Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

World War I in the Holy Land. Kiwi Soldiers Describe their Encounter with Jews

Posted: 23 Feb 2015   Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Commemorating the centenary of World War I, we present the picture history of the battles in the Holy Land, with the soldiers from Turkey, Austria and German on one side and the British army with its contingents from Australia, New Zealand, and India on the other. We will also post pictures showing the Jewish soldiers and volunteers from Great Britain, Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Palestine itself. The Jewish soldiers also provided incredible pictures of the Jewish communities they found in Palestine.

The Turkish Army preparing to attack the Suez Canal, 1914 (Library of Congress)

In January 1915, the German-led Turkish army attacked British forces along the Suez Canal. The British blunted the assault and took the hard-fought war into the Sinai Peninsula.

By March and April 1917, the British army attempted to push through Gaza and up the Mediterranean coast in battles that involved as many as 60,000 soldiers, British and French ships firing on Gaza from the Mediterranean, the use of poison gas, and the deployment of newly developed British tanks. The British suffered a disastrous defeat.

Remains of a British tank, 1917, Gaza

In a risky maneuver in October 1917, the British army flanked the Turkish army in Gaza by moving through the desert toward Be'er Sheva. The garrison and the crucial wells of Be'er Sheva were captured in a daring cavalry charge of Australian Light Horsemen described here.

The British pushed on toward Jerusalem, and the New Zealand troops were sent westward toward Jaffa. See photo album by Jewish soldier Charles Broomfield here.

The following are excerpts from THE STORY OF TWO CAMPAIGNS: OFFICIAL WAR HISTORY OF THE AUCKLAND MOUNTED RIFLES REGIMENT, 1914-1919, a collection of battle reports and diaries.

The following morning [November 15, 1917] the village of Ayun Kara [near Rishon Lezion] was reported clear of
the enemy, and, with a company of "Camels" on 

Synagogue in Rishon, 1917, Jewish soldier in doorway, British flag flying

the left and the 1st Light Horse on the right, the brigade moved forward towards Jaffa, meeting with no resistance. On the way they passed through the village of Richon le Zion, where for the first time they met Jews. One member of the community was a brother of Rabbi Goldstein, of Auckland. The joy of these people at being freed from the tyranny of the Turks was unbounded. They treated the New Zealanders most hospitably—an exceedingly pleasant experience after the tremendous effort they had just made, and the harsh hungry times spent in the south with its hostile Bedouins.

Jaffa was occupied without opposition, the Turks falling back to the line of the river Auja, a few miles further north. While this fighting had been taking place, great success had been achieved to the south. Ramleh, on the Jaffa-Jerusalem railway, was taken; and the enemy, whose receding line extended in a south-east direction from Jaffa, had reason to feel anxiety for Jerusalem itself.

Jewish soldiers from Australian and New Zealand Light Horsemen (Australian War Museum)

In normal times Jaffa had a population of 60,000 people, including 30,000 Moslems, 10,000 Jews, and 10,000 Christians, but during the war its population had gone down considerably, and it had lost its prosperity, partly through there being no fuel for the engines which had been used to pump the water from the wells to irrigate the orchards. Within a few days of the British occupation, Jews and Christians, who had been expelled by the Turks, started to return, bringing their goods and chattels in all sorts of conveyances.

During the night the 53rd Division pushed up the Hebron road and occupied Bethlehem.

Turks evacuate Jerusalem, 1917

General Allenby's report goes on to say—"Towards dusk the British troops were reported to have passed Lifta, and to be within sight of the city. On this news being received, a sudden panic fell on the Turks west and south-west of the town, and at 5 o'clock civilians were surprised to see a Turkish transport column galloping furiously cityward along the Jaffa road. In passing they alarmed all units within sight or hearing, and the wearied infantry arose and fled, bootless and without rifles, never pausing to think or to fight.

"After four centuries of conquest the Turk was ridding the land of his presence in the bitterness of defeat, and a great enthusiasm arose among the Jews. There was a running to and fro; daughters called to their fathers and brothers PAGE 168concealed in outhouses, cellars and attics, from the police who sought them for arrest and deportation. 'The Turks are running,' they called; 'the day of deliverance is come.' The nightmare was fast passing away, but the Turk still lingered. In the evening he fired his guns continuously.

