Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Connection Between Christians and the Jewish High Holidays - TOBY JANICKI CHARISMA NEWS

Hundreds of Israelis celebrate Yom Kippur at the Western Wall.
Hundreds of Israelis celebrate Yom Kippur at the Western Wall. (Flickr )

The Connection Between Christians and the Jewish High Holidays

Standing With Israel
With Rosh HaShanah and the beginning of the High Holidays only a few days away, I thought I would review some of my material on this from the perspective of a Christ follower.
It should be of no shock that the early believers, both Jew and Gentile, celebrated the festivals of Israel even after coming to Messiah. This included the celebration of Rosh HaShanah and fasting on Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur is to Judaism what Christmas is to Christianity; just as many Christians go to church on Christmas—even if they never enter a church throughout the rest of the year—so too, most Jews fast on Yom Kippur and attend synagogue services. It is a cultural and spiritual landmark. Not surprisingly then, we find a passing reference to this fast in the book of Acts:
"Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them, saying, "Men, I perceive that this voyage will be with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives"(Acts 27:9–10, NKJV).
"The Fast" referenced here is Yom Kippur. Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra assumes that Luke would not have used the term "the Fast" as a calendaric reference unless he himself was keeping the fast and assumed that his readers were as well:
I cannot help but draw the conclusion that Luke himself and his implied readers observed Yom Kippur. Why else would Luke use a "Jewish calendaric reference for a secular problem?" He clearly presumes that his readers will understand what he is referring to.
Scholars speculate that the readers of Acts were Gentiles like Luke himself. In order for Luke's readers to understand such a passing reference, they must have been observing Yom Kippur. Indirect evidence can be found in the book of Revelation.
The book of Revelation is packed with allusions to the rituals and themes of the high holidays. The apocalyptic imagery—the day of judgment, the books of judgment, the blast of trumpets, the Temple scenes, and so forth—are all borrowed directly from the traditional observance of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. John addressed the book of Revelation to seven communities in Asia Minor, constituted predominantly of Gentiles.
If those communities were not celebrating the high holidays along with the Jewish community, they would have been ill-prepared to decipher the book of Revelation, just as the church is today. Records of Gentile believers celebrating Yom Kippur appear in later church literature. The late second-century Epistle to Diognetus rails against Christians who observe Jewish laws such as "the Fast." Origen mentions Christians fasting on Yom Kippur:
Whence also we must say something now to those who think that in virtue of the commandments of the Law they must practice the fast of the Jews (Homily on Leviticus 12:2 [Barkley]).
He mentions another case, again involving Caesarean Christians, in his Homilies on Jeremiah, proving that this is not an isolated instance; there must have been at least several groups of Gentile Christians in the third century still celebrating this major feast day of Judaism. In the late fourth century, John Chrysostom is still denouncing those who "join the Jews in keeping their festivals and observing their fasts."
Further witness to this phenomenon can be found in the fifth-century medieval church practice of the Fast of the Seventh Month. This fast formed part of the Ember Days and was one of the most solemn days of the church's liturgical year. Scholars see this fast as the result of the Christianization of Yom Kippur.
In other words, because many Christian Gentiles were celebrating Yom Kippur, as the church began to split from Judaism, Christianity slowly transformed it into a solely Christian fast in the month of September. This is similar to the transformation of Passover into Easter.
The fifth-century theologian and pope Leo the Great wrote: "We proclaim the holy Fast of the Seventh Month, dearly-beloved, for the exercise of common devotions, confidently inciting you with fatherly exhortations to make Christian by your observance that which was formerly Jewish" (Sermon 90:1).
In this we once again see that many Gentile believers celebrated Yom Kippur, so much so that it remained even after the parting of the ways began to take place between Judaism and Christianity. 
Toby Janicki is a teacher, writer, and project manager for First Fruits of Zion( He contributes regularly to Messiah Journal and has written several books including God Fearers: Gentiles and the God of Israel.
It's often said, "There is only one race—the human race." While the phrase has become almost cliché in repetition, it happens to be 100 percent accurate, both scientifically and theologically speaking.
From Ferguson to Baltimore, Tulsa to Charlotte—and on college campuses from coast-to-coast—a great divide is sweeping America. It is fueled largely, if not entirely, by half-truths and outright lies. Truth is irrelevant. Only the narrative matters. When "Hands Up Don't Shoot™" can do so very much to further "the cause," it matters not that it represents a holocaust-denial-level of detachment from reality.
