Showing posts with label lion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lion. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"The Month For the Pomegranate: The Fullness of Seeds Maturing" Chuck D. Pierce

"The Month For the Pomegranate: 
The Fullness of Seeds Maturing"

Chuck D. Pierce
Corinth, TX

This is the month for the pomegranate. That is the fruit that matures at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is a heavenly fruit that represents the fullness of seeds maturingThe pomegranate represents overcoming, healing, and success. I declare that every seed that you have planted in the past year, 5774-2014, “The Year of the Door,” will give access into new places.

Prophetic Word of the Lord:

"I have put a SHOUT within My People! The SHOUT of the Lord dwells deep within your inward parts! Shout! My blast through you will cause your enemies to perish! Do not hold back! Loose that shout! By the breath of My nostrils, your enemies will be consumed. Be anointed with the fragrance of the pomegranate. Blow healing into your atmosphere! There is a power of overcoming and a success waiting for you through your door and in your new field.

"The roaring of the enemy is like a lion waiting to see whom he will devour. The voice of the fierce lion is resounding and the teeth of the young lions are gnashing and attempting to find prey to tear. The old lions are perishing for lack of prey! The stout lions are being scattered abroad, searching for victims. The old lions from your past have been rising up and trying to devour you! Old lions which have been guarding the field and its territory!

"This is a day for them to perish and let go of your field so My transfer of authority can begin. The old lions are the old fears, old insecurities, old wounds, and old traumas that have been keeping you out of your field in past seasons. Decree that they must let go of the field so your field will be a new field to harvest for the future. Strong lions have captured and marked the field in past seasons. They have built a lair and created a stronghold.

"Now, you go into the field! You re-mark the boundaries so they become MY boundaries! You declare that 'My God is now entering my field. The boundaries are marked for the future!'"

Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Monday, March 17, 2014

Doug Addison: It's Time to March Forward! Prophetic Signs From Bob Jones

Doug Addison:
Doug AddisonThere has been a horrendous attack against those who are advancing right now. March is coming in like a lion with warfare and resistance but it is going out like a lion as well. 

The result will create a new strength of character that you need right now: to be "gentle as a lamb." Humility is a key to overcoming and advancing.

March Forward!

If there is one word to describe what we need to do...that is "March." Forward motion will open the doors in front of you and close the doors behind. "As you go" things will open. Don't sit down or give up right now. The enemy's plans are to get you discouraged and quit, but God is sending help and angelic reinforcements.

The first three months of 2014 have been a testing time. Many people have taken themselves out of the game but it is not time to back down. It is time to keep moving forward!!! 

God is promoting people who are able to overcome, remain humble and engaged.

Sudden Advancement

Covenant Promise by Jennifer PageWatch for surprises and sudden advancement. God is taking the Heavenly resources for the higher callings and gifts that were intended for those who quit and giving them to people who are ready and willing. This will unfold more from now through July. Ask God to show you assignments or tasks that others have forgotten about or stopped using. As you pick these Heavenly tasks up, you will see an accelerated increase in growth and resources.

Wisdom, Peace and Encouragement

As you may have seen or experienced, there is an extreme amount of turmoil on the earth right now. It is happening with the weather and in the political overthrowing of governments. Disharmony is at an extreme level.

It is so important to stay at peace during this storm. It will take three characteristics of the Holy Spirit to get through: Wisdom, Peace, and Encouragement. 

God is granting a huge amount of peace and encouragement for those who need it. As you begin to exercise new levels of wisdom, God will establish a new foundation so that many of the prophetic words you've received will make sense. 

God says that the Spirit of encouragement will win this year.

"By wisdom the Lord laid the earth's foundations, by understanding He set the heavens in place." Proverbs 3:19

Political Upheaval

The political shaking that is happening right now is birth pains. It is not for judgment but for the release of something new that is going to set up a huge move of God. It is a prophetic sign that the old is being displaced by something totally new. We saw this in the Winter Olympics as many reigning champions were replaced by new, upcoming leaders.

Older ways of controlling people are making way for new levels of freedom. "The old has gone and the new is here" (2 Corinthians 5:17). God is releasing a new level of freedom that is waking up the Earth to His love and power.

Vertigo in Leaders

I have been seeing a lot of leaders suffering from vertigo. If you are experiencing this, there is a good chance that people around you are not in agreement with what you are doing. Vertigo is a negative spin that can happen when there are people praying or going in a different direction.

Granted, it could be a physical illness. But often, if you are a leader, physical illnesses are a prophetic sign of things happening around you. You will overcome this by getting the right people around you to support the new time you are entering.

