Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Is Trump the One? - Rick Joyner, MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin

Rick Joyner, MorningStar Ministries

Is Trump the One?

MorningStar Prophetic Bulletin #98, March 21, 2016
                 I hear from thousands of Christians each week, and sometimes that many in a day. I also hear from those from other faiths or no faith at all. They are diverse—from almost every denomination and nation. I don’t base the following on scientific polling, but it is a good sampling and may be even more accurate than the polls have been recently.
         Most seem to think that Trump is either a messenger from the Messiah or from the antichrist, and few are in-between. Some Christians are shocked that other Christians would vote for Trump, yet polls indicate that more than half of evangelical Christians are voting for him. Why?
         This is a valid question that reveals a lot about the state of the nation and also the church. The following seem to be the main reasons Christians have given for supporting Donald Trump rather than the other more vocal or devoted believers.
FACTOR #1: Many no longer trust politicians who claim to be Christians and/or conservatives. These seem to inevitably change when they get to Washington and fail to keep their promises.  
FACTOR #2: There has been such a vacuum of courage in leadership that it is now esteemed above other virtues.
FACTOR #3: Fewer Christians are choosing a candidate based on the candidate’s faith. Rather they decide based on who they think will do the best job confronting the important issues of the time.
FACTOR #4: The two main issues in this election are security and the economy. Trump is seen as the strongest in both issues.
FACTOR #5: Trump’s lack of political correctness (PC) and willingness to say what he thinks has many believing he will resist political pressure and do what is right for the country, instead of for special interests.
FACTOR #6: Christians are increasingly disgusted with the Republican establishment and Trump is seen as the “wrecking ball” needed to pry the government out of the hands of the political elite.
FACTOR #7: They think that they have heard from God about Trump.  
FACTOR #8: The extreme opposition to Trump from all of the bad guys proves he’s God’s choice.
         There may be other factors, but these seem to be the primary ones. When we dig down on these, it is an even more stunning revelation of where the country is and potential changes in direction if these continue to grow.
         The following are some of the main factors why Christians do not support Donald Trump’s nomination:
FACTOR #1: He is obviously not the kind of devout Christian they want to see as a leader, especially after Obama’s relentless assault on Christianity.
FACTOR #2: His behavior, demeanor, and language.
FACTOR #3: His seemingly immature overreaction to criticism and his tendency to try to bully opposition.
FACTOR #4: His ambiguous and/or tepid support for pro-life issues.
FACTOR #5: His lack of understanding of and/or support for Israel.
FACTOR #6: His ambiguous devotion to restoring the authority of the Constitution.
FACTOR #7: His seeming lack of understanding that a true conservative justice devoted to the Constitution, like Scalia, needs to be appointed to the Supreme Court—not someone like his liberal sister that he once inferred he would appoint.
FACTOR #8: Questionable business practices including several bankruptcies.
         Like the reasons why so many Christians support Trump, there are legitimate reasons why others do not support him. What is not legitimate is for any Christian to question the faith of those who do not see this the same way that they do. Those who do this are still immature. This is why the Apostle Paul called the Corinthians “still carnal” (see I Corinthians 3)—they were dividing over people for which they had a preference. We should obey the command to “mark those who cause divisions” (see Jude 1)—those who try to create riffs in the body over things like that—and not follow them.
         Although I can appreciate why any Christian would have trouble supporting Trump, it is encouraging that so many sincere and mature Christians would support him in spite of the negatives. How many of us would have chosen the ones Jesus picked to be His leaders? Why didn’t He go to the religious conservatives to find the future leaders of His church? Like it or not, the ones He chose were more like Trump than those we tend to esteem. Even the Apostle John, who is now known as the great messenger of love, was so reactionary that he wanted to call down fire from heaven to consume those who disagreed with them. On the night before Jesus was crucified, the disciples argued over who was the greatest. Sounds like Trump to me.
         How many of us would continue to support a leader who, after many years of serving and walking with God as a righteous and just leader, had an affair, and even worse, had the husband killed to cover it up? Yet it is said that Israel went astray by following Absalom, who sought to displace David because of his sin.
         In contrast, God commended Zadok the priest and gave an eternal blessing over his family for being faithful to David in this situation. The Lord knew when He called David that he would fall like this, but He called him anyway. And how could God love Jacob like He did? Jacob’s name means “usurper” and he was a devious liar and cheat, but “God loved Jacob.” 
