Tuesday, July 18, 2017

David Brody premieres new show on Facebook Live! Watch "Faith Nation" - CBN News

David Brody premieres new show on Facebook Live! Watch "Faith Nation" 

CBN News

July 18, 2017

From the creators of The Brody File comes the new show, “Faith Nation.”

I'm excited to launch my new show on CBN News along with my co-host Jenna Browder. It debuts tomorrowWednesday July 19th at 12:30pm ET LIVE on the CBN News Facebook page. Tens of millions of people get their news from Facebook so what better place to do the show! Plus, we’ll be interacting with the audience as the show goes along.

It’s clearly a new day in Washington, D.C. God has blessed CBN with tremendous access at the White House and around the nation’s capital. So, expect interviews with major newsmakers as we delve into issues of faith and politics. The show will serve as a place for lawmakers in D.C. to break news and interact with a Christian conservative audience and many others! We’ll cover topics that Americans care about, told with truth, context and perspective. There is an underserved audience out there whose views are not reflected in the mainstream media. We hope and pray this show will fill that vacuum. Hope you’ll tune in!

David Brody
Host, Faith Nation
CBN’s Chief Political Correspondent

Everything you need to know about Jerusalem - Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram MAOZ ISRAEL


Monthly Report: July 2017
Tammuz - Av 5777

A rare photo of Israel's 1968 Independence Day parade—the first Independence Day of a United Jerusalem after Israel recaptured its ancient capital in the 1967 Six-Day War.

By Ron Cantor

If you turned on the news in the past few months, no doubt you heard more than a little about Jerusalem. In fact, the Old City of Jerusalem is the most controversial city in the world and it's hardly bigger than a large shopping mall.

Jerusalem is "a city that had been fought over countless times in its history. During its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times." (en.wikipedia.org)

This is an ancient conflict that goes back a lot further than 50 years, although many believe that its troubles began only when Israel recaptured its 3,000-year-old capital in 1967. King David prophesied of a time when the whole world would be fighting over Zion.

"Why do the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed." (Ps. 2:1-2)

The word in Hebrew for 'anointed' is Mashiach, or Messiah. Who are these kings of the earth who stand against God's Messiah and what are they up in arms about? Let's keep reading. In anger the Lord says:

"I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain." (Ps. 2:6)

They are fighting over control of Mount Zion, or Jerusalem. Who can forget just a few months ago that the United Nations' (i.e. "the kings of the earth") UNESCO voted, against all intellectual honesty, for a resolution concerning Jerusalem (or God's holy mountain), stating, "there is no connection between the Jewish people and the Western Wall." Jerusalem's Mayor Nir Barkat responded, "In fact, it is the UNESCO vote that has no connection to reality."

Instead the UNESCO document referred to the Temple Mount only in Arabic as Al-Haram Al-Sharif, meaning the Islamic Noble Sanctuary. It called the Western Wall Plaza or the Buraq Plaza, again denying the Jewish connection.

Now the Truth about Jerusalem:


The Bible, backed up by archeological evidence, tells us that King David established Jerusalem, a Jebusite stronghold, as the capital of Israel in 1003 BCE or so. David moved his capital from Hebron, in Judah, to Jerusalem for several reasons.

By moving the capital from the center of Judah to the border with Benjamin, he united the Tribes of Israel. The City of David led up to Mount Moriah, where the Temple would be built. Jerusalem sits on top of the Gihon Springs, which would give them an endless supply of water.

Jerusalem was a near impenetrable walled city. David was only able to conquer it himself because Joab used the water tunnel to gain access.

However, in 586 BCE Jerusalem was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar and then again in 70 CE by Titus of Rome who burned the city to the ground. Emperor Hadrian visited her ruins in 130 CE and decided to rebuild the city to Jupiter, calling it Aelia Capitolina. The Jews revolted and were conquered. Hadrian expelled all Jews and Christians from the city. It is likely these "Christians" were Messianic Jews, as by this time they had been purged out of the synagogue and had their own Messianic Synagogues. All of the leaders of Jerusalem's Messianic community after James the brother of Yeshua were Jews—until Hadrian's expulsion.


