Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Is God Playing in this Year’s Super Bowl?

Is God Playing 

in this Year’s 

Super Bowl?

“Lord, hearken unto my voice; let Thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.” (Psalms 130:2)
(Photo: U.S. Air Force/ Wiki Commons)
(Photo: U.S. Air Force/ Wiki Commons)
In a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), half of all sports fans included in the survey revealed they believe God may play a part in determining the Super Bowl outcome.  1,011 adults were surveyed regarding their sports interests and their beliefs regarding supernatural influences on sporting events.
“As Americans tune in to the Super Bowl this year, fully half of fans—as many as 70 million Americans—believe there may be a twelfth man on the field influencing the outcome,” said Dr. Robert P. Jones, PRRI CEO. “Significant numbers of American sports fans believe in invoking assistance from God on behalf of their favorite team, or believe the divine may be playing out its own purpose in the game.”
48% of those surveyed agreed that God rewards athletes who have faith, giving them good health and success.  More than one fifth of sports fans perform some sort of ritual they believe will provide their team with an edge.  More than a quarter said they prayed for the success of their team at some point.  Interestingly, more football fans turn to prayer than other sports fans: 33% as opposed to 21%.
“America’s football fans stand out from other fans in their belief in the supernatural, which may not be surprising after last year’s Blackout Bowl,” said Daniel Cox, PRRI’s Research Director, referring to last year’s power outage mid-game.
19% of those fans interviewed acknowledged God’s influence on the outcome.  More than half of those also said they prayed for their team.
Courtesy of PRRI
Courtesy of PRRI
Upon hearing the results of the survey, one Jewish educator and football fan explained, “God doesn’t care about football, God cares about people.”  He believes God determines the outcome of sporting events such as the Super Bowl for the greater influence it might have.  “One team’s win may create a job for someone, or put someone else in a better mood.”
Other Jewish educators talked about the positive influence professional sports have on their students’ spiritual lives. The Times of Israel spoke to Denver Academy of Torah head of school Rabbi Daniel Alter. He mentioned the 2007 World Series, in which the Colorado Rockies faced the Boston Red Sox. He said his students were more focused on prayer than ever before.
“That created a conversation on the role of prayer,” Alter said. “It brought up questions: Does God care? We probably will be having some of those conversations in the week leading up to the Super Bowl.”

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bill Yount - Favored To Live

Favored To Live

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:44 AM PST
Dear friends,

I am honored to be a regular author now on Spirit Fuel. The Spirit Fuel network is a Christian content network with the genre niche of the supernatural. The website address is: 

I faced my terror by night. It was afraid of me. And the arrow that flies by day. It missed me. You may wonder what my terror and arrow was. Just terror and an arrow. That’s all it was. ( Psalm 91:5 )

Jesus’ birth takes place at night. ( Silent Night, Holy Night ) The darkest night in history, filled with terror. It moved satan to kill every two year old boy and younger in Bethlehem. He dreads heaven coming to earth. But the Father whispers, “Can’t touch Him!” As believers satan targets us also. If it’s the darkest time in your life, be encouraged. Jesus is about to show up. I find Him in my darkest moments. That’s when I’ve gotten to know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. Fear not, He will come and save you.

In a recent movie the lead actor battled untold suffering and terror. The end was a bloody finish. Her youthful, battered body laid lifeless, turning the theatre into a morgue. After what seemed an eternity, her eyes popped open and she lived. I found out later she was favored to live through her ordeals so she could star in the next movie series. Looking back over my life, I can relate to this. Yes, I have survived everything so far and am an overcomer. God has favored me to live through the hardest times. You too. He has another series of our life to be lived. 

Our times are in His hands. ( Psalm 31:15 )

Walking On Giants

In Charleston, South Carolina, a little boy about four years old walked over, looked up at me and said, “You are little!” I said to the pastor standing beside me, “What did he say?” The pastor said, “It sounds like he said, “You are little!” It made the boy feel good since he was so short. But it humbled me. It made me think. We should look at our biggest giant or mountain and say, “You are little! You are little compared to the God inside of me!” It will humble any mountain or giant to fall. What mountain or giant will the Lord raise you up to stand on top of this coming year? What stormy seas will He cause you to walk on?