"At 2 o'clock in the morning of Sunday, December 9th, tired Turks began to troop through the Jaffa gate from the west and south-west, and anxious watchers, peering out through the windows to learn the meaning of the tramping were cheered by the sullen remark of an officer, 'Gitmaya mejburuz' (We've got to go), and from 2 to 7 that morning the Turks streamed through and out of the city, which echoed for the last time their shuffling tramp.

On this same day, 2082 years before, another race of conquerors, equally detested, were looking their last on the city which they could not hold, and inasmuch as the liberation of Jerusalem in 1917 will probably ameliorate the lot of the Jews more than that of any other community in Palestine, it was fitting that the flight of the Turks should have coincided with the national festival of the Hanukah, which commemorates the recapture of the Temple from the heathen Seleucivs by Judas Maccabæus in 165 B.C."

British General Allenby enters Jerusalem's Old City, 1917

On December 11th the Commander-in-Chief, followed by representatives of the Allies, made his formal entry into Jerusalem. The historic Jaffa gate was opened after years of disuse for the purpose, and he was thus enabled to pass into the Holy City without making use of the gap in the wall made for the Emperor William in 1898. The General entered the city on foot—and left it on foot.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Word of the Lord for 2015 By Cindy Jacobs

Word of the Lord for 2015
By Cindy Jacobs
January 6th, 2015

Each year, as we have since 1999, the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders met before the New Year to pray and seek the Lord for a word. In 2011, we added a group of emerging prophetic leaders that, as of this year, we consider fully seasoned members of our round table, and we included their input as well into this word of the Lord.

The ACPE has the conviction that we are to function as the disciples did in Acts 13:1-3. This passage notes that it was the Holy Spirit releasing a prophetic word as a consensus of the prophets as opposed to the exclusive utterance of any one prophet. So, even though this is a compilation of the prophecies that we each have brought to the round table meeting, it was the general consensus of the ACPE members that the Holy Spirit was speaking the following prophetic words to us.

While we are calling this a prophecy for 2015, it should be noted that the ACPE believes that the Lord speaks more in seasons, as opposed to our calendar years. In the past few years we have observed that the trend of some of the prophetic words has been continuing over the course of several years and intensifying.

It is also important to note that intercession may diminish the severity of some of the words that speak of potential judgment—and in some cases may avert them all together. In any case, all prophecies should be bathed in intercession, both the ones that speak of harvest and blessing, as well as the ones with the admonitions attached to them.

As prophets, it is always wise to go back and look at the words we have given in the past. We did this for the years 2011-14, noting that the Lord continues to speak some of the trends spoken in those years. So let us reiterate—the timing of prophetic words should generally be understood more as a season than a calendar year. The words given are not fate or karma but can be changed subject to how God's people respond.

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2015 - The Turn-Around Year

This is the year when God will give His people the chance to recalibrate in the midst of what will seem to be a whirlwind year. To recalibrate means to correct in mid-course, modify, amend, change, metamorphose, renovate, transform, or turn.

When caught in a whirlwind, you may need to do all of the above. The good news is that God is going to release the anointing, wisdom, and supernatural ability needed to change your circumstances on a whole new level. Remember that God often speaks to us in unusual ways in the midst of shakings and whirlwinds—and sometimes it’s a recalibration word.

God spoke to Job out of the whirlwind: “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, ‘Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?’” (Job 38:1-2, KJV)

The Living Bible interprets verse two like this: “Why are you using your ignorance to deny my providence?”

Job’s thoughts were out of alignment with God’s. There are many things that are out of proper alignment, but God is going to set them in proper order if you believe. This year God will show you how to move from helplessness to hopefulness!

This will be a year when God will hear your cry. In 2 Kings 20:1-11, Hezekiah was told that he was going to die, but he turned his face to the wall, cried out to God, was given 15 more years of life. Hezekiah had a turnaround from death to life.

A new grace to fight for healing in the face of an evil report will come upon God's people. In this violent, tumultuous season, the strategies for turning even the most desperate situations in your favor will be given to those who seek God's face. God is going to turn around your impossible situations.


The 15th day of the month in the Hebraic calendar represents rest. There will be a new emphasis on the Sabbath's rest. The admonition was given by the prophets that each person should seek the Lord about how to enter into rest in this season. For some it will be to take a Sabbatical. Others will adjust their schedules not to work on Sundays. Others will cut down their workloads or schedules. Everyone, in some manner, needs to make a change in their lives to enter into rest. This will empower you to overcome the giants you faced in the last season and be refreshed as you enter into a new season.

