Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cindy Jacobs: Prayer Alert for USA Locations - The Lord Says, "Shields Up!"

Cindy Jacobs:

Warning for America

Several months ago I began to feel a great unease again about the safety of America. As I prayed, I felt the Lord warning me that there were attacks being planned on America – in attempts to strike terror in the heart of the nation. These would be planned on a systematic level and carried out by radicalized persons.

What I saw at the time were the kinds of bombings that occurred in England and Israel at public places. We know that we already dodged a major bullet when one such attempt was averted in NY Times Square through what I believe to be God-ordained sequence of events.

This is what I am hearing today:

For the Lord says, "Shields up! This is the time for the watchman to have keen eyes and discernment. The enemy is at the door and wants to stir up havoc, but I will give My people eagle eyes to see what is being planned."

After I heard the Lord give this warning and admonition, I received the below email from the Times of Israel that gives details of the kind of attack that I had seen (follow the link below to the full news article). 

Please read it prayerfully. If you are in one of the areas mentioned, perhaps you might want to prayer walk and ask the Lord for a strategy to uncover everything being hidden.

Mark 4:22 says, "For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open."

From the News Site: The Times of Israel

As quoted in a recent article from The Times of IsraelAl-Qaeda Magazine: Strike NY, DC with Car Bombs
"New issue of 'Inspire' lists specific targets in America, Britain, France – with a bizarre emphasis on tennis matches"
"America is al-Qaeda's primary target for car bombs, specifically Washington, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, according to the latest issue of Inspire, a slick online English-language magazine published by the global terrorist organization.
In a section entitled "Car Bombs inside America," instructing readers how and where to carry out car bombings, a writer going by the name of "AQ Chef" writes that "America is our first target, followed by United Kingdom, France and other Crusader countries." Read more...
Thank you for reading and praying!

For the nation,

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Email: rpn@generals.orgWebsite:

Cindy Jacobs is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Yet, in her heart is the memory that Jesus left the ninety-and-nine to go to the one. Generals International is an international church movement, reforming the nations of the world back to a Biblical worldview. They are achieving societal transformation through intercession and the prophetic.

Cindy has authored seven books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her five adorable grandchildren.

March 27, 2014
Cindy Jacobs:
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

Cindy Jacobs and I agreed that this is definitely for the Elijah List readers. She originally sent this to a large group of intercessors, USRPN (United States Reformation Prayer Network), but she agreed that "we need all the prayer we can get," Cindy told me.

Please pass this along to your praying friends!

Blessings to you,
Steve Shultz

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Vladimir Putin: The Rise of Gog and the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 by Dr. Jeff Crwaford

Vladimir Putin: 

The Rise of Gog 

and the 

Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39

Vladimir Putin, Russia
Dr. Jeff Crawford, The Good, The Band & The Ugly

March 10, 2014

We may be seeing a biblical prophecy fulfilled in front of our eyes.  Ezekiel 38-39 foretells the coming invasion of Israel from a northern land known as Magog.  The ruler of Magog is said to be Gog, a name that most biblical scholars identify as a title rather than a proper name itself.
The prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is fascinating because it is so specific in the way it names a coalition of nations that will come up against Israel.  The prophecy foretells this axis of evil that invades Israel will be miraculously destroyed by the hand of God and that Gog, himself, will be killed.   What is remarkable about Gog’s defeat is that the Bible declares he will be buried in Israel and not in his homeland.  This will be a sure sign as to the literal fulfillment of this prophecy.
It is no secret that Israel has her share of enemies.  The focus tends to always be on the Palestinian conflict and tensions with Israel’s immediate neighbors.  But the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecy points directly to an invasion led by Russia.  What clues in the prophecy point to modern day Russia as the biblical land of Magog?
  • Magog is referred to as the land in the north.  If you draw a line from Jerusalem all the way to the North Pole, that line will pass through…Moscow.
  • Gog is referred to as the prince of Meshech and Tubal.
  • Meschech refers to the ancient peoples who live along the Black and Caspien Seas, the Moschi, or the Moschovites.  This is the word from which Moscow is derived.
  • Tubal is a derivative of the modern word Tobolsk.  Tobolsk is the former capital of Russia and one of its most famous cities.
It is chillingly clear that the ancient land of Magog is modern day Russia.  More startling are Russia’s allies as named by Scripture.  A quick survey of Ezekiel 38:5-6 and the reader will note:
  • Persia – modern day Iran.  It is no secret the role Russia has and is playing in Iran’s nuclear program.  Iran is located to the east of Israel.
  • Cush – modern day Ethiopia.  A north African nation located to the south of Israel.
  • Put – modern day Lybia.  Another north African nation and one that has become completely hostile to the West in recent days.
  • Gomer – while a modern day equivalent here is difficult, biblical scholars agree that the people of Gomer were the Cimmerians, who lived around the Black Sea and were expelled to what is modern day Turkey.  So Gomer could be Turkey.  However, the ancient Cimmerians lived in what is now known as…Ukraine.  We should take particular notice of this as Ukraine has sprung onto the world scene as Russia is on the doorstep of invasion of this sovereign nation.  Could Gomer be Ukraine?
  • Beth-togarmah – this too is not certain but some scholars have suggested Germany as the modern day equivalent of this ancient land.
  • The uttermost parts of the north – when one looks at a map of the nations north of Israel they will certainly see Syria, among others.  Once again, the role of Russia in Syria is unavoidable.
The point is clear.  Russia, the ancient land of Magog, is on the move.  The headlines declare it so.  The pieces of its coalition are quickly falling into place.  And it is this collection of nations, led by the great bear of the north, that will at some point make a move against Israel.
Is Vladimir Putin the biblical leader, Gog?  Only time will tell.  But consider…
  • Putin is emboldened.  Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, Russia has been kept in-check by the United States.  Putin no longer feels “in check.” In fact, he is playing his own game of chess and doing his best to put the United States in “check.”
  • Just two weeks ago, Russia signed an arms agreement with Egypt, Israel’s southern most neighbor.  Egypt now gets it military arms from Russia and not the United States.
  • The world watched as President Obama, walked back from his red-line in Syria over the use of chemical weapons.  Putin was paying close attention as well.
  • The world watched as our ambassador and his team was slaughtered in Libya.  To this day our government has done nothing by way of response.  This too has been noted by Putin.
  • The world has watched as the United States has been fixated on domestic issues such as the economy, same-sex marriage, immigration, climate change regulations, the minimum wage, etc. and in turn has treated international matters as less important.
  • The world has watched as the United States has proposed defense cuts and troop reductions to pre-WWII levels.
So while the United States is gearing down, self-focused, and too timid to respond to international matters, Putin has decided to make his move.
Watch Russia.  Watch Putin.  Watch the response of the United States, or lack thereof.  And watch as biblical prophecy unfolds in tomorrow’s headlines.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Netanyahu: Israel's Taken 'Unprecedented Steps'