On the sea of Galilee, famous for storms, I asked the Lord a question. “Lord, are we near the place where Peter got out of the boat and walked on the raging sea before he fell?” The Lord answered me. “What do you mean Peter fell? This is the sea where Peter walked!” As though He didn’t remember Peter falling. Peter sank but he walked on water.The eleven sat in the boat living in regret.The terror of that storm paralyzed them. They missed that once in a lifetime opportunity. Sinking is better than sitting. When life is over we won’t regret taking a risk for God and sinking. We will regret sitting. And God won’t remember us sinking.

The Stage Is Being Set

When it looks like it’s impossible for me to win, God is setting the stage for something greater. For many the stage is just being set. The curtains have not yet been cracked open. God is still moving behind the scenes to place us front and center. That’s why we haven’t been heard from yet. Isn’t it the stories in the Bible of the people who looked like they would never make it, that builds our faith the most? The Lord writes their heroic exploits beginning with them knowing the agony of defeat. Silent nights of terror with trouble becoming their friend. No hope of ever fulfilling their purpose. Be encouraged. God is not through writing your story.


Bill Yount

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

More wagons coming...

Steve & Laurie Martin

Dear readers of our Love For His People Blog:

This word was shared with us this past Saturday by a good friend in the Dallas, Texas area. Encouragement comes for all of us, and so I share it with you too. May it speak to your heart, if you have been waiting, wondering, and wanting to see Him move even more on your behalf too! 

True and good leadership is coming to His people. He is the Good Shepherd, and puts in place those with His pure shepherding heart. 

And if there are  "wrongs" that happened along your path, He will take care of those too, for they need to be righted in certain areas of your life.

Steve Martin

P.S. My third book, "Leadership Through Love" will be out in February 2014. I am so grateful for the many who have already endorsed it, knowing that it can bring healing and light into the leadership vacuum that exists in many areas in business and church leadership realms.

Nov. 16, 2013

I saw you and Laurie driving a covered wagon.  The kind we would see on the very old westerns like "Wagon-Train".   This wagon was pulled by 12 horses, teamed up two by two. There were "treasures" inside the covered wagon area, and resources that were very esteemed by the Lord and very valuable also to people. 

It seems there are some things He has kept 'under cover' / hidden...until the right time, which may be now / soon since He is speaking about it now.   I did see a "wagon-train" behind you.  Your leading the others. 

Holy Spirit highlighted the word "train"....."training" guys mentoring/teaching /training others in areas of personal obedience, stewardship, nuggets of wisdom, etc.

He is highlighting this also: "self-restraint"...that you two teach the truths of how a believer lays aside His "self" desires for the desire of our Father...and that you have a special gift and anointing somehow to teach important truths about self-restraint.   I am understanding this to be in short supply, even in  church leadership. 

Okay.....and FYI…

I prayed for His justice / restitution on your behalf....for His blessing to manifest upon you two, your family, the books you've just published, etc.   I believe He is very happy to make the enemy pay-back what was stolen...and I am standing in agreement for it to manifest in all areas, not only spiritually, but pragmatically. 

I am seeing Jacob, and Laban dealing with him in a dishonest and ungodly manner....but God did a supernatural thing and caused Jacob / increase and increase and finally set him completely free. 
I remember I shared that with you years ago...He brought that back to my remembrance just now.  Not only 7 fold must the thief repay, but also 100 fold....according to Mark 10:29....which I believe you all qualify for.   

Yes, yes and Y-E-S!!!   yes and amen!!   And we will celebrate much as your flocks and herds increase and as He opens doors for you two that no man can close!!

(The following was added on 11.19.13 in a subsequent e-mail)

Another part of this the word for you and Laurie that I overlooked mentioning the other day.....obviously that is a classic picture of "pioneers & pioneering".....As you two looked just like they must have looked 150 - 200 years ago traveling across America.   Discovering new lands and horizons and being forerunners of 'the new'.    Yes and amen. That is you and Laurie. 

After listening to the word that Robin McMillan shared on the MorningStar Prophetic Perspective episode on Monday, Nov. 18, 2013, I am further encouraged by these words above! (You can see that video link also on this blog, entitled "The Five Wagons - Robin McMillan." Please use the Search box in the top right hand corner of this blog if needed to find it.)

Steve Martin

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple - Anne Elmer

Anne Elmer:
The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth;
Then Into a Buddhist Temple
The Best-Selling Elijah List Book EVER!

Steve Shultz
Dear Elijah List Readers (and your friends),

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple.

Now, as the fourth Printing of this amazing book by Anne Elmer has arrived, we can tell you that "Transported" has already sold more copies all over the world than any book we've ever carried.