This is also what is known in Hebrew tradition as the shemitah year or the 7th year of the 7-year agricultural cycle. This is not just a usual Sabbath year, and this re-enforces the need for rest. What is true rest for some may not be restful for another.

The number 5 represents grace in the Bible, and a special grace will be given in the midst of the whirlwinds.

Avoid distractions that will take away from your focus on the central things God is giving you to accomplish. It could be said like this: “Don’t take on assignments that God will not hold you accountable for, things that will hinder your ability to complete with excellence the assignments for which He will hold you accountable.” There will be swirling around you, but don't be pulled off of your God-given assignments.

In the Hebrew calendar, this is the year 5775, and the two fives represent double grace or the double portion. This is a continuation of the double portion season from last year. Expect grace for fulfillment, to complete, and to finish.

Again, in the midst of the whirlwinds and trials, worship is the key to see your release!

Divine Midnight Turnarounds

This is going to be a year for divine midnight turnarounds. There is a significant contrast between what was and what is to come. The midnight hour is that dark time when we have to choose between believing God or the devil, where we either say that God is faithful or we experience a faith failure by letting our emotions rule.

Paul and Silas worshipped God when in chains, and at the midnight hour, God gave them the turnaround (Acts 16:25). The Lord will remove your chains at the midnight hour!

Samson lay down until midnight but then got up and tore the doors off the city gate (Judges 16:3). Supernatural strength comes at the midnight hour!

Deliverance from the Egyptians came at the midnight hour (Exodus 11:4). The Lord will move on your behalf at the midnight hour. You will be released from any oppressor!

Ruth changed the heart of her kinsman-redeemer at midnight (Ruth 3:8). The Lord will manifest as your kinsman-redeemer at the midnight hour! This speaks of the restoration of generational inheritance.

There are also those who have despaired of getting married, and for many, their Boaz will manifest in this season.

God will require us to stand firm in the midnight hour of changing seasons. We cannot afford to stay in the old season. As mentioned above, the word “recalibrate” indicates metamorphosis; the picture is appropriate because it involves a struggle.

The Enemy’s Plans For You Will Boomerang

Esther 9:1-4 speaks of the turnaround from the plans of their enemy that God gave His people. Interestingly, in verse one, this Hebraic word "turned" in the Strong's Concordance is the number 2015! It means “to overturn, to turn around, to transform and reverse.”

This is the year of divine reversals! The number 15 in scripture is linked to victory and harvest. The Feast of Tabernacles, Unleavened Bread, and Purim all happen on the 15th day of the month.

Esther 9:24-26 says that the evil scheme the Jews’ enemy, Haman, had worked out came back onto his own head (boomeranged). This was a divine turn around at the Jews’ midnight hour!

So what has the enemy been plotting against you? It’s going to boomerang right back onto his head!
The Church

We are now in the Jesus People Movement that has been prophesied about for years. The great harvest of souls is now upon us, and with it, another Great Awakening.

This is the age when God is releasing a new wave of evangelists and evangelism into the church. Revivalists will once again go to the streets and move in great supernatural power.

The Lord gave us the admonition that the role of the evangelist must be emphasized in the church. With this will come a shifting in emphasis from preaching a more social gospel to preaching a supernatural gospel. God is getting ready to make surprise visits in the church with His miracle-working power. Coupled with this, a new move of compassion and acts of mercy will flow from the church. The church will remember the poor, and the love of God will touch broken lives.

There are also those who will arise like Moses to lead God's people out of idolatry.

We in one accord felt the strong admonition to guard against deception in the church. Many will deceive themselves in order to follow the lusts of their flesh.

The church will learn to wage spiritual warfare once again, and many will teach on this subject again from the pulpits of the nation. The church will shine as a light into the dark places of our culture on new levels.

New prayer movements will arise, and their prayers will cause a turning away from casual Christianity.

The church is coming into a new level of maturity. With the teaching on Kingdom, there has been a great acceleration of nations turning to the Lord through the different sectors of society bring reached.


This is the time for the harvest of the Jews to begin. Bold witness will arise from believers in both the Jewish and Arab sectors.

United States

The Lord is going to use the coming shakings, even from more internal attacks, to wake up people to their need for God. This will come seemingly in waves, subside, and come again.

Christians will boldly start giving testimony of their Christian faith and be very counter-cultural. More producers will make movies with godly values, and Hollywood will start to lose money on the "dark field" as the appetite of the nation changes.

Even the news media will be affected by righteousness as more and more Christians rise to places of visibility in the coming years.

