Saturday, April 13, 2013

Israel celebrates its 65th Independance Day April 15, 2013

Israel’s 65th Birthday: ‘Around Us The Storm Is Raging’ – OpEd
By -- (April 13, 2013), Euroasia Review

Uri Avnery

“AROUND US the storm is raging / But our head will not be bowed…” we sang when we were young, before the State of Israel was born.

On the eve of Israel’s 65th birthday, this coming Monday, we could sing this rousing song again. And not just out of nostalgia.

Around us, many storms are raging. In Syria, a terrible civil wear is tearing the country apart. In Egypt, after the victory of the Arab spring, the country is still in turmoil.

The Lebanese state is still unable to impose its authority on the various armed sects, and the same is true for Iraq.

Iran is busy advancing its nuclear program, all the while muttering dark threats.

Israel sees itself as an island in the stormy sea, threatened on all sides, ready for the tsunami to hit any minute.

THERE IS something ironic about all this.

The Zionist adventure started with the promise to create a safe haven for the Jews, after centuries of helplessness.

Indeed, stripped of all ideological decorations, that was the central theme of the endeavor.

Everywhere, Jews were defenseless, dependent on the mercies of others. Here, in a state of our own, we would be able to defend ourselves, head unbowed.

In other words, for ages we were the object of history, now we were taking our destiny in our own hands, an actor on the stage of history, a nation among the nations.

Before that, Jews were some kind of ethnic-religious entity. With Zionism, the Jews – or a part of them – constituted themselves as a modern nation, able to defend itself against any enemy.

In this sense, Zionism was indeed a roaring success. Its creation, the State of Israel, is now strong and secure.

OR IS it? Listening to many of our leaders, the opposite seems to be true.

Years ago, Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the caustic critic of the Zionist establishment, famously asserted that Israel was the only place in the world where the lives of Jews were in mortal danger. As it turned out, that was not entirely exact.

A few days ago, on Holocaust Day, our Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, declared that we are threatened by a Second Holocaust, perpetrated by a nuclear-armed Iran.

The next day, a group of international hackers, animated by pro-Palestinian sentiments, declared a cyber-war on Israel. They promised to inactivate the main institutions of the country, both military and civilian, governmental and private. As it turned out, the attack failed miserably. No significant damage was caused. But before this became clear, former Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman responded by comparing the campaign with the Nazi Holocaust.

What is this? Paranoia? Manipulation? Political gimmickry? All of these and more?

IN THE span of nine days, Israel is experiencing three national events. Each with sirens howling, official ceremonies, endless speeches. All TV, radio and print media totally devoted to the subject of the day.

Last Monday was Holocaust Day. The entire country turned to the memory of that awful chapter of history. At 10 o’clock, to the sound of the sirens, the whole country came to a standstill. Cars stopped in the middle of the road, men, women and children got out and stood at attention. Survivors still alive – mostly over 80 – told their horrible stories, listeners shed tears.

At Yad Vashem, Netanyahu made his standard speech – Never again… We shall not… the Iranian bomb… Second Holocaust…

Tomorrow evening will be Memorial Day. The country will mourn for the many thousands who fell in Israel’s numerous wars. Bereaved parents will lay flowers on the graves of their beloved. Politicians will make speeches about the lives so nobly given up for the nation to prevent a Second Holocaust.

The next day will be a day of joy. Without an interruption, the sirens will announce the end of Memorial Day and the beginning of Independence Day. Speeches about the sacrifices of the fallen will be superseded by speeches about the glories and achievement of the state, which rose so miraculously from the ashes of the Holocaust. In the center of festivities stand Israel’s armed forces, among the strongest and most efficient in the world.

The close proximity of these three dates is not accidental. It is a conscious attempt to imbue generations of Israelis with the idea that Israel is under constant threat, like the Jewish communities in Europe throughout the centuries, and that the IDF is the sole guarantor of our national and even individual security.

Many people consider this a manipulation, as indeed it is. Under Netanyahu, this has reached new heights (or depths). Jewish victimhood is bandied about as a totem that sanctifies all our policies: the occupation, the settlements, the oppression of the Palestinians, the rejection in practice of peace based on the two-state solution.