The Jews wandered the earth for 1,900 years. Never in history has an ethnic people been separated from their homeland for more than a couple of generations before they ceased to be. That is the point of exile—to destroy a race of people.

But by the grace of God the Jewish people survived the prophesied exile and they returned to their own land just as the Hebrew prophets said they would.

"I will plant Israel in their own land, never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them," says the Lord your God. (Amos 9:15)

"And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth." (Is. 11:12)

"Hear the word of the Lord, you nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands: 'He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.'" (Jeremiah 31:10)

After dozens of attempted genocides and expulsions, against all odds, the Jews came forth out of the ashes of the Holocaust to rebuild their ancient homeland. But despite gaining statehood, Jordan seized the Old City of Jerusalem, deporting all Jews and then sought to destroy every historical connection to Israel, including the Great Hurva Synagogue in the Old City.

In 1948, when Jordan took control of the eastern part of Jerusalem, including the Old City, it divided the city for the first time in its 3,000-year history. Jordan destroyed more than 50 synagogues, and erased all evidence of a Jewish presence. In addition, all Jews were forced out of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City adjacent to the Western Wall, an area where Jews had lived for generations. No one has ever cared about the Jews who were forced from their homes in 1948.

However, in 1967, the Arab countries decided that 19 years of Jewish humiliation was enough. It was time to destroy Israel once and for all. Nasser of Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal—itself, an act of war, as it would close the canal to Israel's shipping and cripple her economy. Next he expelled the UN peacekeeping force meant to maintain peace between Egypt and Israel in the Sinai desert. Next, he put his troops on the Egyptian-Israeli border.

Then, along with his neighbors, in line with Arab culture, the hyperbolic quotes began.

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel ... to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle; the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not of more declarations."—President Gamal Abdel Nasser's speech on May 31, 1967, days before the Six-Day War.


On June 5th, early in the morning Israel attacked first—her only hope of escaping annihilation was a preemptive strike. Nearly Egypt's entire air force was destroyed. Israel achieved air superiority. Israel declared a news blackout for 24 hours. She didn't want the anti-Israel United Nations to realize she was winning.

As expected, Egypt began to tell tall tales of her victory.

"The Egyptian commander Marshal Amer sent a message to Jordan's King Hussein, reporting that 75 percent of Israel's planes had been shot down or disabled, and urging Hussein to open a second front."

Nasser convinced Jordan that the radar images of planes coming to Egypt, were Egyptian planes returning from their missions, when in fact, they were the Israeli planes bombing Egypt.

Israel sent the King of Jordan this message through the United Nations: "If you don't intervene, you will suffer no consequences." The King responded arrogantly (and regretfully, I might add), "They started the battle—well, they are receiving our reply by air."

The Israelis were concerned the U.N. would call for a ceasefire—but now that the Jordanians had chosen to fight, they had to retake the ancient Old City first.

Israel actually had no operational plan to take the Old City from the Jordanian army. This would be a dreaded "second front." The only relevant concrete plan was to rescue a group of Israeli soldiers permanently stationed with a UN agreement in an enclave on Mount Scopus (an extension of the Mount of Olives) where the Hebrew University and Hadassah Hospital had once been.

To reach the Israelis, the IDF circled around north of Jerusalem and engaged the Jordanians in a costly four-hour hand-to-hand battle at what became known as Ammunition Hill. When the IDF broke through, they were amazed to find almost no Jordanian military on the east side of the Old City, since Jordanian generals never dreamed they would see Israelis coming around the "back side" and conquering Jerusalem through the Lion's Gate opposite the Mount of Olives!

A West Point general is said to have remarked that though the U.S. Military Academy studies wars fought throughout history, they do not study the Six-Day War—because what concerns West Point is strategy and tactics, not miracles.

CBN just released a movie called "In our Hands, The Battle for Jerusalem" that retells this historic clash.

