Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yom Kippur at the Western Wall 100 Years Ago

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 01 Oct 2014 

Jews at the Kotel on Yom Kippur (circa 1904) See analysis of  the graffiti
on the wall for dating this picture. The graffiti on the Wall are memorial
notices (not as one reader suggested applied to the photo later). (Library of Congress)

On Saturday, Jews around the world will commemorate Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  For many centuries, Jews in the Land of Israel prayed at the Western Wall, the remnant of King Herod's retaining wall of the Temple complex destroyed in 70 AD.

Several readers noticed and commented on the intermingling of men and women in these historic pictures. It was not by choice.  The Turkish and British rulers of Jerusalem imposed severe restrictions on the Jewish worshipers,  prohibiting chairs, forbidding screens to divide the men and women, and even banning the blowing of the shofar at the end of the Yom Kippur service.  Note that the talit prayer shawls, normally worn by men throughout Yom Kippur, are not visible in the pictures.

The men are wearing their festival/Sabbath finery, including their
fur shtreimel hats. Note the prayer shawls.  (Credit: RCB Library1897)

We found one rare picture in an Irish church's archives, dated 1897, showing men wearing prayer shawls at the Kotel.

View this video, Echoes of a Shofarto see the story of young men who defied British authorities between 1930 and 1947 and blew the shofar at the Kotel.

Another view of the Western Wall on Yom Kippur. Note the various groups of worshipers: The Ashkenazic Hassidim wearing the fur shtreimel hats in the foreground, the Sephardic Jews wearing the fezzes in the
center, and the women in the back wearing white shawls. (Circa 1904, Library of Congress)

For the 19 years that Jordan administered the Old City, 1948-1967, no Jews were permitted to pray at the Kotel.  Many of the photo collections we have surveyed contain numerous pictures of Jewish worshipers at the Western Wall over the last 150 years.

After the 1967 war, the Western Wall plaza was enlarged and large areas of King Herod's wall have been exposed.  Archaeologists have also uncovered major subterranean tunnels -- hundreds of meters long -- that are now open to visitors to Jerusalem.
Click on the photos to enlarge.  Click on the captions to see the originals. 

Did Netanyahu Bury the Two-State Solution?

Did Netanyahu Bury the Two-State Solution?

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Some Israeli politicians see in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stirring speech before the UN General Assembly the final nail in the coffin of the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In his speech, Netanyahu made clear that the current “template” for peace has failed, and that Israel is not prepared to repeat the mistakes of the Lebanon and Gaza withdrawals in Judea and Samaria (the so-called “West Bank”).
The Israeli leader strongly urged that Western peace brokers first facilitate stronger ties between the Jewish state and its more moderate Arab neighbors as a necessary first step toward eventual rapprochement with the Palestinians.
As far as Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotovely was concerned, Netanyahu had effectively stated there would never be a Palestinian state on Israel’s biblical heartland.
Netanyahu’s speech “informed the world that the two-state solution is dead,” Hotovely told Arutz Sheva Radio. “He spoke about the Middle East, about Cairo and Saudi Arabia and in essence hinted at other solutions rather than dividing the country. He alluded to the concepts of confederation.”
While Netanyahu did make reference to “territorial compromise,” he very conspicuously avoided the phrases “Palestinian state” or “two states for two peoples.”
In an interview with NPR, Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads Israel’s peace negotiations and supports the two-state solution, suggested that Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas’ intransigent speech days earlier had facilitated Netanyahu’s new position and all but killed the peace process.
Last Friday when he mounted the same podium at the UN General Assembly, Abbas essentially labeled Israel as his enemy and gave virtually no hope that peace talks based on mutual goodwill would restart any time soon.
“Instead of following the path of negotiations which would have enabled the creation of a Palestinian state, Abbas is now going to spend years on his [unilateral] demand for the UN to set a date for statehood,” said Livni. “Abbas should have opted for the American framework document which would have led him to a Palestinian state.”
Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said he was unsurprised by Abbas’ belligerence, insisting that the current Palestinian leader had transformed into “a more serious enemy” than his predecessor, Yasser Arafat.
“[Abbas’] ideology is stronger and [he] negates the existence of a Jewish state and the right of the Jewish people to have a state of their own,” Steinitz told a conference at Bar-Ilan University. “For [Abbas], there is no Jewish people. He is only willing to recognize the Jewish religion.”
Still, there were some holdouts for “land-for-peace,” even if it meant Israel tread that path alone.
During a panel discussion on Channel 2 News, Opposition and Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog was asked to explain exactly what he expects of Netanyahu in his (Herzog’s) repeated demands that the prime minister continue to advance the peace process.
Herzog acknowledged that all previous surrender of land had only resulted in more terrorism, but nevertheless insisted that Netanyahu announce additional withdrawals backed by “iron clad guarantees.”
He failed to elaborate, or to address the fact that the 2005 Gaza pullout was supposedly backed by “iron clad guarantees” that failed to prevent Hamas’ violent takeover or subsequent assaults on southern Israel.
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu at UN Full Speech 9/29/2014