It is also a political ploy. The constant reminders of existential dangers – in Iran, in Syria, in Egypt and elsewhere – are designed to rally the population around the leadership. In the recent election campaign, Netanyahu presented himself as a “strong leader for a strong state”. Never mind that he is actually a weakling, notorious for succumbing to foreign and internal pressures. Fear-mongering is his most effective instrument.

HOWEVER, it would be a great mistake to discount Israeli fears as artificial. They are quite real.

Foreigners are often amazed to hear Israelis asserting in the same sentence, literally in the same breath, that “Israel is a regional power”, and that we shall not go “like lambs to the slaughter”, as Jews were alleged (by Israelis) to have done in the Holocaust. Both halves of this sentence are real. They live side by side in the minds of most Israelis.

No one who has been in Israel on Holocaust Day can have the slightest doubt about the huge impact that the Holocaust continues to have on our minds. Most of us (myself included) have relatives who perished in the Shoah. The profound sense of victimhood, the fears and apprehensions are deeply ingrained in us. It would be almost impossible to eradicate them in a few years.

YET WE must overcome them, because they have no relation with current reality and prevent us from rational behavior.

The simple fact is that Israel is a strong state, and will remain so for a long time to come.

We have a very strong and efficient military, more than sufficient for meeting any foreseeable threat. The Arab spring has at least temporarily removed several military menaces. That is true also for the real or imagined nuclear threat from Iran. No Iranian leader would ever risk the total destruction of his country, with its thousands of years of civilization, in order to destroy poor us.

But a strong military is only one component of security. There are many others.

In 65 years we have built a solid and strong economy, more resilient than much bigger and stronger economies around the world. In several areas, such as high-tech, science, medicine, agriculture and the arts, we belong to the premier world league. Israel’s intimate relations with the No. 1 world power seem safe for a long time to come and of huge advantage in many fields, even given the gradual decline of US power.

The revived Hebrew language is vibrant and firmly entrenched. Israeli democracy, though under constant threat, seems to be able to withstand the onslaught. We can surely be proud of what our society has achieved, practically from scratch.

The only real dangers facing Israel come from within. Mad policies, the continued occupation, the permanent war, the encroachment of fundamentalist religion – these are the real causes for worry.
I AM pointing this out not in order to inflame a sense of triumphalism, but on the contrary.

In Israel, it is the Right which thrives on fear and constantly invents new threats, in order to deny peace and promote a sense of “the whole world against us”. They depict our state as just another beleaguered ghetto, facing a perpetual danger of annihilation.

The Israeli peace camp must resolutely stand up against this world view. Israel is strong, and because it is strong it can take risks, make peace with the Palestinian people and the entire Arab and Muslim world.

65 years ago, when we were a population of hardly 650 thousand people, my generation had this self-confidence. Our heads were unbowed. We must rediscover this now.

Wane Daroux sings his original - April 12, 2013

Wane Daroux at "An Event Honoring Israel"

Wane Daroux shared this original song during the annual "Evening Honoring Israel" in Lincolnton, NC. 
April 12, 2013. He just released his first CD entitled "Our God Is One". You can contact him at to get one for yourself or a gift for someone. Nice Caribbean sound.

Beit Yeshua hosted the annual event, led by Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams.

Hear Wane now on the Love For His People YouTube channel: Wane Daroux

An Evening Honoring Israel - Blessing Israel on Her 65th Year of Statehood!

An Evening Honoring Israel was held April 13, 2013 to celebrate Israel's 65th birthday this coming week.

Israel, at sundown on Sunday, April 14, is 65 years as a nation. But she is over 3000 years in being the Promised Land of the Jewish people - given to them by the Lord God of Israel Himself (Yeshua HaMaschiach), and by His word it will NEVER be taken from them or given away! Again, they have His Word on that.

So in order to bless Israel and the Jews worldwide, the annual An Evening Honoring Israel celebratory event was hosted by Beit Yeshua (Founders Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams) in Lincolnton, NC this past Friday night.

