Saturday, February 13, 2016

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: CIA Director warns ISIS using chemical weapons & poses “a threat that keeps him up at night.”


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

CIA Director warns ISIS using chemical weapons & poses “a threat that keeps him up at night.” Here’s the latest.

by joelcrosenberg
In a chilling admission that the world's most dangerous terrorists now control some of the world's most dangerous weapons, CIA Director John Brennan went on the record this week to warn that the leaders of the Islamic State are actively engaged in producing chemical weapons and using them on the battlefield.
Brennan told CBS News that the use of WMD by the terror state is limited for now. But he said ISIS appears to be trying to figure out how to use poison gas on a much wider scale.
It is, CBS reports, "a threat that keeps him up at night."
This is not the first time we've seen open source news reports about ISIS' chemical weapons capabilities (see herehere and here, as examples.) But Brennan is the highest-ranking U.S. intelligence official to confirm the Islamic State's WMD capabilities.
The determination ISIS has to develop and deploy weapons that can kill on a mass scale is consistent with the ISIS's apocalyptic beliefs and objectives, as I've been warning for some time. It's also the heart of the plot lines in both of my most recent novels, The Third Target and The First Hostage in which a New York Times reporter discovers that ISIS has captured a cache of chemical weapons in Syria and is planning a genocidal attack soon to advance their End Times beliefs and hasten the coming of the Mahdi and a global Caliphate.
Nothing in the CBS report suggest Brennan is focused on the apocalyptic views of ISIS leaders. Perhaps the full interview will shed more light on the CIA's assessment of Apocalyptic Islam and how it's driving the actions of the Islamic State. That would be a positive development, though I can't say I'm expecting as much. Thus far, the Obama administration has refused to discuss the intentions, theology and/or eschatology of ISIS. I maintain, however, that it is difficult to defeat an enemy one doesn't fully understand or define.
Here's a video clip from Brennan's interview did with Scott Pelley of CBS News. The full interview is scheduled to air on Sunday night on "60 Minutes."
  • The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has the capability to continue making small quantities of chlorine and mustard gas, according to CIA Director John Brennan.
  • The U.S.’s intelligence chief is due to appear in an interview on CBS News’s 60 Minutes program on Sunday but the channel released snippets from the interview late Thursday. In the interview, he said that ISIS has already used chemical weapons on the battlefield a number of times.
  • “We have a number of instances where ISIL has used chemical munitions on the battlefield,” he said, using an alternate acronym for the militant group.
  • Brennan said that despite the setbacks the group has faced because of the U.S.-led coalition campaign, it has retained the ability to develop deadly munitions.
  • “There are reports that ISIS has access to chemical precursors and munitions that they can use,” he said.
  • He also warned that the radical Islamist group may attempt to sell on the weaponsthat they develop into Western countries.
  • “I think there’s always the potential for that. This is why it’s so important to cut off the various transportation routes and smuggling routes that they have used,” he said....
  • “U.S. intelligence is actively involved in being a part of the efforts to destroy ISIL and to get as much insight into what they have on the ground inside of Syria and Iraq,” he continued.
  • U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said this week that ISIS’s development of chemical weapons was the first instance of an extremist group doing so since Japan’s Aum Supreme Truth cult used sarin gas in a rush-hour attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995.
joelcrosenberg | February 13, 2016 at 5:19 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog: What’s Rubio reading? “The Twelfth Imam,” a thriller about Apocalyptic Islam.


Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog

What’s Rubio reading? “The Twelfth Imam,” a thriller about Apocalyptic Islam.

by joelcrosenberg
TwelfthImam-trilogy-covers(Central Israel) -- After an intense but wonderful month-long book tour in the U.S., I'm so glad to report that I'm back in Israel with my family, safe and sound. Thanks to all of you who are sending me messages via Twitter, Facebook and email regarding the next novel in the J.B. Collins series. Please rest assured that I'm hard at work on the next novel. Indeed, I began developing the outline in December, and this coming week I'll actually start writing.
For me, one of the most interesting aspects of being an author is meeting people all over the U.S., Canada and around the world who are reading my books, as well as hearing about all different kinds of people from all walks of life and in all kinds of jobs and professions who are reading and enjoying the books.
To that end, here's a fun photo that popped up on the Reuters wire service this past week -- Senator Marco Rubio boarding a flight from New Hampshire to South Carolina carrying a few books for reading on the plane, including one of my political thrillers, The Twelfth Imam.
Given the Senator's interest in -- and outspokenness about -- the threat of Apocalyptic Islam, I was glad but not entirely surprised to see this on his reading list.
Whereas my current series of novels -- The Third Target and The First Hostage -- focus on a plot by the apocalyptic, genocidal leaders of the Islamic State to attack the U.S., Israel and Jordan with chemical weapons, The Twelfth Imam was the first in a trilogy of thrillers I wrote several years ago that focused on the Iran nuclear threat.
Here's a brief description of The Twelfth Imam: "As the apocalyptic leaders of Iran call for the annihilation of Israel and the U.S., CIA operative David Shirazi is sent into Tehran with one objective: use all means necessary to disrupt Iran’s nuclear weapons program, without leaving American fingerprints and without triggering a regional war. At extreme personal risk, Shirazi executes his plan. A native Farsi speaker whose family escaped from Iran in 1979, he couldn’t be better prepared for the mission. But none of his training has prepared Shirazi for what will happen next. An obscure religious cleric is suddenly hailed throughout the region as the Islamic messiah known as the Mahdi or the Twelfth Imam. News of his miracles, healings, signs, and wonders spreads like wildfire, as do rumors of a new and horrific war. With the prophecy of the Twelfth Imam seemingly fulfilled, Iran’s military prepares to strike Israel and bring about the End of Days. Shirazi must take action to save his country and the world, but the clock is ticking."
This novel was then followed by two more in the series, The Tehran Initiative and Damascus Countdown. I'm encouraged to see Senator Rubio beginning the series, and I hope you'll start reading them, as well, if you haven't already. In fact, if you do, please send me a picture!
(NOTE: This is not an endorsement of a candidate. In the spirit of fairness, let me be clear: I'll be very happy to post photos of other presidential candidates carrying and reading copies of my books, as well.)
joelcrosenberg | February 13, 2016 at 4:41 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Why Mexicans Are Making a Mass Exodus From Catholicism - CBN NEWS CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Pope Francis wears a Sombrero he received as a gift from a Mexican journalist aboard an airplane to Havana.

Why Mexicans Are Making a Mass Exodus From Catholicism

Pope Francis wears a Sombrero he received as a gift from a Mexican journalist aboard an airplane to Havana. (Reuters)

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Pope Francis is visiting Mexico, a country that has been a stronghold of Catholicism for centuries. But a growing number of Mexicans are leaving the Catholic faith, and the pope is hoping to use his visit to convince them to stay faithful to the church.
Sara Granados is among those who have left the faith. She was born into a devout Catholic family, and by 17 she had already fulfilled all the required religious rites. But soon she realized that wasn't getting her closer to God.
"After 17 years old, I still had emptiness in my heart," Sara explained. "I had no desire to live and for me, it was better to die than to live. A friend of my mother told me, 'I'm taking you to this place.' She never mentioned church, but she brought me to church. That day the pastor was preaching and he said a word that touched my heart."
Thousands of Mexicans like Sara are embracing evangelical Christianity.
In 1970, 96 percent of Mexicans claimed to be Catholic. According to a 2010 Mexican national census, that figure has dropped to less than 85 percent.
One reason for the decline? Evangelicals leaders are spiritually closer to their flock.
Surveys have found an average of one Catholic priest for every 6,000 Catholics in Mexico, compared to one evangelical pastor for every 200 followers.
"The work of the evangelical Christian church in evangelism has been successful in past few decades. Many have come to hear a different message that brings peace, harmony, blessing, and salvation to human beings," Pastor Benjamin Lomeli of Iglesia El Buen explained.
Other reasons Mexicans have left Catholicism include evangelical outreach and the tarnished image of the Catholic Church.
Catholic Church spokesman Father Jose de Jesus told CBN News that Catholic Church leaders "... must recognize that certain scandals have caused many to be disappointed by the church and to seek a different spirituality."
With a record number of people here now embracing evangelical Christianity, Pope Francis is hoping his visit will re-energize his flock and keep Mexicans faithful to the Catholic Church.
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NBA All-Star Stephen Curry: Christ Lives Inside Me - DEBORAH HAMILTON CHARISMA NEWS