         This should not excuse character flaws in leaders, but there will only be One perfect leader. Character is important, but an unrealistic perfectionism can make us incapable of ever choosing a Washington, a Benjamin Franklin, a Lincoln, or a Churchill. Some character traits crucial for church leadership could be a hindrance for civil government leaders. The last person you want in a civil leadership position is one who “turns the other cheek.” As we see in Romans 13, those in civil authority are given the sword “to avenge evil”—they would be disobedient to not use their weapons for this purpose.
         The Pharisees were resolutely devoted to character, and Paul, the “Pharisee of Pharisees,” called himself “blameless.” However, he was the worst enemy of the church and truth until the Lord struck him blind. The Pharisees were the most devout religious conservatives of the time, yet they were the worst enemies of the Messiah. Consider how they criticized everything He said and did and ultimately were responsible for having Him crucified. Think about how much grace and mercy the Lord had for sinners and how little tolerance He had for the self-righteous.  
         That being said, even some of the great prophets in Scripture, like Samuel, had a hard time judging people after their heart rather than their appearance. It is hard even for prophets to see people as they are called to be rather than as they are, but that is what we must seek to do. Many Christians voted for Jimmy Carter because of his boldness about his faith, but how did that work out? I’m not saying that Trump is another Reagan, but almost all of the things now said about Trump were said about Reagan. Like Trump, Reagan seemed to be a nominal Christian when elected, but it turned out pretty good.
         Even so, I admit that Trump is still a challenge. I can see sound biblical reasons for supporting him and for not supporting him. I think this is a good thing. It forces many to examine their convictions about many important things, which can only strengthen us if we refuse to let it divide us.
A New Party?
         Presently it seems that Republican outrage at their own party establishment is greater than their outrage at Obama and the Democrats. The more the establishment attacks Trump, the more it is viewed as an attack on those who support him—which has now surpassed more than 50% of Republicans in the most recent polls. There is such division between the Republican establishment and the grassroots that its future as a viable force in American politics is increasingly cloudy. Many see this as the establishment being more concerned about holding on to their own power than doing what is best for the party or the country.
         The establishment still does not understand that people are angry because they have good reasons to be. People feel betrayed because they have been betrayed. They elected politicians who promised to stop the madness in Washington but instead morphed into the same insanity when they got there. You can have true convictions, but if you don’t stand for them, you become worse than an unbeliever. You become a betrayer, and that’s the way many of these are now seen.
         The establishment is trying to paint Trump as an outrage that cannot possibly beat Hillary. These are the same people who have not been right about anything yet in this election. So why should they be believed? Trump is outrageous at times, but what the establishment should be asking is why he is leading their party for the nomination. Why is that so preferable to what they’re offering?
         Thinking people—sincere conservatives and good Christians—are convinced that it will take someone as brash and outrageous as Trump to bust up the Old Boy’s Club in Washington and save the nation. This is why every time Trump says something outrageous his poll numbers go up when all of the pundits expect the opposite.
         That outrage is not abating, but growing. The party opposition to Trump, especially its hypocrisy, is throwing more fuel on the outrage. Some of the establishment saying they will not vote for Trump if he’s nominated only makes them look more hypocritical after their demand that Trump sign an agreement not to launch a third party campaign.
         Kasich may be the truest personification of the establishment in this race. In one of the early debates, he blamed the people’s outrage on politicians who had promised more than they could deliver. I agree that they promised more than politicians can deliver, but not more than real leaders could have delivered. Kasich is a politician who can only think like a politician, not a leader. He is the second coming of John Boehner whose leadership, or lack of it, is complicit with Obama for many of the current crises and the retreat the nation is now in. This is why the Republicans are angrier with their own party than they are at Obama. At least Obama did the wrong he said he would do. The Republican establishment did not do what it said it would do to stop him.
         It was shocking and humiliating to watch the Republicans in Washington get bullied by Obama and the media. It was refreshing when Trump called it disgusting and disgraceful. If you read the trade deals and Iran Treaty the Republicans went along with, it is shocking, disgusting, and disgraceful. Trump called them what they were.
