Showing posts with label sheep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sheep. Show all posts

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "Under His Wings" (Psalm 91)

Stockholm, Sweden

It is written in Ps.91 that you, as a Christian, are under God´s wings.

Ps.91: 4. "He shall cover you with His feathers".  It means that a symbol for God can be a bird. When you think about God´s greatness and about the refuge, think for instance about an albatross because they have very big feathers. You are under big feathers and under real protection. 

When you think that you are under His wings I do not just think about protection but that under His wings you are close to God. Would He not take care of you, His “bird-child”? It is natural under His wings then that He will take care of you! It means under His wings I think also that you are loved and you are not left alone! It is written that "surely He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler." In Ps.91.3 it means then that a human being can have a symbol of a bird, too. 

In  Ps.91:5 we can read “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night” and other things you do not have to be afraid of. It means that you are under Gods wings in the night when it is dark in the home. And the “Bird” lives where you live because in Ps. 23:6  we can read  “I will dwell in the house forever,” I think then about forever. It means that we dwell with God know too! He lives with us where we live.   

To deliver you from the snare of the fowler can means different things. For instance, that you as a Christian are saved  and delivered from the snare of the fowler! I think also that Jesus was delivered from the snare of the fowler when He rose from the death. I am thinking that the enemy thought he destroyed Jesus at the cross because he did not understood love and then he did not understand that Jesus was hanging there by free will for us and  rose from the dead!

Some animals are ready to give their lives for the children. I saw a bear one time on TV fighting for the cub, ready to give her life for it.

One time many years ago I happened to come to near a swan. I saw that the mother was very angry when you came close. I noticed that she had her chicks with her. She really did all she could do in protecting them!  Then I think about God. He really is very eager to do everything for us – like  a good shepherd's heart! A good shepherd is willing to give his life for the sheep and  is “feeding  the sheep.” The good shepherd takes care of the sheep and a  swan  protects and helps her offspring! 
In Ps.91 I think to be under God's wings can also be as under the wings of a hen. Under the wings you feel secure. When you understand the safety in being under the wings you get peace about things you worry about. I am under God's wings.. As if to be under the wings of an eagle or a swan.

The albatross has very big wings and I like to think about that when I think about that picture;  when I  think about being under God`s wings. God is like a shelter.  Jesus is a refuge. You are under Gods`s wings.

Also as a lamb you can feel safe, secure and calm in the arms of a shepherd who loves and carries it and takes care of it. God does that also about protection. Jesus is our salvation . It is salvation in His name and about protection. As a mother or father wants to protect their children, Gods wants to protect His children.

In Ps.91 it is written in verse 14 that "because He has set His love upon me, therefore I will deliver him.. In the name of Jesus is protection. In Isaiah 43:1-2 you can read that if we go through water and fire we will not be burned. If we go through difficulties we will not go under and if there is lot of water around us we will not drown or not die in any fire.

To be in our heavenly Daddy's arms is like to be like a child in the arms of a father who loves his child deeply. God is a God full of love and in Rom. 8.15 we can read that God has not given us a spirit of fear. We can feel safe in His love. He sent the most precious gift He had to us, His Son, so that we could be saved and find salvation is in His name, Jesus.


Eva Heglund
To rest in Your arms
I cannot do it myself.
Like a baby in the arms of a parent
Take a deep breath and feel calm 
Knowing that He will take care of me.
I am in secure in His hands.
I cannot count how He will do it,
Just trust!
I cannot fall out of Daddy`s arms;
He will not let me fall.
My Daddy has a heart of gold.
There can be waves around me.
I can feel overwhelmed but
My Daddy takes care of me!
He is above the waves.

Albatross flying over the waves

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Elijah List - Wade E. Taylor: Understanding the Will of God - Stand in the Presence

Wade E. Taylor:

Understanding the Will of God 
- Stand in the Presence

Wade E. TaylorAnd we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.Romans 8:28

This does not say that all things are good, but that even terrible things (all things – without qualification) can work together to produce "good." This good (God) is not these "things" in themselves, but rather, that the "image" of our Lord Jesus Christ is being wrought into our being, and these "all things" have become a tool to accomplish this.