The United States has been given one more season to turn the nation to righteousness. As will be noted in the section on Europe, there will be an economic shaking that will affect the U.S., but many prayer groups are heeding the warnings. We feel that prayer will be able to greatly lessen what is coming. We believe 2 Chronicles 7:14 can still be applied to the economic structures both personally and nationally.

New lawyers will arise who have God's anointing upon their lives, and they will start to "turn the tide" in our legal system.

Corruption will be exposed on a national level. It will be exposed in the Pentagon and in Congress—in both political parties.


An increased vigilance to pray for this nation was called for from our midst. Canada is going to be a key missions force to reach those who are in ISIS and radical Islam.

Latin America

Communism will start to lose its grip in Latin America. The people of Latin America will start to shift the trend from hard leftist ideology to more moderate forms of government. 

Europe will experience a financial shaking, and this will affect the US economy, though not at the level of the 2008 economic meltdown. This may or may not happen in the fall of 2015, depending upon people's prayers, but will eventually happen.

Again supernatural wisdom will be given to those believers who seek God for strategies to get out of debt, and in some cases, break the cycle of debt.

In the midst of this, the re-evangelization of Europe will begin. God is listening to the prayers of those in Europe who are shaken and distressed, and He is preparing to answer.


The Latin Americans in France will play a large part in seeing France come into revival. France is going to begin to experience an awakening but it will be in the midst of continued shakings. There is an admonition for the Houses of Prayer to continue to pray against terrorism from ISIS connected groups.


We see the same for Spain, with the Latin Americans being used by God for awakening.


The Russian bear will continue to test it muscles against other nations. Alaska and the Aleutian Islands must be very watchful during this time. The Empire Spirit has been loosed; however, the body of Christ in Russia will once again see a powerful move of God such as was seen after the fall of Communism. Another wave of God's power will sweep the land.


The serious issues with Russia are going to bring a tremendous unity to the church, and many cooperative efforts will take place for mass evangelism.


God is going to move in a powerful way with new, young Japanese revivalists, and this once-difficult place for evangelism will see a great harvest of souls.

Middle East

ISIS will continue seemingly unchecked for a season, but in contrast, their wickedness will cause openness to the gospel as many, many turn to Christ. Even some of those who left their own countries to seek to join the coalitions will become followers of Jesus and begin to evangelize the Middle East.

We ourselves received an admonition from the Holy Spirit to be very intentional to share with great love what we are receiving from the Lord as we prophesy in the coming season of shaking and whirlwinds.

Turnaround Decrees You Can Make

I will enter into rest. So, therefore, I decree healing for all stress-related problems which may include:
Sleepless Nights
High Blood Pressure
Acid Reflux
Heart Related Issues related to Stress

I will prosper and pay off all debts. In my turnaround year, I will receive the God-given plan to get out of debt.

I will go to new levels in my faith. Poverty will not have any hold on me.

All court cases against me and problems related to business will turn around.

Watch full video: Cindy Jacobs - Word for 2015

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Messianic Judaism Gaining Momentum in Israel