Colonel Motta Gur's famous statement was etched in history as he radioed his commanders: "The Temple Mount is in our hands. The Temple Mount is in our hands."

The Israeli soldiers could not believe they were back in the Old City. One soldier said:

"I'm walking right now down the steps towards the Western Wall. I'm not a religious man, I never have been, but this is the Western Wall and I'm touching the stones of the Western Wall."

Israel's chief military rabbi came into the city to thank God with the troops:

"I am speaking to you from the plaza of the Western Wall, the remnant of our Holy Temple. 'Comfort my people, comfort them, says the Lord your God.' This is the day we have hoped for, let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation. The vision of all generations is being realized before our eyes: The city of God, the site of the Temple, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, the symbol of the nation's redemption, have been redeemed today by you, heroes of the Israel Defense Forces. By doing so you have fulfilled the oath of generations, 'If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its cunning.' Indeed, we have not forgotten you, Jerusalem, our holy city, our glory. In the name of the entire Jewish people in Israel and the Diaspora, I hereby recite with supreme joy, 'Blessed art Thou, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us in life, who has preserved us, and enabled us to reach this day. This year in Jerusalem—rebuilt!'"

In short, had Jordan not attacked Israel, Jerusalem would most likely still be in Jordan. Israel has an ancient claim to Jerusalem and the entire West Bank, and a modern need for security. Furthermore, for those who believe in Bible prophecy, her recovery to Jewish hands brings us ever closer to the return of our Messiah. It is hard to believe that God restored Jerusalem to Israel, only for it to be turned over to terrorists.

Ron Cantor is founder of Messiah's Mandate and elder of Congregation Tiferet Yeshua in Tel Aviv. Find out more about Ron Cantor's books and testimony at RonCantor.com.

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"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house." (Deut. 6:7)

By Moti Cohen

One of the most effective ways to spread the Gospel is hosting events at the congregation where friends and family members of believers are invited to witness special occasions.

In Israel, and at Tiferet Yeshua congregation in Tel Aviv, many of us are the only believers in our families. Some might have another relative or two that believes, but that's pretty much it.

That's why, while planning a Bar Mitzvah celebration, we also pray that God would open a door to the hearts of all the relatives who come to the event. As in many cases, this gives us a rare opportunity to proclaim the gospel to people who've never before been to a Messianic Jewish congregation. So, during the week of the Bar Mitzvah, we also took the time to pray for the families.

At least ten unbelievers, together with the families who came to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah, came to the event. After the two boys who celebrated their Bar Mitzvah read from the Torah, and after the sermon was over, the parents of one of the kids who celebrated his Bar Mitzvah, came to me. God answered our prayers, and this father, who had seen the love that the congregation has for his family, said he's willing to learn about the meaning of being baptized in the name of Yeshua, and to take this act of faith and become a believer. His wife has been continually praying for him for fifteen years! That prayer has finally been fulfilled!

The meaning of the phrase 'Bar Mitzvah' is—the son of the Mitzvah (commandment). In Judaism, the age of 13 is the age where a child becomes an adolescent, where he starts to take responsibility for his actions. Physiologically and intellectually speaking, a young boy at this age can finally understand the depth of the consequences of his actions. It's important for us to teach these kids that they need to come to the congregation out of their own faith in God and in Messiah Yeshua, and not for the sake of pleasing their parents or friends.

In the Bar Mitzvah lessons, we study the many prophecies we have of the Messiah in the Bible. We talk about the importance of all the covenants God had with our father Abraham, Moses, and, of course, about the importance of the New Covenant. In addition, every week we have a Torah Portion, which is a segment from the Bible that we read from the scrolls. The Son of Mitzvah must know how to read his entire Torah Portion, which is very hard, as the traditional scrolls are rolled up and written on parchment. They don't have any punctuation to the words, no commas or periods, and that's why the Sons of Mitzvah must practice, often for months, reading their portion.

In addition, the Son of Mitzvah prepares a small written sermon regarding his Torah Portion and he must read it in front of the entire congregation.