Which tells you everything you need to know about the cause.
This is by design. These embers of racial division are purposely fanned to a red-hot flame by certain political leaders, "social justice" warriors and "community organizers"—cut principally from the same ideological cloth—in order to permanently ingrain a turbulent level of cultural division based solely upon the varying shades of people's skin. This, in turn, is intended to provoke widespread governmental dependency and, thus, one-party political control in perpetuity.
Yet, even at its core the idea of racial division—of race itself—is a myth. To sub-divide humanity based upon nothing more than varying levels of skin pigmentation is to rely upon the weakest of genetic markers.
And "race" really does signify nothing more than skin color.
Science dispels the Myth of 'Race'
In a Feb. 5 Scientific American article titled, "Race Is a Social Construct, Scientists Argue," journalist Megan Gannon writes, "Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning. And yet, you might still open a study on genetics in a major scientific journal and find categories like 'white' and 'black' being used as biological variables."
"In an article published today (Feb. 4) in the journal Science," continues Gannon, "four scholars say racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity and need to be phased out."
"It's a concept we think is too crude to provide useful information. It's a concept that has social meaning that interferes in the scientific understanding of human genetic diversity, and it's a concept that we are not the first to call upon moving away from," notes Michael Yudell, professor of public health at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Under the latest genetic research, race is "understood to be a poorly defined marker of that diversity and an imprecise proxy for the relationship between ancestry and genetics," he adds.
While not directly involved with the research, Dr. Svante Pääbo, a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, agrees wholeheartedly with its findings. "What the study of complete genomes from different parts of the world has shown is that even between Africa and Europe, for example, there is not a single absolute genetic difference, meaning no single variant where all Africans have one variant and all Europeans another one, even when recent migration is disregarded."
Still, as the researchers likewise note, "Assumptions about genetic differences between people of different races have had obvious social and historical repercussions." Indeed, there are those on both extremes of the political spectrum with a vested interest in making sure these social and historical repercussions remain as inflamed and catastrophic as possible.
"Race" is a divisive means to a selfish political end.
It is not a scientific reality.
God's Final Word on 'Race'
We love labels. We love to pit people against one another and lump them into neat, fixed little categories of put-upons, most often based upon outward appearances: black vs. white; Hispanic vs. Asian; tall vs. short; skinny vs. fat; old vs. young; abled vs. disabled, and so on.
Yet these divisions are artificial. They're man-made. Every human being is created by a holy God, in His image and likeness, and imbued by Him with infinite worth and import. There is only one true and transcendent physical division, and that division was both created and intended by God to become reconciled as one flesh through the holy bonds of marriage—this, to propagate the human race: "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Gen. 1:27).
Male and female. The XY and the XX. Immutable distinctions with a beautiful and bountiful difference. That's it. All other physical divisions, especially racial divisions, remain artificial.
Our bodies, you see, are merely outward shells. As the great Scottish author and theologian George MacDonald once wrote, "Never tell a child 'you have a soul.' Teach him, 'you are a soul; you have a body.'"
We are souls. We have a body—an outward shell or "Earth suit" as one of my favorite professors used to say. Why on God's Earth are we so deceived to believe that we must separate ourselves and hate one another based upon superficial, almost cosmetic outward appearances?
"Now I urge you, brothers, to closely watch those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and avoid them" (Rom. 16:17).
To be sure, Christ Jesus alone can dissolve these divisions. "For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is generous toward all who call upon Him" (Rom. 10:12).
These are not financial riches, but riches of love, life, spirit and salvation.
As a man with an Italian wife, a black sister-in-law, a Filipino uncle and biologically-related half Filipino cousins, a step-grandmother who illegally immigrated from Mexico, biologically-related half Mexican aunts and uncles, and dozens of foster brothers and sisters from across the globe, I have learned firsthand throughout my life that "race" is truly meaningless—it's less than skin deep.
Until we learn this as a nation, we will remain a nation divided.
Yes, love is the answer. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another" (John 13:34).
There is no political fix to this problem.
It's a spiritual problem, requiring a spiritual fix.
And His name is Jesus.
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The Moral Choices of the 2016 Election - DAVE KUBAL/INTERCESSORS FOR AMERICA Charisma News

