Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fire In My Bones - J. Lee Grady - "John MacArthur"

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady

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John MacArthur
John MacArthur
Fundamentalist pastor John MacArthur is a gifted preacher, author and lover of Scripture. His Grace to You radio program points countless people to the Bible, and his Master's Seminary trains hundreds of ministry leaders. He’s a staunch Calvinist, but that doesn’t make him any less my brother in Christ. 
Unfortunately, MacArthur can’t say the same about me—and that’s sad. In his new book Strange Fire, he declares in no uncertain terms that anyone who embraces any form of charismatic or Pentecostal theology does not worship the true God. 
My brother in Christ has written me off. 
In John MacArthur’s rigid world, anybody who has sought prayer for healing, claimed a miracle, received a prayer language, prophesied, sensed God speaking to them, felt God’s presence in an emotional way or fallen down on the floor after receiving prayer has already stepped out of the bounds of orthodoxy.
MacArthur says charismatics think they worship God but that actually we are worshipping a golden calf. “Every day millions of charismatics offer praise to a patently false image of the  Holy Spirit,” MacArthur says early in the book. “No other movement has done more damage to the cause of the gospel.”
He doesn’t just write off fringe elements of our movement; he skewers the original founders of Pentecostalism and even goes after Baptist author Henry Blackaby for teaching that God can speak to people today.
MacArthur, who is 74, urges evangelical Christians to engage in a “collective war” to stop the spread of the charismatic movement, which he describes as a “deadly virus,” a “deviant mutation of the truth” and a “Trojan horse” that has infiltrated mainstream Christianity. MacArthur writes, “Charismatic theology has turned the evangelical church into a cesspool of error and a breeding ground for false teachers.”
No one familiar with MacArthur is surprised by Strange Fire, since it is really a rehashed version of his 1993 book Charismatic Chaos. Unfortunately, some charismatics have given MacArthur plenty of new ammunition to support his case that we are all a bunch of sleazy con artists and spiritual bimbos. Our movement is new and fraught with problems, so MacArthur doesn’t have to look hard to find examples of troublesome doctrine. But instead of offering fatherly correction, he pulls out his sword and hacks away.
I’m no five-point Calvinist, but I will make five points here in response to MacArthur’s book:
1. Not all charismatics and Pentecostals have embraced errors or excesses. To MacArthur’s credit, he quotes charismatic leaders who have addressed legitimate abuses and errors in our movement. But then he writes us off with a broad brush. Actually, the majority of our movement is not in error, even though we all know of doctrines and practices that need correction. There are millions of healthy charismatic and Pentecostal churches around the world that are winning the lost, launching missionary endeavors and helping the poor. And charismatics and Pentecostals are fueling the global growth of Christianity—even with our flaws.
2. We must leave room for the present-day power of God. MacArthur believes God’s miracle-working power stopped around 100 A.D. He says healing, tongues, prophecy, visions and other supernatural manifestations described in the New Testament don’t work today. MacArthur is particularly irked that charismatics emphasize speaking in tongues (which he calls “gibberish”); he also complains that we have a “perverse obsession with physical health” (in other words, if you get sick, just accept it because God doesn’t heal anymore). But the New Testament doesn’t tell us that heaven flipped a switch and turned off the Spirit’s power. That is MacArthur’s opinion, not a biblical doctrine. 
3. The church needs a fresh emphasis on the Holy Spirit. MacArthur says charismatics are guilty of an unhealthy focus on the Holy Spirit. He claims that the Spirit points only to Jesus and that we shouldn’t seek the Spirit’s power or presence because He likes to stay in the background. My question: If that is true, why did Jesus teach so much about the Holy Spirit? And why is the Spirit’s powerful work so clearly highlighted in the book of Acts and the epistles? It’s true that the Spirit wants all the credit to go to Jesus, but we are making a huge mistake if we ignore the Spirit or limit His power. The church today needs God’s power like never before.
4. There is a difference between biblical correction and judgmentalism. Anyone who reads this column knows I speak out regularly about whacky practices in our movement—from prosperity doctrines to necromancy to adulterous pastors who say God told them to divorce one wife so they could marry another. I believe we must address sin in the camp. But there is a difference between confronting specific sins and condemning a whole movement to hell. John MacArthur’s book has crossed that line. 
5. We should love MacArthur anyway. Strange Fire lists numerous ways charismatics are misusing or abusing the Holy Spirit, in MacArthur’s view. But he forgets to mention that one of the important works of the Holy Spirit is to unify and connect the Christian community in deep fellowship. The New Testament urges us to “preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3, NASB), and we are also told that love is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. But Strange Fire was not written out of a heart of love. 
Still, there is no need to retaliate against MacArthur. He is our brother because we all believe in and worship the same Savior. The best thing we can do in response to this extremely unkind book is to love our brother in spite of his unfortunate bias against us.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of the Mordecai Project ( You can follow him on Twitter at @leegrady. He is the author of The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and other books.
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Israeli Bible Museum Debuts 'Book of Books' Exhibit