         Even if you don’t like many of the things Trump says, the sense that he will fight back, and fight hard, is more appealing to Republicans now than the empty rhetoric and promises of those who claim to be conservatives but did not act like it. The establishment made Trump inevitable. The more the establishment tries to stop him, the more inevitable he will be.
         For the establishment to bring Romney out to discredit Trump is a revelation of just how out of touch the establishment is. Romney used the same attacks on Trump that were used against him in the last election, which Trump helped him to refute. This was a new level of hypocrisy and another level of stupidity, as if they did not think anyone would look back at the videos of the glowing things Romney said about Trump when Trump endorsed him in 2012. Romney looked like a shameless liar and a hypocrite. It also made the Republican establishment look even more like liars and hypocrites.
Cruz Control
         There are many understandable and compelling reasons that people support Cruz. He has a deep devotion to the Constitution. With the upcoming appointments to the Supreme Court, it may be our last chance to save the Constitution. Cruz is the only true conservative left in the race, and he has proved willing to stand against the “Washington Cartel”—even if he has to do it alone and at great personal cost. One of the most courageous moments Washington has seen in a long time was when Senate Majority Leader McConnell lied and Cruz stood up and called him a liar.
         Trump is making a mistake by hitting Cruz with not being liked by anyone in Washington. This may be true, but it is a good thing and for a good reason. It is because of his willingness to stand up to the establishment and challenge the business as usual in Washington. Cruz’s badge of honor is that no one in Washington likes him. He has gone toe to toe with the corruption and did not back down, even when they all turned against him.
         The biggest downside to Cruz is probably his timing. It just has not worked out well lately electing first term senators to the Presidency. Cruz is Presidential material and conservatives almost all agree with his policy positions. He has brilliant and workable plans for things like simplifying the tax code, replacing Obamacare, strengthening our defense, and fixing the illegal immigration problem. Cruz would work to restore our moorings to the Constitution. He obviously has the courage to stand for what he believes. The biggest question is can he be the wrecking ball that is needed to bust things up in Washington, or will he get bogged down in the morass?
A Dream Team?
         A Trump/Cruz team could be the dream team if Cruz is given some real authority as VP. This could draw in conservatives troubled by some of Trump’s previous positions and statements. Ben Carson’s endorsement of Trump helped shift the thinking of some conservatives. Huckabee has also been supportive of Trump, and he is a trusted conservative voice.
         The first priority of a successful President is to build a quality team. Trump said that he would use Carson on the healthcare and education issues, and Carson would be brilliant there. Trump also has Governor Christie on his team. He could be a good Attorney General to fulfill Trump’s vow to go after those guilty of the corruption going back to “Fast and Furious,” the IRS scandal, Benghazi, Hillary’s emails, etc. There are other previous contenders who could also help make up a cabinet successful in restoring efficiency and effectiveness in government.
         There is a reason why Trump has seemingly sucked all the oxygen out of the room and has so dominated the media. Understanding this is a key to understanding the state of the nation. The nation is fearful, angry, and visionless, but there is also a deep conviction that it is not time to fade away yet.
         We are fearful because millions of people want to kill us. They are armed to the teeth and get more sophisticated and deadly weapons almost daily. We are angry with our government for refusing to protect our borders—the most essential foundation of security, especially in these times. We are angry because those who promised to correct the Washington insanity betrayed us, did nothing, and ran up a debt of twenty trillion with little to show for it.
         I once asked a pastor how his church was doing and his reply was, “Great! This church is dying slower than any church I’ve ever pastored.” That is now happening to our country. The best any of our leaders have done in a long time is maybe slow our deterioration. If we don’t change our direction, we will end up where we’re headed. We must have a turnaround on the level of a cultural revolution now.
         In the words of a great prophet to America, Leonard Ravenhill, “America is too young to die.” Scripture declares that “Where there is no vision the people perish” (see Proverbs 29:18 KJV). We are in desperate need of clear vision and a leadership with the courage, resolve, endurance, and wisdom to turn the vision into reality.
         Trump has coined the catchy phrase, “Make America Great Again.” What does this mean? Obama promised “Hope” and “Change” but we know now that it was a mistake not to get a definition before hiring the one with phrases as our leader. What does a great America look like?
         One thing we must keep in mind is that Washington will not be the source of our recovery. We need to look to our Source to help restore Washington to what it was created to be—a place of wisdom, righteousness, and justice that helps those called to liberate and elevate the rest of the world.

