Sunday, November 17, 2013

Praying on the plane.

Praying with a Siddur (prayer book)

siddur (Hebrewסדור‎ [siˈduʁ] ; plural סדורים, siddurim [siduˈʁim]) is a Jewish prayer book, containing a set order of daily prayers. (The word"siddur" comes from a Hebrew root meaning "order".) This article discusses how some of these prayers evolved, and how the siddur, as it is known today has developed. A separate article, Jewish prayer, discusses the prayers that appear in the siddur, and when they are said.

History of the siddur]

The earliest parts of Jewish prayer book are the Shema Yisrael ("Hear O Israel") (Deuteronomy 6:4 et seq), and the Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26), which are in the Torah. A set of eighteen (currently nineteen) blessings called the Shemoneh Esreh or the Amidah (Hebrew, "standing [prayer]"), is traditionally ascribed to the Great Assembly in the time of Ezra, at the end of the Biblical period.
The name Shemoneh Esreh, literally "eighteen", is an historical anachronism, since it now contains nineteen blessings. It was only near the end of the Second Temple period that the eighteen prayers of the weekday Amidah became standardized. Even at that time their precise wording and order was not yet fixed, and varied from locale to locale. Many modern scholars believe that parts of the Amidah came from the Hebrew apocryphal work Ben Sira.
According to the Talmud, soon after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem a formal version of the Amidah was adopted at a rabbinical council in Yavne, under the leadership of Rabban Gamaliel II and his colleagues. However, the precise wording was still left open. The order, general ideas, opening and closing lines were fixed. Most of the wording was left to the individual reader. It was not until several centuries later that the prayers began to be formally fixed. By the Middle Ages the texts of the prayers were nearly fixed, and in the form in which they are still used today.

The siddur was printed by Soncino in Italy as early as 1486, though a siddur was first mass-distributed only in 1865. The siddur began appearing in the vernacular as early as 1538. The first - unauthorized - English translation, by Gamaliel ben Pedahzur (a pseudonym), appeared in London in 1738; a different translation was released in the United States in 1837.


Morris Ruddick - [SIGN] "PUSHING BACK"


(c) Morris E. Ruddick

 "He said, 'Open the window toward the east,' and the king 
opened it. Then Elisha said, 'Shoot!' And he shot. Then 
Elisah said, 'The LORD'S arrow of victory [over your 
oppressors].' Then he said, 'Take the arrows and strike 
the ground,' and he struck it three times and stopped. 
So the man of God was angry with him and said, 'You 
should have struck five or six times until you destroyed 
them.'" 2 Kings 13:17-19

This passage describes a time in which God's people 
were reaching for God's intervention. What was sought 
was the judgment to release the turning from the threats 
of their oppressors.

The times upon us have been marked by evil. They are 
days in which the masks and the subtleties have been 
removed from those advancing darkness, from those who 
call evil good and good evil. Many in the US were stopped 
in their tracks when the last election failed to bring an 
expected spiritual shift. However, there are requisites 
that God's people must meet in order for His turning to 
be released.

The story of David in 1 Samuel 30 unveils insights into 
these requisites. From the time of his renown after 
killing Goliath, David was in over his head, operating 
against the odds. Eventually fleeing for his life, David 
had pulled out all the stops to respond honorably to 
Saul's efforts to crush him. Finally, without any question 
of David hitting a low point in walking out his "calling", 
he gave in and sought safety by cavorting with the 
Philistines. David was flying by the seat of his pants.

Then with his activities with the Philistines abruptly 
terminated, he returned to his base at Ziklag with his 
remnant of warriors. Upon returning, they discovered 
Ziklag had been raided by the Amalekites. They had 
lost everything, including their families. It was a time 
of utter despair, with no foreseeable hope for even 
the next step.

With his followers disgusted and ready to stone him, 
David's mantle of leadership had hit a threshold. Yet, 
it proved to be a turning point for all that would 
unfold from that point onward; in David's calling and 
for his followers.

The scripture tells us that at that low point, in the 
face of revolt and the bottom dropping out; that 
David strengthened himself in the Lord and inquired 
of the Lord. The word of the Lord came: he was to 
pursue and all would be recovered. It was a time to 
reach beyond the hopeless despair and push back.

"The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the 
violent take it by force." Matt 11:12

The Reach

Navigating beyond the low points, the recesses 
marked by terrible despair, begins by reaching 
beyond the circumstance and touching the hem 
of His garment. It involves the reach needed to 
strengthen ourselves in the Lord. It involves 
inquiring of the Lord and then mobilizing and 
strengthening those following us to push back; 
despite the way things may appear in the natural 
or the spiritual condition even our faithful ones 
have succumbed to.

That reach is where true leadership takes root. 
That reach is where the turning and the genuine 
foundations for what lies ahead will begin.

The pathway leading to a time of turning is marked 
by an upheaval spoken of by Jesus (Matt 11:12): 
"The Kingdom of God suffers violence and violent 
take it by force." Not to be confused with forcing 
issues or working things out in the flesh; Jesus 
warned that the way of the kingdom would be a
narrow, difficult path.