Prophetic Signs of Bob Jones's Death

Prophet Bob Jones went back to Heaven for a final time on February 14, 2014. Bob died in 1975, but was sent back to prepare us for one of the greatest revivals on earth that is about to take place. Bob was a personal friend and spiritual father to me. I had the opportunity to travel and mentor with Bob for a number of years.

There were so many prophetic signs at Bob's passing. Here are a few:

• Bob died on 2/14. The prophet of Love dies on the day of love (Valentine's Day).

• 2/14 = 2 Kings 2:14 is the passing of the mantle from Elijah to Elisha.

• He died at 6:22 am. Matthew 6:22, "The eye is the light of the body..." Bob was a true "eye of the Body" type of Seer.

• There was an earthquake in South Carolina on the day he died and measured 4.1 on the Richter scale. Revelation 4:1, "I looked and there was a door standing open in Heaven."

We know that Bob's loss on earth is a gain in Heaven. All that Bob had prophesied and given to us will bring a great return!

"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24

My Miracle at Bob's Graveside

As many of you know I have been very sick with Lyme disease for the past eight months. I had to cancel several speaking events and have been unable to do much work, moving slowly. An infected tick in Moravian Falls, NC a few years ago, bit me. 

As I was walking away from Bob Jones' graveside service in Moravian Falls, Bobby Connor turned and prayed for me. 

A flash of blue angelic light appeared between us and I was instantly healed. I am so grateful to be restored 100% by God's Holy Spirit. I have been feeling great ever since!

May God grant you full healing and wholeness as we advance the Kingdom on Earth. 

It's time to march forward!


Doug Addison
InLight Connection


Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.
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Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

There is a lot of prophetic insight and wisdom in Doug Addison's latest word. "Miracles, signs and wonders" is what you will read about here.
There is something in this for everyone... be full of HOPE and be greatly encouraged.


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Friday, February 7, 2014

God is Raising Up Pioneers - Who Live In the Breaker Anointing - Michael Krysty

Michael Krysty:
God is Raising Up Pioneers - 
Who Live In the Breaker Anointing
The Elijah List

Michael Krysty
It's Breakthrough Time

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are followers, then leaders, and then there are pioneers. Lately, God has been speaking to me about a forerunner authority. Some would call it a pioneer, some would say apostolic, yet even others would say a breaker anointing.

Jesus Christ, as the supreme Apostle ("...Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess," Hebrews 3:1), was the One who broke through the temple and made a new and living way for us to follow into the presence of God.

...Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us... Hebrews 10:19-20

I believe that is exactly what the pioneer, apostolic, or breaker anointing does. It opens up new and living ways.

Roads that were totally unknown and unfamiliar to a community of people are now available, and this community is equipped in strength to travel the new road. I believe it is important to understand that when a forerunner interprets his findings from this new arena, it can generate far reaching effects for the rest of the community – both positive and negative. The anointing of a pioneer is powerful!

Jesus: A new and living wayJesus, our chief Apostle, broke through and opened a new and living way. I believe, in order to truly be effective in the Great Commission, the forerunner must do the same in their efforts to establish the Kingdom of God. I want to say this: You have access to a great breaker anointing within you.

It is Jesus inside of you. I praise God that Jesus opened up a new and living way for us into the Kingdom of God through salvation.

Yet now, with Christ in us, we can take His power into the earth and open up new roads of opportunities for His Kingdom to expand on the earth.

Right now, in this season, God is opening up the nations, ministry opportunities, and business opportunities for His children, His pioneers! Get ready for new's breakthrough time!

(Photo via icanthrugod.tumblr)

A Brand New Way

The pioneer is the first to enter into new atmospheres. Because they tread on new roads, the message is not always well received. In Numbers 13, we read about pioneers that are given the responsibility of exploring Canaan. They go and find great assets and potential.

Frankly, they are mesmerized by what they discover. They want the land. They come back and give the description to Moses, Aaron, and the rest of the Israelite community. They say, "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit" (Numbers13:27).

The testimony of the spiesYet, just as they were giving the awesome testimony of what they saw, what God had promised to them, they then switched into another testimony of impossibilities and danger. The testimony of why it could never work.

"But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there" (Numbers 13:28). A spirit of fear was released to a whole community of people even though there was visible fruit of what could be accomplished.

(Photo via Garden of Praise/by Gospel Services, Inc.)

Yet, in the midst of doubt, one spoke up: Caleb. Caleb believed they could take the land – Caleb did not see through the eyes of a normal person, nor did he have the same spirit as the other forerunners. There was something different about him in comparison to the other pioneers; he saw a super reality.

In fact, he was rewarded. The Lord said of him that he had a different spirit and that he followed Him wholeheartedly. With Caleb, Joshua also stood, believing they could take the land.
Caleb and JoshuaIt was a new way for the all of the Israelites, and they could not believe the message of Caleb and Joshua. There were other forerunners with Caleb and Joshua, yet it was only Caleb and Joshua who carried the breaker anointing.