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel

Published on Sep 29, 2014
UN General Assembly

Hamas rockets placed among playing children.

"Israel was using its missiles to protect their children. Hamas was using its children to protect its missiles." Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel's Role in the Battle Against Ebola

Israel's Role in the Battle Against Ebola

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel over the past month has been playing an increasingly central role in the global battle against the Ebola epidemic in West Africa that the UN Security Council recently deemed a “threat to international peace and security.”
Over 6,000 cases of Ebola have been reported and over 3,000 people have died of the disease in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia since the start of the year. The actual numbers are estimated to be much higher, though most cases are concealed for fear of forced quarantine.
On at least two occasions in recent months Israel has quarantined people suspected of having contracted the virus during visits to Africa. Both cases turned out to be false alarms.
Israel has dispatched medical teams to Sierra Leone and Cameroon to train local doctors on how to better combat the Ebola outbreak. Sierra Leone has also requested medication for treating the symptoms of Ebola, and Israel has reportedly promised to provide.
There is no known cure for Ebola, though American drug company Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. has produced an experimental treatment known as ZMapp. The only problem is that the relatively limited supply of ZMapp has been exhausted, and the company says it will take months to produce more.
An Israeli biopharmaceutical company, Protalix, says it is ready to step in and fill the gap.
“Today our production capacity exceeds our needs, and we would certainly be happy to have the company producing the Ebola drug have us produce the drug for them. We would know how to do it effectively, in large quantities, and in a relatively short period of time,” a representative of Protalix told Channel 2 News.
Meanwhile, a smartphone app developed atop an Israeli-made platform is already having a major impact on the spread of Ebola.
Called “About Ebola” and available for both iOS and Android, the app’s makers successfully leveraged the Snapp platform to get the crucial software to market in a mere three days.
About Ebola has since been downloaded thousands of times by medical workers in the field and by residents of the affected areas. It has even been rapidly translated into local rural languages thanks to the flexibility of Snapp.
When the UN Security Council two weeks ago gathered in emergency sessions for the first time ever in response to a health crisis, Ambassador Ron Prosor said that “Israel is proud to be playing its part” in the urgent global effort to defeat Ebola.
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Israel Hails Netanyahu's Speech, But Was Anyone Else Listening?

Israel Hails Netanyahu's Speech, But Was Anyone Else Listening?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before the UN General Assembly on Monday was at the forefront of the news cycle in Israel on Tuesday. From the left to the right of the political spectrum, everyone agreed Israel’s leader is a gifted orator. But the question is, was anyone else listening?
During his 34 minutes at the podium, Netanyahu waxed eloquent regarding Israel’s desire for peace, battle for security and concerns over mounting regional threats.
Addressing the recent Gaza war, Netanyahu made a strong case, supported by an incriminating photograph, that it was Hamas, and not Israel, that had spent the summer committing war crimes.
The Israeli premier stressed that, contrary to the claims spewed last week by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, he is prepared to make peace with the Jewish state’s Arab neighbors, but that it must be done on equitable terms.
Netanyahu went on to suggest what is becoming increasingly clear to most Israelis - that in today’s Middle East, it would be easier to first forge genuine peace with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other moderate Arab states, and then leverage those new alliances to conclude an agreement with the Palestinians.
The reason for that is linked to Netanyahu’s next point - that the sweeping scourge of radical Islam in the form of the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) is a threat to everyone who truly seeks to live in peace.
To illustrate that Israel knows all too well what moderate Arab states are now facing, Netanyahu drew a direct comparison between ISIS and Hamas. Both, he insisted, “are of the same poisonous tree.”
Sadly, it was Israel’s American allies that failed to accept that last, crucial point.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said that while Washington had designated both ISIS and Hamas as terrorist organizations, it does not view them equally since Hamas poses no direct threat to American interests.
But the Obama Administration’s response to Netanyahu’s remarks was not the most disappointment aspect of the story. Rather, it was the half-empty hall that the prime minister wasted his measured words upon.
The fact is that the hall of the UN General Assembly was more than half empty when Netanyahu took the podium, and a great many of those nations represented already largely side with the Jewish state on critical issues.
In other words, Netanyahu was left singing to the choir.
“Netanyahu knows how to speak, and I agreed with more than a little of what he said, but the problem is that the world is no longer listening,” said Opposition and Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog.
Unfortunately, Herzog’s critique rang true, as Netanyahu’s speech garnered frighteningly little attention from an international media and community predisposed to accepting the Palestinian narrative.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"A Word For America, Israel, the Middle East, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Many Others" Kim Clement

