Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"Been Offended?" - Now Think On This message by Steve Martin, Love For His People, Inc.

July 10, 2019

Greetings friends of Love For His People ministry.

Within the past few days I have written two messages entitled,Now Think On This, "Been Offended?" and Transitions. One or both may be just for you.

Keeping this short, have a great July week!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People ministry

P.S. We were delighted with the turnout last Friday, July 5, 2019, for the Strength For Israel gathering at Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC.
Look here for that report and info on our next one, August 2, 2019: Strength For Israel

Now Think On This

"A brother offended is harder to win than a strong city, and contentions are like the bars of a castle.” Proverbs 18:19, NKJV

It happened again. Just after we finished the worship team practice for the Sunday morning gathering. An offense sent my way. Just great.

And it happened then, on the Friday before, a few hours before we were to meet for the first time in The Barn for the monthly Strength For Israel gathering, with me leading the worship team, I got offended.

Excitement had been built up. The night was going to be really special. And then the drummer called, saying he forgot to tell me he had to work that night. Great.

Not only that, but one friend who had played with us before really got offended when I didn’t ask him to play as the first one I contacted, not even knowing if he still did play after our last time we did together many years ago. So, that mistake was followed by his literal 40-minute rant over the phone to me. Lord!

I like watching football. I enjoy when there is a great offensive team on the field, especially the college team I follow during the fall on Saturday afternoons, who hail from the Midwest (I’ll leave it at that, except to say I still have one Catholic heritage I maintain.) When they run the ball around the end; when they throw the deep bomb to the wide-open receiver; when a touchdown is scored at the very end to win the big upset, that is offense! Another great play again! “Hail, hail to old…”

I like that kind of offense. But like you, I don’t like being offended.

(Read the rest: Been Offended?)
by Steve Martin
Having been to a few wineries over the years, both here in the USA and Israel, at the strong encouragement of my good wife, I have seen a bit as to how wine is made. Part of the process is pouring out the fermenting grape juice from one vat to another, to leave behind the fallen sediment, which can embitter the liquid from the bottom if the wine is left in the barrel beyond the appointed time. Without this outpouring from one to another, no one would really enjoy the final flavor. And the Lord knows we can’t have that. 

Read the rest: "Transitions"
by Steve Martin

What say you about where you stand in God's plan?

Are you fitting in? Do you care? Are you where you think you are, or where you think you should be?

These messages have been written to bring you encouragement, some further insight, and to help you get to where you, and He, wants you to be in the Body of Christ.

The Lord is putting His people together - both in Israel with the Jews making aliyah and with believers around the world finding out their place and purpose in congregations.

What Say You? offers inspiration on how we can then live and move in this life, to cause godly effect and actually, cause something positive to happen or bring about in our lives, our families, our cities, our workplaces, and our country.

May you be about His business, as He directs you in your going.

Paperback or Kindle. Amazon Paperback $9.95 Kindle $2.99
Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134 USA

Love For His People
Love For His People, Inc | P.O. Box 414Pineville, NC 28134

The Signet Ring Anointing On Your Life | Dr. Lance Wallnau

The Signet Ring Anointing On Your Life | Dr. Lance Wallnau

Published on Jul 5, 2019

The Signet Ring Anointing On Your Life ------- Like what you see? Give us a like and subscribe to my channel here: Learn more about where I am, what I'm working on, and how you can be involved: Thanks for watching! "As One!"

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

"Transitions" - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


“A time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.” Ecclesiastes 3:2, NASU

Having been to a few wineries over the years, both here in the USA and Israel, at the strong encouragement of my good wife, I have seen a bit as to how wine is made. Part of the process is pouring out the fermenting grape juice from one vat to another, to leave behind the fallen sediment, which can embitter the liquid from the bottom if the wine is left in the barrel beyond the appointed time. Without this outpouring from one to another, no one would really enjoy the final flavor. And the Lord knows we can’t have that.

The Golan Heights Winery in Israel. (Photo by Steve Martin, May 2019)
Transitions are like that. The Lord uses these movements in our lives to re-position us from one place to another, be it a daily job, a local congregation, or a new location to make our next home. He has specific purposes in these transitions, for He knows that if we stay content long enough in a place which was meant for a certain period of training and growing us further along our journey, we might become lazy and at ease. This would be holding back that which would and could be our full calling in His plans and purposes for us. It would also affect those with lives whom we would touch in the next location.

For me, I like change. I get bored doing the same old same old. Maybe you don’t, but I hope you respond to that which may come your way anyway. After all, if we are not hearing the Lord, walking with Him, and obeying His directives, day by day as the song goes, we cease to experience His fresh and new life daily. And that will indeed get old.

The time is coming, if it hasn’t already in your life, that the Lord will bring a transition your way. This is not intended to bring harm, but to further cause growth and expansion. Being flexible is going to be a large part of what is coming.