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

(Reuters photo)

The Moral Choices of the 2016 Election
The choices of this year's election season pose some significant moral challenges. I have heard that Christians are struggling with the values of the Democrat party: the so-called "pro-choice" position, which means, in virtually 100 percent of cases, pro-abortion; limiting religious freedoms; more government control over citizens' lives; and more. And I have also heard Christians who are struggling with the morality of voting for a brash, twice-divorced, casino-owning presidential candidate.
These are real struggles, and I don't intend to minimize the pressure under which some sincere and concerned Christian voters are struggling. Let me ask you to consider the morality of a third option I'm hearing, and that is voting for a third party candidate or not voting at all. I have lumped these last two together because the reality is that the action of taking no action by Christians would certainly guarantee a U.S. president whose party platform will not protect life in the womb, will not support religious freedom, and will force you to forsake your traditional Christian values or face legal punishment if you resist caving in to the anti-God atmosphere across the nation. Those will be only a part of the negative results. I can guarantee it.
Edmund Burke (1729-1797) is known for his now-famous saying: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." You will be faced with a moral decision on November 8, 2016, our national Election Day. You may vote for liberal values, vote for an unknown candidate who has, to many conservatives, questionable qualifications, or vote for a third-party candidate who cannot win and will thus, by default, add to the pro-liberal victory. By staying home, you will help liberal values to prevail.
However, without telling anyone whom to vote for, I do have a suggestion for overcoming this dilemma: Focus on the political parties' platforms. Delegates of both major parties worked hard through discussion and debate to construct their respective platforms with the solid planks that outline and support their party's core values. These platforms were approved at each convention. And the platforms are not secret documents. My suggestion for every Christian potential voter: Read both platforms and consider them plank by plank, value by value. Then consider supporting with your vote the one that best reflects your own values. Here is a link to our helpful 2016 Presidential Election Voters Guide that outlines the Republican and Democrat party platforms along with suggestions for prayer.
We cannot change the fundamental strengths or flaws in any candidate, but we can identify with the platform principles that will guide the elected officials' governance—from Congress to the U.S. President.
Yes, it may be a tough decision. I hope my suggestion offers some clarity.
Dave Kubal is president of Intercessors for America.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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The Harbinger of Baal Appears in America: Jonathan Cahn Exposes It - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Jonathan Cahn

Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

The Harbinger of Baal Appears in America: Jonathan Cahn Exposes It

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
In ancient Israel, the people turned away from God in their prosperity. They turned to the false god of Baal, even offering up their children as sacrifices on this demonic altar.
"They called what was evil good and what was good evil," says Cahn, author of best-selling books The Harbinger and newest title, The Book of Mysteries. "They drove God out of their government, out of their culture, out of the lives of their children. They persecuted and hunted down the righteous."
Cahn goes on to point out how nine harbingers of national destruction that appeared in ancient Israel are now appearing on American soil—many of them in New York City. One especially blatant sign just appeared in New York City—the arch that leads to the temple of Baal.

Watch the entire video to understand the spiritual dynamics behind this shocking event. 
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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American Flags Lowered in Honor of Shimon Peres - Israel Today

American Flags Lowered in Honor of Shimon Peres

Thursday, September 29, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
US President Barack Obama on Wednesday made a tremendous symbolic gesture toward Israel by ordering all American flags lowered to half-mast in honor of former Israeli President Shimon Peres, who passed away earlier in the day at the age of 93.
The official order issued by the White House was titled “Death of Shimon Peres” and read:
“The flag of the United States shall be flown at half-staff at the White House and on all public buildings and grounds, at all military posts and naval stations, and on all naval vessels of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia and throughout the United States and its Territories and possessions until sunset, on September 30, 2016.”
A personal statement sent out by Obama called Peres “the essence of Israel itself — the courage of Israel’s fight for independence, the optimism he shared with his wife Sonya as they helped make the desert bloom, and the perseverance that led him to serve his nation in virtually every position in government across the entire life of the State of Israel.”
Obama was scheduled to lead a large US delegation, including both Bill and Hillary Clinton, to attend Peres’ funeral in Jerusalem on Friday. They were to be joined by over 80 other world leaders.
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Israel Says Goodbye to Shimon Peres - Israel Today

