Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Israel Today partners with US Christian media

Israel Today partners with US Christian media

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 |  Jonathan David  
At a time when all sorts of ground breaking and biblical activity is happening in Israel, there's a strong new connection between Israel and the United States. Israel Today, the only independent news agency in Israel run by Jewish believers in Yeshua (Jesus), has begun providing complimentary news service from the Holy Land to Christian radio stations in the United States.
Thus far, the complimentary audio news service from Israel Today has been a resounding success, and is now heard on over 120 Christian radio stations in the United States, reaching millions of listeners.
After 35 years of successful service in Israel's news industry, Israel Today is now able to provide daily news service that Christian radio listeners connect with and appreciate. The timing of the alliance appears to be perfect as more news of Israel's biblical past, present and future is unfolding right before our eyes as well as our ears.
"Israel Today is providing a professional news service that is helping our listeners learn more about the Holy Land," said John Geli of Life Talk Radio.
Dan Rosecrans of AM730 KDAZ said they "recently added Israel Today ... [and] It fits beautifully with our emphasis on the Holy Land and what is truly happening there. I love the daily updates that tell us the truth."
Horizon Radio has had "multiple listeners express gratitude for a daily Israel Today news update," said station manager Johnny Wall. "Keep up the great work!"
Family Life Radio's Amy Phillips said of the Israel Today updates that she was "very impressed with the quality of information that makes a different culture understandable."
But we didn't stop with radio! Israel Today has also teamed up with quality Christian and Messianic publications in the US to provide timely feature stories for their websites and magazines.
"Israel Today provides a unique and needed perspective on the news from the Middle East," said Joseph Farah, editor-in-chief of WorldNetDaily.
Ari Hauben of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA) added, "Our ministry is honored to use and promote the Israel Today articles on a continual basis. What a blessing!"

Israel 'has had enough' of Syrian fire on Golan

Israel 'has had enough' of Syrian fire on Golan

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israeli and Syrian forces clashed in the Golan Heights on Tuesday in the most intense border incident since the start of Syria's civil war.
Syrian forces, both those belonging to the regime of Bashar Assad and rebel groups, have fired into the Israeli Golan Heights on a number of occasions over the past year. But until Tuesday, nearly all of those cross-border violations were classified as accidental.
For the first time in decades, Syrian officials on Tuesday confirmed that the Syrian army had purposely engaged Israeli troops on the border. The Syrians claimed to have destroyed an Israeli patrol vehicle, though Israel denied that it had suffered any casualties in the firefight.
Images published by the Hebrew press showed a Syrian force firing into Israel, and then being destroyed by an Israeli missile.
Shortly after the battle, Israeli army chief General Benny Gantz visited the area and stated that Israel "has had enough" of the cross-border attacks, and will make Assad pay.
It is still widely believed that Assad has no desire to provoke a full-scale war with Israel, knowing full well that he cannot fight both the Jewish state and the mounting rebel threat inside his own country. However, Gantz and other Israeli officials expect isolated cross-border incidents to increase significantly in the coming weeks.
PHOTO: IDF chief Gen. Benny Gantz surveys the Golan border region.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jerusalem Post launches daily online newscast

Jerusalem Post launches daily online newscast

05/19/2013 03:20 brings you a daily round-up of events making headlines in Israel, the Middle East and Jewish World.

The Jerusalem Post is delighted to announce the launch on Sunday of its online TV news edition, The Jerusalem Post News. The program, aired exclusively on, is to offer a round-up of the events making the headlines in Israel, the region and the Jewish world, as well as expert analysis from our leading correspondents, incisive interviews with newsmakers and a look behind the headlines.

Camilla Schick
Camilla Schick  Photo: Dimi Reider
The broadcast, some six months in development, is to air every evening on, Sunday to Thursday. It’s to be hosted by Camilla Schick, a London-trained broadcast journalist specializing in covering the region, who has previously worked with international broadcasters including the BBC World Service and Britain’s Channel 4.

The advent of JPost TV News heralds a new era in the branding of the newspaper, says Jerusalem Post editor-in-chief Steve Linde.