Tzippe Barrow

Netanyahu: Israel's Taken 

'Unprecedented Steps'

Tzippe Barrow, CBN News Internet Producer - Jerusalem

From her perch high atop the mountains surrounding Jerusalem, Tzippe Barrow helps provide a bird’s eye view of events unfolding in her country.
She and her husband made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) several years ago. Barrow hopes that providing a biblical perspective of today’s events in Israel will help people in the nations to better understand the centrality of this state and the Jewish people to God’s unfolding plan of redemption for all mankind.

JERUSALEM, Israel -- The Palestinians must want peace as badly as Israel does to achieve a negotiated settlement, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told President Barack Obama at the White House on Monday.

He also said Iran is the greatest challenge facing Israel and the United States.

Netanyahu said he's obligated to do everything he can "to defend the Jewish state" from the greatest challenge it's facing: preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability.

"I think that goal can be achieved if Iran is prevented from enriching uranium and dismantles fully its military nuclear installations," he said.

Addressing negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, Netanyahu said Israel has taken "unprecedented steps" to reach an agreement over the past two decades.

"The 20 years that have passed since Israel entered the peace process have been marked by unprecedented steps that Israel has taken to advance peace," Netanyahu said.

Those steps have included vacating cities in Judea and Samaria and pulling out of the Gaza Strip entirely.

In an effort to woo the P.A. to resume direct talks, Israel not only froze construction in Judea and Samaria, it uprooted entire settlements and "released hundreds of terrorist prisoners, including dozens in recent months," he continued.

"And when you look at what we got in return, it's been scores of suicide bombings, thousands of rockets on our cities fired from the areas we vacated, and just incessant Palestinian incitement against Israel. So Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say the Palestinians haven't," he concluded.

Netanyahu said Israelis want "real peace…not a piece of paper."

If the Palestinians want Israel to recognize their future state, "…it's about time they recognize a nation-state for the Jewish people. We've only been there for 4,000 years," he said.

Meanwhile, P.A. President Mahmoud Abbas, who's scheduled to meet with Obama next week, said he would consider extending negotiations if Netanyahu agrees to another construction freeze and more prisoner releases.

"The only chance that we will agree to extend the talks will be if Netanyahu declares a settlement construction freeze and the releasing of more prisoners," Abbas told MK Zehava Gal-On, chairwoman of the ultra-left-wing Meretz Party, during a meeting in Ramallah.

Some say the U.S. response to the crisis in Ukraine effectively weakens the Obama administration's leverage with Netanyahu to agree to another round of concessions.

Click here to read the full transcript of Netanyahu's remarks.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The 2 Spies - "What are you waiting for?" by Paula R. Stern

Posted: 25 Feb 2014

If you haven't noticed lately Jew-Israel hatred is on the upswing in the world. In line with what The 2 Spies are seeing happen world-wide and along the reasons for this blog in the first place~ we want to share with you an article by Paula R. Stern. She wrote what we wish we could have. Please take her words to heart. The 2 Spies

Paula R. Stern Paula R. Stern is CEO of WritePoint Ltd., a leading technical writing company in Israel. Her personal blog, A Soldier's Mother, has been running for more than 5 years. She lives in Maale Adumim with her husband and children, a dog, too many birds, and a desire to write her thoughts and dream of a trip to Italy, Scotland, and beyond.