Steph Curry has quite a weekend ahead of him. No, it's not because of Valentine's Day, but the Golden State Warriors star will take the court in Toronto on Sunday for the 2016 NBA All-Star Game.

NBA All-Star Stephen Curry: 

Christ Lives Inside Me

Steph Curry has quite a weekend ahead of him. No, it's not because of Valentine's Day, but the Golden State Warriors star will take the court in Toronto on Sunday for the 2016 NBA All-Star Game. (Reuers)
Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Steph Curry has quite a weekend ahead of him. No, it's not because of Valentine's Day, but the Golden State Warriors star will take the court in Toronto on Sunday for the 2016 NBA All-Star Game.
Undoubtedly, Curry appreciates of the honor of being an All-Star, but the standout point guard and 2015 NBA MVP knows there's a much bigger prize in life, long after the buzzer sounds. Curry has talked with Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Magazine about this faith, writing that his trust in Christ identifies him more than his jersey.
Curry told FCA about the moment he began living for Jesus—and never looked back: "I remember it like it was yesterday, the day I gave my life to Christ. I was in fourth grade, and I recall hearing and understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ and walking down the aisle to give my life to Him. My parents continued to pour into my faith from that point on, making sure I understood the commitment I'd just made."
And of his journey to the NBA, he said, "I knew the Lord was preparing me for a bigger stage to represent and be a witness for Him on the basketball court. I remembered my mom telling me from day one at Davidson (College) that God puts His people in different areas of life so that they can reach more people for Him. I tried to use that time for His glory.
"God's given me talents to play basketball for a living, but I still have to work hard to improve every day. I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is just a game that can be taken from me at any moment. But I love that basketball gives me the opportunities to do good things for people and to point them towards the Man who died for our sins on the cross. I know I have a place in heaven waiting for me because of Him, and that's something no earthly prize or trophy could ever top.
"There's more to me than just this jersey I wear, and that's Christ living inside of me."
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here



For years, groups within Israel have worked to break the ultra-Orthodox monopoly on the site, but the highly-sensitive religious nature of the topic has caused tremendous controversy. Two years ago, Prime Minister Netanyahu instructed a committee to work on finding a solution. This week, the Prime Minister’s cabinet voted on a compromise and it passed 15-5.

Israel will construct a separate platform against the Western Wall for egalitarian prayer, with it’s own entrance, so that the Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox worshipers may continue their traditional practices on one side and the Conservative and Reform worshipers may worship freely in a mixed-gender setting on the other side.

As with any compromise, not everyone is fully satisfied with the result, but those who are opposed are still relieved that the controversy is at an end.

Shmuel Rabinowitz, chief rabbi of the Western Wall, gave a statement expressing relief that there would no longer be quarrels at the Wall among Orthodox and non-Orthodox worshipers. In part, he said, “The Western Wall will continue to remain open to any worshiper — man or woman — at all hours of every day, with respect and loyalty to Jewish tradition and Jewish heritage, as the Western Wall is the clear symbol of these.”

Anat Hoffman, Chairwoman of the controversial women’s rights group Women at the Wall, celebrated the news. She said, “This is a dramatic and meaningful victory for the women of Israel and the people of Israel.”

While the new prayer platform is being built, the current ultra-Orthodox practices must still be followed at the Western Wall. Once the project is complete, all visitors will have full access to either side to pray, but must follow the customs assigned to each.