Every time it amazes me to see how our kids grow up so fast. Kids who, "just a minute ago" were so small, are now becoming mature boys. We, as a congregation, have a spiritual responsibility to teach our boys and girls about the Kingdom of God. To instill in them values and encourage them in their faith in Messiah Yeshua. We know that one of the reasons God chose our father Abraham was because he knew how to bequeath his faith in God to his family:

"For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him." (Genesis 18:19)

Friends, we want you to co-labor with us in prayer for our nation, Israel. We also invite you to keep the families and newcomers in our congregation in prayer. Some of them are very close to surrendering to the Lord. Also, remember our children at the congregation, as well. Many leaders around the country are witnessing a new powerful wave of God's Spirit in Israel's young generation.

Moti Cohen is an elder at Congregation Tiferet Yeshua (The Glory of Yeshua). He and his wife Anna have four children. TiferetYeshua.org.

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By Ted Vanlandeghem

On Thursday, February 9th, 2017, a unique event occurred with profound spiritual implications. At the State Capitol building in Austin, Texas, an event called "The Texas Stand with Israel/Citizens Advocacy Day" was held. The event was organized by Texas State Representative Phil King (R) from Weatherford, Texas. This event was the first ever of its kind to be held in Texas.

The purpose for this historic gathering was to garner support for a new bill being introduced in the Texas State Legislature. The bill, House Bill 89, and its companion Bill in the Texas State Senate, SB 134, were designed to defeat the economic warfare being waged against Israel through a movement called BDS, which means Boycott, Divest and Sanction.

Israel's enemies devised this new form of unconventional warfare in their never-ending desire to find new ways to combat Israel's very existence. In fact, Pro-BDS author John Spritzler says, "I think the BDS movement will gain strength from forthrightly explaining why Israel has no right to exist." (goo.gl/cmeYKH)

The co-founder of the BDS movement, Omar Barghouti, said, "We oppose a Jewish State in any part of Palestine." The heart of the BDS movement is to wage warfare on Israel and her right to exist in her ancient homeland!

The BDS movement has gained steam and notoriety around the world with numerous universities, governments, labor unions and businesses now participating. In fact, even some Christian denominations have come onboard with the BDS movement!


This is where HB 89 & SB 134 come in. Texas Representative King and Senator Brandon Creighton (R) saw this new form of warfare being waged on the economy of Israel and felt that something had to be done!

Contained in these bills is a legally binding commitment by the State of Texas to prohibit the State from investing public funds in any group that wages economic warfare on Israel. What does this mean? Texas, now the 10th largest economy in the world, with a $1.6 trillion dollar a year GDP, will use its growing economic might to STAND WITH ISRAEL!

Texas is now Israel's 4th largest trading partner, conducting over half a billion dollars in bi-lateral trade annually. Since 1996 Texas has done over $13 billion in trade with the State of Israel. In fact, nearly 300 companies in the state of Texas do business with Israel.

Ted Vanlandeghem, Maoz Israel Ministries representative

In May of 2015 Texas representatives came together and began planning these bills to Stand with Israel. In that same month, heavy rainfalls began to fall on the State of Texas. Over the ensuing months, 17 trillion gallons of rain came down on the State of Texas—thus ending a 10-year devastating drought!

Of course, some may say this is mere coincidence. I say it is God keeping His promises! Genesis 12:3 states, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed!"

Texas has not only enjoyed record breaking rainfall but Texas' oil boom produced one half of all job growth in the US since 2009 and added over $600 billion to the overall US economy. In its growing relationship with Israel, Texas A&M University announced in late December 2015 its plans to bless Israel by opening a $6 million marine research center in partnership with the University of Haifa.

All of this support for Israel has not gone without opposition. One week before our group of 500 supporters converged on the State Capitol, over 1,000 Muslims came to the Capitol in Austin and campaigned one-on-one with all of the State Legislators, urging them vigorously to vote against HB 89 & SB 134. They pressed the Texas legislators to not stand with Israel.