Messianic Judaism Gaining Momentum in Israel

Messianic Judaism
Worship time at Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation (Barry Rubin)
In recent decades, Messianic Judaism, a movement of Jewish people who have accepted Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah and continued to embrace their Jewishness, has been steadily growing—especially in the United States.
Jews have been coming to faith in Yeshua for centuries, increasingly so after Israel became a reality again in the late 1800s with the Zionist movement. After the Holocaust, when Israel became a nation again in 1948, the number of Jewish believers in Yeshua has been increasing worldwide, almost in lock step with Jewish immigration to Israel.
But what is the state of Messianic Judaism in Israel itself?
Because Israel is in an extremely dangerous area of the world, surrounded by Arab countries that have threatened its extermination, Jews there live with a certain amount of anxiety. When would the next Intifada take place? Which country would declare its desire to push Israel into the sea? When would Hamas rockets fly again?
Living with those concerns, the people have become cautious about "outsiders," especially after nearly two millennia of "Christian" anti-Semitism. Thus, Christian missions to the Jews of Israel often have been met with suspicion. Yet some have been successful, especially if they are sensitive to and supportive of Messianic Judaism.
There are historic Anglican Jewish missions from the United Kingdom. King of Kings ( is a congregational ministry of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. The Caspari Center ( is a Scandinavian Lutheran mission to the Jews. Christian Witness to Israel ( sponsors Grace and Truth congregation in Rishon L'Tzion. They also publish books, as does Keren Yeshua.
Modern Jewish missions are also active in Israel. Jews for Jesus ( has a new center in Tel Aviv. The Christian Jew Foundation (, not only does missionary work, it also supports a number of national pastors. Chosen People Ministries ( has centers in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv and congregations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod and Ariel. Maoz ( is an Israeli organization that publishes books in Hebrew and supports Israel while helping Jewish people meet their Messiah. There are others as well, but, as with most overseas missions, indigenous works have had the most success. Nowhere is this truer than in Israel.
The primary evangelistic work in Israel is not through missions. It is being done through local Messianic congregations. The larger ones are in Tiberias, K'far Saba, Netanya, Jerusalem and Joffa. There are 150-plus congregations in Israel with as many as 15,000 Messianic Jewish believers, of whom about 60 percent speak Russian as their first language.
The growth in the number of congregations has increased over the last 20 years, just as it has in the United States and other countries. Nearly every year, another indigenous congregation or two springs up, and as more and more Jews from around the world return home, this will only increase.
Israel is a small country—about the size of New Jersey—so these congregations are easily noticed by their fellow Israelis. More and more, Israel is increasingly aware that there are Jews who trust Yeshua as the Messiah and savior, much as it was in the New Testament era.
These Messianic Jewish congregations are now led by Israelis, even though they may have a mix of Jews and Gentiles. Most services are in Hebrew (sometimes Russian, Amharic, French or Spanish). The music too is indigenous, as is the style of worship —very Israeli. The melodies have a distinctly Middle Eastern tone to them. Most meet on Saturday when Jews generally hold worship services. These congregations of Yeshua-followers are clearly Jewish.
Messianic Jews are gaining more acceptance in Israel. Instead of being perceived as threats to the Israelis, due to prejudices going back 2,000 years, they are recognized as friends, fellow citizens, and an active part of Israeli society. In part, the groundwork for this was laid by the benevolence work of groups such as Chosen People Ministries (, The Joseph Storehouse (, the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America's Joseph Project (, and other similar works.
Israelis, who have been especially challenged during the wars with Lebanon, Hamas and the high taxes used to pay for defense, are grateful to Messianic Jews, sometimes in spite of themselves, for food, clothes, medicine and other supplies. They need our help. This is a very tangible expression of the love of Messiah. Messianic Jews are being trusted enough to allow them to materially assist Israel during her most difficult times.
It is known that there are many Messianic Jews serving in the army—mostly the children of immigrants from the United States and Europe—who were raised in Israel. This shows unity with the people, so much so that the funeral of one Messianic Jewish soldier killed in the last war was well attended by Israel's leaders. The newspapers noted that he was a Messianic Jew, part of a congregation in the Haifa area.
A television special featuring interviews of members of the Christian Moshav, Yad Hashmonah, was widely watched. It included a Messianic Jewish family celebrating Shabbat, etc., giving a very good impression of Messianic Jews in Israel. No longer are followers of Yeshua seen as people to stay away from. Now, they are embraced as fellow strugglers in Israeli life.
Over the past centuries, because of all the atrocities done to Jews in the name of Jesus, Jewish people have avoided having anything to do with Him, His followers, or His teachings. It was too costly, too risky. And in Israel, where people are more vulnerable to attacks, this is acutely so. But Messianic Judaism is changing things. Now, Israelis are more open to talking about Yeshua and considering his claims to Messiahship.
The congregational leaders in Israel need connections with pastors in the West. Many would appreciate prayer, fellowship and sometimes even financial support for special projects.
Western pastors have a lot to give to Israel's Messianic leaders by way of training and guidance, as well as prayer. Most Israeli pastors do not have much formal training and would benefit from partnering with non-Israeli pastors. Most Israeli pastors are pioneers and need more seasoned spiritual mentors to guide them.
Encouragingly, the perception of Messianic Jews is undergoing a steady transformation in Israel these days—from one of mistrust and outright loathing to recognition and acceptance. Knowing the love of Yeshua in the Messianics' hearts, the bridge between them and Orthodox Jews is getting shorter all the time. Doors to hearts once closed are beginning to open wide.  