The ministries of Highway to Zion (Cathy Hargett), Israel Media Ministries (Ze'ev Nevo) and Love For His People (Steve Martin) joined in blessing Israel and the Jews.

Here are just a few highlight photos of the 217 this writer (and photographer!) took that night.

The full album can be seen on our Facebook page (Steve Martin/Love For His People )

Curtis Loftin, Beit Yeshua Co-Founder


Cathy Hargett - Highway To Zion, Founder

Ze'ev Nevo, Israel Media Ministries, Founder

Israeli Jewish believer - event guest speaker

 Steve Martin with Janice & Chuck Anthony

Meryl & Janice setting up Seven Species table

(At least they were supposed to...)

Gideon (Gid) Anthony sings songs of Messianic joy.


Beit Yeshua's Machol Dance Team

Wane Daroux sang two of his originals.

He just released his first CD.

Doug Williams waving the

Lion of Judah

proclamation flag!

More than seven videos have been uploaded on our YouTube site (Love For His People Inc).

Now, can you guess who this is?

In Yeshua's Mighty Name,
we are helping to build the
highway to Zion together,
with His love for His people.
We are using
media ministries
from our Israeli brother
as a
sword and spearhead outward,
with the house of Yeshua
being used to bring His Body
in joyful celebration!
Hint: four ministries the Lord is continually connecting to show the world His love, and to get the job done!!!

Be blessed as you and I together bless Israel!

Steve Martin

A Fresh Bouquet Today For You - From The Lord

This week the Lord gloriously created new flowers for us to see His never ending love.
These are fresh. Each petal is one of a kind. Never seen before, growing out of His good earth.
You may have seen others like them, but this was a whole new bouquet for you and me this year.
I share this "freshly photoed bouquet" with you.
Receive His love, from His heart to yours.
Steve Martin



Photos by Steve Martin.

Friday, April 12, 2013

It's REUNIONIZE Time! - Aug.10, 2013 in NC

First Annual 

Reunionize Time!

Saturday - Aug. 10, 2013 

2-6 pm

Pineville Lake Park 

1000 Johnston Dr. 


John O'Leary - our faithful sound man 
at All Nations Church,
serving from 1995 to at least 2002!

Greetings to all of thee.

I will be missing my 40th high school reunion this year in Waterloo, IA this summer. (Go Columbus High Sailors!!!) We have a BIG Martin family reunion around the same time.

I am sad about not being able to participate. I enjoyed high school and the friends I had there.

So...I got to thinking. If there are any of my connected e-mailers, Bloggers, Twittervillees and/or FaceBookie friends out there, who either went to church with Laurie and I, or were on ministry staffs or worship teams, or are part of the three main ministries we are currently involved with...

We could have a BIG reunion here instead!!

Here are the lists:

1. Victory Church - LaSalle/Peru, IL (1977-1980)
2. Shiloh Fellowship/New Covenant Christian Church - East Lansing, MI (1980-1987)
3. Good News Church - Fort Lauderdale, FL. (1987-1994)
4. All Nations Church (founding members) - Charlotte, NC (1994-2001)
5. Cornerstone Fellowship Church - Pineville, NC (2001-2004)
6. St. Giles Presbyterian Church - Charlotte, NC (2004-2006)
7. Morningstar - Fort Mill, SC (2006-2010)
8. Antioch International Church - Fort Mill, SC (2010 - present)

Or was on staff with me at one (or more) of these ministries:

1. Derek Prince Ministries (Ft. Lauderdale 1987-1990) and Charlotte, NC 2001-2005)
2. Mahesh Chavda Ministries/All Nations Church - Ft. Lauderdale and Charlotte (1987-2000)
3. Vision For Israel  - Savannah, GA and Charlotte (2005-2010)
4. Samaritan's Purse - Charlotte, NC (2010, 2011)
5. Covenant Keepers - Charlotte, NC (2011-2012)
6. Charlotte Rescue Mission - Charlotte, NC (2012)
7. Antioch International Church - Fort Mill, SC (2012-present)