This is one of the most amazing AND TRUE stories I've ever read and it's by a person I know very well. My wife and I have stayed in Anne Elmer and her husband's home in France. When she shared her story with me, I KNEW this had to be a book. Anne agreed and our readers have spoken by purchasing so many copies of this amazing narrative at what REALLY HAPPENED TO HER as THE LION FLEW HER THROUGHOUT THE EARTH! 

Jesus, as the Lion of Judah, literally came into Anne's room and offered to take her on MULTIPLE trips throughout the earth . . . including into a Buddhist temple. The Lion (Jesus) was so intense, it surprised Anne. Growling, the Lion scared off demons and yet insisted to Anne that HE had the RIGHT TO BE HERE in this Buddhist temple because so many Christians had toured this place and prayed that Jesus would reveal Himself to many in this place—even though it was currently dedicated to the huge Buddha in the building! The LION was fierce with PURPOSE because of those prayers!

Though this whole book is true, you'll find yourself exclaiming, time after time, "UNBELIEVABLE!!" 

Our readers have loved this book so much, we have to keep going back to press. Our fourth printing is just hot off the press so you can now order a copy of the book (or two). You'll want to give this book as a gift or a stocking stuffer for Christmas!

Prepare to have your view of "The Church" changed forever, and I mean it! Trust me when I say that you will not want to miss reading this book. We are encouraged by the Lord to learn HIS WAYS. This book will go a LONG WAY to LEARN HIS WAYS and HIS THOUGHTS. Again I ask you to trust me that you will say to yourself, "I never thought of it that way before!"

That's how it was for me! I just was amazed at God's way of thinking about the saved and the unsaved!

You'll remember that Paul, the Apostle was literally "caught up" into a "transported" experience, as was John the Revelator, probably more than once. Often they didn't know if their experience was "in the body or out of the body" but they knew they were caught up....

...And they were allowed sometimes to tell us some or all of what they saw. Yet other times they were DIS-allowed from sharing the content of their visitation experience.Fortunately for you, the reader, Anne is allowed to speak of her experience through this book.

I can tell you that this story has forever changed my heart and my understandings about how God loves those...even those "caught" in very DRY will be amazed. And even those people who don't seem to practice the Gifts of the'll learn the amazing grace of God's heart. And for those who are seeking but have not found Christ yet—you'll learn the heart of Jesus and His plans for them too!

You will be just amazed at how your thought processes will be altered FOR LIFE because of "Transported By The Lion Of Judah!" You'll want to order this before we need to go into a 5th printing!

This incredible Book is available to you in your choice of 4 different formats, Paperback, Audio Book-on-CD, Downloadable Audio Book, and E-Book in PDF format. Click on the one(s) you wish to purchase:

1. Paperback Book
2. Audio Book on 2 CDs
3. Audio Book in MP3 Download
4. E-Book in PDF Download

Formats 1 and 2 will be shipped to you, while formats 3 and 4 are download files—you will receive a link at the end of your purchase to immediately download either format to your computer.

Get one or get more....These life changing, paradigm shifting stories are priceless!


Steve Shultz
Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Apostle Paul was caught up and shown things so spectacular, he wasn't even allowed to tell some of them. Phillip was transported in the Spirit from the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch to another city. John the Revelator was told to "come up here" so that God could show him things to come.

And still today, hundreds, if not thousands, of God's people are continuing to have "caught up" experiences where God shows them marvelous revelation for the Church.

Anne Elmer
Anne Elmer never saw it coming. Yet before she knew it, the Lord was transporting her all over the earth, in multiple experiences, on a "literal" Lion—THE Lion of Judah—to see God's people from many different people groups, and in many countries—but no longer from her perspective. This is a "wow" book if I've ever read one. So we published it. 


Audio Book
on CD

Audio Book
on MP3


Here is what others are saying about

"...a great read and helps to demonstrate how actively the Lord is at work in all of our lives." – Lisa Cooke Doyle

"I was absolutely amazed when reading chapter 13. Although this 'church' was set in Denmark, it was the exact same situation of a church on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia where I have been going. I had been 'sent' from 60 miles away, two times per week, 'to lift Jesus Higher' from within this place, for a period of over 3 years.

Although it has been an absolute pleasure before God, it has been sad and difficult, even heartbreaking, on the ground. Here I felt deeply moved and 'saw' the precious 'church' I have been attending for so long, and am now in CERTAIN anticipation of the Lord's own marvelous work. Not that I doubted, but now I am POSITIVE. It is exactly the same. Exactly!

