Saturday, September 16, 2017

How Hurricane Irma Fits Into the Biblical Blueprint of 'The Paradigm' - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Hurricane Irma (Google Earth )
We who lived through Hurricane Irma are glad the damage isn't worse, considering experts are calling it one of the biggest and strongest hurricanes in history. I lost power at my house for only 28 hours, and a huge pine fell but did no damage. At the office, our sign was blown over. We had to work remotely for four days until power could be restored to our building.
Irma means "goddess of war"and this storm brought destruction. It crashed into Florida and closed our offices the very week before we launch Jonathan Cahn's newest book, The ParadigmThe Paradigm contains a chapter called "The Goddess." It's about the goddess of Jezebel—Ashtoreth/Astarte—the goddess of sexuality, war and destruction. Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston last week, and Harvey means "the warrior." The Paradigm also contains a chapter called "The Warrior." 
In the cover story for this month's Charisma, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn explains how there is a master blueprint that lies behind current events, the rise and fall of leaders and governments, which reveals our future. If you missed it, click here to read this fascinating overview. I'm sure it will astonish you, answer your questions and reveal things you could never have imagined.
The Paradigm is Cahn's latest book and, I believe, his most important. Because of the attacks that are coming, we believe the enemy must not be happy about its launch. Every time Cahn has released a major book, we've seen attacks at the exact time the book debuts.
  • The first release of The Harbinger (e-book): Hurricane Irene strikes the building where Cahn's congregation meets, and the ministry is out of the building for seven weeks.
  • The release of The ShemitahCahn is suddenly paralyzed with a mysterious condition and is hospitalized for one week.
  • The release of The Book of MysteriesThe town in which Rabbi Cahn's congregation is located suddenly issues about 10 threats, violations and summons, all within one week of the book's release.
  • The week of the first broadcasts featuring The Paradigm, which releases next week: Hurricanes arrive, and Charisma Media is specifically struck by Irma; thus the enemy is seeking to hinder the launch.
At the same time, the modern antitype of Jezebel comes out with her book—and her argument and accusations—the week before The Paradigm releases. As in The Paradigm, the warrior strikes the priests, and the representative is the woman Houston, so Hurricane Harvey—the warrior—strikes Houston.
I don't believe we can attribute everything to demonic attacks. But the pattern that exists is unmistakable.
Bottom line: It's a good sign that the enemy is so furious. But we must press forward all the more and refuse to be stopped.
I'm not saying there's a simplistic cause-and-effect relationship or that these major disasters are solely tied to specific events. But as God works all things together for good, so too, the enemy seeks to work all things together for evil and against the purposes of God.
Because of all this, I ask intercessors who have the ability to see what is happening in Scripture to pray against these attacks and also that the message of The Paradigm will have wide distribution. America must wake up to what is happening spiritually in our nation.
Just as Cahn's The Harbinger revealed patterns of how God was dealing with Israel and also America after 9/11, The Paradigm reveals a biblical blueprint that shows that patterns in ancient Israel are repeated in our day and are specifically tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and even Donald Trump.
In The Paradigm, the warrior (Jehu) strikes the priests of the pagan gods and goddesses. The modern representation of the priests of the goddess is a woman named HoustonSo now Hurricane Irma—the goddess of war, also linked to Jezebel—strikes the publishers of The Paradigm.
Maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe it's part of a larger pattern the Lord is revealing. Thank you for your prayers as we forge ahead and recover from this enormous storm. 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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The God of Israel Rules - Charles Gardner ISRAEL TODAY