Israeli Bible Museum 

Debuts 'Book of Books' Exhibit

JERUSALEM, Israel -- A unique exhibition of Bible history opened this week at Jerusalem's Bible Lands Museum.
They call it the Book of Books. The museum's latest exhibition traces the history of the Bible and the Jewish roots of Christianity, tracking the story of God's written word from the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Gutenberg Bible and beyond.
Bible Lands Museum Director Amanda Weiss says there's no more important city than Jerusalem to host such an exhibit.
"It's the first presentation of this collection of rare and important Bibles and manuscripts and biblical texts looking at the Old Testament and the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, together in one exhibition here in Jerusalem," Weiss told CBN News.
"The significance is that we are trying to show the Jewish roots of Christianity," Cary Summers, chief executive of the Green Collection, said.
"We've put in added effort to make it an equally balanced and important exhibition for both a Jewish audience and the Christian world," Weiss said.
"The exhibition begins in the Judean Desert," exhibit curator Heather Reichstadt explained. "We have a representation here of facsimiles of those Dead Sea Scrolls that belong to Amman, Jordan."
Reichstadt says the dispersion of the Jewish people in 70 A.D. sets the stage for the exhibit.
"We move into North Africa where we then start to see introduction of Greek, where you have the Septuagint, it's the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament to Christians in the Greek language," Reichstadt continued. "After that we have the introduction of earliest New Testament text."
The artwork on the walls related directly to the exhibits, and a floor map traces the spread of God's Word throughout the world.
Interactive iPads allow visitors to zoom in on texts like a genealogy from Adam to Christ.
There's even an exact working replica of the 15th century Gutenberg Press, which printed the famous Guttenberg Bible.
"And you have a printed page. You could make several thousand in a day," Reichstadt explained.
"We do end the exhibition with one of the oldest biblical texts known to date…which is a blessing from Numbers 6:24-26, 'May the Lord bless you and keep you….'"
Most of the exhibit comes from the Green family collection, which will one day have a permanent home in Washington, D.C.
Cary Summers, the Green collection's chief executive, says they want to change the notion many people have that the Bible is not readable.
"We take on that challenge to provide a means for people to get comfortable reading it," Summers said. "It's literally one of the great, great writes of the world. It's fantastic. It's entertaining. It's mystery. It's everything that good movies are made of -- are found in the Bible."
More: CBN News

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Israeli Minister: Our Capital Cannot Be Divided - ISRAEL TODAY

Israeli Minister: Our Capital Cannot Be Divided

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 |  Ryan Jones, Israel Today  
Israel's cabinet has thrown its weight behind a bill requiring a large Knesset majority to approve a new division of Jerusalem, while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is opposed to the motion, arguing that it will hinder peace efforts.
The bill would require the approval of at least 80 Knesset members (two-thirds of the 120-member parliamentary body) to even start negotiations leading to the division or relinquishing of even a small part of Jerusalem to the Palestinians.
The Ministerial Committee for Legislation backed the bill in a vote of 5-4 on Sunday.
Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) said the vote was yet another reminder that "we won't divide Jerusalem or negotiate the eternal capital of the Jewish people."
Bennett said he expects Netanyahu to bring the bill before the Knesset for an official vote in the very near future.
But Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, whom Netanyahu appointed to oversee negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, is doing her best to squash the bill before it ever reaches the Knesset floor.
"Members of the coalition are ruining the ability of Israel to make diplomatic decisions," complained Livni.
Insisting that her demand to be able to negotiate away parts of the holy city stem from a position of caring, Livni continued, "Do they want the government to defend our interests, including Jerusalem, or do they want to lead us all to chaos? No one can teach us about Jerusalem and no one loves Jerusalem more than us."
Netanyahu is expected to support Livni's appeal aimed at freezing the bill.
Opposition MK Yaakov Litzman of the religious United Torah Judaism party sponsored the bill. In remarks to Yediot Ahronot, he called it a means to hold Netanyahu to his campaign promise never to divide the city.
"Netanyahu promised more than once not to negotiate on Jerusalem," Litzman said. "The message of the bill is clear: Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and is outside of any negotiations."
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The Whole Story Project - Short Films from the Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Calev Myers - Founder, Jerusalem Institute of Justice

Published on Oct 1, 2013
Get involved in the project at:

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice ( is partnering with 
Epipheo ( for The Whole Story Project, a series of
short films addressing Key Issues in the Middle East.