We have often heard this word given in Isaiah, which speaks directly to the Jews and their land Israel, but it can also refer to the “grafted in ones”, Gentiles such as most of us, who call upon the Living God of Israel.

“Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; Lengthen your cords and strengthen your pegs.

"For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left. And your descendants will possess nations and will resettle the desolate cities. (Isaiah 54:2-3, NASU)

Be willing and responsive when the call goes out, to you, informing you of a transition coming your way. You may be surprised by His suddenness, as we would see it, but have faith in knowing that “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28-29, NASU

Now think on this and see what good things the Lord has in store for you and those around you.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On This

On Friday night, Aug. 2, 2019, at 7 pm, Strength For Israel will be having our monthly meeting, the 2nd one to be held in the main auditorium of The Barn, at Antioch International Church in Fort Mill, SC. Come and celebrate the goodness of our God! Look here: Strength For Israel

If these messages have ministered to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $10-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families in Israel whom we consistently help monthly through our humanitarian work. Your tax-deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.
With a one-time contribution or a commitment to send monthly support for a length of time, I do ask now for your help.

You can give safely online through PayPal or GivelifyClick on either of these links PayPal or Givelify or the images on the right column of our Love For His People website.

You can also give by check, sending to:
Love For His People ministry
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did.

Now Think On This #438 - in the year of our Lord 07.09.19 – “Transitions” – Tuesday, 6:45 pm

I Am Uprooting Fear, Insecurity in My People by Bill Yount Identity Network

I Am Uprooting Fear, Insecurity in My People by Bill Yount

Identity Network July 9, 2019
I Am Uprooting Fear, Insecurity in My People by Bill Yount
Ebook PDF Download
By K. A. Schneider
Price: $15.99
Sale! $10.99 
Click HERE to order.

"Don't be intimidated in any way by your enemies. This will be a sign to them that they are going to be destroyed, but that you are going to be saved, even by God himself" (Phil. 1:28, NIV).

Before getting up to minister recently, my wife sensed that I was battling intimidation. She leaned over to me and whispered, "Your new name is 'Confidence!" Immediately, a lion roared inside me, and an alarm went off in hell. I rose up to minister, and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah took over the meeting. The Lord is renaming you today also. Your new name is "Confidence!"

Laying Aside

I have found a key that unlocks the cage of that lion who lives inside of us as believers. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us" (Heb.12:1 KJV).

"Laying aside" is a powerful command that changes our perspective. When you lay something aside it is still there, but you don't focus on it, for the next verse says, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." Now when intimidation attacks me, I have learned to lay it aside and do what God has called me to do.

The devil works overtime to steal our confidence to do the work of the Lord. But we are not alone. The Lord allows our insecurities and fears to be exposed to deal with the root of them. So be encouraged and don't stop. When you feel insecure or fearful, lay it aside, and get up and let the lion roar. God is faithful. "Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it" (1 Thess. 5:24, MEV).

I received an email recently from a dear sister who plays the piano for masses. She was fighting insecurity about performing perfectly at a special upcoming ceremony. I sensed the Lord giving me this word for her, "Lay aside your fear. Jesus will play the piano." Hours later, she sent me this response:

"PRAISE REPORT! I just finished a run through the music and Jesus did indeed play the piano! I had to keep reminding myself that He was doing it and I didn't need to stick my nose in. When I first saw my friend Rachel, she asked me if I was ready. Very unlike me, I answered, 'Yes!' PTL."

The Root of All Fears

Most of our insecurity and fears are surface symptoms with a deep root. The Lord deals with our weaknesses to make us strong. I have battled insecurity and fear most of my life. It started the moment my head hit the road so hard that it caused a bone growth on my forehead. The bike wreck happened when I was 5. The trauma of what followed with surgery and doctor check-ups for most of my younger years opened the door to a giant fear, a door that never got shut until recently.

I spoke at a conference recently in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I was checking out hotel prices. They were so high I wouldn't have been able to sleep at night. I kept looking around for a reasonable priced one. I found it. 'The Cemetery Inn" near the battlefields. Arriving home after that weekend, greeting my wife, she said, "So-and-so called, and he wants you to call him about those two cemetery plots he offered you a long time ago." I couldn't help but think.

I just came from The Cemetery Inn, and now someone is offering me two cemetery plots at half price. The half price concerned me too. I said, "Lord, I don't like the timing of this. I just came from ministering for You all weekend. What is going on?" Two days later, I was to meet the brother at the cemetery memorial park to sign the transfer papers. After I arrived, I got tired of waiting in the office for him, so I went outside.