Sometimes, simple truths really are… well, simple.

In a complex world, we worry about all the angles, all the issues. And, in hesitating until everything becomes clear, we miss the simple truth, the simple solution. We paralyze ourselves as time passes and, worst of all, we rationalize away the dangers of today, as we magnify the potential dangers of the unknown. 

It was safe before, we kid ourselves, it will be safe again. Tomorrow will be better. They can’t really hate us that much, or worse, they don’t really hate us — they hate Israel and as soon as they realize… it will be okay. Just one more day, one more week, one more month…

So what prompts all this philosophizing?

For the life of me, I don’t understand the Jews living in France. I don’t understand the Jews living in Poland. I don’t understand the one Jew living in Afghanistan (nor the one living in Eritrea) and I can’t believe there are still 100 Jews in Egypt, Algeria, Iraq or Botswana. I don’t understand the Jews living in the Ukraine and, to be honest, I don’t much understand the Jews living in America either.

The only place, at this point, where I can understand Jews living is Israel — and maybe Canada and Micronesia. I don’t necessarily agree with Jews staying in Canada, but at least for today, I can understand it. 

As for Micronesia, I don’t actually know where Micronesia is and as far as I can tell, Google and common sense say there aren’t any Jews living there but they support Israel time after time (maybe because they figure the Arabs can’t find them either?).

But seriously — if you are a Jew living in the Ukraine today, why aren’t you packing your bags? If you are a Jew living in France, do you really expect it to get better? And, if you are a Jew living in the US, do you expect your grandchildren to still be Jewish?

Don’t tell me how hard moving to Israel is — I did it. I came here with three small children and no savings in the bank. We were lucky and blessed and have worked very hard to get where we are. I was lucky — I was offered a job three days after I moved here; my husband came a few months before and a company promised to hire him. 

Why? Because he told them he was willing to start the next day and his wife would ship him clothes. They told him to go back to the States, pack his bags and come home to Israel in two months. He did.

We were lucky because we came when our children were young enough to learn the language quickly and we weren’t picky about where we would live. We were blessed because out of the job I was offered, I built a career and a company. We were blessed because when the first place we chose to live didn’t work out, we moved into the most amazing of cities and communities here in Maale Adumim.

It wasn’t easy and it won’t be easy for the Jews who move here from wherever they are now. But it isn’t nearly as complex or dangerous as remaining in places where you aren’t welcome; where you have to hide who and what you are.

Once the road to Israel was physically dangerous — now, you are a flight away. That’s all it takes. Pack your bags, go to the nearest Israeli embassy or consulate and say, “I want to go home.”

Can Israel handle a mass immigration? We did it before. No one asked Israel if it could accommodate a mass influx of Jews from the Arab countries or from the Soviet Union. They came, they were helped. They learned; they assimilated into the country. 

We have absorbed hundreds of thousands of Jews who came because they couldn’t stay. My next door neighbors are Moroccan, Yemenite, French, American, Russian, South African, British and even some who are several generations Jerusalemites.

Easy? No, not easy, but not nearly as complex as you would imagine and the journey that will change your life begins with a first step. Decide to leave now.

One of my uncles just visited Israel for the first time since 1971. Everywhere we went, he was amazed — by the roads, by the buildings, by the technology. There are few countries in the world as modern as Israel, and none, not a one, that is as safe. Yes, that’s right — safe.

Crime is very low here; healthcare unbeatable, even with the recent Hadassah strike and even with limits to the national healthcare packages. The air is clean; the water of excellent quality. The vegetables are fresh; the bread baked daily and brought to the stores. Yes, life really can be that simple if you don’t insist on making it so complex.

Why, why are you staying in frozen lands where you have to hide your Jewishness when today, in the middle of our winter, it was sunny and in the 70s. Where today, the Jewish Sabbath, our synagogues were full and bursting with song and pride. And tomorrow, we’ll start our work week. Our children will go to school or to some of the best universities in the world.

What holds you to a place where honestly, you know you aren’t wanted? Why would a Jew remain in Poland in the shadow of the concentration camps? Why live in France and worry about the safety of your children?

“Jews, out of France,” they screamed out in a protest attended by 17,000 people. No, not in the 1940s but just last month. What I want to ask the Jews who live there is what in God’s name, are you waiting for?

The European Union’s Agency for Fundamental Rights did a survey of almost 6,000 Jews living in eight countries. More than 75% said they felt that anti-Semitism is on the rise. An amazing 38% of the Jews polled in Sweden, France, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Italy, Hungary and Latvia said they frequently avoid wearing anything that would indicate they were Jewish (skullcaps, jewelry with Jewish symbols, etc.). Many said they have been harassed or encountered anti-Semitic acts.

While anti-Semitism appears to be down in the United States overall, there is a marked increase on US colleges. That means while you might be safe, your college-age children are not.

Is life easy in Israel? Compared to what Jews are going through now in the Ukraine, France and elsewhere, actually, it probably is… on one condition — that you come here ready to be Israeli, ready to live here as we do. 