(L-R) Bob Sherrill, Doug Goff, Bob Smith 

All Nations Church (1995)

Gilbert Crespo (now with the Lord in heaven)

All Nations Church (1995)

Derek Prince Ministries 2004

Or you are one of our good friends with these networked ministries:

1. Beit Yeshua (2006 - present)
2. Christians For Messiah Ministries (2004-present)
3. Highway To Zion (2006 - present)
4. Love For His People (2010 - present)
5. One New Man (2012 - present)

Beit Yeshua's Curtis Loftin 2013

Cathy and Dale Hargett - Highway To Zion 2013

Then it's....


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Time will be from 2-6 pm. 

Pineville Lake Park 
1000 Johnston Dr. 

Each family will bring a dish to pass and some cola or water drink. Bring the old kids, young kids, and ones still cookin'. The park provides grills, but bring your own charcoal if needed. Pretend you are going on a picnic so you bring all you would need.

Haul in the grandkids too, so the grandpas can run them down to get in some "off the couch" exercise.

All for the purpose 
of being together,
to have some good, 
old fashion bonding, 
fellowshipping time
in His prescense.

Write me back to get on the Reunionize Time update list -

Shalom y'all,


- along with my good wife Laurie

P.S. Please pass this onto those who would like to join us but don't communicate through social media or any other modern day technology. (I have to print this out for Laurie!) Or others who need to read a really good blog once in a while.

And if they can't make it, we can Skype them, like we may do with Sandi and Sue Lucas who live in San Antonio!

P.S.S. Enjoy the memory lane photos below! Can you remember who, when and where? You may be tested on these at the gathering, for they have been important, Body-connecting matters.

I may have to bring some copies of my 8,745, that I have just on my FaceBook page alone.

But here are a few...near the beginning...


Some of the worship teams over the years...


And now up to date...







Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134

USA Non-profit 501(c)3   Fed. ID #27-1633858

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People 
Twitter: martinlighthous,  LovingHisPeople, LoveHisPeople  and

YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc

Thursday, April 11, 2013

"The Love Heart of God" -lovingly written by Steve Martin

Dear family of friends,

The love heart of God is expressed to us in many ways. Sometimes we just have to "look" and see Him there. Whether He shows us through His creation, His people, or supernatural random acts of love, He is there. Calling out to us to know and experience Him in our daily lives.

Through these photos I took, and this poem He has me sharing with you, may His love touch your heart today. In a deeper way than you have ever known. He loves YOU!

The "heart of the Lord" revealed in His creation.

This photo was taken with my Blackberry phone on April 10, 2013. It was around 4:30 pm, after I arrived home from work. It is located at the foot of our steps leading up to our front door.

The bed faces east. Towards Jerusalem.
This purple flowering heart is another way the Lord shares His with us.
This morning, while meditating and considering the Lord's ways in my big, black, cozy prayer chair, the Father gave me this simple poem. Just another small expression of His love.

"Some say He is not aware
Of life and what we really share.
Others think He doesn't know
When men and more have lost their soul.

But with His heart and by His hand
He counts the hairs and waters land.
The love of God can simply be
Revealed through grace for you and me."

Steve Martin
April 11, 2013, 3:55 a.m.

"Heart of God" shining on the wall

On Feb. 25, 2011, as I was in Antioch Internantional Church (Fort Mill, SC) preparing for that night's Shabbat service for our Beit Tikvah ("House of Hope") meeting, I saw this on the east wall. It was around 4 pm in the afternoon. There are windows only on the west and south walls.

I took two photos with my Blackberry phone. Believing at first that it was a reflection off some necklace or other jewelry, I diligently searched around the chairs. Then I checked to see if anything by the windows could have been causing the image. Nothing.

So my conclusion? Just a simple, but effective way that the Lord again shows His love for us.

Steve Martin 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ahava Adventure to Jerusalem! Nov. 2-11, 2013

May 2, 2013

Greetings all.