Fantastic Video "I Am Israel!" ✡ "Relief and Deliverance Will Arise" - ISRAEL365

For if thou are silent at this time,
then relief and deliverance will arise to the Jews from another place, but thou and thy father's house will perish; and who knows whether thou have come to the royal estate for such a time as this?

כִּי אִם-הַחֲרֵשׁ תַּחֲרִישִׁי בָּעֵת הַזֹּאת--רֶוַח וְהַצָּלָה יַעֲמוֹד לַיְּהוּדִים מִמָּקוֹם אַחֵר וְאַתְּ וּבֵית-אָבִיךְ תֹּאבֵדוּ וּמִי יוֹדֵעַ--אִם-לְעֵת כָּזֹאת הִגַּעַתְּ לַמַּלְכוּת

אסתר ד:יד

kee im ha-kha-raysh ta-kha-ree-shee ba-ayt ha-zot re-vakh v'-ha-tza-la ya-a-mod la-y'-hu-deem mi-ma-kom a-khayr v'-at u-vayt a-veekh to-vay-du u-mee yo-day-a im l'-ayt ka-zot hi-ga-at la-mal-khut

Today's Israel Inspiration

Mordecai’s famous words to Esther inspire her to courageously step up and defend the Jewish people. Mordecai does not say, “if you are silent now, then we are all doomed,” because he knows that the God of Israel will never foresake His people. Instead, Mordecai empowers Esther to take a leading role in the redemption, and not sit quietly on the sidelines as it unfolds. In every generation there are those who threaten the existence of the nation of Israel and the Land of Israel.  In the end, God will defend His people and His land, but it is up to every individual to decide if they will stand up like Queen Esther on behalf of Israel or not.

Fantastic Video "I Am Israel!"

Let us know if you agree this is the BEST video of Israel you have ever seen!

Echoing Biblical Esther,
Jews Call Three-Day Fast
for Salvation

During this time of turmoil in the Jewish State, a grassroots Israeli group has organized a three-day fast leading up to the holiday of Purim, mirroring that of Queen Esther in the Biblical story.

The Israel Bible: Five Megillot (Scrolls)

On Purim we read the powerful story found in the Book of Esther, one of the five Megillot (Scrolls) in Scripture. Journey through these five Scrolls with insightful commentary and a special focus on the Land of Israel. This single volume contains the texts of all five scrolls: Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes and Esther. While each has its own unique content and style, they all offer insight into the connections between the Children of Israel and God, the Land of Israel and the Torah. Includes the full, original Hebrew text with clear English translation.

Israel Photo Trivia

Thanks to our reader, Frank LaPorta, for submitting this incredible photograph of a sunset over one of Israel's bodies of water. Can you guess which one?!
Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

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Dear Rabbi, Reading the messages each day helps me understand more about the Children of Israel, their lovely country and also more about my own self. Thank you for those outstanding photographs and messages which go to your very soul! Robin - from Cape Town, South Africa.


Close friends of mine have a young son who needs our urgent prayers. Please pray for the quick recovery of Yonatan Mordechai the son of Pesha Elka and may he enjoy complete health - Amen.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Franklin Graham Has Serious Doubts About This Diplomatic Mission (Cuba) - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Ladies in White

