Thursday, August 10, 2017

Netanyahu Slams Left for 'Trying to Topple Me'; Thousands Rally in Support of Embattled PM - World Israel News

IDF Soldier Gets Award for Shooting Brutal Terrorist; CLICK for Latest Israel News!
World Israel News
Netanyahu Reacts to Confidant Turning State’s Evidence; ‘Let’s Gas Some Jews Together' Painted at Twitter HQ; Islamic Terror, ‘Like Cancer’, Must be Correctly Diagnosed
Aug. 10, 2017 
Netanyahu Slams Media, Israeli Left for ‘Trying to Topple Me’
Thousands Rally in Support of Embattled Prime Minister
WATCH: Netanyahu Reacts to Confidant Turning State’s Evidence
IDF Soldier Who Shot Brutal Family-killing Terrorist Gets Award for Bravery
WATCH: ‘Let’s Gas Some Jews Together’ Painted at Twitter HQ
In a ‘Deliberate Act,’ Vehicle Slams Into Soldiers in Paris
Soldier Who Shot Neutralized Terrorist Begins Prison Sentence
WATCH: Islamic Terror, ‘Like Cancer’, Must be Correctly Diagnosed
Gaza-based UN Worker Arrested for ‘Security Offenses’
WATCH: French Car-ramming Suspect Wounded in Gunfight During Arrest
Trump Touts Nuke Strength as Tillerson Urges Calm on N. Korea
[email protected]

12 Critical Events That Are Going To Happen Over A 40 Day Period From August 21st To September 30th - Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

Posted: 09 Aug 2017  Michael Snyder  THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG

We are about to witness an extremely unusual convergence of events that many believe could represent a major turning point for our nation.  By now you have probably heard that on August 21st a total solar eclipse will move across the entire continental United States for the first time in decades.  In fact, we have not seen a total solar eclipse cross from the west coast to the east coast in 99 years.  

And it will be the very first total solar eclipse that is only visible in this country since the United States first became a nation.  Starting with that event, there is going to be a whole lot going on until we reach the end of September.  The following are 12 critical events that are going to happen over a 40 day period from August 21st to September 30th

August 21 – The “Great American Eclipse” will sweep across portions of Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina.  Seven years later, another very unusual total solar eclipse will move across our nation, and when you plot the paths of both eclipses on a map, they form a giant “X” right over the center of the United States.

August 23 – A FEMA exercise known as “EarthEX2017” will simulate “catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks”
An exercise sponsored by FEMA and the U.S. Department of Energy set to take place on August 23 called EarthEX2017 will wargame responses to catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks.
The exercise will simulate a “subcontinent-scale, long duration power outage, with cascading failures of all other infrastructures,” according to the official Earth Ex website.
“Black sky events” are defined as, “Catastrophic occurrences caused by man or nature that bring society to its knees.”
September 1 – This marks the start of FEMA’s annual “National Preparedness Month“.

September 1 – The U.S. State Department’s ban on U.S. citizens traveling into North Korea goes into effect.  Many are concerned that this is yet another sign that we are moving toward war with North Korea.

September 11 – This will be the 16th anniversary of 9/11.

September 20 – Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset.

September 21 – The UN International Day Of Peace

September 23 – This is the date of what has become known as “the Revelation 12 sign”.  If you are not familiar with this alignment yet, the following is a very brief summary
On September 23rd a unique astronomical alignment of the Sun, Moon, constellation Virgo, constellation Leo, and planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus is going to fulfill this passage from the book of Revelation:
And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.  She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.
September 24 – Very important national elections will be held in Germany.

September 29 – Yom Kippur begins at sunset, and it concludes on September 30th.  Of course September 30th will be the end of a 40 day period that began back on the day of the Great American Eclipse on August 21st.

September 29 – U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says that the debt ceiling will be breached on this day if Congress does not raise it by then.

September 30 – If Congress does not pass a budget by the end of this day, there will be a government shutdown just like we witnessed in 2013.