Rabbi Barry Rubin is the president and publisher of Messianic Jewish Publishers and Resources/Jewish New Testament Publications. He is also the Rabbi of Emmanuel Messianic Jewish Congregation.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

"As In the Days of Nehemiah - It's Begun" - Theresa Phillips

Theresa Phillips:
The Elijah List

Steve ShultzI was at a prayer meeting when the Lord's Presence came in so strong. I heard the intercessors praying for our nation – they were crying out for wisdom for our leaders, for our President, and loving Israel at the same time. It was as if I were hearing many sounds at the same time yet distinctly and uniquely different, but the cause was the same: The Cry was AS ONE!

"I love our Nation to LIFE TO LIFE!!" We were all crying out... and I was instantly reminded of Nehemiah.

A Vision of the Wall

I was seeing a scroll before me, an ancient scroll, and heard the words, "It's begun." In my vision, my senses were activated as the intercessors were praying. I saw a wall, a huge wall, that had been broken down. Holes were huge in the wall and the wall was old and ancient. Once beautiful and fortified, but now left to decay. Then as I looked at the wall, I saw an olive tree, small and green, growing out of the wall!

My heart was feeling torn in two. I was visually seeing brokenness and life at the same time. I began to cry inside of me, not outwardly, because I wanted the intercessors to continue to pray. I was being activated by those prayers! I kept in the vision, and I saw only a few men at first climbing onto that wall.
In one hand was a trowel and in the other The Word (Bible). 
Others began to come to the wall and they began to lift up tools to rebuild the wall. 

Those ON THE WALL were "weeping and repenting" for allowing the wall to fall into decay... They began to take the tools, while others beneath the wall began to brace the wall. They had come to HELP! (Photo Wikipedia)

I lifted my head and I looked off into the distance and saw One man... One Man coming. He was headed to the wall. At first I was timid, until I recognized His garment was draped with flags of the nations. In that one garment were the flags of all the nations. On each flag was written all the different Christian denominations in the nations – Catholic, Protestant, Jew, Christian, etc.

As He neared the wall I saw His eyes, the pupil of His eyes, and I could see a banner. On that banner were the words "One Call". I began to shudder. I knew he was nearing with a purpose – the Wall. Instantly I remembered Nehemiah.

Nehemiah 1:3-4, And they said to me, "The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire." So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of Heaven.

As I remembered these Scriptures, I knew it was time to weep and pray and fast. I hear Him speak again: "Theresa, tell My people to rebuild: To cry aloud and spare not."

Isaiah 58:1, "Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet..."
"How Lord How?" I asked. He said, "I am about to show you something."
I waited and nothing...

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Dream: We Are At War

Then that night, I had a dream that has shaken me to the core. I saw my husband, an Air Force Technical Sergeant, recalled to Washington (he is retired from 30 years of service). I watched him walk out of the driveway saying to me, "We are at War. Call them to pray and cry out to GOD."

Still in the dream, I was standing in the very center of our driveway with our son... MY son walked close to me. "We are at War mom." "Yes," I said, "we must build a fortified wall."

I awoke from the dream paralyzed with prayer, "GOD, save our nation. God Save our Nation!!"

I knew that my husband would not be recalled to Washington. I knew it was symbolic. We must change our clothes and GO and rebuild what has fallen down. We must ask Jesus to show us where we personally and corporately and regionally need to ask for His sovereign forgiveness. We must rebuild the ancient walls of our Christian spiritual covering that is being viciously attacked all across the world. I knew this...

I joined now with the prayer of Nehemiah. My whole heart is in this:

Nehemiah 1:11, "O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man. For I was the king's cupbearer."

As I wept (I have done this for days), I have fully committed myself to the Prayer of Nehemiah. Because God said to me in a simple prayer meeting where the prayers were surrounding me:"As in the days of Nehemiah, it's begun..."

The Prayer of Nehemiah

If you have it in your heart, will you please take this prayer and pray with me?

Nehemiah 1 (NKJV):
Nehemiah Prays for His People
The words of Nehemiah the son of Hachaliah. It came to pass in the month of Chislev, in the twentieth year, as I was in Shushan the citadel, that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. And they said to me, "The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire." (Photo via deviantart)

So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of Heaven. And I said:

"I pray, Lord God of Heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments, please let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open, that You may hear the prayer of Your servant which I pray before You now, day and night, for the children of Israel Your servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against You. Both my father's house and I have sinned. We have acted very corruptly against You, and have not kept the commandments, the statutes, nor the ordinances which You commanded Your servant Moses.