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:13

We are to grow into the "measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." We begin our spiritual journey as a "spiritual baby" at the time of our salvation, and then grow toward spiritual maturity. On the Cross, Jesus said, "It is finished." He lived a perfect life and fully accomplished the will of His Father. Thus, Jesus came to full spiritual maturity
We also are to grow into this level of maturity in which our life "measures" up to His life. At the Judgment Seat of Christ, our life will be measured against His life. To prepare us for this, the Lord works within the daily circumstances of our life experience. Our part is to submit ourselves unconditionally to allow Him to do this, and then cooperate with Him in whatever He may do.

God has made us what we are, creating us in Christ Jesus for the good deeds which are prepared beforehand by God as our sphere of action. Ephesians 2:10 Moffatt Bible

Conformed to His imageThe will of the Lord for us then is not "where" we are to be, or "what" we are to do, but rather, that we will live and function in the place where there is a set of circumstances that will best enable the Lord to accomplish His purpose within us (our being conformed to His image through our yielding to the outworking of His will and purpose for us).

If we rightly understand this, then it can be said that it is possible for us to be "in" the will of God, while seemingly, being "out" of the will of God. This can only happen if our heart is unconditionally set toward the Lord. 

Then the Lord is released to use these "all things," whatever they may be, to bring us into spiritual maturity, and also, to prepare us to be brought into the place where He can accomplish a higher purpose through us. But, first we have to be "made ready."

Made Ready

This principle can be seen in the life of Moses.

Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian... Exodus 3:1

Moses knew that he was called to deliver his people, Israel, but in an attempt to fulfill this calling, He failed and fled.

And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel. And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian: For he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them: but they understood not... Then fled Moses at this saying... Acts 7:22-25, 29

Called to the sheepAs a result of being rejected, Moses is "ministering" in the wrong place to the wrong people – Jethro's sheep. Today, there are those who are in a similar situation, feeling that although they have missed the best, they are doing the best they are able to do; or there are some who have listened to the enemy telling them that they missed, and have given up.

No matter how "out of place" we may feel, if we will desire "something more" and push forward, the Lord will bring us into the level of spiritual maturity so He can use us in the outworking of His purposes. Thus, these are "in the will of God" while being "out of the will of God."

Moses clearly fits in this second group. He was not feeling sorry for himself, nor was he sitting and doing nothing. The original vision was still alive within him, and he was doing the best he could with all that was available to him.

Moses was called to the "sheep" of Israel, but instead, he was faithfully leading the "sheep" of the priest of Midian toward the mountain of God. This moved the heart of the Lord, who made an arrangement (a burning bush) wherein He could meet with Moses. Thus, all this was "working together" for good. 

Seemingly, being "out" of the will of God, Moses was "in" the will of God, as he was being brought to the end of his own ability, which prepared him for his meeting the Lord at a "burning bush."

Willing To "Turn Aside"

Burning bushThe Lord revealed Himself to Moses in a flame of fire. Thus the bush burned, but was not consumed. It can be said that it is yet burning and available to us – if our attitude is as Moses' was, and we become willing to turn aside into the Lord's manifested presence.

It would have been easier for Moses to remain in the wilderness with these sheep than to go back and face his past failure. There was no one in the wilderness to whom he could complain so they would feel sorry for him, nor to criticize what he was doing. Jethro's "sheep" were obviously much more cooperative and appreciative than the "flock" of Israel had been.

However, the intention of the Lord is always to prepare us, not only for us to succeed where we had failed, but also for us to go "further." Therefore, the Lord told Moses that he was to go back and face Pharaoh, to bring deliverance to the very people from whom he had fled.

Because the Lord did not expect Moses to accomplish this in his own strength, as he had before attempted, he was instructed by the Lord to "take off his shoes." 

