Video screenshot image)
Pastor John Hagee: President Trump Will Soon Face a 'Truman Moment'
Pastor John Hagee, in his capacity as founder and chairman of Christians United For Israel, has written an open letter to President Donald Trump that was published Wednesday by The Washington Times.
In the letter, Hagee reminds the president of one of his predecessors, President Harry Truman, who faced a decisive moment where he had to choose between standing up for Israel or going with the wishes of the rest of the world. He said President Trump will face a similar test during his trip to the Middle East.
"In 1948, when President Truman recognized the newly independent state of Israel, he did so in the face of fierce opposition from his advisers. Secretary of State George C. Marshall—whom the president regarded as "the greatest living American"—adamantly opposed the decision," he wrote. "Despite the controversy, it is now a source of a great pride for many Americans that our nation recognized Israel just minutes after it declared independence. Truman's decision to choose morality over realpolitik, in defiance of his advisers, will forever be a focal point of American and Israeli history—and of Truman's legacy.
"President Trump will soon face a similar moment. In a few weeks, as mandated by the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, he will have to decide whether to exercise the legislation's presidential waver or move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
"Throughout his campaign, Mr. Trump promised to move the embassy. This promise was vital to securing the support of millions of Christian Zionists around the country, and Mr. Trump—like Truman—is hearing from naysayers. Moving the embassy will inflame the Arab world, they claim."
But, Hagee noted, the buck doesn't stop with the bureaucrats—borrowing one of Truman's most famous catchphrases—but at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. Click here to read the rest of the letter.
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“At that time they shall call Yerushalayim the throne of Hashem; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of Hashem, to Yerushalayim; neither shall they walk any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart.” Jeremiah 3:17 (The Israel Bible™)
The U.S. branch of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) delivered President Donald Trump and the U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman a strategy paper calling for the Trump administration to move America’s Israeli embassy to Jerusalem this year.
In the paper, delivered as Israel prepares to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the reunification of the holy city May 23-24, the Christian Zionist group identified three main reasons the international community has used to justify the refusal to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital: the internationalization of Jerusalem as suggested in the 1947 United Nations Partition Plan, the need to be “even-handed” on the issue of Jerusalem and “fear of a potential Islamic backlash.”
“This is not a policy based on principle, fairness or historical right, but it is based solely on weakness and fear,” the ICEJ said in the policy paper. “The United States should announce its firm decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move its embassy there in the weeks before Israel marks the 50th anniversary of a reunited Jerusalem.”
Pat Boone: The Song Exodus 'Came Out of the Bible'
Chris Mitchell, CBN News 03.16.16 Jerusalem, Israel
Christian singer Pat Boone won an award for his impact on culture in Jerusalem recently for writing the title song to the 1960 epic film, "Exodus."
There is such a strong connection with the song that some call it Israel's second national anthem.
"It came out of the Bible and I knew two things: one that everything in the Bible from beginning to end was written by Jews, about Jews, and for Jews – not all Christians even realize that and not all Jews – what we call the Old and the New Testaments, are all about Jews and about God working with His chosen people, and we Gentiles can get in on it if we accept the God of Israel," Boone told CBN News.
The Friends of Zion award includes the song, written in the shape of a harp translated into Hebrew. Boone originally wrote the words on Christmas Eve on the back of a Christmas card. That card is now displayed in Yad VaShem, Israel's Holocaust remembrance museum in Jerusalem.
"I think this song Exodus – and the privilege I had writing the words for Ernest Gold's great melody – is part of the most significant time in my life and maybe significant moments – maybe one of the main reasons I was born," he said.
Boone told CBN News that this honor is one of the highlights of his life.
"I can't imagine any other thing in my life, other than my marriage and my own salvation, that mean as much as this," he said.
The Friends of Zion Museum honors Christian Zionists who gave their lives to save the Jewish people during the Holocaust and supported the establishment of the modern nation-state of Israel.
Chairman of the Board Yossi Peled is a retired general and former government leader. Born in Belgium in 1941, a Christian family hid him to keep him safe during the Nazi genocide.
"From the age of six months until I became 8 years old, I was raised by a Christian family and I went to church every Sunday and crossed myself and crossed the bread before eating and prayed to Jesus before going to bed," he recalled.
Peled said he's proud to be part of the Friends of Zion vision.
"It's an outstanding vision about the history of this nation…not only the story because nothing is new basically in the story, but it's new in the way it represented it," he said.
Please find a special message from our paid sponsor, Christian Friends of Israel. They have important information to share with you. Sponsorships like this allow us to continue to send you our newsletter free of charge. This doesn't necessarily represent our views.
In the apocalyptic vision of the prophet Zechariah, he writes that the nations shall go up, year after year to Jerusalem "to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, to celebrate the Festival of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)."
Indeed, the nations of the world were out in force this fall in Jerusalem during the festival of Sukkot. There were Jews and Christians, locals and visitors from the four corners of the earth.
