This is a "wow word" from Lana Vawser of Australia for the month of June. Many prophetic voices have said that this summer is going to be phenomenal and great shifts are here in the Body of Christ.
I want you to read this word, then reread it again...I pray it gets right down in your spirit-man as a seed from the Lord to you in this now season for the Church.
Lana shares this potent word:
This isn't just a new "season" for many of you, it's a "new era." What you are moving into now, the land of blessing, increase, abundance, opportunities and destiny, is nothing like you have ever experienced before.
Yes, believe God for a "new era" in your life...that is just beginning! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:
"June is Divine Bloom! The Month You Will Feel Like Pinching Yourself!"
Angels of Blessing and the Month of June
People of God: Hold on, hold on, hold on – for the Lord has dispatched angels of blessing to go before you and to bring recompense, restoration and increase back to you! Where the enemy has come and thought he plundered you, now the Lord has released these angelic hosts and they are going back to the enemy's camp and they are taking the spoils and bringing back all that was stolen.
"It is not surreal, it is supernaturally real!"
The enemy is being paid back for touching you. The enemy is being paid back for tormenting you. The enemy is being paid back for stealing, killing and destroying in your life. The enemy is being paid back for lying to you. The enemy is being paid back for attempting to kill you.
The Lord is rising in your defense! This past while has been so dark for so many, but I heard the Lord say that, "The level of darkness you have experienced is because of the major breakthrough that is being released in your life." It's not something that the Lord is saying "is coming," it's something that is "upon you."
There are going to be major demonstrations of increase, of the blessing of God, of recompense, redemption and restoration for you. The night has turned into day.
I saw these angelic hosts going up and down timelines and they were taking back everything that was stolen to bring back to the people of God. I saw these angelic hosts even going back into generational lines and closing doors as the people of God interceded and stood in declaration upon the Word of God.
Recently, the Lord spoke to me that there is a great battle on right now attempting to distract God's people. Don't look at the distraction. Keep standing upon the rhema Word the Lord gave you, for significant breakthrough and turnaround is upon you. (Photo via The Elijah Shopper. Angel Among Us by Jennifer Page)
Where there has been a dark cloud of heaviness, the Lord is decreeing a cloud of joy!
This isn't just a new "season" for many of you, it's a "new era." What you are moving into now, the land of blessing, increase, abundance, opportunities and destiny, is nothing like you have ever experienced before.
June, "The Month You Will Feel Like Pinching Yourself"
The Lord spoke to me about June and I heard Him say, "June, the month you will feel like pinching yourself." The atmosphere around me was filled with joy and the feeling of "exceeded" expectations and joy!
"There are going to be major demonstrations of increase, of the blessing of God, of recompense, redemption and restoration for you. The night has turned into day."
There is going to be so much breakthrough in joy that you will have the sense of "pinching yourself" because it feels surreal...and I felt the Lord say:
"It is not surreal, it is supernaturally real!"
There is going to be extravagant joy in June as the blessing, increase, recompense, redemption, restoration, favor and abundance of provision of the Lord's hand increases on a level many have never experienced before.
I saw June like a beautiful rose that was opening up and I heard the words, "June, the month of divine bloom."
So much is going to bloom in you, through you and for you in June! The aroma of Jesus, the Rose of Sharon, is going to increase so much in your life and through your life in June. A beautiful, deep, rich, new refreshing place of encounter with Jesus and place of deep intimacy will bloom!
Worship is Going to Lift Off the Hooks of the Past and Take You Higher Than You've Ever Been
Where these hooks have sucked the life out of many of God's people, causing a deep weariness and hopelessness of constantly being "pulled back" and a feeling of wanting to give up, these hooks will be removed once and for all! The Lord will give you greater hope, clarity, vision, joy, insight and wisdom for the future than you have ever had – to go further with Him than you ever dreamed.
Worship is a very strategic key to breakthrough always, but especially in June. Worship Jesus! Worship Jesus!
June: The month where you will feel like you are pinching yourself because of the amazing breakthrough, healing, joy, increase and abundance that He is releasing.
But remember what He said: "It's not's supernaturally real!" (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia, with their two sons.
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Lana Vawser's Itinerary:
Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.
June 11, 2017 (4pm)
Glory City Church
Sunday Evening Service
46 Kelvin Grove Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059
Glory City Church
Sunday Evening Service
46 Kelvin Grove Rd, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059
June 28-29, 2017
Conference: Lyn Hamilton, Jane Soreh, Glance Mills and Lana Vawser
(for more information click here)
Conference: Lyn Hamilton, Jane Soreh, Glance Mills and Lana Vawser
(for more information click here)
July 2, 2017 (10am)
Victory Church
Sunday Morning Service
192 Redbank Plains Road, Bellbird Park
Victory Church
Sunday Morning Service
192 Redbank Plains Road, Bellbird Park
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