Keep up to date on the progress at our facebook page:
  • Category

    Film & Animation

    Editor's Note: Love For His People, Inc. 
    contributed $25 for this project to advance. 
    Hope you give to it also, as you can.


    Steve Martin
    Founder, Love For His People, Inc.

    More on Calev Myers:

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Calev Myers

    Calev Myers, Israeli human rights lawyer and activist
    Born United States
    Nationality Israel
    Alma mater Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Occupation Lawyer
    Years active 2004-present
    Organization Jerusalem Institute of Justice

    Calev Myers is the founder of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ), a human rights group in Israel. He finished a degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and joined the Israel Bar Association as a licensed lawyer after having immigrated to Israel from the United States in 1992. He founded JIJ in 2004 as non-profit organization that takes on cases of religious persecution, and advances freedom of conscience and civil justice in Israel.

    Myers also owns and manages the Jerusalem City Center branch as a partner at Yehuda Raveh & Co. law offices. The law firm was established in 1940 by Gideon Hausner who served as Attorney-General of Israel and member of Knesset in 1965, 1969, 1974 and 1977. Myers has been published in the International Law Review and currently works in the fields of corporate and intellectual property law, charity law, and civil rights law.

    When Christian humanitarian aid organizations were charged a 15.5% value added tax (VAT) on relief shipments for Israeli victims of the 2006 Lebanon War, Myers negotiated a one-time $3,090,000 VAT discount, from the Ministry of Finance, on a $20,000,000 shipment. In 2008, Myers was asked to act as spokesperson for the family of Ami Ortiz, a 15-year-old who was critically wounded by a bomb that had been planted by Yaakov Teitel in hopes of killing Ami's father, David Ortiz. After hundreds of New Testaments were publicly burned by Orthodox Jews in Israel in 2010,Army Radio interviewed Myers, who called for all involved parties to be prosecuted.

    In 2011, Myers founded a caucus with Likud Member of Knesset Danny Danon to combat anti-Semitism internationally. Myers described the caucus's goals as being "to empower Israel's friends around the world to fight anti-Semitism everywhere it exists".

    Myers addressed the European Parliament in 2012 challenging Europe's funding the Palestinian Authority while overlooking human rights violations and was the key-note speaker at the opening event of Palestinian Human Rights Week in Toronto, Canada in April 2013. At the event, Myers stated, "We try to look at the issues from a human rights perspective. When you put on your human rights lenses you see what’s really happening and who the true abusers of human rights of the Palestinians are. It’s not primarily soldiers at checkpoints, the Israeli government [or Jewish] settlers in the disputed territories: it’s the Palestinian Authority itself and the nations surrounding Israel.”

    Myers has been published in the Justice Magazine of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, and serves as one of their Representatives before the UN in Geneva and New York.
    From their website: 
    THE STATE OF ISRAEL will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. – Israel's Declaration of Independence
    In order to ensure the fulfillment of the vision of our nation's forefathers, our small team of advocates from the Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) has tirelessly challenged discriminatory governmental practices within Israel's democratic system. We have handled over 500 cases, during the first eight years of our existence, including twenty victorious petitions before the Supreme Court.
    Within Israel, we pursue freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and advocate for members of minority religions, as well as citizens lacking any religious affiliation. We have also done extensive work on behalf of victims of human trafficking, advanced affirmative action for Ethiopian new immigrants, and provided representation to Lone Soldiers who have been abandoned by their ultra-Orthodox families for choosing to serve in the IDF.
    Our passion for freedom, truth and moral clarity has driven us to pursue justice, not only within Israel, but also on behalf of Israel. While most human rights organizations superficially point to Israel's occupation of the disputed territories as the foremost abuse of human rights in our region, we espouse a more thorough and unbiased view on the matter. We have drafted and disseminated extensive reports on the human rights abuses of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Hamas government in Gaza.
    Our work in this regard has taken us before the UN and the European Parliament, as well as esteemed academic venues on several continents. We continue to call upon the international community to monitor and require accountability for the billions of dollars of aid donated to the PA per annum; aid which rather than building the infrastructure for an independent, democratic Palestinian administration, has thus far been deposited into the bank accounts of corrupt leaders, financed militant terrorist activities, and funded education of the next generation in values of hatred, violence, racism and anti-Semitism.
    We believe that the only legitimate solution for the Arab-Israeli dispute is one that will enhance freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law for all peoples on each side of the controversy. A resolution based on any other grounds simply cannot provide lasting peace.
    This has not been an easy battle, or one that has been met with much applause. At times, we have found courage in the words of Mother Teresa, "we, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing".
    Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and review our activities. We ask you to partner with us, and by so doing, to strengthen our efforts to advance justice both in Israel and for Israel.