Remember, I pray, the word that You commanded Your servant Moses, saying, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations; but if you return to Me, and keep My commandments and do them, though some of you were cast out to the farthest part of the heavens, yet I will gather them from there, and bring them to the place which I have chosen as a dwelling for My name. Now these are Your servants and Your people, whom You have redeemed by Your great power, and by Your strong hand.

O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man."

For I was the king's cupbearer.

Nehemiah changed the city! He secured the people GOD heard! God Bless the Christians of the World.
God Bless America. 

Dr. Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice


Dr. Theresa Phillips is senior pastor of Praise Ministries Church and dean of Praise Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. Theresa is dedicated to helping you encounter the living God and be filled with His never-ending glory. Pastor Theresa and her husband Robert have started an online publication called Chicago Prophetic Voice. This online publication is intended to help you see and hear the unseen and unheard realms of God as they are portrayed in the written Scriptures of the Holy Bible.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Prayer Alert From Cindy Jacobs: A Call for United Prayer

Prayer Alert From Cindy Jacobs: A Call for United Prayer

Mike and Cindy JacobsA few months ago, the Lord had me issue a warning called "Shields Up" to pray for the protection of our nation. Tonight, while reading my Bible, the following passage leapt off the page:

And He has confirmed His words, which He spoke against us and against our judges who judged us, by bringing upon us a great disaster; for under the whole Heaven such has never been done as what has been done to Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:12

It does not take a prophet to realize that America is in trouble! We know there are many radical extremists who hate us - this is not new. However, as I read the verse this evening I was shaken by it. This is what I am hearing: "There is an another attack on the scale of 9/11 being planned!"

As I prayed to pinpoint how to intercede, I immediately heard these words: 

"Close the gates! All borders must be closed to terrorists and those who would aid them." 

This includes all airport customs checkpoints, as well as border crossings.

We must pray for our customs and border agents to have eagle eyes to "see" any potential persons trying to make their way into the United States. We must also pray for all points of public transport.
The good news is that prayer works! This is a call upon every praying person everywhere to stand in the gap and pray for the protection of the nation.

Thank you for praying!

For the nation,

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ben Carson on How to Actually Save America - CBN TV

WATCH: Ben Carson on How to Actually Save America

Dr. Ben Carson on CBN TV. (CBN)

Dr. Ben Carson is a devout evangelical Christian, medical doctor and now author of the New York Times best-selling book One Nation. Noted for his uncanny ability to level heads on both sides of the aisle with common sense and incredible tact, Dr. Ben Carson is a favorite of many who are calling for him to run for president—and he's considering it.
Watch CBN's exclusive interview with him about his plan to save the United States:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

An Overview of Recent Events in the Ukraine - Michael Zinn

Michael Zinn - Chosen People in Kiev, Ukraine

Chosen People Ministries 

1:47 AM (5 hours ago)

Shalom dear friend in the Messiah,

I recently returned from a trip to Kiev, where I participated in the European section meeting of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism. This group has existed for thirty years, and was initiated by Jewish mission leaders involved with the Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism. The meetings for the European group were held in Kiev April, 28 - May 2, 2014.

There were many reasons for the event to be held in Kiev, not the least of which is because there has been a growing, authentic and indigenous Messianic Jewish movement in Ukraine - centered in Kiev - which began in 1989 at the beginning of Perestroika. The conference statement is well worth reading, and reflects the sentiments of the attendees.

The history of the Jewish people of Ukraine is significant. Ukraine was part of the Pale of Settlement, where Jews were allowed to live, and included land that is now part of Russia, Poland, Romania, Belarus as well as today's Ukraine. The borders were quite fluid for many years, and so many Jewish people's "country of origin" frequently changed. However, the borders stabilized after 1945 and the formation of the Soviet Union. The area has always been important to Jewish evangelism, as more than ten million Jewish people lived in the region before World War II.

Fifty-plus years later, the Soviet Union would become the Former Soviet Union and countries that were once part of it would again assert their independence and individuality. This is most assuredly what is taking place now as the Ukrainians, especially in the Western and more European part of Ukraine, seek continued independence from Russia. The conflict between various parts of Ukraine and Russia is at the heart of current conflict. Although the conflict appears to be purely political and nationalistic, there is a spiritual aspect to the situation as well.

The Ukrainian Christians - Baptists, Pentecostals and those who identify with the mainline churches - have been deeply involved in the political struggle, hoping as well that an independent Ukraine would be best for the spiritual atmosphere of the country's people. This is understandable, as the Russian Orthodox Church has been a very controlling presence in Russia and throughout the Former Soviet Union for many years.