Cloak of Deception - The Dream and Reality. Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Cloak of Deception
- The Dream and Reality

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“…the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 NASU)

The dream kept repeating itself, even as I was waking up. Over and over again, the same thing was going through my head. It was a commercial being shown on TV. During the Super Bowl none the less, when millions were watching, unaware of what was really happening. Their homes were wide open to this cloak of deception.

What I remembered most from the dream was its ending. Pictured on the TV screen were two young boys, having a good time playing, unaware of this evil cloud coming over them. It was a gay, immoral spirit. They kept on playing, completely innocent of what was happening about them.

And then the most troubling aspect of this dream was that this demonic spirit came right through the TV, into the living rooms of the millions watching the commercial. Having found an “open door”, the evil spirit from hell was free to bring its presence into the family house. Those viewing that moment, thinking it was just another “super commercial”, were passively, totally unaware of what had just happened. Then I woke up.

This is one of the spiritual movements overtaking our nation. It is an evil one. And even as the story goes of the frog slowly being boiled alive, as the temperature rises in the cooking pot eventually to the point where he no longer is aware of his impending death, so the countries of the world are succumbing to deception. And then they will accept anything, and anyone, who comes along in disguise.

What is going on in America and elsewhere is just this. Sitting by and watching the level of innocence drop over the last decades, what used to be known as clearly being black and white sin is now accepted as the norm, the “way love should be expressed”, the “let it be let it be” accepted reality. We have been given over to a spirit of delusion – the very cloak of deception.

“Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:5-12 NKJV)

How many in the nations have opened themselves up to the spirits of deception, those lying spirits of the evil one, by slowly receiving into their souls, their spirits, their homes, the very lies that can destroy their spiritual lives? As the years have passed, they have succumbed to the enveloping evil cloud, by what they have allowed themselves to be exposed to, and given acceptance of. Evil has found its way through the cracked doors, displayed quietly in ever increasing and accepting measures on the movie screen and the TV shows, as the perversion in sex, drugs and gay lifestyle have been approved within the “enlightened” times we live in.

How are you stopping your kids, your grandkids, from being overtaken with the slow destruction of the enemy? Are you allowing yourself, and them, to sit idly by and let this cloak of deception cover your house and come into your home? Overtaking your life and theirs?

What will you do, and when, will you stop it?

If your life is not founded on biblical truths, on the solid rock that never changes, then you too are exposing yourself to this very thing. And when the time comes to stand against the onslaught of the enemy, you too will give in to its grip. It may be too late.

Prepare yourself now, and those you love, by knowing the Truth and standing strong on His Word. His name is Jesus. Only in Him will you be able to stand.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

P.S. I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. They might need it. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the New Year of our Lord 02.13.16 - #242 –“Cloak of Deception” – Saturday at 6:30 am

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Friday, February 12, 2016

"I Will Restore You to the Place That Never Was" by Conrad Lampan - THE ELIJAH LIST

February 11, 2016

"I Will Restore You to the Place That Never Was"by Conrad Lampan, Silverdale, WA

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzThis word by Conrad Lampan will bring a great "sigh of relief" and great peace to you in many areas where you may have needed it.
When we step out in faith and obedience, trusting God in the outcome, great challenges may have come our way. 

We tend to believe we "missed it" and didn't hear God right...but many times that is far from the contrary! I've learned that we often did hear Him just didn't pan out how we expected.

Just read this word by Conrad:

"I also saw you, when you became disheartened and disillusioned, because you believed the dreams were from Me and you could not understand why things were not happening as you expected. I tell you again: Turn your eyes and look. Look to Jesus, and when you do I will show you that all those expectations, those dreams, those visions of heavenly achievements, are still in My hands: For they are not lost."

Now breathe that sigh of relief, let peace come over you, and be ever encouraged by this awesome word of the Lord by Conrad Lampan.

Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"I Will Restore You to the Place That Never Was"by Conrad Lampan, Silverdale, WA

Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you today:

"The time you are entering in is not a time to regret what was not, what was lost, or the dreams you have committed to the shelf."


"If you would just stop spinning round and round in life – that is not the life I gave you. And if you would turn around and look at the One that gave His life so that you may have life in abundance, you will soon realize that all your cares, all the things of earth will begin to grow strangely dim.