On top of everything else, the month of September is when the Federal Reserve is scheduled to begin unwinding  their 4.5 trillion dollar balance sheet
The other big market force that could ruffle markets is clearly the Fed, which is expected to begin the untested task of unwinding its $4.5 trillion balance sheet in September.
In addition, it is very interesting to note that a large asteroid will come within 4,200 miles of our planet on October 12th
The asteroid has not been seen since its 2012 discovery, when it sped past Earth at about one-fourth the distance from Earth to the moon. It’s been too distant and too faint to be detected over the last five years. As it starts to approach Earth this summer, large telescopes will be used to detect it and re-establish the asteroid’s precise trajectory.
The asteroid, known as 2012 TC4, could come as close as 4,200 miles to Earth, NASA said. That’s actually fairly close, when you consider that the moon is about 239,000 miles away.
So what does all of this mean?

I don’t know, but I am sure that I will receive even more criticism for putting this list together.  Those of us that monitor global events and warn about where things are headed are often highly criticized.  But in this day and age, we desperately need independent thinkers that are willing to challenge the system.  Way too often people just go with the herd and will believe whatever the mainstream media tells them to think.

Never let someone else do your thinking for you.  Investigate things for yourself and come to your own conclusions.  Learning to think critically is one of the most important skills that you can have, and you will find that it is one of the most common traits among those that are truly “awake” to what is going on in the world.

The truth is out there, and if you diligently seek it you will eventually find it.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Watch FAITH NATION: Presidential Advisor Sebastian Gorka & New RNC Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany - CBN News

Faith Nation
Watch FAITH NATION: Presidential Advisor Sebastian Gorka & New RNC Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany

It's "FAITH NATION" and our CBN News team in Washington gets the latest from Presidential Advisor Sebastian Gorka and new RNC Spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany about the big news on North Korea, White House, leaks Islamic terrorism, and more.

Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people - Jim Clint Family in Northern Ireland - August 2017 Update


Northern Ireland

Aug. 10, 2017

Isaiah 11:11-12, " On that day Adonai will raise His hand again, a second time, to reclaim the remnant of His people who remain from Ashur, Egypt, Patros, Ethiopia, Eilam, Shin‘ar, Hamat and the islands in the sea. He will lift a banner for the Gentiles, assemble the dispersed of Isra’el, and gather the scattered of Y’hudah from the four corners of the earth."

Shalom friends. July was been a very busy month for all of us, the LORD has started to use us in
different ways since we returned from Hungary in early June 2017. As Ezra’s representative in
Northern Ireland I’m excited about what the LORD is doing on the island of Ireland, both north and
south. In July I met with pastors from different denominations to tell them about Ezra’s work helping the Jewish people home to Israel. In the coming few months I have arranged to speak at fellowships both in the north and south of Ireland. Please pray that the LORD will use these meeting for His glory.

Bangor Worldwide Convention

From the 21st to 25th of August I will have an “Ezra UK” stand at the Bangor Worldwide Convention in the Presbyterian Church at the corner of Hamilton Rd and Prospect Rd. You’ll find me at the “Global Village” section at the large hall at the rear of the main church building from 18.00 to 19.15 each evening. Please come along to encourage and support us.

Aid to Israel

For this last month we’ve been collecting essential aid to help needy Jewish Olim (new immigrants)
arriving to Israel from Russia. Many of these Olim are poor and arrive with very little belongings. The items we need MUST new, or in very good condition, the list is as follows; “baby to adult clothing, children to adult shoes, duvet covers, pillow and bed sheets, and bathroom towels. Please NOTE that we can’t take heavy winter clothing or boots. Please consider standing with the Jewish people as they return home to their Land of Promise. Listen to Yeshua’s words concerning helping His brothers the Jewish people.

Matthew 25:35-40. "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you made me your guest, I needed clothes and you provided them, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ Then the people who have done what God wants will reply, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?