Although they went before us, we came with humility and the strength of God's mighty Word! We represented Israel and God got the last word in this battle.

Over 500 advocates for Israel came to this event from both the Christian and mainstream Jewish communities! Maoz was the only representative from the Messianic community at this event. "

In fact, the bill sailed through both chambers and its author Representative King called this law the "strongest that any state has passed" and "a model for other states to follow."


On May 2, 2017, Israel's 69th Birthday, at a festive gathering of officials and Jewish and Christian leaders, Governor Greg Abbott signed the bill into law!

"Any anti-Israel policy is an anti-Texas policy," said Abbott. "Texas is not going to do business with any country that boycotts Israel." The law mandates that companies that contract with Texas government entities must verify they do not and will not boycott Israel. It is likely the toughest anti-BDS law in the world.

Groups that do business with the State of Texas, that have joined in on the economic warfare against Israel, stand to lose untold millions in revenue.

Abbott thanked House and Senate leadership noting, "I have never seen a bill so many people came together to get behind." Signing the anti-BDS bill as the very first piece of legislation of the state's 85th Legislature sends a powerful message. Abbott expressed his unwavering support tweeting "Texas says, Don't Mess With Israel. Anti-Israel policies are anti-Texas policies."

Texas Governor Greg Abbott congratulates State Representative Phil King, author of law outlawing state business with companies involved in BDS.

He added, "The people of the Lone Star State and Israel share an unbreakable bond based upon mutual values, and by passing this legislation—ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not fund discrimination—Texas has reaffirmed this important friendship."

"People in Israel are just like Texans," said Abbott who spoke on the "cultural connection between the people of Texas and the people of Israel," calling that connection "very deep and very genuine."

Texas is the 18th state to pass an anti-BDS law.

For me, it was so encouraging to speak directly with many State Legislators and to hear first-hand their deep commitment to STAND WITH ISRAEL.

If you'd like to learn more about how you can STAND WITH ISRAEL through Maoz Ministries, go to IstandwithIsrael.com!

Watch the governor sign the bill into law

Ted Vanlandeghem is U.S. Spokesman and Director of Partner Relations at Maoz Israel Ministries.

Islamic Waqf’s Sovereignty on Temple Mount Is “Over” - Breaking Israel News

Islamic Waqf’s Sovereignty on Temple Mount Is “Over”, Says Government Minister

BIN Header
July 18, 2017

WATCH: Pence Tells CUFI That Just as God Kept Promise to Israel, So Will Trump

Microscopic Bible

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WATCH: With New Life-Changing Israeli Tech, Wheelchair-Bound Walk Again!

Abbas: Shut Up or I will Arrest You!

By Khaled Abu Toameh
The controversial Cyber Crime Law signed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas permits the imprisonment of Palestinians for “liking” or sharing published material on the internet.
Modi’s Visit: The View from Jerusalem
By Dr. Efraim Inbar
By Ben-Dror Yemini
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Why Your Prayers for Jerusalem Are Vital in These Last Days - KELLY MCDONALD JR. CHARISMA NEWS

We are called to pray for Israel's prosperity. (Pixabay)