Moses had walked as far as he could go in his own strength and ability. Now, he would walk in the strength (shoes) of the Lord.

This "intervention" did not take place until Moses had come to the full end of his ability, and was willing to turn aside, as an acknowledgement of his need.

And Moses said, "I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." Exodus 3:3

Moses turned asideAccording to most modern teaching, the burning bush is seen as being in front of us. They say that all we need is more faith, or some new methodology. Rather, the burning bush was off to the side of Moses' progression toward the mountain of God and required a simple action on his part. 

He had to "notice," and then "turn" from what he was doing, and submit himself to the Lord.

The fact that this "bush" burned, but was not consumed, means that it had been there for a long time, unnoticed by Moses as he pushed toward the mountain of God. Finally, Moses became aware that his ability or methodology was not getting him to the goal he desired, and noticed this bush, as it burned.

This concept of "turning aside" is very close to the heart of the Lord, who greatly desires that we both notice and respond to His presence.

My Beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, He standeth behind our wall, He looketh forth at the windows, shewing Himself through the lattice. Song of Solomon 2:9
"He standeth behind our wall." 

The Lord waits in the shadows, to see if we will notice Him, that He might come into our circumstances to bring us into the higher level of His purposes for us. This ability to perceive, and the discipline to respond to His presence, does not come quickly, or easily. 

It requires a "coming to the end" of our ways, and spending quality time in His presence in order to further develop our sensitivity to the spiritual realm, and to the manifested presence of our Lord.

If need be, the Lord has a "Jethro" and some special "sheep" who will help accomplish this in our lives, if we will acknowledge that we have come to the end of our abilities and ways, and cry out to the Lord that we need "something more" beyond that which we presently possess.

Blessed Are the Poor In Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:3

This means that we have become absolutely destitute concerning any ability that we may have and, in desperation, have become willing to turn aside. Only then can we partake of the provision of the Kingdom.
"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4

We receive the enabling grace of God's abilityWhen we seemingly become stranded in the wilderness, where none of our "giftings" are able to function, we will mourn. We cannot help it, but the Lord understands and will comfort us. This "comfort" will result from the impartation that we receive from the "burning bush" of His presence, by which we receive the enabling grace of His ability, in exchange for the loss of our abilities.

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5

Only now can we face and overcome the "Pharaohs" in our lives – all those things that actively hinder us from fulfilling the call of God.

If we will turn aside and stand in the presence of this "bush" that yet burns, and receive the impartation that is available to us, this world will yet be turned to the Lord.

Wade Taylor
Wade Taylor Ministries / Parousia Ministries

Wade Taylor graduated to Heaven on February 29, 2012. He served others as a teacher and spiritual father for over 50 years. He was respected and loved by many for his quality of spirit and walk with his Lord. He was an anointed author, bringing forth deep truths of the Spirit with a clarity and simplicity that drew the reader up into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nancy Taylor WarnerNancy Taylor Warner, daughter of Wade Taylor, spent most of her childhood in a Bible school environment due to the calling on her father's life. In 1981, the Lord called her to support his message and she since has functioned in a variety of positions. Today, in response to her dad's wishes and the encouragement of its board of directors, she now oversees Wade Taylor Ministries. 

Nancy travels at times to speak and pray for others. She particularly enjoys teaching on intimacy with God and other truths that relate to our spiritual growth. She brings an expectation for the visitation at hand, and prays for the life and ministry of Christ to be imparted by the Holy Spirit each time she ministers. 

Nancy's special gift of relating to and loving people stems from her own love for Jesus and His Kingdom. Her spiritual life messages flow into the hearts and spirits of those to whom she ministers.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Israel365 - Do Jews celebrate Thanksgiving?