“Our professionally produced TV news bulletin will provide readers of our website around the world with a new dimension to the Jerusalem Post brand name,” Linde says.

“It brings into the 21st century by showing viewers what’s in the news through what is arguably the most powerful of all media – television – while offering an authoritative and trustworthy perspective on the situation in Israel, the Jewish world, the Middle East and the world at large.”

To stay up to date with all the news and views from Israel, the Jewish world and the Middle East, tune in to our online news round-up, only at
Follow The Jerusalem Post News on Twitter @JPostTVNews

Israel Today - Christian oil company boosts exploration in Israel

Christian oil company boosts exploration in Israel

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 |  Ryan Jones  
Zion Oil & Gas, an American Christian-run company, submitted a new exploratory license last month that will significantly increase its efforts to find oil in Israel.
Zion already explores for oil in areas covering some 218,000 acres of the Jewish state on its Asher-Menashe, Jordan Valley and Joseph licenses. The new Megiddo-Jezreel Valley Licence would add another 98,000 acres of territory.
Israel is generally supportive of outside efforts to find oil in the Holy Land, and is particularly intrigued by Christian involvement in that enterprise, even if many local experts remain skeptical about the chances of actually finding commercially-viable amounts of crude.
Israel Today spoke with Zion Oil & Gas during a company visit to the region in 2011. Founder John Brown said the company "exists because of God's faithfulness to Israel," and expressed his firm belief that the land will one day soon spill forth its bounty for the children of Israel.
That contagious optimism has infected some Israeli petroleum officials, including former Petroleum Commissioner Yaakov Mimran, who previously said that deep strata exploration, like that carried out by Zion, could soon pay off.

"Leadership Through Love" - More Needed

"Leadership Through Love"

My latest book
Steve Martin

The world needs leaders. Oh, there are plenty of men and women who want to have the power, fame and fortune, but how many of them are really leading because they love people and want to serve them out of a heart of true love? 

There simply are not enough good leaders. Especially ones that our sons and daughters can and should follow after.

Several years ago a friend of mine for over 24 years, Indira Persad, spoke these words to me, “Steve, you need to write a book on administrating.” I passed it off, thinking that no one needed to read another book on administrating, or on leading.

A while later, in church on Sunday, May 13th, 2007, (Mother’s Day in the USA), I sensed the Lord speak to me that it was time to write this book. This would be for the sake of those who are now leaders in all fields of work, administrators and office staff in ministries and businesses, and for those who earnestly want to walk in the calling that the Lord has for them in leadership and discipleship training. 

I believe this book will be even helpful to pastors, business owners, and other leaders, to further understand those they lead, and who assist them. 

It will be an encouragement for the "average Joe or Jane", who simply want to do a good job, on the job.

For over 37 years of my life, my position in businesses and church/ministries has been given to being the office manager, the manager, the administrator, the Director of Operations & Finance, or the guy who “wore all the hats and got the job done.”

Often during those years I wanted to be “the man” at the top, the one who called the shots, steered the ship, or set the policies. Or the one who traveled the road and airways, while others sat behind the desk doing the 40 hours instead of me.

But the Lord has clearly shown me that my role was very vital to those who did those things, and though I longed to do what they did at times, they could not have done their job if I was not doing mine. I was to do what I had been gifted and called to do.

Where would churches, ministries or businesses be without the administrators, the directors of departments, or the executive secretaries and administrative assistants? Those organizations who have them know their value. Those who don’t may or may not realize what they are missing.

Read some of these concepts I learned along the way, if you too desire to lead in a godly manner. This is for those who believe they have the gift of administration, and seek to better use it; or for the one who simply works in an office, retail business, or any position where good character and work ethics are desired, and want to improve. This will help.

Take a moment and look over the chapter list below.  Look at which I will be sharing over the next weeks, one chapter at a time. And see what you might glean from some of the words, to make them active in your life. I think you will find some very practical and useful lessons for yourself.

I love to share, what the Lord has taught me, with you. And so, as I call them, following are some “adventures in administrating” – practical and actual situations, joys and sorrows, with persistent diligence, in order to express the gift that I have been given from Him, for the sake of His kingdom.