When did we see you a stranger and make you our guest, or needing clothes and provide them? When did we see you sick or in prison, and visit you?’ The King will say to them, ‘Yes! I tell you that whenever you did these things for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did them for me…."

Ezra Representative from Turkey

An Ezra rep will be visiting Northern Ireland from the 8th to 17th of September 2017. Please come along to support them as they share about the work among the Jewish people in Islamic Turkey. The first meeting with be at 7.30 pm at Shalom Congregation Belfast. The venue will be at Ashfield Girls High School Holywood Rd Belfast BT42LY.

Supporting the Aliyah of the Jewish people


Ezra UK Website…

Ezra UK Facebook…


Mobile… 07561397224

LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE sends regular monthly financial support to the Jim Clint family, as they are assisting Jews in making aliyah (immigrating to Israel.) Those in the USA can send funds to them through our website contribution. Click here please: DONATE HERE

We'd love to keep in touch with you. 

Let's Trade Our Titles for True Humility - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA NEWS

Today it seems we've developed a title fetish. (Edited by J. Lee Grady)

Let's Trade Our Titles for True Humility

Last week when I was preaching in the nation of Iceland, I befriended three young foreign students from Africa who were visiting our conference near Reykjavik. I noticed these guys were sitting in the back of the auditorium, so I invited them to sit with me up front. They later admitted to me that I was the first preacher they'd ever met who greeted people before a service.
"In my country, most preachers come into the auditorium after the worship, and they don't speak to anyone," one of the brothers told me.
When I told these brothers they could call me Lee, they were shocked. They expected me to demand a long-winded ecclesiastical title.
I'm often asked if I have a title, and my answer doesn't satisfy some people. I don't consider myself a pastor because I travel so much. All kinds of labels have been pinned on me: reverend, prophet, apostle, even bishop.
Once I was introduced to a church as "Dr. Grady," and I almost crawled under my seat. I only have a college degree. There are no letters after my name.
Today it seems we've developed a title fetish. For a while everyone in charismatic circles was becoming a bishop, and some were installed into this office with rings, robes and funny-looking hats. Then the same guys with the pointy hats started calling themselves apostles. Then the prophets got jealous and started calling themselves apostles too! I knew one lady who, not to be outdone, required people to call her "exalted prophetess."
Now the latest fad is requiring church folks to address certain people as apostles. As in, "When apostle Holy Moly arrives, please only address him as, 'apostle,' and then make sure he is seated in a private room while his two 'armor bearers,' wearing dark glasses, guard his door." I know of one popular preacher who sends his hosts a letter explaining that he must be called "apostle" anytime his name is used from the stage!
Some of these title-seekers have even invented an elaborate theology to go along with their ridiculous rule. They say you can't receive the true anointing from a man of God if you don't honor him with his right title.
Sounds so very oooh-oooh spiritual to the naive. But it's charismatic garbage.
Jesus didn't play this religious game, especially when he was around the grand poobahs of His day—the long-robed, nose-in-the-air scribes and Pharisees. After accusing them of loving the best seats in the synagogues, He pointed out that they loved to be called "Rabbi" by men (see Matt. 23:7).
Then He warned them: "But do not be called 'Rabbi,' for you have one Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brothers ... For he who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted" (Matt. 23:8,12).
People have quibbled over these words for centuries, insisting that pride is what Jesus was rebuking, not titles. I would agree that Jesus was going to the root sin. But He was also asking these guys if they'd be willing to ditch their labels and act like normal people.
When I was in China several years ago, I met some amazing leaders who had planted thousands of congregations. They had also spent a lot of time in jail for their faith, and they'd been beaten with iron rods for preaching the gospel. They were the bravest apostles I've ever met.
But when I asked them if they used "apostle" as a title, one guy said: "We believe in those roles in the church. But we prefer to call each other 'brother' or 'sister.'"
That settled the issue for me.
If these Chinese giants of the faith—and true apostles—don't require to be addressed with titles, then Your Worshipful Grand Master Rev. Dr. Bishop Big Deal Jones who claims oversight of maybe four churches shouldn't wear his ministry role around his neck like a tacky neon name badge.
If people can't see the anointing on your life through your character, then don't cheapen the gospel by wearing a title you don't deserve.
I'm not saying people shouldn't use reverend, minister or even bishop to identify their roles in the church. One of my mentors is a bishop, and he is one of the most humble men I know. But can we please dispense with the insecurity and the childish "I'm more important than you" appellations and get back to the simplicity of the gospel? Let's get over ourselves!
Jesus is the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Son of David, the Prince of Peace and the Apostle of our Confession. Yet when He came into this world, He laid aside His heavenly glory and took on the lowly name of Jesus. He wore no fancy robes. He demanded no titles. He had no "armor bearers." He even bore His own cross until He was too weak to drag it to Calvary.
If we want to serve Jesus honorably, we must forsake our need for fame and cast our crowns at His feet. 
J. Lee Grady was editor of Charisma for 11 years before he launched into full-time ministry in 2010. Today he directs The Mordecai Project, a Christian charitable organization that is taking the healing of Jesus to women and girls who suffer abuse and cultural oppression. Author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, he has just released his newest book, Set My Heart on Fire, from Charisma House. You can follow him on Twitter at @LeeGrady or go to his website,
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Are We Witnessing the End of Netanyahu's Reign? - Tsvi Sadan ISRAEL TODAY