Why Your Prayers for Jerusalem Are Vital in These Last Days

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May they prosper who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!' For my brothers and companions' sake, I will now say, 'Peace be within you.' Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good" (Ps. 122:6-9).
In our last article, we looked at the dangers that the Jewish people and Jerusalem face nearly every day. There are terrorist threats and national threats, both near and far, against the very existence of God's people.
How do we pray for the peace of Jerusalem? The Hebrew word translated as "peace" is shalom. We tend to think of the English word "peace" as referring to the absence of war, but the meaning is much deeper. It literally means "wholeness," referring to prosperity, health and happiness. It can mean "to mend broken things."
When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we still want to pray for the absence of war. However, we are also praying for the broken things to be mended. Not only do we want the absence of war, but we also want to see love between different people groups in the city. While God is always capable of preventing war, we also want Him to heal the underlying hatred that causes these radicals to want to hurt God's people.
We should pray for Jerusalem to see booming prosperity as it pertains to the city's infrastructure, economy and innovation. We want the Jewish people to dwell in wholeness so that every aspect of their lives has wholeness. However, there is an even deeper reason to pray for these items, and it involves our Savior.
Many people from all over the world visit Jerusalem. If the city is prosperous and safe, then more people will be encouraged to visit. We want to pray for people to experience Jesus when they visit the city, no matter their background. He was crucified just outside the city gates (Heb. 13:12).
There are also archeological digs in and around Jerusalem. Every year, these digs yield archeological evidence that affirm the truth of God's Word. There are also digs revealing more about the specific details surrounding Jesus' arrest, death, burial and resurrection. These discoveries will help us reach a dying and lost world as the Lord's return draws near.
Today, I encourage you to take the time to pray for shalom or peace for Jerusalem. When we see the city in greater distress, let our prayers be offered in greater intensity. Pray for the city to be whole and the world to be reached for Jesus through it. 
Kelly McDonald Jr. is an ordained evangelist at Hungry Hearts Ministries in Jackson, Tennessee. He has written over 40 books and booklets on pursing Christ, Hebrew roots and end-times prophecy. He is currently president of the Bible Sabbath Association (BSA). You can follow him at kellymcdonaldjr.com.
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Cashless Society Alert: Visa Will Be Giving Up To $500,000 To Restaurants That Go ‘100% Cashless’ - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 17 Jul 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

The push toward a cashless society is becoming more of a shove.  Before today I had never heard of “The Visa Cashless Challenge”, but after reading about it I have to say that I am quite alarmed.  Visa is trying to “encourage” businesses to go cashless, and one of the ways that they will be doing this is by “awarding up to $500,000 to 50 eligible US-based small business food service owners who commit to joining the 100% cashless quest”. 

The food industry is still one of the last bastions where cash is used very heavily, and so it makes sense that Visa would want to target that segment.  Of course the more people that use cards to pay for meals, the more money that Visa will make.

When I go to restaurants, I almost always use cash, and I know a lot of other people that very much prefer to use cash in those situations as well.  But if Visa has their way, soon all of us will be forced to use some form of digital payment instead.  The following is an excerpt from the press release that Visa issued about this new “challenge”…
Today Visa (NYSE:V) announced it is launching a major effort to encourage businesses to go cashless. Aiming to create a culture where cash is no longer king, the program will give merchants increased ability to accept all forms of global digital payments. Visa will be encouraging and helping merchants go cashless by using innovation to their advantage in order to stay competitively connected to their customers.
To encourage businesses to go cashless, Visa is announcing The Visa Cashless Challenge, with a call to action for small business restaurants, cafés or food truck owners to describe what cashless means for them, their employees and customers. Visa will be awarding up to $500,000 to 50 eligible US-based small business food service owners who commit to joining the 100% cashless quest.
“At Visa, we believe you can be everywhere you want to be, and that it should be easy to pay and be paid in more ways than ever – whether it’s a phone, card, wearable or other device,” said Jack Forestell, head of global merchant solutions, Visa Inc. “With 70% of the world, or more than 5 billion people, connected via mobile device by 20201, we have an incredible opportunity to educate merchants and consumers alike on the effectiveness of going cashless.”
Visa would love to eliminate the use of cash entirely because it would mean much bigger profits for them.

And of course cashless systems hold a lot of appeal for governments as well because such systems would allow them to monitor and track the behavior of their citizens much more closely.

As our society transitions in that direction, we will be told that it is all about fighting money laundering, tax evasion and terrorism, but there are other ways to combat those issues.
In the end, many people like to use cash because of the privacy that it offers, and there are very powerful forces that would like to eliminate that privacy.