Israel Says Goodbye to Shimon Peres

Thursday, September 29, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
The body of Shimon Peres lay in state in front of the Knesset on Thursday so that Israel could bid a final farewell to the last of its founding fathers, a man who in his 93 years participated in the rebirth of the Jewish state and nearly every major event to affect her thereafter.
Early in the morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Reuven Rivlin laid wreaths on Peres’ coffin.
Other government officials followed, including Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein (Likud), who eulogized Peres thus:
“Today I feel that the family which is Israel is not only saying goodbye to another member of the family, but saying goodbye to the patriarch himself. We aren’t only eulogizing the ninth president of the State of Israel in this building, not only a former prime minister, but also a Knesset member who served for an unprecedented period of time - 48 years. I doubt that anyone can beat this record. Shimon Peres’ story is the story of the Nation of Israel of the last 100 years.”
The Israeli public was invited to visit the Knesset Plaza throughout the day to offer their respect and say their final goodbyes. Citizens from across the country were expected to swarm the capital.
On Friday, Peres will be taken to nearby Mt. Herzl to be buried near his long-time political rival and partner, former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, in a ceremony to be attended by no fewer than 80 world leaders.
PHOTO: The Knesset Honor Guard stands alongside the coffin of former President Shimon Peres in the Knesset Plaza. (FLASH90)
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

6 Lies the Devil Uses to Condemn You - J. LEE GRADY CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Don't let the devil cloud your mind with accusatory lies.
Don't let the devil cloud your mind with accusatory lies. (iStock photo )