You might not be able to afford such a big house, two large cars and Hershey’s chocolates. The house might be smaller, maybe even an apartment. You might have to take public buses and trains and eat Elite chocolate — but you’ll be safe, you’ll have a present and a future as human beings and as Jews. 

Your sons and daughters will grow tall and proud; your grandchildren will walk in a land they own.

No, life isn’t easy in Israel, but it isn’t nearly as hard as living where you are waiting, just waiting until an ancient and modern disease strikes too close.

What, what in God’s name are you waiting for?

Friday, October 4, 2013

Martial Law - Rick Joyner (Prophetic Bulletin) Oct. 2013

Martial Law

MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #81 - October 3, 2013

          A recent MorningStar TV Prophetic Perspectives program that I did on how martial law is coming to America has created quite a stir. Some were outraged and some glad that the obvious had been stated. Both of these responses are understandable. The stir that was created by this is encouraging. I obviously touched a nerve, as even the national news picked it up. At least for a moment, a lot of people are alert and listening.
          In the New Testament, it is recorded over twenty times that Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”He also said, “Be careful how you hear” (see Mark 4:24). More often than most of us realize, what we hear passes through a mental filter that changes the message from what was actually said to what we think was said. In some of the responses I received about this program, it is obvious that this happened with many viewers, and that is understandable. 
I’m just thankful that they care enough to get mad about this. Even so, as some on the national news edited the video to make it seem what I was not saying, I am putting this in writing so that what I am saying is clear. It will be necessarily shocking to many anyway, and many who clearly understand what I’m saying will still disagree with it. That is understandable.
          What I did say, and am saying, is that democracy in America is failing, and we are headed for martial law.
          I make no apologies for this statement, and I will stand by it. I did not plan for that program to be aired just as a government shutdown began. That is actually a gross overstatement for what is happening, and is one of many symptoms of the breakdown we are witnessing in our Republic.
          In 1987, I began warning about what is now happening. When I was first shown this in the prophetic experience I wrote about in The Harvest, I was as disconcerted and grieving as much as some were when they saw the Prophetic Perspectives program in which I boldly stated these things. For this reason, I fully understand and empathize with their outrage. However, everything I was shown in that vision has either come true or is unfolding now.
          I have the benefit of seeing many things unfold the way I was shown, and I surely understand the outrage of those who do not have this benefit. Some infer that this is something I actually want to happen in America, but that could not be further from the truth. I don’t prophesy what I want to see happen, but what I am shown. In fact, I know it is something that the Lord did not want to happen, which I will explain below.
          At best, even with the best martial possible, martial law is a very dangerous thing. America is now sailing deeper and deeper into these most treacherous seas. If there was any prophecy that I have made that I hope does not come to pass, this would be one of the highest on that list. However, like it or not, see it or not, this is where we are headed.
          Can this be avoided? Until it happens, I do think it can be avoided. However, unless you change your direction you will end up where you are headed, and martial law is where we are headed. In 1987, this was very hard for me to see. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, it was even harder to see, but since then all of the changes in our nation have been more in the direction of this.
          When I began to see that this is now almost certainly unavoidable, I did receive encouragement that even if our present government collapsed, if we, as a nation, returned to the Lord, it would be used for good and not evil. It could be a reset, a jubilee, and our Republic could be restored on a solid foundation, one that would not be so easily shaken again. I still hold to that promise. Not only will our Republic be restored, but even more importantly, America will turn back to the Lord and fulfill our destiny and purpose.
          That being said, without a soon and very radical turn back to what we were called to be as a nation, we are going to pass through a time of martial law in America. The crucial issue is who the martial is going to be. This could be a very difficult time, much darker than we can probably imagine, or it could be a time when peace and stability is restored, and the Republic is restored to its Constitutional moorings. That choice is up to Americans.
     What is happening in America, and what will happen, is not God’s choice, but the choice of Americans. As we are told in Psalm 115:16, “The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” This is why the Lord will not do things on the earth until we pray—He delegated the rule over the earth to men, and here we receive what we decide.
          In Revelation 3:20, we see that in this age Jesus will not even enter His own church unless we open the door for Him. America was once the place on earth where He was the most welcome and the most sought after. However, for nearly half a century now we have been telling Him to leave. We do not even want the mention of Him in our public places or in our history books. Therefore, He has left. Now what is coming upon us is not His doing, it is the choice our country made when we began turning from Him.
          In this I count myself as guilty as any. Even if it was not my desire, it has happened on my watch. I am not pointing the finger at others without accepting responsibility myself. Though the friends of the Lord still outnumber the enemies of the Lord in America, His enemies are growing in number. They are seizing the reins of our country because few of His friends have cared enough, or had the courage, to do anything about it. If we do not change our direction, we will end up where we are headed, and we are headed there with increasing speed every day.
          Again, martial law will be an extreme danger. Martial law can quickly morph into a permanent dictatorship. With the technology available today, and almost daily in the news, a totalitarian police state is now possible which could be far worse than any previous police state in history. That is where we are headed. Will we change our direction?
          The most thorough way to kill a plant is to cut it off from its roots. The most effective way to destroy a nation is to cut it off from its history. Revisionist historians have been doing this to America. Americans hardly know who we are anymore or what our purpose is. We are being severed from the foundations of what once made us a great nation. The destruction of America is imminent if we do not change our direction. If we start turning back to the Lord, we can have a reset, a jubilee, and a return to the trajectory that He has planned for us—unprecedented peace, prosperity, and strength, because of the favor of the only One who can make this possible.