Ukrainian Christian with Michael Zinn of Chosen People Ministries

The Christians in the Ukraine believe they now have greater freedoms than others in the Former Soviet Union, and part of their political struggle stems from a desire to maintain this freedom of religion. The fierce and early fighting took place in what is known as Madan Square, the very heart both symbolically and physically of Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. Many born-again believers have found extraordinary opportunities to minister in the midst of the conflict, and as a result of the fighting many Ukranians have come to the Lord.

Many Jewish people believe that Ukraine is an anti-Semitic country. Certainly this is true historically; however, after meeting some of the believers in Kiev, I can honestly say that these believers have renounced this history of anti-Semitism and assured me that they love the Jewish people, affirm the state of Israel and work hard to make the Gospel known among their Jewish friends and loved ones. 

This was deeply encouraging to me.

Our Israel Director, Michael Zinn, who grew up in the Western Ukrainian city of Lvov gives us an overview of the events and interviews Yuri, one of the key leaders of the prayer tent movement in Madan:

Michael Zinn: An Overview of Recent Events in the Ukraine

Michael and Yuri: God's Work Through the Prayer Tent Ministries

It was eye-opening to visit Madan Square last week and see for myself some of what transpired. I know a picture is worth at least a thousand words and so you can see for yourself the pictures of the barricades, tents, tires, para-military groups, nationalist allies and more!

My hope is that you will pray for Ukraine and especially for our brothers and sisters who have been so involved in helping, praying, serving food and leading many to Jesus in the midst of the conflict. Messianic Jews from Ukraine were in the trenches as well, sharing the love of Jesus with their fellow Ukrainian citizens.

Chosen People Ministries has had a ministry in the Ukraine for many years. It started in the midst of what I call the "Russian Jewish Jesus Movement," which I date from the fall of the Soviet Union until today. Tens of thousands of Russian, Ukrainians and other Jews living in the Former Soviet Union have come to faith in the Messiah Jesus. In fact, at our LCJE European gathering, about a third of the participants or more spoke Russian or Ukrainian as their first languages. This is miraculous when you consider that the citizens of the Former Soviet Union were once forced to renounce all religious faith, and Jews especially were not allowed to worship in communities.

It is incredible to see what God has done. In fact, twenty-five years ago, Chosen People Ministries may have had a missionary or two that spoke Russian... but today we have 25-30 Russian speakers on our staff, serving around the globe from Russia and Ukraine to Israel, Australia, the United States and Germany!

Vladimir Pikman, who became a believer through our early ministries among the Jewish people in Kiev, tells the story of the founding of our work in front of the building in Madan where our ministries began (now damaged by fire):

Vladimir Pikman: My Testimony and the Birth of Chosen People Ministries in Kiev

I was also able to speak briefly about the work of those dedicated disciples who are the fruit of God's work through Chosen People Ministries in Kiev. There are a number of fine Messianic Jewish congregations in Kiev and Ukraine and quite a few mission agencies that are laboring in various cities throughout Ukraine, bringing the Good News of Messiah Jesus to Jewish Ukrainians and to Gentiles as well.

Mitch Glaser: Appeal for Prayer for Ukrainian Jewish Evangelism

Remember to pray for Ukraine, as we all have many brothers and sisters there who are enduring hardship and trying to bring the Gospel to their people in trying times. There are still hundreds of thousands of Jewish people in Ukraine, and we are asking God to help us increase our ministry to win our kinsmen to the Savior.
We do have one Messianic congregation in Harkov, led by Sasha Sareda, a Ukrainian Baptist pastor called to serve among the Jewish people. We support Sasha and would appreciate your prayers.

As time goes by it becomes clearer and clearer that we will need to expand our work in Kiev. If you have interest in working in Ukraine with Chosen People Ministries, please take a moment to reply to this e-mail so that we can talk about your involvement personally.

I hope you will enjoy the videos - and please pray about supporting our efforts among Russian-speaking Jewish people today!

Make an online donation now!

Please type Ministry to Russian and Ukrainian Jews in the Special Designation box

Your brother in the Messiah,


Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian Messianic Movement
Who are the Jewish people of the former Soviet Union and what is their relationship to the Gospel?
Remnant and Renewal: The New Russian Messianic Movement tells the story of the Russian-speaking Jewish people, and the sometimes heartbreaking, often heroic tales of those who have sought to bring the Gospel to them throughout their troubled history.

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New York, NY - 10022