I do indeed Praise the Lord, for what He has shown me is indeed in process. What He has shown Anne is indeed in process. God, Himself, shall indeed redeem His people. His Church shall indeed arise on eagle's wings. He shall indeed deal with the matter for His victory and His glory. Praise His Holy Name. Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power, be unto Him who sits upon the throne.

Blessings and Love in Him who first loved us. Agape."
  M. Austin

About the Author:

Originally from the north of England, Anne and her husband have lived for the last 30 years in France where they run a small Christian publishing company. They have 3 children and 11 grandchildren. Anne's heart is for unity among Believers and to see every Christian living up to their potential in Christ.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Resources Are Coming--God Is Weaning Us - Bill Yount

New Resources Are Coming--God Is Weaning Us From Old Resources And Bringing Us Into His Supernatural Supply (Posted: 12 Sep 2012)

            Bill Yount

Philippians 4:19, "But my God  shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ  Jesus."

The Ringing of the Bell of Wall Street

I don't know much about Wall Street and the Stock  Exchange, but I do remember throughout my school years when the bell would ring.  It meant it was time for a recess.

Recess for me was a powerful word, and it  always brought a blessing to break away from the routine of things and be free  to enjoy the time out. I sense the bell that is ringing on Wall Street could be  a signal for God's people--that we are in for a "recess" not a recession! This is a recess from the way we are accustomed to having our needs met, and instead,  we will have the opportunity to watch God take care of us, supernaturally, if  need be.

I sense we are in a transition from "believing" in  miracles to "living" in them! I sense the Father saying to the angels who  dropped down the manna and fed two million of His children in the  wilderness, "I believe they are now ready to  live by faith!"

I sense the Father saying to  the Rock (Jesus) who followed His children throughout their wilderness  journey, "I believe they are now ready to speak  by faith to that rock, and watch living water gush out to quench their thirst  instead of looking to the world to quench it!"

Clothes That Don't Wear Out

Deuteronomy 29:5, "I have led  you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes have not worn out on you, and  your shoes have not worn out on your feet!"

I am hesitant to say this, but I have a pair of  black dress pants close to twenty years old that I still wear at times. Not just  because I don't like to shop, but they just never seem to wear out! Have you  noticed that your clothing and many other things seem to last longer than you  thought they would?

Get used to this, because I see this supernatural anointing  falling upon our possessions, such as automobiles and appliances, as we serve  the Lord in these last days. I also had a pair of wing tip dress shoes  that lasted about the same time span. Apparently,  Israel's clothing and shoes grew with them.

That same anointing which caused  millions of shoes to never wear out for forty years is still present. The soles  of their shoes outlasted the best Michelin radial tire on the market  today!

Financial Pruning In Sources We Have Trusted In

Not long ago we experienced a cutback in a specific  missions budget. Immediately my flesh went into full gear, wondering why a  source would cut our support. I was loading my ammunition of good reasons why  they should not cut us.

As I got ready to confront this issue, the Lord  spoke, "Hold your peace! You are not being cut  back, you are being pruned. Your cutback will bring forth financial increase  from other sources, including Me!"

I sense  many are experiencing similar situations concerning their finances. We must keep  our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

I sense He is weaning  us from sources that we have gotten used to, and now He wants to prove even more  that He is our Shepherd and we shall not lack!

God is bringing His people full circle. Full circle  means "full where there is no lack." When Jesus sent His disciples out with no  purse, script, or shoes to serve Him, He later asked them, "'Did you lack anything?' They said, 'No, nothing'" (Luke 22:35).

Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain

1 Timothy 6:6-10, "But  godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this  world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment  let us be therewith content."

Have you ever been driven into your prayer closet  by a great need, and you break into His presence where there is fullness of joy  and you forgot what drove you in there?

Once I said to the Lord, "Lord, I have  forgotten what that great need was that drove me to You, since Your presence is  overwhelming right now." He responded with, "Your greatest need is Me!"

Mercy to the Needy

As we enter more and more into His presence through  much tribulation, we will come forth with more of His compassion for the poor  and needy and will discover that there is greater joy in giving than in  receiving.

I believe in troubled times, we will be drawn more to "people" than  things. Relationships will become more precious than gold and silver, and we may discover that less with God is really more.

The answer to any economic shaking  is written right on our money, "In God We Trust!"

Enjoy the recess!

 Bill Yount