The God of Israel Rules

Friday, September 15, 2017 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
The threats of the North Korean dictator are frightening indeed, and could well ignite a nuclear war, but they are part of a bigger picture of worldwide rebellion against the God of creation. On a more specific front, they’re a smokescreen for a potential Armageddon in the Middle East as Russian-backed Iran and its allies move dangerously close to Israel’s borders.
Only last week (September 7) Israel carried out a daring air strike against an Iranian-run weapons factory in the heart of Syria, severely damaging (if not destroying) the facility where chemical and biological munitions as well as medium-range missiles are being developed. Syria has in turn warned about “dangerous repercussions”.
The strike took place exactly ten years after Israel – the only country in recent years that has stood up to North Korea until now – destroyed a Syrian nuclear reactor being built with the help of the rogue regime.
British politicians, while appalled by the antics of Kim Jong-un, are nevertheless shaking their fists at God in their own way as, with their atheist agenda, they question the existence of a divine order. Like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, they pose the subtle question: “Did God really create man and woman to procreate?” (See Genesis 3.1)
At the centre of the earth today stands a small Jewish state. And what the world interprets as an ideological battle over a piece of land the size of Wales is in effect an Arab-Muslim challenge to the God of Israel, revealed to us through his Son Jesus Christ.
Their claim that the land does not belong to the Jews despite thousands of years of historical, archeological and biblical evidence was decisively countered by the 1947 discovery on the shores of the Dead Sea of ancient scrolls proving Jewish connection to the territory well before the emergence of Islam – and recognised as such by the United Nations that same year.
The findings in caves at Qumran included the entire original text of the Book of Isaiah, over 2,500 years old. This was found intact among hundreds of parchment scrolls hidden in the desert cliffs exactly as it is recorded in modern times – no Chinese whispers here, but God’s authentic hand.
There is no doubt that the unearthing of these scrolls – along with much more archeological evidence – fully vindicated Israel’s claim to the land, quite apart from other political and biblical factors.
At the heart of all the sabre-rattling going on now is a battle – not really over whether there is a God, but over who he is. And the Judeo-Christian position that formed the basis of Western civilization is that He is the God of Israel. When Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, threatened Jerusalem with destruction in ancient times (2 Kings 18 & 19), Judah’s King Hezekiah prayed to the ‘God of Israel’ and the result was a resounding defeat for their enemies. The emphasis of his prayer was that his Lord would demonstrate that he alone was God. (2 Kings 19.14-19)
Similar threats are heard today from those opposed to Israel. The former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, has been denied the chance “to promote dialogue and a better understanding of the Palestinian narrative” in the UK Parliament thanks, it seems, to an 18,000-strong petition. But the barefaced nerve of a man who has called for the destruction of Britain to attempt to infiltrate its parliament with his poisonous lies takes some beating.
This man represents the same ideological ethos as Islamic State. We are investing so much in the prevention of terror, yet are pathetically slow to recognise such threats to our democracy. ‘We all worship the same God,’ I hear so many naïve people say – even in church pews. But Sheikh Sabri says that when he enters the Al-Aqsa Mosque (on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount) he is “filled with rage toward the Jews”.
Contrast this with Jesus’ command to love our enemies and pray for our persecutors. (Matthew 5.44) As the Sheikh makes clear, Islam is a death cult committed to the destruction of ‘infidels’. “The Muslim loves death and martyrdom,” he says.
Part of the ‘Palestinian narrative’ is that Israel is guilty of human rights violations and of being an apartheid state. But the absurdity of these accusations is underlined by the emergence of a transgender Arab Christian from Nazareth as a new secret weapon against BDS, the boycott Israel campaign. Talleen Abu Hana, winner of the first Miss Trans Israel pageant, was guest of honour at the Israeli Embassy in Washington during LGBT Pride month.
Abu declared: “I’m happy to be Israeli because being Israeli means being truly free.” And when an American journalist questioned Israel’s record on human rights, she replied: “Are you crazy? In what other country in the Middle East can I live my life openly.”
Most Christians, including myself, do not agree with her lifestyle choice, but far more distasteful is the rank hypocrisy behind much liberal thought which sets politically correct agendas that are inevitably contradictory.
In any case, Israel’s restoration – according to biblical prophecy – is not yet complete. A restoration to the land (i.e. a political rebirth) is what we are witnessing today; this will be followed by a restoration to their Lord and Messiah, which is in the process of happening but still in the early stages.
One line of theological thought sees the ‘fig tree’ (Matthew 24.32) as a symbol of political Israel while the olive tree is seen as representing a return to its original purpose as a nation under God.
The fig tree is certainly blossoming as Israel becomes a powerful nation once more, but many of its inhabitants are still in rebellion against the Almighty.
Christians are privileged to have been grafted onto the natural olive tree of Israel (Romans 11.11-24). But the day is coming when all Israel will finally turn to their Messiah (Romans 11.26).
All the hordes of hell are trying to stop that happening – hence the current battle – because it will usher in the Lord of glory who will crush the enemies of Israel and rule over the earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years of peace.
Pic: [The caves of] Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by a shepherd boy in 1947