Many of them - thousands - were from some 80 nations who came for the Feast's celebration. The New Friends of Zion Museum (FOZ) led the way during Sukkot in welcoming close to 3000 visitors - a number of them Christians attending the Feast event - to the museum's one-hour tour, which tells in dramatic fashion the story of how Christian Zionists played crucial roles in the restoration of the glory of Israel.
One of the conference highlights was the annual Jerusalem March, a colorful, flag-waving, singing crowd of Christians and Jews paraded through the city on Oct 1st. Over 10,000 participants of the march passed the brand new FOZ Museum in the heart of Jerusalem. Among the paraders were many of those who were already counted among the Friends of Zion or who were to return later to visit the museum.
Israeli locals were overjoyed and excited to see supporters from all around the world holding flags of Israel alongside their own flag, wearing their country's colors, singing with locals in Hebrew "Haveno shalom alichem" (We bring peace to you), dancing, playing music while marching, many even blowing the traditional Shofar (Ram's horn).
The Festival of Sukkot is now over, but the spirit of Jewish and Christian love for the Land and People of Israel exemplified by the Friends of Zion Museum continues the year around, bringing people of all nations together within its inspirational galleries, featuring the very latest in high-technology techniques to convey the stories of devoted Christians who in the past 200 years have played key roles in making possible the modern miracle that we call the State of Israel.
We invite you to take part in this wonderful and interactive experience. We invite you to come and meet the Friends of Zion!
“For out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:3–4)
A crucial war is being waged over theTemple Mountand standing on the front line, allied with Israel and the nation of Israel, isCry For Zion, a movement of Christian Zionists from all over the world who recently united in support of Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount.
On October 1, during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot (Tabernacles), the organization held a demonstration at UN headquarters in Jerusalem overlooking Mount Zion. According to Cry for Zion, this was the first time in 2,000 years since Christians have publicly demonstrated in support of Jewish rights to the holy site.
Amidst international pressure to maintain the status quo on the Temple Mount, Cry for Zion is literally crying out to change it. The status quo, maintained since Israel re-conquered the Temple Mount and unified Jerusalem in 1967, grants authority over the holiest site in Judaism to the Muslim Waqf. Jews and Christians are permitted to visit the site but they are entirely forbidden from praying or displaying any religious symbols. Jews may not eat or drink on the Temple Mount since this would require them to say a blessing, which the Waqf guard forbids.
These religious restrictions are strictly enforced by the Israeli Police in an unsuccessful attempt to reduce Arab violence on the site, despite an Israeli Magistrate Court ruling and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which calls for freedom of religion.
Cry for Zion members visiting the Temple Mount. (Photo: Doron Keidar/ Cry for Zion)
Christians from countries all over the world came to show their support for Israel and the Jewish people. Lars Enarson, a Christian leader from Sweden and Cry For Zion co-founder, told those gathered, “Neither the UN in New York, nor the International Law centers of the Hague have any right to claim the role that belongs to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. ‘For out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem’ (Isaiah 2:3–4).”
Such an unequivocal display of support for the Jew’s right to the site of their two Temples could not go uncontested. Muslim hecklers nearby and workers at the UN began chanting “Allahu Akbar”, with rally participants responding by resoundingly crying out the words of 1 Kings 18:39, “The Lord, He is God! the Lord, He is God!” and “Shema Israel!”
The Cry for Zion rally continued to show their support for the Jewish nation by marching in the annual Jerusalem March, but it is a sadly poignant sign of the times that the Jerusalem Municipality did not allow them to display their banner which read, “For Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount”. It is, however, reassuring to note that until they furled their banner, it received cheers and accolades from the mostly-Christian participants at the parade.
The rally ended at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center, where Rabbi Yehudah Glick, founder of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, addressed the assembled. Glick is a leading advocate for religious freedom on the Temple Mount and recipient of the 2015 Moskowitz Prize for Zionism.
The banned Cry for Zion parade banner. (Photo: Doron Keidar/ Cry for Zion)
“It is a wonderful Godly breakthrough that more and more non-Jews are understanding the urgent need to get involved and to stand up on behalf of the Temple Mount,” Glick told Breaking Israel News following the event.
John Enarson, Lars’ son and co-founder of the movement, told Breaking Israel News that the deteriorating situation surrounding the Temple Mount is really a “battle for truth.”
Rabbi Yehudah Glick at the Cry for Zion event. (Photo: Doron Keidar/ Cry for Zion)
“This is really a battle for truth. Especially in Jerusalem, the truth is getting turned on its head. There are so many lies taking over the world that we need to guard the truth,” Enarson explained to Breaking Israel News. “To say one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter just isn’t true. The nations are looking to Israel for righteousness, truth and objectivity. We need Israel to be the light and we can see the light coming forth from Zion, from the people and even from the government.”