Are We Witnessing the End of Netanyahu's Reign?

Thursday, August 10, 2017 |  Tsvi Sadan  ISRAEL TODAY
Many people here are convinced that when Prime Minister Netanyahu's former adviser Ari Harow turned state's witness, it marked the beginning of the end for Israel's longest serving leader. Not a few believe that Netanyahu will soon resign, and could even find himself convicted of bribery and fraud.
Yet, just as many, if not more, are in agreement with Professor Alan Dershowitz, who said that the multiple investigations into Netanyahu's conduct are a deliberate attempt by the mainstream media and left-wing politicians to force him out of office. Since the left "can't beat him through democratic means," Dershowitz said, "they're trying to use these investigations and the media to push him out of office."
The notion that Netanyahu must be overthrown by almost any means necessary was poignantly expressed recently by well-known actress Rivka Michaeli, who told the Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv that she hopes that "people who care for this country will wake up and take by force what was taken from us by force." As to who took what by force, Michaeli left that to the readers' imagination.
To be sure, Michaeli is one of many who are willing to stop at nothing in their campaign to oust Netanyahu. For several months now, a group of several hundred have been demonstrating outside the home of Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit, demanding that he stop stalling the investigations into Netanyahu, as they see it. Passions runs high among these demonstrators. One recently held a sign reading: "Bibi is guilty until proven innocent!!!" Though none in this group seemed bothered by the fact that the absurd slogan was signed by none other than "The Democratic Camp -- The Democrats," whoever that is.
Dershowitz may indeed have a point. To see that, all one need do is compare the outrage over Netanyahu's drinking and smoking habits to the nonchalant attitude toward former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's extravagant collection of fountain pens (valued at an estimated $1 million), many of which were received as gifts during his time in office. Or, perhaps consider the lavish birthday parties that were thrown for the late Shimon Peres at the state's expense, which didn't seem to bother either the media or his supporters.
Sadly, this blatant double standard, coupled with a constant flow of misinformation, may ultimately have the desired effect. Still, as one trustworthy journalist, Yoav Yitzhak, speculated, turning Harow state's witness wasn't done to ensures Netanyahu's indictment, as so many had hoped. Rather, the goal is to get to the truth, whatever it may be.
In the meantime, media polls show a steady decrease in support for Netanyahu. Social media, on the other hand, gives the impression that a growing number of people who didn't vote for Netanyahu will vote for him next time around due to little more than their distaste for such anti-democratic campaigns designed to overthrow a duly-elected government. 
But the battle is still raging, and its outcome is anything but certain.
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