Franklin Graham Has Serious Doubts About This Diplomatic Mission

The Cuban dissident group, Ladies in White, was rounded up and arrested just before President Obama's arrival for a state visit. (Reuters photo)
With President Obama now in Cuba on an official state visit, evangelist Franklin Graham has urged there be more pressure applied to the island nation's dictatorship to improve the conditions of its people.
"President Obama and the First Lady are in Cuba," he told his followers on social media Monday afternoon. "He would like the visit to highlight his diplomatic success; however, I doubt that he will see the real poverty and horrors that have been brought about by the Castro brothers' dictatorship.
"The Castros are responsible for the imprisonment and execution of thousands of innocent people and have kept the country in economic and political chains for decades. Even though there are some new freedoms and President Obama relaxed travel restrictions further this week to encourage tourism, everyone needs to realize that Cuba is still a Communist dictatorship that holds its more than 11 million people hostage to their whims.
"Dissent is not tolerated—people of conscience are still arrested, such as the Ladies in White who were arrested the day the President arrived. Pastor Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso's story is also in the news as his home and church were surrounded and he was arrested just hours before President Obama's arrival.
"While there have been some significant improvements, freedom of worship is still restricted. Let's pray that we will see real change for the people of Cuba."
Graham was responding to media reports that dozens of Cuban dissidents were rounded up and arrested just before Obama's arrival. The group, known as the Ladies in White, march each Sunday after Mass at a church in a suburb of Havana called Miramar, and are frequently arrested and detained—sometimes for days.
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Genocide in the Middle East - Rick Wiles (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: Genocide in the Middle East - Rick Wiles (Day 2) - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 2958 | Aired on March 18, 2016

Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

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Helicopter Money: Global Central Banks Consider Distributing Money Directly To The People - Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse Blog

Helicopters 2 - Public Domain

Posted: 21 Mar 2016   Michael Snyder  The Economic Collapse Blog

Should central banks create money out of thin air and give it directly to governments and average citizens?  If you can believe it, this is now under serious consideration.  Since 2008, global central banks have cut interest rates 637 times, they have injected 12.3 trillion dollars into the global financial system through various quantitative easing programs, and we have seen an explosion of government debt unlike anything we have ever witnessed before. 

But despite these unprecedented measures, the global economy is still deeply struggling.  This is particularly true in Japan, in South America, and in Europe.  In fact, there are 16 countries in Europe that are experiencing deflation right now.  In a desperate attempt to spur economic activity, central banks in Europe and in Japan are playing around with negative interest rates, and so far they seem to only have had a limited effect.

So as they rapidly run out of ammunition, global central bankers are now openly discussing something that might sound kind of crazy.  According to the Telegraph, central banks are becoming increasingly open to employing a tactic known as “helicopter money”…
Faced with political intransigence, central bankers are openly talking about the previously unthinkable: “helicopter money”.
A catch-all term, helicopter drops describe the process by which central banks can create money to transfer to the public or private sector to stimulate economic activity and spending.
Long considered one of the last policymaking taboos, debate around the merits of helicopter money has gained traction in recent weeks.
Do you understand what is being said there?

The idea is basically this – central banks would create money out of thin air and would just give it to national governments or ordinary citizens.
So who would decide who gets the money?

Well, they would.

If you are anything like me, this sounds very much like Pandora’s Box being opened.

But this just shows how much of a panic there is among central bankers right now.  They know that we are plunging into a new global economic crisis, and they are desperate to find something that will stop it.  And if that means printing giant gobs of money and dropping it from helicopters over the countryside, well then that is precisely what they are going to do.

In fact, the chief economist at the European Central Bank is quite adamant about the fact that the ECB can print money out of thin air and “distribute it to people” when the situation calls for it…
ECB chief Mario Draghi has refused to rule out the prospect, saying only that the bank had not yet “discussed” such matters due to their legal and accounting complexity. This week, his chief economist Peter Praet went further in hinting that helicopter drops were part of the ECB’s toolbox.
All central banks can do it“, said Praet. “You can issue currency and you distribute it to people. The question is, if and when is it opportune to make recourse to that sort of instrument“.
Apparently memories of the Weimar Republic must have faded over in Europe, because this sounds very much like what they tried to do.  I don’t know why anyone would ever want to risk going down that road again.

Here in the United States, the Federal Reserve is not openly talking about “helicopter money” just yet, but that is only because the stock market is doing okay for the moment.

Most Americans don’t realize this, but the primary reason why stocks are doing better in the U.S. than in the rest of the world is because of stock buybacks.  According to Wolf Richter, corporations spent more than half a trillion dollars buying back their own stocks over the past 12 months…
During the November-January period, 378 of the S&P 500 companies bought back their own shares, according to FactSet. Total buybacks in the quarter rose 5.2% from a year ago, to $136.6 billion. Over the trailing 12 months (TTM), buybacks totaled $568.9 billion.
When corporations buy back their own stocks, that means that they are slowly liquidating themselves.  Instead of pouring money into new good ideas, they are just returning money to investors.  This is not how a healthy economy should work.

