Showing posts with label Tiferet Yeshua. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiferet Yeshua. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Maoz Israel Report - Sept. 2017 Report - Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Prophetic Dream: The Key to Overcoming Sin is His Presence - Ron Cantor Messiah's Mandate
Iwas lying down, just resting and suddenly I had vision or a dream or maybe drevision. I was walking along Israel’s main highway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv with someone whom I did not know. He told me that the newest lane, the outside lane—actually the shoulder—would soon fall into the ground because of sinkholes or erosion of the land. I was walking as far outside as one could get while still being on the shoulder. I felt a pull, like a magnetic force, pulling me off the road and into the brown grass.
Then I realized it was a vision.
The road is our life. The area off the road—dead grass—is sin, temptation, addiction, etc. If the road was going to fall into the ground on the side, why was I walking there? I should, at least, have moved to the other side of my companion, if not hugged the center of the highway.
The warning and encouragement is to not walk too close to the flame, lest you get burned. Or as Solomon rhetorically asked, “Can a man scoop fire into his lap without burning his clothes?” (Prov. 6:27) The words the Lord spoke to Cain come to mind:
“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” (Gen. 4:7)
The key to ruling over sin is not merely resisting. Notice I said merely. Yes, resisting sin is part of it. James does tell us to resist the devil and he will flee. (James 4:7) (Ironically the same chapter and verse as the Genesis passage.) However, resisting is not enough.
In His Presence
If sin is represented by the area off the road, then the opposite of sin must be in the center of the road. Yeshua lives in the center. His presence is in the center. The key to overcoming sin or “ruling over” sin is spending time with Yeshua. There is no sin in His presence. There is life, love, forgiveness, joy unspeakable and a peace that passes all understanding. It is hard to give into temptation, much less sin, when we are in His presence.
I once remarked to a repentance preacher, “Holiness is not the absence of sin, but the presence of God.” The key to overcoming lust is not found in human effort, but in our desire for God. When we are hungry for God, we will not be hungry for sin.
How ‘Bout Them Apples
I remember when I started eating healthy. For snacks, instead of cake or a candy bar, I was told to eat an apple. I rarely ate fruit. I didn’t want an apple. But amazingly, after a few days of eating apples, I began to crave apples. In the same way, if you give yourself to seeking God, hungering after Him, you will find your appetite for sin decreases and your need for His presence increases.
And when we overcome sin, we can expect His presence. Many have taught about how Yeshua overcame temptation in Matthew 4—three times Yeshua fights off the enemy—but I have rarely heard anyone comment on what happened next. After He resists the enemy, something special takes place: “Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.” (Matt. 4:11)
When we overcome sin, we can expect angels to come and minister to us. You can be sure of this: God loves you and wants to help you in your struggle. It starts with strengthening that relationship with Him. Build up a hunger for healthy God and don’t give in to destructive sin. And though you can’t see them, angels are ministering to you.
We have to stop walking so close to the edge and get closer to Yeshua. When someone asks, “What is the least I can do and still get into heaven,” they are missing the point. That is like having 50-yardline seats at the Super Bowl, but hiding in the bathroom. Yes, you are there, but you are missing the best part. God is fun. God is joy. God is victory and life and love.
In the World, not Of the World
“But if I separate myself from the world to be with Yeshua, what good will I be?” Good question. Walking far from the edge doesn’t mean that we don’t have contact with sinners. Hello. Look at Yeshua. He walked so close to the Father—to the point that He said that He could only do what He sees His Father doing (Jn. 5:19)—and yet, He spent His time with prostitutes and tax collectors.
You can walk far from the edge and yet be right in the midst of those who need Yeshua. In fact, that is where we are to live. Just as Yeshua intimated—we are to be in the world, but not of the world.
“I have given them Your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” (John 17:14-16)
God is doing an amazing work at Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv—a Hebrew-speaking congregation dedicated to reaching Israelis with Yeshua’s message. We are hungrier than ever before for a move of God. Stand with us in prayer and support as we share the bread of life to our people here in Israel.
Click here: Donate to Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv, Israel
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Maoz Israel Report - June 7, 2017 Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram
MaozIsrael Ministries - US Office: PO Box 535788 Grand Prairie, TX 75053
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Ron and Elana and the Tiferet Yeshua Team - Greetings from Tel Aviv
Hey precious friends,
I can’t thank you enough for partnering with us at the end of last year. As promised, I am sending you my book, Seven Keys to Overcoming Fear. You will need an ePub/eBook reader. If you have a mac, iBooks is free. Below are links to eBook readers for both Mac and Windows.