"A Word For America, Israel, the Middle East, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Many Others"
Kim Clement, Camarillo, CA
The Elijah List

September 6, 2014 – From The Den:

Rejoicing and Celebration On the Streets of Jerusalem and America

I do not care what anybody says, God called this nation to be a light. Yes, it has flaws – so does Israel.

"Yes, it has imperfections, but did I call My people to perfection? I said you would be a light shining in a dark place. I said you would be a hand that would feed the hungry. And I gave you oil to heal nations. And I gave you My breath to sing. Even your national anthem has My breath on it.

"Now there are foes – ISIS is not an Islamic State. It is a god that was worshiped centuries and millennia ago, starting with Nimrod. That same spirit has rested upon the east, Middle East, and is knocking at your door. But you have acknowledged Me as the Lord God of your nation.

"ISIS will cease to influence and exist on the streets of My soil.

"America and Israel and western nations, you shall put your fist down on Turkey. You shall put your fist down on Russia, Syria, and Iran.

"ISIS! Heads have been taken from children. I do not like that!" says the Lord. "Therefore, I have come to the earth to examine and to inspect, to see how I shall judge you in the presence of your enemies.

"No 9/11 attempt shall be to their satisfaction," says the Lord, "no, but watch Chicago and watch Michigan, for there are terrorists that draw closer and closer to banish the sounds of praise

Israel has praised Me and shall continue. My people, ecclesia, shall praise Me, and they shall continue. Therefore, I am the guardian of this nation and I will put a stop to it and expose, expose, expose in the fall until you realize that I have spoken and it is so," says the Lord of Hosts.
What you have is a permeating of hope coming to you from one who has stepped into the future as far as 2019. That's what I've done by His Spirit to tell you that a season of war cannot remain a season of war. 

Seasons change; this will come to an end and rejoicing and celebration will once again be in the streets of Jerusalem and in the streets of America. That is all I have to say about that! (Photo via Wikimedia)

This is the latter part of what the Spirit gave me:

"What have I prepared for New Zealand? What have I prepared for Ukraine? What have I prepared for Russia, Estonia, Europe, and the Middle East? 

Yes, Yeshua is moving to a people who are dissatisfied. 'There is only one god but Allah,' they say, 'There is only one god but Allah.' Would you like to know what the Lord has to say? There is only one God but God; there is only one God but God, and I will go where I wish.

At Israel's Birthday in 2018

"I was able to tear down the wall through Ronald Reagan, and the curtain, but there are two more walls that will come down. And in 2018, at the celebration of Israel's birthday, there shall be an outpouring of My Spirit in Israel like it has not had since the days of David and the days of Jesus. You listen to Me, everybody.

"But I have prepared My Holy Spirit, who is part of our Godhead, our Trinity, to bring upon the earth, and especially America, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and many others, a move of the Holy Spirit that will creep over into the streets of the Middle East. And there shall be Damascus Road conversions take place in the highest places in terrorist organizations, and they shall come out and they shall reveal the truth and the evil of Islam. And there shall be a shaking in the kingdom, and the way that I shook in 1900 at the turn of the Century, in 1948, in the '60s and the '70s – I will accumulate them all in one and I shall pour out of My Spirit with a global renewal," says the Lord.