"You will also see that all those things that were not, that you thought long gone, the plans that did not materialize, the dreams you cherished, dreams that seemed to vanish like vapor, all of them are still in My hands. You cannot see them because your eyes have been dimmed with regrets and frustrations."

Get off of the sightseeing tour of failure land.

"I am telling you this day, that I have seen your tears and your longings. I have felt your pain when you saw your dreams slipping away. I knew you when you were trying to reach goals, that the more you tried it seemed to become more unreachable."

You Thought, "No More Time"

"That's what you thought. And you all but decided to give up. It was all futile you told yourself, and even more discouraging to think that you had no more time left to play with the grand design of those dreams.

"I also saw you, when you became disheartened and disillusioned, because you believed the dreams were from Me and you could not understand why things were not happening as you expected. I tell you again: Turn your eyes and look. Look to Jesus, and when you do I will show you that all those expectations, those dreams, those visions of heavenly achievements, are still in My hands: For they are not lost."

So Much More

"And to you, who have achieved many goals and feel satisfied to the point of feeling no regrets, yes, you who have done great things and worked with Me for the extension of the Kingdom, I will speak to you too.

"Don't let your fulfillment become your prison. 'Been there done that' is not a Bible verse. 'I did it my way' is not a Bible verse either. 'Things that eye have not seen, and ear have not heard, I have prepared' that is a Bible verse, and I intend to bring into your life much more than you have seen or done.

"Come to Me today; come let's get into that closet and I will show you the so much more I am telling you about. Do not allow your fulfillment, which is from Me, to take you away from Me. I value relationship more than I value your achievements for Me."


"As I told My prophet: I will restore the years. Can you hear Me? The years. Yes, I will restore to you the years, and the things that were not will be 'Yes and amen.'

"When My servant Job was put to the test, and afterwards I restored him, I restored what he thought was lost plus the increase of it as if he had never lost it. I will restore to you the years of increase that did not yield an increase.

"When I restore, it includes redemption: that which was lost and that which should have been. The cattle and its increase; the planting and its increase.

"When I say to you that 'I will restore you to the place that wasn't,' I want you to understand that I will restore you to the place that I had always planned for you, for although you were not there in fulfillment, in My timeline you have always been. You just need to align with Me."


"Your restoration, is linked to repositioning, not of circumstances or conditions, but of yourself aligned with Me. Don't look for signs and confirmations aside from Me. Don't be a Babylonian looking for the stars to tell you what I, the Holy Spirit of God, have already declared about you. Look to Me for the plans that I have for you. Your alignment is with Me, to hear what I declare for your life. 

Your alignment is with the Father's heart, to know what He desires and to do what you see Him doing. Your alignment is with Jesus, to be like Him.

"You will see, it is already happening, that My Church, the one I am building, is emerging. The Church, every local church, that aligns with Me, will be emerging into that Kingdom place where the gates of Hell will not prevail."


"Listen to Me now: Your dream might not look the way you dreamed your dream. I hold your dream in My hand; it will come to fruition, it will come to pass, but not necessarily the way you figured it will. Keep looking up to Me and let's shape that dream together.

"Always remember, that eye have not seen nor ear heard what I have prepared for those who fear the Lord."

J. Conrad Lampan
Revival Highway

Conrad and Claire Lampan left Wales to come to the US where they are pastoring The Highway Church in Silverdale, WA. Conrad is originally from Argentina, where he experienced firsthand the indescribable move of the Holy Spirit that swept over the nation since the '80s. Conrad & Claire believe that revival is at the gate, a reality that is about to hit the world. 

God has given Conrad a message together with the strong realization that every local church, as a local expression of the Body of Christ, has the full potential and all the tools available to see the dreams of revival turn into the reality of Heaven hitting earth. Conrad and Claire have seen revival and are burning to share the message, "It is possible! It is at hand!" The Lampans live in Silverdale, WA with their two youngest children. Their eldest daughter lives in Britain.


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