Joseph was seventeen years old
and he was a shepherd with
his brothers by the flock.GENESIS (37:2)

יוֹסֵף בֶּן שְׁבַע עֶשְׂרֵה
שָׁנָה הָיָה רֹעֶה אֶת אֶחָיו בַּצֹּאןבראשית לז:ב

yoe-SAFE ben she-VA es-RAY sha-NA
ha-YA roe-EH et eh-KHAV ba-TZONE

Shabbat Inspiration

This week's Torah portion (Genesis 37-39) describes 
Joseph tending to his sheep. It is no coincidence that 
so many of our Biblical heroes were shepherds.The 
simple profession was ideal for two reasons. 

On the one hand, the abundance of time for quiet reflection 
and meditation allowed the shepherd to develop an 
intimate relationship with the Lord. Additionally, 
shepherds who excelled in their work acquired a deep 
sensitivity to the needs of each and every sheep in 
his flock. 

What he learned as a young shepherd 
influenced Joseph to become a paradigm for all future 
generations in the service of God and the service 
of man.

Thank You
Today's Scenes and Inspiration are sponsored by
Kathleen Goodwin of the United Kingdom.

Do Jews Celebrate Thanksgiving?

As a Jew, I am thankful that when America was discovered,
America discovered the Bible. This year’s once in a lifetime
convergence of Thanksgiving and Hannukah has not only
given us the cute name ‘Thanksgivukah’, but focused
attention on Judaism’s encounter with the great
American holiday.

Read More »

"The Good and Simple Land of Israel"
- Amazing Music Video

Enjoy your weekend with the spectacular
music video of the Good and Simple Land of Israel!

Watch This Video »

Shabbat Shalom Trivet
A strikingly beautiful trivet that decorates the table
 with its color and light, and displays the words
"Shabbat Shalom" in Hebrew. A great gift for
yourself or anybody else.

Get this Amazing Deal »

Today's Israel Photo
Zev Rothkoff's photo of a shepherd and his flock overlooks the
4,000 year old city of Shechem. In this city, also known as
Nablus, lie the remains of Joseph. Today, modern-day
Jewish heroes struggle to maintain a Jewish presence in
Shechem and Joseph's Tomb.

More Zev Rothkoff Photos »

"Enjoy So Much "It’s great to hear from so many of you -
stay in touch and let us know where in the world you
are enjoying Israel365!

Stay in Touch »
I am from Chile, and I really like Israel365. Plus I keep
 it for my courses in Hebrew :) Claudia V.

Enjoy so much. Keeping in touch from
Fredericksburg, Virginia. Thank you.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

19th and early 20th century photographs from the Holy Land

Updates to Previous Posts
with Pictures from the New York Public Library. Yes, the NYPL

"Shepherd and sheep." Where? South on Nablus Road in Jerusalem (circa 1900)
The mosque and minaret are still there today. Credit: New York Public Library
The Library of Congress archives of 19th and early 20th century photographs from the Holy Land still has more veins of treasures to be mined by Israel Daily Picture.

But we would like to add two more American Colony pictures which we found in the New York Public Library archives to our previous postings. We thank the NYPL for granting permission to present them here.

Turkish soldiers marching on Nablus
Road past the same minaret
(circa 1900)

The first is a picture of shepherds and sheep. What drew our attention were the buildings and mosque, easily identified in our feature "Jerusalem's Nablus Road -- Where History Marched." The original caption to the photograph of the soldiers notes that they were passing the American Colony residence, located on Nablus Road.

Emperor Wilhelm passing the Colony's
residence. Note the minaret above the
ultra-Orthodox Jew's hat on the left.
The Colony's location gave the photographers a front row seat for the arrival of the German Emperor Wilhelm II in 1898.

The second photo found in the New York Public Library is a picture of farming practices in Palestine over 100 years ago. The American Colony photographers frequently shot pictures of mismatched plowing animals.
Peasant plowing (circa 1900)
Credit: New York Public Library

We theorize that the American Colony members, who were well versed in the Old Testament, focused on agricultural prohibitions found in the Bible.