May the Lord encourage you as you read my thoughts and what has worked for me. I hope the stories and suggestions will impart to you further measures of blessing, for those you support and also to those you give direction to. 

Be blessed in your leading and serving. Faithfully use the gifts that He has bestowed within you, for His purposes in all the earth.

Ahava (love in Hebrew) to you,

Steve Martin

P.S. If you'd like to get this via e-mail, to save each chapter in your InBox, please request with a message to me at You are welcome to share this at will. In fact, please do!  Thanks very much (todah rabah in Hebrew)!

Chapter Listings

1.      A Gift for His Purposes

- The Early Years
- On the job training

2.      Use the Tools You Have, But Not the Staff

- Treasure the people, while digging the foundations
- Do unto them as you would…
- Bless and curse not: honor those who serve with you

3.      Right Man (or Woman!) for the Job

- All are created equal – make the most of this!
- If the Shoe Fits, Have Them Wear It

4.      Train and Let Loose

- It IS Who You Know and Are Known By
- Hire To Complement Your Strengths
- If you are weak, then they are strong
- Outsource as needed

5.      Burn Candles At Both Ends? – NOT!

- Rest and Sabbath Days
- Mornings with the Lord
- Trust in Him at all times
- We all are given 24 hours each day 

6.       The Visionaries Need You!

-          They dream it - you make it happen
-          It takes a team
-          Head Won’t Get Far without the Neck
        (or heads will roll) 

7.      Field Trips and More!

- Staff Retreats
- Party Time!
- Birthdays and BBQs
- After Hours

8.      It Doesn’t All Depend On You

- The Lord is the Rock – Not You
- Whose strength  - yours or His?
- Key Staff to Lean On
- Trustworthy managers and assistants

9.      Practically Speaking…and Walking

- Handle each piece of paper once
- File so you can find it!
- Early morning – before the others come
- Take a Break

10.  Meetings – Time-manger or Time-waster?

- Do you really need all those meetings?
- Group or One-On-One?
- Why Morning and Mid-Week?
 - Prov. 24:6 “By wise counsel…multitude of counselors

11.  Acknowledge Him in All Your Ways

- Heart of Thankfulness
- Heart of Worship
- Heart of Service

12.  Another Man’s Vineyard

-          Follow & help fulfill their vision
-          Faithful with another’s
-          Learn and growth until your time
-          The proper way of moving on

Monday, May 20, 2013

Palestinian poster-child wasn't killed by IDF

Investigation: Palestinian poster-child wasn't killed by IDF

Monday, May 20, 2013 |  Tommy Mueller  
Twelve-year-old Mohammed al-Dura quickly became the poster child of the Palestinian struggle after allegedly being shot dead by Israeli soldiers in Gaza in 2000.
Thanks to the conspicuous presence of France 24 TV, millions of viewers the world over mourned with al-Dura's father, who in the video could be seen desperately trying to save his child.
But inconsistencies quickly came to light, and much doubt was cast over the al-Dura affair, though that didn't slow down the Palestinian propaganda machine.
A commission recently appointed by the Israeli government to investigate al-Dura's death came to the shocking conclusion last week that the boy was not actually killed during the televised gun battle between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian terrorists.
Forensics experts demonstrated that there is no evidence the boy had been, or even could have been, hit by Israeli bullets.
Already in 2002, prominent German journalist Esther Schapira joined others of her international colleagues in openly questioning the France 24 narrative. In her documentary "Three Bullets and a Dead Child - Who Shot Mohammed al-Dura," Schapira came to the conclusion that the boy was actually hit by Palestinian gunmen.
Also casting a cloud of doubt on the topic was a later media appearance by al-Dura's father where he presented scars he claimed were the result of injuries sustained on that fateful day. But the Israeli doctor who had treated Mr. al-Dura immediately came forward and clarified that the man's injuries had been sustained at a different time entirely, and were the result of a beating by Hamas activists.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said the new findings are significant because of how effectively this case was used to slander and vilify Israel. There is only one way to fight lies, said Netanyahu, and that is with the truth.