Prophetic Perspectives
          I am very glad for this controversy, even the outrage I have created in some by the Prophetic Perspectives program. To quote King David, “I will yet be more vile” (see II Samuel 6:22 KJV). I don’t enjoy controversy, but I do appreciate it for what it can accomplish. It is not likely that anyone will be able to speak the truth in these times without it. I intend to use the controversy started by that program to delve into more depth on these issues. Therefore, future Prophetic Perspectivesprograms will likely be even more controversial. If you do not get these programs through your network or cable provider, you may go to and view them online at your convenience.
          For those of you who have expressed concern about me personally, I appreciate this concern. However, my job is not one that wins the favor or understanding of many people. If you speak the truth in these times, many will be enraged. I knew this when I took the job. My ambition is to know that I was not a watchman that slept on my watch, but that I did the best I could to sound the alarm when there was danger. 
Alarms have to be irritating to wake people up. So my reward is seeing people wake up, even if they are angry with me at first for being so irritating. At least I know that some of those who wake up irritated are finally awake now. Those who are now enraged at me at least care enough to be enraged, and I’m thankful for that. They can be the ones who rise up and do the most to protect us from what is now threatening us.
          Even so, it is not the time for fear, but faith. Please read and take courage in the following Psalm that I was given for this time. Keep in mind that mountains often speak of governments in biblical prophetic symbolism:
Psalm 46
A psalm of the sons of Korah

To the Chief Musician
God will prevail
1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
2 Therefore will we not fear even though the earth changes, and though the mountains shake and fall into the seas.
3 Though the waters roar and are troubled, though the mountains tremble with the swelling of them. (Selah)
4 There is a river whose waters make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High.
5 God is in the midst of her; she will not be moved. God will help her when the morning dawns.
6 The nations raged, the kingdoms were shaken. He uttered His voice, and the earth melted.
7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. (Selah)
8 Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He has made in the earth.
9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow, and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots with fire.
10 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge. (Selah)
          In times of great tribulation and upheaval among the nations, we have a Rock in our God. He will never be moved, and the nations are like dust in His hand. When the shaking comes, and it will come to even the most powerful and seemingly stable nations, the righteous will be at peace, and they will not be moved, because they have built their lives upon the Rock.
         So what can we do? There is a lot. We must mobilize and get engaged. We must resolve that we value truth, righteousness, and justice more than our comfort, or we will soon be the most uncomfortable of all people. If you love God, if you love His truth, it is time to stand up.
Rick Joyner at Harvest Fest conference 
Oct. 2013 at MorningStar 
(Heritage International Ministries in Fort Mill, SC)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When the Middle Eastern pot boils over - Avner Boskey, Final Frontier Ministries


Avner & Rachel Boskey - Beersheva, Israel

When the Middle Eastern pot boils over

The Middle East is a violently boiling cauldron. So many changes are happening so quickly, and the media does not grasp the complexity and intractability of the present situation.  What follows is a brief summation of the current state of affairs, and scriptural guidelines on how to pray for each country.

Syria – the history

At present over 100,000 people have been murdered in the civil war raging across Syria, many of these unarmed civilians including women and children. Syria has been a dictatorship since time immemorial. Its population is a mix of Arab Sunni Moslems (60%), Arab Alawite Islam with Shi’ite roots (12%),  Kurdish Sunni Moslems (9%), Arab Greek Orthodox Christian (9%), Armenian Christian (4%), Arab Druze (3%), Arab Isma’eli Moslem (2%), and 1% made up of other minorities like Turkmen, Circassian, Assyrian and Jewish. For background on the biblical and historical perspective in Syria, see “Shakings, Weighings and Divisions: Syria, Annapolis and the Return of YHVH - Part One – Syria”; October 13, 2007 at under “words.”

Military dictatorship ruled Syria (and much of the Middle East after WWII), which eventually ended up as Socialist Ba’ath governments (espousing Arab nationalism, socialism and secularism). A military officer named Hafez al-Assad (from the quasi-heretical Alawite Islamic stream) became Commander of the Air Force in 1963, and then after a military coup in 1966 became Minister of Defense. In another coup in 1970 he became Prime Minister, and in 1971 became President. He attacked Israel in 1973’s Yom Kippur War, forced Lebanon into a practical annexation in 1976, supported and trained international terror groups, carried out assassinations of Lebanon’s Prime Ministers in 1982 and 2005, and oversaw the murder of between 25,000 – 40,000 Syrians in 1982 in Hama in an attempt to crush the Muslim Brotherhood. At that time the President’s brother Rifa’at al-Assad declared that the Syrian government was prepared to “sacrifice a million martyrs” (over a tenth of Syria's population at that time) in order to stamp out “the nation's enemies.” For more background on Hama, see “Shattering the gates of Damascus (Amos 1:5)” August 7, 2012 under “words.”