But corporate executives love stock buybacks, because it increases the value of their stock options.  And big investors love them too, because they love to see the value of their stock holdings rise.

So we will continue to see big corporations cannibalize themselves, but there are a couple of reasons why this is starting to slow down.

Number one, corporate profits are starting to fall steadily as the economy slows down, so there will be less income to plow into these stock buybacks.

Number two, many corporations have used debt to fund buybacks, but now it is getting tougher for corporations to get new funding as corporate defaults rise.

As stock buybacks slow, this is going to put downward pressure on the market, and we will eventually catch up with the rest of the planet.  At this point, many experts are still calling for stocks to fall by another 40, 50 or 60 percent from current levels.  For example, the following comes from John Hussman
From a long-term investment standpoint, the stock market remains obscenely overvalued, with the most historically-reliable measures we identify presently consistent with zero 10-12 year S&P 500 nominal total returns, and negative expected real returns on both horizons.
From a cyclical standpoint, I continue to expect that the completion of the current market cycle will likely take the S&P 500 down by about 40-55% from present levels; an outcome that would not be an outlier or worst-case scenario, but instead a rather run-of-the-mill cycle completion from present valuations. If you are a historically-informed investor who is optimistic enough to reject the idea that the financial markets are forever doomed to extreme valuations and dismal long-term returns, you should be rooting for this cycle to be completed. If you are a passive investor, you should at least align your current exposure with your investment horizon and your tolerance for cyclical risk, which we expect to be similar to what we anticipated in 2000-2002 and 2007-2009.
When the S&P 500 does fall that much eventually, the Federal Reserve will respond with emergency measures.

So yes, we may see “helicopter money” employed in Japan and in Europe first, but we will see it here someday too.

I know that a lot of people out there are feeling pretty good about things for the moment because U.S. stocks have rebounded quite a bit lately.  But remember, the fundamental economic numbers just continue to get even worse.  Just today we learned that existing home sales in the United States had fallen by the most in six years.  That is definitely not a sign that things are “getting better”, and I keep trying to warn people that tumultuous times are dead ahead.

And if global central bankers did not agree with me, they would not be talking about the need for “helicopter money” and other emergency measures.

Trump Insists Palestinian Terror Must Be Confronted - ISRAELTODAY

Trump Insists Palestinian Terror Must Be Confronted

Tuesday, March 22, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Breaking with the traditional Western approach of trying to appease Palestinian terrorism, US presidential frontrunner Donald Trump on Monday insisted violence against Israel must be confronted.
Trump was speaking at the annual gathering of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), where he charged that “President Obama is the worst thing to happen to Israel.”
By contrast, if he wins the White House, Trump vowed a very different take at Middle East peacemaking.
The Palestinians “must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will exist forever as a Jewish state,” he said, adding that any other type of deal “would reward Palestinian terrorism… You don’t reward behavior like that. You cannot do it. There’s only one way you treat that kind of behavior. You have to confront it.”
Trump also promised that as president he would “move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.”
Trump’s remarks won thunderous applause from an audience that many believed would be difficult to win over for the controversial billionaire.
Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton also addressed the conference. She spent most of her time on stage launched thinly veiled attacks on Trump himself, but also very subtly distanced herself from President Barack Obama’s contentious handling of Israel.
“If I am fortunate enough to be elected president,” she promised, “… we will never allow Israel’s adversaries to think a wedge can be driven between us. When we have differences, as any friends do, we will work to resolve them quickly and respectfully.”
It as almost a stab at the Obama Administration’s often harsh tone in publicly addressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
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Monday, March 21, 2016

Hubie Synn Warns Revelation 6:8 About to Strike America - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Hubie Synn Warns Revelation 6:8 About to Strike America

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

The Wandering Prophet Hubie Synn told the Revelation in the News panel Revelation 6:8 is coming to America.  
His words bare stark similarities to Heidi Baker's vision of America's future.  
So what should we expect? Watch the video to see!
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