    Justice, justice, you shall pursue, that you may live and possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you. – Deuteronomy 16:20

James Goll: Season of Turmoil, Upheaval and Contention Will Bring Change

Open Door
This Hebrew New Year has been proclaimed the "Year of the Open Door." (Abyla for
Many have proclaimed this New Hebrew Year, 5774, the "Year of the Open Door." While I concur with that, I often look at things from an additional perspective that includes not only the revelation of the Holy Spirit but the ways of God. So, if it is the "Year of the Open Door," then it is helpful to ask: "What are the requirements to go from one stage to the next?" We need to consider: "To go through an open door, do you have to close some old doors first?"
I personally believe we are in a season of turmoil, upheaval and contention—resulting in change. We are at a crossroads of change. This is true politically in the Middle East, in the United States and in many other nations.
There are issues—such as global economics, the very moral foundation of this generation, concerns of social justice, required change in the body of Christ, and all the ramifications these bring into our personal lives and families. We truly need grace for this transition!
So, let's go on a journey together and see if we find some principles that will help us go from "promise revealed" to "promise fulfilled."
From Narrow to Transition to Enlargement
We are in a process of change. The government of the church is changing. Our authority level is changing. Our gifts are being drawn out of us in stretching dimensions. We have been and are going through places of testing and confinement in the body called a "narrow place."
What is this narrow place? This is a place less wide than we are accustomed to or have expected to be in. If we respond properly to the narrow or confined place, we will enter into the phase of transition to be brought into a larger place in the Spirit.
The new place is like the camel going through the eye of the needle. One school of thought is that it was a narrow gate. The only way a camel could get through it was to be unloaded. This is the needle—the narrow gate. This is a place of unloading the weights of the past and a place of fresh commitment to the cross, where we die to self all over again. The "narrow place" can lead us out of captivity into a new and open field.
How Can We Make the Transition?
Transition means "to pass from one condition into another." Transition times are when the Lord redefines and makes adjustments necessary for us to move forward. He gives us new focus and direction. He teaches us about Himself in a new way.
A transition, in a literary sense, is the phrase that connects the past communication or paragraph with the future thought. We must seek the Lord for revelation and the ways of God in times of change. His revelatory perspective bridges the past season with the new one. Without clear revelation and communication during transition, we can lose the strength and wisdom of our past victory. But we desperately need His strength to go from glory to glory.
At the time of birth, transition is the most difficult time. This is the time when the woman feels she cannot go any further. Only the vision of the child to come causes the endurance and perseverance toward the ultimate goal of a lineage and legacy being secured.
It isn't the new thing coming that is so hard to deal with; it's the transition from the old state of affairs to the new one. How we respond during the time of transition before the new birth makes all the difference.
As you travail in this season, ask the Lord to give you strategy to protect your vision. Remember, the dragon attempts to steal new birth (Rev. 12:4). Press forward! Cry out for greater grace to be granted to you to keep moving forward.
When these changes manifest, enlargement occurs. To enlarge is to expand, to set free, to become greater in size and intensity. Enlargement—or going through the new open door—is a process, not just a proclamation. Press through the narrow, withstand the transition, and receive enlargement. 
The Process of Change
Here are few thoughts on the process of change:
1. A new level of revelation is released.
2. Your present vision starts to be adjusted.
3. New vision is secured and established.
4. A mantle of restoration is placed upon you.
5. You go through the healing process concerning things of the past.
6. A new identity is developed within you.
7. Fresh strategies are revealed to you.
8. You see a greater fullness of your inheritance before you.
9. You have the strength to overthrow your enemies.
10. You secure your new inheritance.
Observing from my own prayer posture in life and ministry experience, if you are experiencing a narrow place of confinement or you sense you are in transition, be assured. He is about to visit you with a fresh demonstration of His Spirit! May your resources increase and your trials become stepping stones to renewed power and revelation.
And know this: When you have come through the "new door," there are others who have been watching your pilgrimage. When you are strengthened, you will be enlarged to strengthen others in Jesus' name!

Dr. James W. Goll is the president of Encounters Network, director of Prayer Storm and coordinator of Encounters Alliance, a coalition of leaders. He is director of God Encounters Training, an e-school of the heart, and is a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic team. 
He has shared Jesus in more than 50 nations worldwide, teaching and imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He is the prolific author of numerous books and has also produced multiple study guides and hundreds of audio and video messages. 
James was married to Michal Ann for 32 years before her graduation to heaven in the fall of 2008. James has four adult children who all love Jesus, and he continues to make his home in Franklin, Tenn.
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