Assad died of a heart attack in 2000 and was succeeded as President by his son, Bashar al-Assad. Hafez al-Assad was considered by his supporters as a champion of secularism, women's rights and Syrian nationalism. His critics have accused him of being an authoritarian dictator, a leader of a personality cult, a sponsor of terrorism and a perpetrator of multiple human rights abuses both at home and abroad. Christians in Syria (considered a minority group) nevertheless felt a measure of protection from Assad’s government.

Syria – the players

The civil war places Assad’s government forces on one side, and a Islamist green rainbow of warriors on the other side.

The Muslim Brotherhood organization, a jihadi Islamist group whose strategy involves coups and/or election-based takeovers of secular Arab dictatorships, has successfully risen to exercise power in Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, and Gaza. One of its main leaders Youssef Qaradawi operates out of Saudi Arabia. Its networks are active in Jordan and Syria. For more background, see “Hurtling Through The Fog of War: A Messianic Perspective On The New Hamastan” February 4, 2006, at under “words.” The Muslim Brotherhood has been waiting patiently in Syria since Hama, looking for the right time for a coup, a revolution or an election which would bring them to power. Street demonstrations in 2012 afforded them that opportunity, and it was quickly snatched up.

Yet at the same time, al-Qa’eda proxies, spillovers and franchises stepped into the abyss, attempting to achieve their version of jihad on the backs of the Muslim Brothers. These include Jabhat Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Fatah al-Islam and Jordanian Salafi-jihadis.(

The Syrian opposition (or National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces: involves many different streams, including: Syrian National Council, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Coalition of Secular and Democratic Syrians, the Damascus Declaration, the Syrian Democratic People's Party, the Supreme Council of the Syrian Revolution, the Assyrian Democratic Organization, the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, the Free Syrian Army and Higher Military Council, the Liwaa al-Umma, the Syrian Liberation Army, the Syrian Liberation Front, the National Salvation Front in Syria, etc.

These groups are not as strictly organized or supplied as the regular Syrian Army. As a result, there is a war of attrition going on, with many civilian casualties caused by Assad’s warplanes bombing cities, Assad’s artillery shelling civilian areas, and limited use of chemical warfare by Assad’s army. Rebel forces are chipping away at resupply routes, and command and control centers. They are being gradually armed with heavier and more advanced weapons. The balance of power tips back and forth with every new day.

At the same time, a state of anarchy is happening among the rebels, with Salafi and jihadi forces massacring Shi’ites and Christians (beheading Orthodox priests, torturing Protestant believers etc.), executing Muslims they suspect of being not fully Salafi and Islamic, etc.

Ø  Syrian believers in Yeshua see the handwriting on the wall, and know that whatever the outcome, their lives will be terrifyingly worse if the rebels come to power.

The stockpiles of chemical weapons in Assad’s warehouses are mostly aimed at Israel, though they could also be targeted at Jordan and Lebanon if need be. Surrounding countries (especially Israel and Jordan (with the US shadow handing over Jordan’s shoulder) – as well as Special Operations Forces from Western countries – have their fingers on the trigger, waiting and watching to see if the tripwire snaps and operations to seize chemical weapons becomes necessary.

Iran openly activated Hezbollah forces recently in order to bolster its influence over the western Middle East.  Hezbollah in Lebanon is a strategic partner of Assad’s Alawite regime, and they have lost over 500 fighters on Syrian soil in an attempt to prop Assad up from collapse.

The Great Game between the West and the Saudi-led block (on the one hand), and Russia, Iran and China (on the other) is heating up.

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray for the preservation of human life
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will not triumph in Syria
Ø  Pray for the destruction of all chemical warfare stockpiles, with minimal loss of life


Egypt has been convulsing in birth pangs for at least two years now. For more background, see “Riots on the Highway to Egypt” January 31, 2011; and “You say you want a revolution” - February 12, 2011, under “words.”

The military dictatorship of President Hosni Mubarak was dislodged by street demonstrations and US State Department pressure. At first the demonstrators became the darlings of the news media, and the moniker “Arab Spring” was coined, replete with visions of sugar-plums and Twitter hash tags. Within a very brief time indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood hijacked the ‘revolution’ and established itself as the new Pharaoh in Egypt. While corruption was a significant factor in Mubarak’s Egypt (and in the rest of the Middle East), the accession of President Morsi’s Brotherhood did not alter the socioeconomic situation. The economy actually got worse, as Islamists moved into offices of power and influence, and Western investors balked at pouring in good money after bad.

Persecution of Coptic and Protestant Christians has increased (riots, arson, murder), and recently Shi’ites were massacred in Cairo while at worship. The safety of women on the streets and in public squares has become highly dangerous. The Muslim Brotherhood has been pushing to ratify an Islamist constitution, one which would disenfranchise secular Egyptians, Christians and women.

In June and July 2013 crowds have taken to the streets in a bizarre parallel to the anti-Mubarak crowds of 2011. Now they are calling for Morsi to step down, accusing him of being an American and Zionist agent. Flags of the USA and Israel are being burned in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, as well as posters of President Morsi. The largest demonstration known to mankind took place on Sunday June 30, with over a million Egyptians protesting the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist reign.