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are many people that are walking in a new way and obeying directions to explore this new land, but there are few that see in super reality.

In fact, there are many that have had experiences and have seen life from many angles, but when it comes to taking the land and establishing the Kingdom, their actions and words communicate that there is no hope. They release doubt and fear, and operate out of a natural reality.

A true pioneer is one that stands even in the midst of everyone affected by disbelief.

For them, there is a brand new way, yet it is a possible one. The authority of a pioneer is many times challenged; but their authority is weighty and can shift societies, cultures, and nations.

(Photo via Distant Shores Media/Open Bible Stories)

Also, a true pioneer is one that breaks through not only the blocks to create a new path, but also breaks down the walls that would keep them from dwelling in the destination continually as a culture. Caleb and Joshua were these types of men. They not only opened a new way and went into the promised land, their heart was to establish a living way. God wants to establish not just an experience where we taste fruit and see the great land or experience Heaven on earth as an event or service.

He wants us to know it as a continual dwelling place as a culture.

A Living Way

Abundant lifeGod is not interested in merely a good time or an event by itself. In fact, He is not interested in a new way alone. He is interested in abundant life; life that is ongoing. He is interested in a new and living way; a revival torch that will not only spark, but ultimately grow into an ongoing fire. That is the Kingdom. God is interested in a lifestyle of revival and outpouring.

(Photo via

If we never take revival out of the service or make it a dwelling place, we become like the pioneers that give a report of the impossibilities. They believed they couldn't dwell in the fullness of the riches because of the giants.

But, there is a voice saying, "We can take the land, we can live in an ongoing outpouring because it is a living way."

It is not just a way that is new and never seen; it is a way that is alive and unending – a living way. The path that Christ torched for us to come into the Kingdom was completely new and could not be opened by any besides Himself. Yet the path is still open today, and it is living – Kingdom living.

The Kingdom of God is 24/7. It is continually in season and out. It must become a dwelling place, a place that is inhabited. If it isn't, the normal Christian life will be seen as just a series of intermittent events. It will be seen only through an earthly reality when, all the while, we have available for us a super reality...Heaven on earth.

God has made available for the Body of Christ open Heavens that will not shut, and we can dwell in these places. A living way is a breathing path that has limitless fruitful encounters.
Heaven openedStephen carried this type of anointing. The Bible describes him as one that was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was the first person in the New Testament who was martyred for following the ways of Jesus.

As he was being stoned, Stephen was literally brought into an open vision as he saw physically what was happening in the spiritual realm. He shouted out, "Look...I see Heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:56).

Yet, even though Stephen literally saw this open Heaven over his life, I believe he had it over his life even before then. I believe that Stephen was one that saw in a higher level, a super reality.

(Photo via Wallpapers Wide)

Stephen was truly a forerunner. His death caused the Church to grow and spread in a new and living way. We read right after his death in Acts 8:1-4 that when the persecution of the Church broke out, the whole Church scattered. But they were not just scattered; rather, the Church was being relocated and the Kingdom advanced.

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4

Those that were scattered spread the fire outside and beyond their normal living quarters. Stephen's act birthed a community of missionaries! It was as if a boulder had been dropped from one-hundred feet in the air into a lake of lava, causing lava to splash out into many other areas. The breaker anointing – it stays open for others to dwell in and operate out of!

Lions Traveling Unfamiliar Paths

Like lionsCaleb, Joshua, and Stephen were not followers, nor were they just leaders – they were pioneers. Yet these were not pioneers merely out to make a new discovery; they were men dedicated to bringing an entire nation into this discovery with them. They took the initiative and did not wait for others – they were courageous lions. 

(Photo via DesertUSA)

The remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for mankind. The remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest... Micah 5:7-8

I believe God is raising up super-breakers or super-pioneers to not only make a new way, but to make it both a new and living way. They are the ones that take initiative and do not wait for others to do it for them. They are young, old, and middle-aged. They are learned, unlearned, and of all classes.

God is taking people in this hour and turning them into a generation who sees through eyes of faith a super reality to destroy the works of darkness.

Not only do they want to taste the fruit of the land, they want the whole land! This is the call of the revivalist in this hour, this is the call of the teacher in this hour, this is the call of the entire five-fold ministry in this hour. To pioneer what God is commanding us to move into, and bring entire nations into it to dwell!

We must not wait for others; we must not see like others, we must be like lions!

What will you see?God is not just raising up forerunners.

God is asking the forerunners: What type of report will you give? What type of reality will you see? What type of kingdom will you release?