6 Lies the Devil Uses to Condemn You

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
I have a friend who is a gifted worship leader, a loving husband and an affectionate father. He's funny, smart, passionate about his faith and wholeheartedly committed to his church. People who know him say he's a model Christian.
But underneath this joyful exterior is a lot of pain. He struggles with depression, and then he condemns himself because Christians are supposed be happy. When emotional heaviness drags him to a low point, he knows how to put on his convincing "church face." Nobody knows the dark thoughts that torment him.
My friend is not unique in this struggle. Countless Christians I know engage in a daily battle with the enemy of their souls. And Satan is relentless in his attacks. He is described in Scripture as "the father of lies" (John 8:44), and the "accuser of the brethren" (Rev. 12:10). He wags his bony finger of condemnation and tries to deny us access to the Lord's love and mercy.
You will never find victory in the Christian life if you don't expose, confront and renounce Satan's groundless accusations. If the devil has been replaying his lies in your head, you must hit the "EJECT" button now! The spirit of condemnation always makes these outrageous statements listed below:
1. Jesus can't use you if you have a weakness. The devil is always ready to remind you that you are fat, unattractive, prone to depression or addiction, sexually broken, traumatized or fearful. But guess what? The people God used in the Bible were far from perfect. Every Christian has flaws. God made us weak so we would find our strength in Him. If you were perfect, you wouldn't need a Savior.
2. You should give up if you constantly struggle with sin. Many Christian men I know feel spiritually disqualified because they haven't totally overcome their addiction to porn. They feel bad for being tempted, and then if they stumble, they feel defeated for weeks. This can lead to discouragement and despair—and then they lose all hope of overcoming the habit. The secret to victory is not sweating and straining to resist; instead we must meditate on the love of God and allow His Spirit to rise up inside of us to override sin's power. If you are struggling, do not give up! The Spirit will help you!
3. God's promises are for other people, not you. Do you feel God's goodness always bypasses you? You may have an orphan spirit. Many Christians don't believe the heavenly Father loves and accepts them. They may have been rejected by their parents, or lacked parental affirmation. Life's pain can block our ability to see God as He is. But if you have given your life to Christ, the Father has adopted you, He delights in you, and He has given you full inheritance rights. His promises are yours to claim!
4. God is always mad at you. Many believers base their relationship with God on performance. If they read their Bibles and pray every day, they feel they are on God's "good side"; if they miss their morning devotions they assume He is upset. The devil loves this legalistic mindset because it prevents us from experiencing God's grace. You must come to understand that the Father does not love you for what you do; He loves you because you are His child. He is slow to anger and full of lovingkindness. When you allow this truth to soak your soul, you will enjoy true intimacy with Jesus.
5. Your past mistakes disqualified you. I met a Christian man recently who loves God with all His heart, yet he sits in the back of his church every week feeling inferior because he committed adultery 35 years ago. His wife forgave him, and he repented for his sin, but he assumes he wears a scarlet letter around his neck and that he has been banished to a spiritual wasteland. That's a lie! If you have repented for your sin, God has forgiven and forgotten it! Nothing can separate you from God's love—not abortion, divorce, sexual sin or any other unspeakable mistake you regret.
6. You have committed the unpardonable sin. I've counseled several troubled Christians who read Matthew 12:31-32 and decided that they had blasphemed the Holy Spirit and therefore could not be saved. This is a ridiculous notion, because a person who committed the unpardonable sin mentioned in this passage wouldn't care if they had blasphemed. If you are worried that you did this, then you haven't! Your heart is turned toward God and you want to please Him. That alone is evidence of His grace working in you.
Romans 8:1 is one of the most liberating verses in the Bible. It declares: "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." This promise is for you! Jesus took your punishment and removed all guilt from your record. And His blood is more powerful than any lie Satan can throw at you.
You are now qualified. Your past is irrelevant. You don't have to work to win God's love. When the Father looks at you, He doesn't see your past sins or present struggles; He sees a robe of righteousness. Renounce the devil's lies and believe God's promise. He loves you with an indescribable, unfathomable, unconditional love.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter at leegrady. He is the author of several books including 10 Lies the Church Tells Women, 10 Lies Men Believe, Fearless Daughters of the Bible and The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale. You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project,
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- Morris Ruddick

Whenever a call of God is being walked out, it behooves us to have clarity on what God is doing. The tendency is to short-circuit the process by the activity of what may sometimes be even very sincere human efforts. It is easy to be blinded by the tendency of "more of the same," due to the success of past efforts.

So, when we understand what God is doing, our sites are raised. As our sites are raised, we get a better grasp of the big-picture. It is then that we get a far better view of our role in the scheme of His plans.

So it has been for us on this mission.

It was January 2015 when we were last with the brethren in Hanoi. The evidence of God's purposes being manifested through these Vietnamese marketplace Christians was amazing then and even more so on this trip. The answers to prayers we have prayed with them in the past are far exceeding our expectations.

Developments in the North

We first came to Hanoi in the first part of 2009. At that time we did one of our God's economy seminars for about 45 young adults in their mid twenties to mid thirties. They were the sons and daughters of high-ranking, wealthy government officials. Most had been living hedonistic lifestyles -- and becoming disillusioned, had fallen prey to being addicted to hard drugs.

It was like an epidemic, with some dying of overdoses and frantic parents putting them in high-end rehab programs, only for them quickly to be sucked back into their self-destructive lifestyles.
Then one by one, these young people began encountering Christians who knew how to pray and who would lay hands on them and rebuke the spirits controlling them. One by one they were instantly delivered from their addictions, having dramatic, life-changing encounters with Jesus.

Their parents, then recognizing the reality of God being demonstrated through changes in their sons and daughters, in seemingly hopeless situations, began coming to faith.

That 2009 seminar was held in the spacious home of the parents of one of those young adults who had had his life dramatically turned around in this way.

What God has been doing has been penetrating the infrastructures of the ruling elite!

Entrepreneurs Mobilizing Opportunity

With several other visits to the north in the interim, in early 2015 we did a special seminar for a group of Christian business owners, each very successful and each completely sold out to the Lord. In many cases, these brothers and sisters had attended a very in-depth Bible school put on by the same man we worked with in setting our program up in early 2009.