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray for the preservation of human life
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will not triumph in Egypt
Ø  Pray for revelation according to Isaiah 19 regarding the ultimate spiritual result for Egypt and Israel


In 1922 the eastern bank of the Jordan river was established as a British puppet state, and then again in 1946 as a fully sovereign Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan (today known as Jordan). King Abdullah (a descendant of the Hashemite dynasty and related to Mohammed) lost out on ruling Mecca to the Ibn Saud family, but the British set him up as king in this territory. For years under British tutelage, Jordan gradually moved to rest under the American umbrella (as did the new country of Saudi Arabia!).

The Hashemite dynasty is not native to the country of Jordan, and a majority of the population is descended from Arabs hailing from west of the Jordan river (commonly known as Palestinians). As a result, a simmering Muslim Brotherhood movement arose, intent on wresting Jordan away from the Hashemites, and on establishing an Islamist Caliphate in that country. Only a strong and wily intelligence service keeps Jordan alive.

The Syrian spillover has resulted in refugees flooding into northern Jordan – approximately 420,000 at latest count. Social and economic instability has resulted, and Jordan’s leadership (as well as those of Turkey, Lebanon and Iraq) are focusing fitfully on developments.

The USA has recently conducted Operation Eager Lion in Jordan, depositing Patriot anti-aircraft missile batteries, F-16 fighter jets, Special Operations Forces and other boots on the ground. Syria, Russia, Iran and China have protested America’s presence. Similar American military groups have established themselves on Turkey’s border with Syria. Jordan’s leadership is concerned at how Syrian developments might lead to unrest and violence on Jordanian soil (as once happened in 1970, when Syria invaded Jordan and the USA asked Israel to threaten Syrian forces with Israeli tanks; ;

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray for the strengthening of human life and for spiritual fruit among the Syrian refugees in Jordan
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will not triumph in Jordan


Lebanon was severely weakened after the PLO failed to overthrow King Hussein, and he subsequently drove the PLO out of his country into Syria and Jordan (the Black September season in 1970). The arrival of a substantial Sunni terrorist contingent in Lebanon weakened the tenuous balance between Maronite Christian, Druze, Shi’ite and Sunni, and led to the civil war of 1975-82 wherein over 100,00 Lebanese were killed. Israel’s invasion in 1982 resulted in the PLO been driven out and re-establishing itself in Tunis.

Into this vacuum moved Syria and Iran. The latter strengthened the Shi’ites in Lebanon, and the al-Amal movement gave way to a Khomeini-like jihadi organization known as Hezbollah (the party of Allah). This movement gradually became the main player in Lebanon, taking most of its orders from Iran’s mullahs and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (Pasdaran). The attacks on US and French Marines bases in Lebanon were engineered by Hezbollah, as well as similar attacks on the Israeli army, and attacks on Jewish organizations in Argentina, The Hezbollah network is one of the strongest present-day terror networks in the world, with many sleeper cells in Western countries. Most of its armaments come from Iran and through Syria.

Hezbollah has kept its Shi’ite warriors under wraps when it comes to action in Syria, but events there have prompted Iran to “call in the mortgage” and send Sheikh Nasrallah’s fighters into the thick of Syria’s front lines. This has catalyzed a strident negative reaction from Sunni leaders in Saudi Arabia, in Gaza’s Hamastan, in Egypt and among Lebanese Sunnis, Druze and Christians. Fighting has drifted back and forth across the Syrian-Lebanese border.

A fuse has been lit in Lebanon, and Hezbollah’s power base is experiencing tremors. The previous Lebanese civil war (1975-82) might end up being child’s play compared to what may be coming around the bend. And in many instances in the Middle East, the tradition is, “When things get bad, blame Israel!”

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray for the strengthening of human life and for spiritual fruit among the Syrian refugees in Lebanon
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will not triumph in Lebanon
Ø  Pray for much spiritual fruit among all Lebanese, including among Hezbollah members


The original American invasion of Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom, October 7, 2001) was meant to drive out al-Qa’eda and its minders the Taliban, allowing the country to become a Western-oriented democracy. Though al-Qa’eda was scattered as a result, it went underground in Afghanistan and Pakistan, morphing into a loosely knit diaspora community from Indonesia to Yemen. The British and Russians were not able to crush the Afghanis during their military sojourns in that country, and the US forces have not been able to get more brilliant results. President Hamid Karzai is a leader tainted by typical Afghani corruptions, while US diplomats negotiate with the Taliban behind Karzai’s back as US forces prepare for a staggered retreat from Afghanistan.

The Islamist world sees Afghanistan as the anvil upon which Western “Christian” forces are beaten, while in the West many leaders are running full speed away from defining themselves, their countries and their morality as Christian.

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will not triumph in Afghanistan
Ø  Pray for much spiritual fruit among all Afghanis, including among Taliban members


The Kingdom of Iraq was created by British statesmen in 1932, which functioned as a British puppet until 1958, when a Ba’athist coup established the Republic of Iraq. The dictator Saddam Hussein ruled with an iron hand from 1979-2003, when he was deposed by US military forces.