In this particular case, they illustrated the prohibition "Thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together." (Deuteronomy 20)

They also provided pictures of the prohibition "Thou shall not muzzle an ox in its threshing"
(Deuteronomy 25)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fear Not Little Flock - Ahava Love letter

   Ahava Love Letter
“Fear Not Little Flock”
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32 NASB)

Dear family of friends,
Growing up in Iowa, one of my summer joys was to spend a week or so at my cousins’ farm near Hazelton, Iowa. Pulling blood suckers off our feet from the shallow creek; chasing the scared chickens around the yard; throwing corn cobs at the lazy huge hogs lying in the thick, gooey mud… You know, just a few things young whipper snappers do for fun in the hot sweltering sun.
Shearing the sheep was an annual event too. I tried to avoid that particular task, for it was not easy. My Uncle Roger and cousin Jim did it. Aunt Marilyn was always involved for sure too! Being quite the farmer’s wife that she was, she did as much as the guys did, and then even took care of the ongoing household jobs. I admired her very much. (She sent me a birthday card every year too!)
Sheep are a rare breed. They come in several colors of white, grey and black, and wool varieties. I am certainly not an expert on raising them, but did observe some things in those youthful days now gone by.
They tend to be very frisky, timid and jittery. A watchful shepherd is usually nearby, looking out for invaders, varmints above and below the ground, and caring for their daily needs. If you want a good “product” for the market, with valuable wool and meat, you best care for them as required. You don’t raise sheep just as a pet.
I tend to think that the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) had a very good reason why He told stories about sheep. He knows humans can very much act like them. We need continual care, proper nourishment and a faithful leader at all times. He knows our very being, for He is, of course, the Creator of all, and most especially of us.
So when He tells us to be not afraid “little flock”, I find comfort in that very fact. He is the one taking care of us. My trust is not in the USA government, the military, or another institution of mankind’s making. My foundational trust is, and will continue to be, in Him, the One who created me and you.
Assurance comes when we daily realize and apply in our lives His proven words of protection, guidance, and provision. That they are ours to hear and walk in. Did He not say that He is the Good Shepherd? Did He not say that He is the One who knows what is going on all around us, as the shaking increases? Yes He did. That settles it in my heart. May it be settled in yours.
Fear not little flock. It is a true statement. Jesus (Yeshua) is the One to believe in for today, and when tomorrow comes. In fact, for all eternity. Just do it, heh?
Ahava to you my family of friends,
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. Our 2nd annual “Ahava Adventures” service trip to Israel is set, with flights, hotels, and ground transportation in place. On the date of  Oct. 29, 2011, only ten will depart from Charlotte (or join us in Philadelphia) to spend six days/nights in Jerusalem and two days/nights on the Sea of Galilee in Tiberias (only $2495 for the entire trip!) Our Israeli friends will meet us there, as we further connect with the believers in The Land.
This isn’t your “basic tour” time. We go where not many can, or would go, for we want to be more adventurous, more supportive, and experience even more what Israel’s people and land is about in this day and age. We do see spiritually and historically important locations, but our primary focus is to bless the ones living the day to day life there. Curious enough to find out further? Contact info is below.
Can’t go yourself? Please consider sponsoring a friend, family member, or person in your church, especially of  “the next generation” age group. Trust the Lord to highly impact their lives for life, to impart to them a heart for His people that will never leave them, and give them an adventure they will never forget.  (Heh, it is tax-deductable for you too. In part or full, it doesn’t matter.)
P.S.S. Beit Tikvah – Passover Seder on Good Friday, April 22, 2011 at Antioch International Church, Fort Mill, SC!

Love For His People, Inc. truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider donating now on-line by clicking here for our website’s “Giving Opportunities” tab, or by sending checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2011 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 470035   Charlotte, NC 28247-0035      E-mail:
 Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People       Twitter: martinlighthous  and  LovingHisPeople  
Blogger:         YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions sent by mail or given on-line will receive an e-receipt for each donation, for you to print out. (Saves the ministry on postage!)  

Ahava Love Letter #20   Date: March 29, in the year of our Lord 2011