[While singing the modern day Hallelujah,] I want you to hear me please, because that song, not even specifically the melody, but the "Hallelujah" will suddenly emerge and begin to be sung all over the world. They say that Islam is attracting young people, but the Spirit told me, and I saw this, all over the world Jesus became popular. Jesus became famous again. A fame that is worthy of Him. 

Conversions will take place in universities and schools, and the people that are professors and teachers that have taught all those erroneous things –"In the presence of these, I will raise up scientists that will speak the truth, and it will spread. And people will try and stop it, but it will not be stopped. This shall spread, and spread, and spread, and there will be no control, for it shall be like a river." That's what I saw.

Now, many of you watching all over the world, you know what I do. There is an altar. You've heard directly from the Spirit of God, how He is going to move from one nation to the other through the streets. 

House churches will be just about in every street in the United States of America and in Europe. Every street, every neighborhood, shall have the ability to hear the Gospel of the Kingdom, for God will not allow His Son to return but will retain Him until the fulfillment of every prophetic word that the prophets prophesied.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

And the one thing that is being restored at this very moment in the midst of rubble, in the midst of clay, in the midst of mire, is the Tabernacle of David. The restoration of the Tabernacle of David will bring about souls into the Kingdom by the millions, the tens of millions; and it shall be known, spoken about by Time Magazine.

A New Online Magazine – By Scientists Who Are Christians

And I saw a new magazine that is also going to come forth, not necessarily on paper alone, of course not, it'll be on the Internet – that shall speak of Christ.

But it shall use the finest of scientists, the finest of athletes, the finest of artists, the finest of economists and business people. Prosperity is at our door. Now you may say that doesn't look possible. Do not say that, because what God requires from you now is faith. You see, faith is the only thing that can please God. Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. If you're watching me now, you heard the word of the Lord.

September 13, 2014 – From The Den:
"There Are Angels, Angels Watching Over You"

The Spirit of the Lord would love to speak today: "Let Me say My words that the earth may hear. I am the Creator of the ends of the earth. I know the evil that man can do, but I also know the good that man can do. What you see on your borders shall go on, but," God says, "I am the watcher of your borders. I am the guardian of the borders, for ISIS shall make their way. However, as I disarmed the enemies of Israel, I shall surprise them with angels that are watching over you. 

Now I want you to prophesy to America's borders and say, 'There are angels, angels watching over you.'" 

(Photo by Jennifer Page "Warrior Angel" via

The Spirit of God says, "Hear Me, please. The nations that are entering in illegally, I have a huge plan for the Latino people. I have a massive plan that will shake ISIS, that will shake the terrorist organizations that are creeping into your nation. Conversions will take place as they cross your border. Are you hearing Me? 

Conversions will take place as they cross the border.

"They are entering into holy ground," says the Lord. "The blood of your forefathers was given and granted this land through prayers, through sweat, through tears, and through blood. Will I forget that? No! Watch the fall – the change and the shift. And I will cause you to stand and say, 'I never dreamed that this would happen in the fall.' Oh winter, oh winter, how beautiful is your snow all over the nation! Rejoice, for winter shall be a time of great rejoicing," says the Lord.

The Wells Will Be Filled From the Water Above

My spirit just spoke now and said there are wells that God is opening up. But a strange thing came as I was singing under the Spirit. He said, "The wells will be filled from the water above and not from the earth, for they spring forth." (Photo via Wikimedia)

I heard Him saying, "There are wells that are open but empty. No springs in your business, your home, your nation, your leaders, your churches." He said, "They've been waiting for the well to come earthbound from below, but," God said, "they've been looking in the wrong place. For the wells will be filled from the water from above. This is different. America shall not go into a full-scale war. 

Even though it is the desire of the people, I have placed My knee onto the head of this President.

"I am speaking. The hard neck of Pharaoh actually brought miracles upon Israel in Egypt. The stubbornness of Pharaoh brought great judgments upon the enemy, and there is a stubbornness that I have allowed in this nation to bring liberty and freedom and judgment upon your enemies that are coming to your land.

"I will pardon the stupidity of the removal of My presence and the people in Iraq, because they were waiting to come into those nations. But," God says, "I will yet honor the prayers of presidents past who are praying right now. There is an old man, President George Herbert Bush, who is praying. I am hearing him. There is George W. Bush – forget his politics! He is praying! I am hearing him!" says the Lord.

Kim Clement
Kim Clement Center

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. 

His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

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