Charles Gardner is author of Israel the Chosen, available from Amazon, and Peace in Jerusalem, available from
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Passing the Torch ✡ "It Is You Who Shall Go With This People Into The Land" - Israel365

Be strong and resolute, for it is you who shall go
with this people into the land that Hashem swore
to their fathers to give them, and it is you
who shall apportion it to them.

חֲזַק וֶאֱמָץ כִּי אַתָּה תָּבוֹא אֶת־הָעָם הַזֶּה אֶל־הָאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר נִשְׁבַּע יְהוָה לַאֲבֹתָם לָתֵת לָהֶם וְאַתָּה תַּנְחִילֶנָּה אוֹתָם

דברים לא:ה
kha-ZAK ve-eh-MATZ KEE a-TAH ta-VO et ha-AM ha-ZEH el ha-A-retz a-SHER nish-BA a-do-NAI la-a-vo-TAM la-TAYT la-HEM ve-a-TAH tan-khee-LE-na o-TAM

Shabbat Inspiration

The above verse is taken from this week's Torah portion. In Synagogues all around the world during the Shabbat services, a specific portion from the Torah is read aloud. This week, a double portion called Nitzavim-Vayelech will be read. These portions tell of Moses passing the torch onto Joshua. He tells the people that Joshua will lead them into the land of Israel and offers Joshua words of encouragement. God does the same. Also in the portion, God tells Moses to record a song that the Children of Israel will learn, so they never forget that any suffering they experience is the result of their own actions. Moses addresses Joshua in front of all the people, telling him to be strong and courageous, for God will be with him as He leads the nation. God will not forsake him or the people, and He will give them the land to inherit. The Israel Bible offers unique commentary on the words of God, the Land of Israel and His people.

Why are the Jewish People in Jerusalem?

What does Jerusalem mean for the Jewish people?  Should our house be built when God's House lies in ruins? Do the nations have a place to worship in the restored Temple?

A Challenge to the Theory of Evolution

Fossilized footprints recently discovered in Crete have totally overthrown what scientists believed about the origins of the human species, but, one Jewish scientist explained, pose no problem for people of faith.

Prepare for the New Year

Mentioned throughout Jewish sources, the sound of the shofar was used at various times, including at the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai. Today, the shofar is used on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, when that same sound has the unique power to awaken our souls to the presence of its Infinite source, and to renew a vision of the spiritual connection we are meant to build in this world. Many have the tradition to blow the shofar every morning in the month before Rosh Hashana to awaken our souls to come closer to God.
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Today's Israel Photo

A beautiful photo of the Bitronot Ruhama Nature Reserve.
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Friday, September 15, 2017

Looking forward to be the my friend's Jewish wedding!

Looking forward to be the photographer...
at my friend's Jewish wedding!

My good wife Laurie and I, celebrating our own marriage commitment of 40 years come October 8, 2017, are headed to Toronto, Canada to celebrate the joing together as man and wife of two friends.

One of the additional excitements is that I get to be the wedding photographer! At a Jewish wedding!

I have taken plenty of photos over these many years, but my wedding photos are mainly of my daughters Hannah and Christen, and extended family. So this is a special treat for Laurie and I.

Mazol tov to the bride and groom!

Ahava and Shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina


Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Charlotte, NC 28134