For now, however, advocates of a cashless society are pushing the economic benefits of such a system.  Here is more from Visa’s press release
Visa has recognized the net benefits for merchants when they reduce dependency on cash transaction. Visa recently conducted a study that found that if businesses in 100 cities transitioned from cash to digital, their cities stand to experience net benefits of $312 billion per year. According to this study, in New York City alone, businesses could generate an additional $6.8 billion in revenue and save more than 186 million hours in labor, by making greater use of digital payments. This amounts to more than $5 billion annual costs savings for businesses in New York. The complete results with the benefits of going cashless for businesses will be included in the “Cashless Cities: Realizing the Benefits of Digital Payments” report that will be released by Visa later this year.
And of course the push toward a cashless system is not just happening in the United States.
Over in Sweden, many banks will no longer take or give out cash, and about 95 percent of all retail transactions in the entire country are now cashless.

Of course the EU as a whole is rapidly moving in the direction of phasing out cash.  Not too long ago, the European Commission released an “Action Plan” which instructed member states to explore the possibility of “potential upper limits to cash payments”.

Some of the member states have already adopted such “upper limits” on cash transactions, and by slowly lowering those limits over time those countries could eventually phase out cash completely.

And down in Australia, a “Black Economy Taskforce” has been established to go after tax evaders
The Black Economy Taskforce has been established to develop an innovative, forward-looking whole-of-government policy response to combat the black economy in Australia, recognising that these issues cannot be tackled by traditional tax enforcement measures alone.
The black economy refers to people who operate entirely outside the tax and regulatory system or who are known to the authorities but do not correctly report their tax obligations.
Of course this represents a major crackdown on cash, because most people that operate in the “underground economy” tend to use cash very heavily.  According to Martin Armstrong, there has even been a proposal in Australia to put “nano-chips” into large notes for tracking purposes…
Michael Andrew, the head of this 1984 style Taskforce to spy on citizens, has proposed that the government should keep track of your $100 and $50 notes by implanting hi-tech nano-chips. He could simply scan your house to see where you are hiding money that the government can confiscate.
Many of us are alarmed by the rise of a cashless society because we know where it could eventually lead.

If government authorities can watch, track and monitor everything that we do and everywhere we go, that opens the door for great tyranny.

And going cashless would also potentially allow government authorities to act as “gatekeepers” for the system.  In other words, the government could require all of us to meet certain conditions before we were allowed to participate in the cashless system, and if we refused to meet those conditions we would be unable to buy, sell, open a bank account, get a job or do much of anything else in society.

The potential dangers to our liberties and freedoms are great, and hopefully we can get more people to understand what going to a fully cashless society could ultimately mean for all of us.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com.

Mike Pence to CUFI: I Support Israel Because I am a Christian - CBN News Emily Jones

Mike Pence to CUFI: I Support Israel Because I am a Christian

CBN News 07-18-2017 Emily Jones

Thousands of Christians descended on the nation's capital Monday for Christians United for Israel's 12th annual summit.
Mike Pence addressed the crowd, assuring that that not only he but President Donald Trump are proud supporters of the Jewish state.
"And under President Donald Trump, if the world knows nothing else, the world will know this: America stands with Israel. Now and always," he said.
The Vice President also revealed where his love for Israel comes from. Not from Capitol Hill, but from the very word of God.
"To look at Israel is to see that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob keeps his promises," he said. "Like all of you, my passion for Israel springs from my Christian faith. The songs of the land and the people of Israel were the anthems of my youth. As for me and my house, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all who call her home. It’s really the greatest privilege of my life to serve as Vice President to a President who cares so deeply for our most cherished ally."
It was also very clear the alliance between Israel and America's leaders was not just founded on faith, but common values like freedom and democracy.
"President Trump has made it clear: America stands shoulder-to-shoulder with Israel, as together we confront those enemies who threaten our people, our freedom, and our very way of life," he said. 
Pence also made sure to address one issue that so many Christians supported when President Trump ran his campaign -- the move of the United State's embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. 
"I promise you that the day will come when President Donald Trump moves the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It is not a question of if, it is only when," he said to a standing ovation.
CUFI members will take Capitol Hill on Tuesday to urge their congress members and senators to follow Vice President Mike Pence and President Trump's lead and support Israel.
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