Our Love For His People annual "Ahava Adventures" trip to Israel resumes this year. Three years is a long time since the last one, and I am ready to get back to walking the streets of Jerusalem and blessing His people.

It is funny. Yesterday I was walking the streets of Charlotte during my half-hour lunch. Praying and photoing (new word I just created).

I know more about the streets of Jerusalem and where things are than I do here in uptown Charlotte.

As for Jerusalem, my good boss Eleni has given me permission to take time off Nov. 2-11 (leave on a Saturday and return on a Monday) this year. That will give us time for seven days in Jerusalem, plus a day bus trip to Masada/Dead Sea, which is always fun.

Tower of David - painting by Art Levin

Believing the Lord wants to connect people like us to His Chosen people, especially those  in the Holy Land, though He calls it the Promised Land, I will always need His guidance for these individual times of adventures.

The Western Wall (The Kotel) - Jerusalem

Initially these Ahava Adventures trips were to be for two to four people, staying in friend's homes or a low cost hotel (we only need a cot or mattress, right Ben?!) The purpose of low budget accomadations is to make it as affordable for as many as possible.

And then this trip was only going to be for young men, who need to get out of themselves and touch the Lord's heart.

But now ladies want to go...

So, now that the vision has expanded, let me know if you are interested. I  can only give people a month or so to consider. If we get a gender mix response, we can get a hotel. Otherwise my connections will "make room in the inn" for two to three of us.

Planes and trains and such need to get booked ASAP.

Shalom y'all,


P.S. The total package for flight, food and non-hotel lodging would be around $2000. As of today, flights from Charlotte to Tel Aviv are around $1300. If hotel lodging is needed due to the number of people, we would probably have to add another $500-$700 per person.

But the tour guide is free!! Me!!

Friends from England and The Netherlands are possibly joining us for a long over due time of fellowship.

If you can't make it this year, cancel the cruise you have booked for next year and come spend time where the Lord says His name rests on Jerusalem.

Come and blow the trumpet (shofar) in Zion!

Love For His People, Inc. also truly appreciates your generous support. Please consider sending a monthly charitable gift of $5-$25 each month to help us bless Messianic Jews in Israel. You can send checks to the address below. Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
©2013 Steve  Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134     

Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter   

YouTube: loveforhispeopleinc 

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.  Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Israel Marks Holocaust, Warns World 'Never Forget'

Israel Marks Holocaust, Warns World 'Never Forget'

Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust Museum

- Jerusalem, Israel

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israelis remembered the Holocaust on Monday and highlighted the Jewish resistance on the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Sirens wailed as Israel stood still in memory of millions of Jews who were murdered in the Nazi Holocaust.
For two minutes, traffic stopped and Israelis paused to reflect on the World War II horrors that came upon the Jewish people -- on those who survived and those who didn't.
Visiting Secretary of State John Kerry joined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and laid a wreath in memory of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust.
Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Day officially began with a state ceremony at Yad VaShem, Israel's Holocaust Museum.
Survivors and their relatives lit six torches -- each representing 1 million Jews who perished in the Nazi reign of terror.
This year marked the 70th anniversary of the 1943 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the first large-scale rebellion against the Nazis in Europe. It became a symbol of the struggle against impossible odds.
Israeli President Shimon Peres said the threat of the Holocaust against one nation is a threat against all nations.
Meanwhile, Netanyahu made reference to the threat from Iran.
"The murderous hatred against the Jews that has accompanied the history of our people has not disappeared," the prime minister warned.
With less than 200,000 Holocaust survivors left in Israel, there is concern that the memory and impact of the Holocaust could fade.
"I think we are too apart. I think there is not enough remembering, not enough time has passed for us to be so forgetful about what the Jewish people have been through," one Jerusalemite told CBN News.
"It's very important for us and unfortunately we were talking about the fact that in about 50-60 years it's liable to be nothing but another blip on history," said an American Jewish man who has children and grandchildren living in Israel.
"I do think it's just important that we remember what happened. Our Bible tells us never to forget….We have to depend on ourselves and God," his wife said.