Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Israel Bombs Gaza; Israelis Prefer Trump Over Obama; Jerusalem Celebrated at UN! - UNITED WITH ISRAEL

Syria Planning Chemical Attack; CLICK HERE for Latest Israel News!
United with IsraelWhat are YOU Doing About Rise in Anti-Semitism; London Mayor Under Refuses to Call Hezbollah Terrorists; Watch Abbas Admit to Sending Terrorists to Kill Israelis
June 27, 2017
Israel Bombs Gaza in Response to Rocket Fire
Pew Survey: Israelis Prefers Trump Over Obama
Jerusalem’s Reunification Celebrated at the UN!
Anti-Israel Activists Take Credit for Amazon’s Removal of Pro-Israel Book 
WATCH: What are YOU Doing About the Rise in Anti-Semitism? 
White House Warns: Syria’s Assad Planning Chemical Attack 
London Mayor Under Fire for Refusing to Call Hezbollah a Terror Organization 
English-Speaking Immigrants Defy Israel’s Enemies 
WATCH: Abbas Admits to Sending Terrorists to Kill Israelis 
Iran Gives Anti-Israel Terror Groups Hundreds of Millions Annually 
Netanyahu: Israel Faces Constant Cyber Attacks 
Knesset Speaker, Former Soviet Prisoner, will Address Russian Parliament 
Fearing Attacks by Hezbollah, Israel Upgrades Barrier at Lebanon Border 
WATCH: Westerners ‘Mentally Wrong’ to not Hate Muslims, Says Egyptian TV 
Shin Bet Chief: Cybertech Prevented Over 2,000 Terror Attacks 
Arrow 3 Defense System Awarded Israel’s Defense Prize 
Israeli Forward Ben Haim Signs Record Deal with Sparta Prague 
Trump Hails Supreme Court Approval of Partial Travel Ban
WATCH: Iran Accuses US of Fake News on Syrian Chemical Weapons 
3 CNN Journalists Lose Jobs Over Fake News 
OPINION: YouTube – Soapbox for Terrorists 
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Should Jews Trust Christians? You May Be Surprised by the Definitive Torah Answer - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

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June 27, 2017Biblical ProphecyJerusalemEnd of DaysIDFBible CodesTemple Mount

Should Jews Trust Christians?
You May Be Surprised by the Torah's
Definitive Answer

Israel Has Fended Off 2,000 Cyber Blitzes: "Hackers Who Attack Us Get Attacked"

God's Land

The Torah is more than a book of laws; it is the legacy of the Jewish people. It tells of the creation of a nation chosen to be the emissaries of God. The Torah begins with the story of creation so that there can be no question that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People. From the beginning, God intended for the People of Israel to do His holy work from the holy Land of Israel, and that from there their light would emanate. May our study of the Israel Bible strengthen each of our appreciation for the Land of Israel.
20% off The Israel Bible and the ENTIRE site!!" »

WATCH: Mazal Tov to the IAF’s Newest Pilots!

ICYMI: Christian “Awakening” to Holiness of Temple Mount Draws Islamic Fury

The Best Deal Ever

By Yonina Pritzker
Finding the leadership, the integrity, and the determination to finally uphold the ironclad deal that was made with the Jewish people regarding the State of Israel nearly one century ago – now, that would be historic.
Europe Must Stop Funding Demonization of Israel
By Ben-Dror Yemini
By Louis Rene Beres

Copyright © 2017 Breaking Israel News, All rights reserved.

Breaking Israel News
34 Nahal Ein Gedi Apt #17
Bet Shemesh 9909875

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cardboard Box Church on the city street - Charlotte, North Carolina - 2017 Style

Here's a great idea! Take the church walls 
onto the city streets - where the people are!

Cardboard Box Church on the City Street 
Charlotte, North Carolina 

June 26, 2017 
(photos by Steve Martin)

Praying for another right on the street.
Didn't Jesus do that?

Even has stained glass (paper) window!

Out of the cement towers
down into the cardboard walls.

Jesus does heal.
Trading your ashes for beauty.
Mourning for joy.
Despair for praise.
Jesus style.

Facebook responses (as of June 27, 2017)
Hadassah Lerner So creative!!
Brenda Sills I agree with this.

22 hrs

Prophetic Word: It's Time to Create History, Not Reenact | Lance Wallnau Issues a Prophetic Word for Each and Every One of Us - PROPHETIC INSIGHT CHARISMA

Prophetic Insight newsletter
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Prophetic Word: It's Time to Create History, Not Reenact

I remember hearing Dutch Sheets share a dream that someone once had concerning the call to share the stories of old. Dutch was telling everyone that we must be willing to remind others of what God has already done and encourage those who have yet to experience the goodness of God with these stories: "Tell the Stories." It was and still is a clarion call for the ekklesia. Throughout my life, I have been an avid lover of history. No matter which era, as long as it pertained to history, I loved the stories. Naturally this love helped feed my passion and hunger for revival. I have spent years studying and learning as much as I can about the revivals and awakenings. I have always been intrigued by these stories, and I have encouragement to keep pressing through for the reality of revival and awakening.

A few days ago, I was preaching a message about the moment that David was anointed to be king and how Samuel was obedient in the process for God's anointed. In the midst of the message, something grabbed me that had never hit me the way it did in that moment. I've preached and taught from the passage multiple times, but Holy Spirit got a hold of me, and God spoke a simple statement: "It's time to create history, not re-enact."

It's Not Going to Look Like Before

"When they came, he looked on Eliab, and said, 'Surely the anointed of the Lord is before Him'" (1 Sam. 16:6). read more 
Lance Wallnau
Lance Wallnau Issues a Prophetic Word for Each and Every One of Us
"When the Spirit of the Lord moves, it's the right time ..."
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