What God has been doing has been to deeply touch and mobilize Christian business owners to be blessed to be a blessing to their communities!

So it was that almost two years ago, the primary focus of those attending our seminar was on 1) how to operate a business with God as your Senior Partner and to hear Him more clearly in planning decisions; and 2) how to proactively use your business as a means to advance the Kingdom.

During that time, our host, who had spiritual oversight over these business people asked me to spend some special time with a woman who was planning to start a NGO (non-profit) to train young adults in doing business God's way. Through an interpreter, we met, we prayed, then we corresponded and I was kept apprised of developments (and challenges) through emails.

Christian Entrepreneurs Employing Kingdom Strategies

So, at the workshop we did for the entrepreneurs on this trip to Hanoi, this very seasoned business woman told me that only two weeks prior to our arrival, her program targeting young adults, despite having a board openly consisting completely of Christians, had received government approval. This woman is a pioneer, not only with her strategic vision from God, but with the way she has gained the approval of the authorities.

Her program had already purchased land that will grow organic foods. There have beenscandals involving the quality of foods across Asia and having foods produced that people can trust has become very important in Vietnam.

So, along with the biblical principles taught with our program, organic farming will become a part of their entrepreneurial training of young adults. This approach also represents the means by which they create revenues for expanding their influence.

The approval of her program represents an important milestone in the relations between the government and believers.
What God has been doing has been in giving the authorities another perspective in terms of the rapid growth of Christian converts in Vietnam!

While the North has been subject in the past to the same persecution as the brethren in the South, this approval represents evidence of slow, but impending change. The surface issue involves government officials not trusting Christians to be good citizens or simply viewing Christian converts as simple, poor people who don't know better.

However, beneath the surface this observation is compounded by the political inclinations of the authorities of the regions, of which there are two: the progressives who are more open to the West and to Christians; and the hard-core communists, who tend to be reluctant to extending trust to either the West or to Christians.

Nevertheless, when Christians are successful in business and are helping the community at large, this hardened attitude tends to soften. It is even more so, when high-level officials come to faith. This is an important part of what God is doing in Vietnam.

During our Hanoi trip in early 2015, there was a couple in our seminar gifted as entrepreneurs. Both the husband and wife EACH owned several successfulbusinesses. They invited us to dinner after our seminar. They also invited the wife's 80 year old father to join us. He held high-rank in the Party. We also found this man very committed to Jesus. He devoured the Word of God daily and had become a very committed intercessor.

At the time he had came to faith, this man asked the Lord if He wanted him to leave the Party. The Lord told him "No, I want your influence and testimony. I want you to be My ambassador."

Developments in the South

In returning to the South last week, we conducted a workshop for business owners for the biggest official (CMA) church in Saigon. An estimated 70 people attended. They eagerly received our program, as many for the first time, heard what the Bible had to say about making God their Senior Partner and becoming community builders through their enterprises.

Finally, at the end of this trip, we met with the committee of businessmen who had asked me to prepare a series of short videos on God's economy and Jewish (biblical) business secrets. During our trip in July we presented them with 24 thirteen to fourteen minute videos. The committee has not only translated the materials to be dubbed into Vietnamese, but has prepared a very persuasive introduction on business people finding success in their business, together with purpose in their destiny through small Christian business prayer/support groups. Their first step will be a web-site that use these videos as a means to attract young entrepreneurs.

What God is doing is creating strategic alliances between business and ministry to advance the momentum of those recognizing the reality of God being evidenced through the Vietnamese Church. What God is doing is raising up a cadre of committed and strategic leaders who are changing the spiritual climate in seats of power. What God is doing is presenting the Vietnamese with the common ground between the Vietnamese and Jewish cultures as a means of drawing a cadre of movers and shakers to Himself, who will build the community around them. What God is doing is laying the groundwork for changing the course of this nation.

What God has been doing has been blessing our efforts to be a part of what He is doing in Vietnam.
So, once again I want to express our deep appreciation. May God richly bless you for your support and prayers in enabling us to be a part of what God is doing.

Gratefully, in His Service,

Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 ministry

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