When I walked outside, all I could see were grave markers. As an eerie feeling came over me, the Lord spoke, "Son, this is the root of all your fears your whole life: Every doctor visit and the fear of every report of your physical exams. You are afraid to die. You battled it since the moment your head hit the road when you were 5 years old. When you were 7 with a brain tumor, death hounded you again. Then 14 years ago, with a blood clot in the artery of your heart with a 50-50 chance of survival, it stampeded you again. Three days later with a heart catheterization, your heart stopped on that table, and they jumped it back to beat again. Have you noticed by now I have never let you die? I still hold the keys to hell, death and the grave."

He continued, "What do you think about the Scripture that says, 'To be absent from the body is to be present with Me?' No pain, no doctors, no devil. Fully alive in My unspeakable presence forever and ever? What are your thoughts on this?"

For a moment, I was speechless. He was right. I just faced my worst fear that had made me vulnerable to an endless list of others. And I failed to compare it to eternity. That day, I found peace in a cemetery. As I left those grave markers, He spoke again, "By the way son, the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives in you. Go live. Go live. Don't be afraid of living. Enjoy every minute of it."

What's your fear? Losing a loved one, a job or your reputation? Maybe you are afraid to die and afraid to live. Drag your fears to Jesus today. Let His peace envelop you and His perfect love cast out all fear. Tell Him you are in this for the long haul no matter what.

God's Crazy Love Does It

In my worship time recently, I heard the Lord whisper, "I'm crazy about you, Bill. I'm absolutely crazy about you." I said, "What? Lord, why would You be crazy about me? I fall so short of Your glory." He said, "I know, but you trust Me. You still trust Me to do what you cannot do. That thrills Me. That's what makes Me crazy about you."

How about you? Do you know that you can thrill Him? Trust Him today, and you will experience His crazy love for you and His peace that surpasses all understanding. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus.' The Lord would rather have us trust Him than figure Him out.

Let these words redeem our time on earth:

I wanna live like there's no tomorrow; love like I'm on borrowed time. It's good to be alive.— "It's Good to Be Alive," Jason Gray

Bill Yount

Temple Mount Sifting Project Unveils Artifacts From the Time of David - CBN News Chris Mitchell

Temple Mount Sifting Project Unveils Artifacts From the Time of David
CBN News Chris Mitchell
JERUSALEM, Israel – Jerusalem’s Temple Mount has never been excavated, at least publicly.  
However, an illegal construction project twenty years ago led to discoveries about its ancient past. 
In 1999, the Islamic group responsible for the Temple Mount began construction on a large underground mosque.  They broke a law prohibiting unauthorized construction, and during the project dumped tons of debris into the Kidron Valley. 
Israeli archaeologists began sifting through the debris in 2005 in hopes of finding artifacts that point back to the Jewish temple that once stood in Jerusalem.
Over the years, The Temple Mount Sifting Project has uncovered a treasure trove of artifacts. 
“The Temple Mount Sifting Project is an archeological adventure whose purpose is to find the empirical proof of what was on the Temple Mount thousands of years ago,” Shlomo Zwickler from American Friends of Beit Orot told CBN News.
Throughout its history, more than a quarter of a million volunteers have worked on the sifting project making it the largest archeological project in history. 
Since its beginning, the project has uncovered enormous archeological evidence. 
“We have until now, approximately a half a million finds … the vast majority of the material is from the first temple period and on, starting in the 10th century B.C., which is the time of David and Solomon.  And that goes hand in hand with the biblical account,” the project’s director Gabi Barkay said.
While the sifting project began years ago, a new phase is just beginning. 
“Fifty-two years ago right here on this hallowed ground that we’re standing on right now that one of the decisive battles of the six day war took place,” he told CBN News.  In fact, it was the battle just before the command was given to descend the Mount of Olives,cross the Kidron Valley and ascend the Temple Mount … for the first time in two thousand years." 
  Some believe the evidence from the project validates the Jewish claim and connection to the city of Jerusalem. 
“It’s very simple.  There’s no project that (shows) his better than this one. It proves that everything that we said about it and dreamt about it and prayed about it is true,” said Zvi Koenigsberg 
“And we know where we came from of course based on our faith, of course on our heritage but also based on the empirical evidence that we find based on where we were,” explained Zwickler.
Barkay says the importance of the Temple Mount to the Jewish people and to the world is profound.    
“First of all, the Temple Mount is the soul, heart and spirit of the Jewish people.  It is mentioned and indicated more than twenty times in the New Testament.  It is a focal point in the ministry of Jesus.  And it should be one of the cornerstones of western civilization … it is also the archeological site number one in the country.  And probably one of the most important archeological sites of the world.” 
Now they're sending out an open invitation for more to come. 
“This sifting project is really going to be a major thing for people from around the world to put their hands into and work through soil that came in from the temple itself from some point in its history,” said Stephen Pfann of The University of the Holy Land. 
Zwickler invites people everywhere to “come sift the dirt from two thousand years ago.  Come be part of history.  What was and also what will be.”