God is calling the forerunner to carry a breaker anointing and be led on unfamiliar paths to take an entire nation into a living way – birthing a supernatural community! NEW AND LIVING.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Lord, lead Your family into a super reality. Take us into Your breaker anointing. Teach us to decipher the many voices we hear and cancel out every voice that isn't Yours. May we hear Your whispers and know them from the rest. Release boldness into Your people.

I pray for the eyes of their hearts to be opened, that they may carry Your presence into the world. They are world changers. Thank You, Holy Spirit! Amen.

Michael Krysty
Inhabit Fire Ministries


Michael Krysty is a unique, emerging radical revivalist with an uncompromising message of the supernatural power of Jesus. He is the founder of Inhabit Fire Ministries, and walks in a powerful and accurate realm of the word of knowledge and gifts of healing.

He was introduced to the Gospel while in drug rehab and had a dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ, and he has never been the same. Now, Michael and his wife, Amanda, travel the world preaching and demonstrating the message of the raw power and love of the Kingdom of Heaven. They reside just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, and attend MorningStar Church when home.

Source: The Elijah List

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Bobby Conner: The Secret to True Boldness (The Elijah List)

Bobby Conner:
The Secret to True Boldness

Bobby ConnerAn extremely wise man penned these thought-provoking words:
"The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion" (Proverbs 28:1).

Within this short Scripture, we discover an exceptionally significant truth: The righteous are bold as a lion. This truth helps to unlock the mystery of our chronic, spiritual weakness and daily struggles to become Christlike. What is that mystery?

It is a mystery that the devil, the foe of our soul, knows – and a truth that few Believers understand. If the righteous are bold as a lion, then it follows that purity produces power! What else follows? The corollary truth: If purity produces power, then sin produces weakness.

Shame produces timidity and fearIn light of this truth, what is the devil's strategy? He seeks to sidetrack us into as much contamination as he possibly can to render us powerless in the Kingdom of God. Sin brings shame, and shame produces timidity and fear.

By this sobering truth we may judge our true spiritual maturity: If we lack power, we lack holiness. We may have received Christ's righteousness imputed to us at our salvation, but we are still walking in the flesh as carnal Christians. Take this to heart, brothers and sisters in Christ: A lack of demonstrated power is a testimony to our carnality.

We must walk in purity if we are to walk in real power (see Psalm 66:18).

Once we discover the foremost reason for our lack of genuine power – a lack of genuine holiness – we can move forward with a repentant heart. We can ask the Lord to deliver us from everything that separates us from Him, be it carnal thoughts, bitter root judgments, toxic emotions, or disobedient, ungodly habits and attitudes. Without question, our sin is the principle reason for our continual failure to walk like Christ.

The Word tells us, "As He is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17). If we are not Christlike – loving like Christ, behaving like Christ, and thinking like Christ – then we have a sin problem, plain and simple. Don't allow sin to rob you of your joy and fruitfulness.

Never forget the devil always attempts to counterfeit the gifts of God. Therefore, if godly purity results in true boldness, the devil's counterfeit is arrogance produced by human pride. God likewise always resists the proud, but offers outstanding, overflowing grace to the humble (see 1 Peter 5:5).


God's warning is exceedingly clear:"Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord" (Hebrews12:14 NIV).

We must live lives of radical holiness, no matter the consequences – but don't confuse holiness with man-made legalism. True holiness is born of the law of the Spirit and produces overflowing life and peace, while religious legalism is born of the letter of the law and produces only barrenness and death. Remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (see 2 Corinthians 3:17).

Join me in David's prayer and ask God to create within us a pure, clean heart (see Psalm 51:6), knowing that God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and sin (see 1 John 1:9). He freely gives us the clean heart we desire (see Psalm 51:10).

Lift up your head and rejoice! Reject sin and shame, knowing you have been forgiven. You have been given a fresh start in Christ our righteousness.

God bless you on your journey into Christlikeness!

Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries

Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! 

Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lion of the Tribe of Judah

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah 

upholds His eternal Word.

Yeshua HaMashiach


Photo by Steve Martin. Pictured are treasured Bibles in our home. 

The largest Bible on one of our bookcases, on the left, was Laurie's father Otto Unzicker's - 
one of the most godly men I have ever known. A good man who loved the Lord, his family, people, painting, gardening, and the Lord's Word above all. He made it to Jerusalem - one of his dreams.

The Bible on the far right has an olive wood cover. It is from Jerusalem. The two Bibles just to the left of the olive wood-covered Bible are both over a 100 years old. Their covers are made of leather.

The Lion of Judah (Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach) upholds His Word always. His promises, contained in His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) Written Word, are trustworthy and everlasting. No other one can claim that!

We treasure the Lord's Word.

Painting by Alex Levin - Israeli from Tel Aviv.