Iraq is made up of a Shi’ite majority (65%), a substantial Sunni minority (34%), and a one percentage point of minorities, including Armenians, Chechens, Circassians, Egyptians, Palestinians, and Shabaks.  The ethnic distribution is as follows: Iraqi Arabs (75%), Kurds (17%), Turkmen (3%), Assyrians (2%) and Persians (2%). This religious and ethnic mix guarantees that Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurd will always be fighting each other for control. The fracturing of Iraq into separate countries does not look like a feasible option in these days of energy-based political decisions.

As the US walks out the Iraqi door and slowly disengages from the country once called Mesopotamia, explosions are accompanying her at every corner. Al-Qa’eda in Iraq has moved delicately into the vacuum, while Sunni and Shi’ite employ IEDs to fragment civilians and worshippers on both sides of the Islamic divide.

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will not triumph in Iraq
Ø  Pray for much spiritual fruit among all Iraqis


The Western orientation of the Shah of Iran could not paper over his corruption and cruelty. The rise of a bloodthirsty and demonized Shi’ite Islamist Republic under the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979 led to the rebirth of ancient Persia as a Middle Eastern force to be reckoned with. The export of Shi’ite jihad to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Emirates, Central Asia, Iraq and Lebanon altered the Islamist jihadi equation in the world. Iran’s persecution of Jews, Bahai’s, Christians, Communists and secular Iranians has led to a dictatorship international recognized for its cruelty and zeal against its own citizens.

Iran’s spread of international terrorism through its Revolutionary Guards Pasdaran movement is the most outstanding example of its kind. Iran’s fanatic fervor in obtaining nuclear weapons, while threatening Israel’s with total destruction, has created deep fear among the Gulstates, Saudi Arabia, and any other country within reach of Iran’s cold and bony arm. The world’s attention is fixed on Iran’s race to nuclear holocaust, yet shows callow spinelessness in confronting these ambitions. The parallels between the world’s indifference to Hitler in the 1930’s and the world’s indifference to Iran in our day must be drawn and considered.

Ø  Pray that believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith
Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will be removed in Iran
Ø  Pray for much spiritual fruit among all Iranians
Ø  Pray for the removal of nuclear weapons factories in Iran

Hamastan and PA

As a result of Western pressure on Israel, the PLO terror organization was allowed to return to Gaza and the mountains of Israel. More pressure from the US and EU led to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon unilaterally disengaging from Gaza. The gap was quickly filled by the local Muslim Brotherhood branch (Hamas) coming to power in January 2006, with President Jimmy Carter as an international observer during the voting. Knee-capping, torture and assassination of PLO/Palestinian Authority personnel was the order of the day, and soon Gaza became an armed camp with missiles aimed at Israel. Two main clashes with Israel have occurred (2009 and 2012), while scores of Qassam rockets and mortars have slammed into Israeli cities, kibbutzim and moshavim before and after each war. Over10,138 rockets have been fired at Israel during this period, as well as 4,890 mortar shells (

Gaza has become an Islamist region, with shari’a law in effect. Unaccompanied women and mixed couples displaying any physical affection are in severe danger. Christian workers have been martyred, while foreigners have been kidnapped and held for ransom. Israeli cities, towns and villages are attacked from time to time by rocket and missile fire. Smuggling tunnels bring weapons in and terror teams out. The Sinai peninsula has become a terror hotbed, and rockets have been fired from the south into the Israeli city of Eilat, often overshooting their mark and hitting the Jordanian city of Aqaba. Terrorists attempt to tunnel into Israel on a regular basis.

Gaza’s Hamas leadership oversee an Islamist Palestinian “state.” Yet the Palestinian Authority in what is called the West Bank oversee another quasi-state. Under their watchful eye, terror squads belonging to the PA (Tanzim, al-Aqsa) as well as Islamic Jihad groups and Hamas operatives – all plan and attempt to execute terror attacks and the planting of IED’s against Israeli civilian targets. Only Israel’s Shabak (General Security Services) , the IDF and the anti-terror barriers stand in the way of bloody casualties.

The world would like to see peace break out in this area, yet turns a blind eye to all of the above – active support of terrorism, refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, wanting descendants of Arab refugees to settle in Israel and not in PA areas (thus overrunning and destroying the Jewish state), etc.

Two Palestinian-ruled geographical entities exist. Both are attempting to destroy Israelis. Why exactly is there great fanfare about a peace process?


The nation of Israel sits like a pontoon bridge on a lake of hungry sharks, surrounded on all sides by the most unfriendly of neighbors. As the pot boils over in one country after another, and as the world turns two blind eyes away from the threats facing this country, we believe that the God-breathed prayers of believers in Yeshua worldwide make all the difference in the world.

Ø  Pray that Israeli believers will be protected and given great opportunity to witness their faith

Ø  Pray that Islamist forces will be weakened in Israel, the PA area and in Hamastan

Ø  Pray for the gospel to go forth in power to the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel, to Gazans and those in the PA areas

Ø  Pray for the destruction of all weapons formed against us (Isaiah 54:17 )

Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do!

In Messiah Yeshua,

Avner Boskey

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