Also, I want you to see this video! We got our furniture for Tiferet Yeshua’s Coffee House two days ago. Finally, we are ready to start our outreach concerts. We are seeking to schedule the first for January 28th. Please pray with us that we will win Israelis to Yeshua. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OhU1fs-W5E
Here is the video of the new Coffee House. Let me know what you think.
And can I be so bold as to ask you to continue to partner with us? We want to refurbish the rest of our building. We need $60,000 and we already have a big chunk! Please consider a generous gift to Messiah’s Mandate and Tiferet Yeshua congregation this month. Just go to: www.YeshuaTelAviv.com.
You are funding a work in the restored nation Israel, reaching Israelis for Yeshua! THANK YOU!!!
We bless you all from Zion!
Ron and Elana and the Tiferet Yeshua Team!
Attachments area
Saturday, October 3, 2015
The Temple Mount, Islam, and the Coming Of Yeshua - Ron Cantor, Messiah's Mandate/Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv
Ron Cantor - Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv
You can’t open a newspaper in Israel these days and not see the self-righteous, hate-filled quotes of the leaders of regional Muslim majority nations, condemning Israel for actions on our Temple Mount.
The King of Jordan is outraged over Israel’s actions. He said,
“Any more provocations in Jerusalem will affect the relationship between Jordan and Israel,”
“We join Muslims and Christians everywhere in rejecting threats to the Arab character of this holy city.”
President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas has warned of a new violent uprising, an intifada, because of clashes at the Temple Mount.
So just what is Israel’s heinous crime?
You see the Moslem world is seeking to paint a picture of Jerusalem as a city that is historically ethnically Arab (despite that fact that Jerusalem have never been the capital of any Arab nation.) These Islamic Truthers, if you will, deny that there ever was a Temple in Jerusalem.
Long time Israeli diplomat and author Dore Gold coined the phrase, Temple Denial in his 2007 book The Fight for Jerusalem: Radical Islam, the West, and the Future of the Holy City.
The goal of Temple Denial is to delegitimize, by Islamic pseudo-intellectuals and politicians, the Jewish historical claims to Jerusalem. Arafat was the first to popularize this fabrication. He claimed at the 2000 Camp David accords that the Jewish Temple was in Nablus, not Jerusalem, and without any fact or evidence, that claim spread across the middle east according to Ambassador Gold, like wildfire.
However the Wakf, the Islamic authority that Israel allows to oversee the Temple Mount made a crucial mistake. In 1999 they permitted bulldozers to remove—are you ready—9000 tons of dirt, without any archeological supervision, from the Temple Mount, in order to make a new entrance. This would be the archeological equivalent of rape, as within that dirt should be a treasure trove of evidence that the Temple Mount was the center of Jewish life from the time of King Solomon.
These 9,000 tons of dirt were unceremoniously dumped in the famous Kidron Valley. In 2004 some Israeli archeologists got permission to start theTemple Mount Sifting Project. They arranged for hundreds of archeologists and even tourists to help them sift through the artifact rich, soil. Recently a 10-year-old Russian tourist found a coin dating back to the time of King David and his son Solomon. This lends proof to a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount going back to around 1,000 BC.
In addition a two half-shekel coins were found, one dating back to the time just before the Temple’s destruction and the other, to the time of the Hanukah story, a little more than 150 years before Yeshua. Now this is huge, because Jews were made to pay a half shekel Temple Tax for its maintenance.
When they came to Capernaum, the collectors of the half-shekel came to Simon Peter and asked, “Doesn’t your rabbi pay the Temple tax?” (Matt. 17:24)
The Muslim outrage over Jews visiting their ‘supposed’ Holy Site is a fake controversy. What isn’t fake is that this piece of Real Estate is the most contested and controversial patch of land in the world. And for good reason: All of heaven and hell, angels and demons, all of the worlds spiritual forces will collide at this place for the final battle.
Then the Lord will go out and fight against those nations, as he fights on a day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in two … (Zech 14:3-4)
The Temple Mount is only a short walk form the Mount of Olives. Yeshua will take up his throne and the nations will come and worship him, according to Zechariah 14:16, on the very Holiday that we are celebrating right now—the Feast of Tabernacles.
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