It is a pathway beyond ourselves with encounters 
that defile and unmask; revealing spiritual residues 
that encumber the calling. While the situation may 
push us to the wall; humility, repentance and 
forgiveness are the spiritual equalizers to close 
the gap from the bondages of the hidden, spiritual 
residues needed to release the turning.

So it was, that despite the word from Samuel of 
being anointed as king, David's arrival at Ziklag 
was a key juncture.

David chose to strengthen himself in the Lord 
and to seek God for a word for the next steps. 
It was here that David recognized the reality 
of his weakness in this process. Without the 
Lord, there was no hope. It's the place where 
our humility is humbled. This was the juncture 
in which the Lord answered David and told him 
to push back. The steps that followed proved 
true and they recovered all and then some. As 
for the turning, while it didn't happen all at once, 
this was the point at which it began.

"He [Jesus] said to me, 'My grace is sufficient 
for you, for My strength is made perfect in 
weakness.'" 2 Cor 12:9

The reach at the time of turning is subtle, one 
of challenge, with snares. The snare is in giving 
up. The snare is in working it out in the flesh. 
The snare is in failing to face the turning head-
on spiritually. The snare is in choosing the wide 
path in the natural, without a word from the Lord 
for the next steps. The snare is in failing to
recognize that in our weakness, His strength 
will be manifested.

Beyond the Veil

The book of Hebrews points to a place spiritually 
beyond the veil. It is the place in which the 
apostles resided in the post-resurrection church. 
It was a time when focus was given to issues that 
made a difference; issues that majored in major 
things. Judgments made by the leaders of the early 
church flowed with the anointing and had great 
power. Their judgments were not based on soulish 
issues or hurt feelings.

In contrast, King Saul was angered by the mix of 
David's anointing and acclaim and sought to destroy 
him. Yet, it was Saul's own blind spots, obsessions 
with trivia, and a reluctance to reach for the real 
standard of his mantle; which combined to bring 
forth the very things he feared the most.

Leadership in the early church was serious business. 
It was marked by those who loved not their lives 
to the death, whose very shadows (Acts 5:15
repelled darkness. The mantle wielded by these 
post-resurrection leaders pivoted on an authority 
that came from ruling their own spirits to the degree 
that there was not one hint of their leadership 
deviating from the will of the Lord.

In keeping with that, judgment in the early church 
came when the standard being established by the 
Spirit was manipulated or compromised. It was swift 
and incisive. Acts 5 describes this as a time when
 "great fear came upon all the church and upon all 
who heard these things."

David was always a man reaching for the Spirit, for 
God's heart. He never lacked in his willingness to 
spiritually reach beyond himself. However, his true 
mantle to lead began at Ziklag, as David tapped and 
entered a realm beyond himself. As he did, David 
became a standard bearer for God's Kingdom rule.

The turning came and the spiritual traction began 
when David was depleted of all he had in the natural; 
and then in a place beyond himself, having been given 
a word from the Lord, he acted on it and pushed back.

The Shift of the Standard

While there is no doubt that today there are many, 
like David, who are at this point of turning and need 
to strengthen themselves in the Lord, get a word and 
push back; the day upon us is not unlike the time 
operating with the early church. The days then, 
as they are today, were evil. The response required 
more than the best could offer. It took yielded leaders, 
anointed to lead a band of leaders.

That is what maturity in the 
Body is all about: leaders 
genuinely called, refined by fire, 
coming together to nurture 
and lead a society of leaders. 

Body maturity is a dynamic 
with a higher standard of 
leadership. That's both the 
challenge and the edge.

"Go therefore and make disciples .... teaching them 
to observe all the things that I have commanded you." 
Matt 28:19-20

THAT also is our juncture. The paradigm has shifted. 
The standard to be raised is as a people. The 
push-back needed is from a society of leaders. 
Not unlike David, many have arrived at their Ziklags 
depleted, having been flying by the seat of their pants.

Ziklag, is a place where despair is replaced with 
humility and iniquities surpassed. It is the place of 
turning for leaders, when the charisma tied to human 
exploits gives way to embracing the Kingdom standard 
to lead leaders. Ziklag is the place where the shift 
went from David, to a focus on the Kingdom.

This shift is a process, with wisdom we can glean 
from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. While the Sermon 
on the Mount might describe categories of individuals; 
it is also progressive and it outlines this unfolding 
bearing on growing into a people of God: from the 
poor in spirit and mournful, the meek, those who 
hunger and thirst after righteousness, the merciful, 
the pure in heart, to the peacemakers, and the persecuted.

The words of judgment and correction spoken by 
the resurrected Jesus in Revelation 2 and 3 were 
words directed to specific segments of the church 
in that day. Those words reset the standard for 
communities mobilized for God. I like to view them 
as tapping the dynamics outlined in the progression 
of the Sermon on the Mount.

Even for the brethren at Philadelphia, the trusted 
peacemakers; and those at Smyrna, the suffering 
persecuted church, who received words of 
encouragement; the words given them were serious 
and raised the standard even higher. God's ways are 
always progressive; and based on our reaching beyond 
ourselves, even when all we have has been depleted. 
God's ways are not based on what we can do for God; 
but rather what we allow Him to do through us.

The church at Sardis, the poor in spirit known for 
their prophetic gifts, had failed in their watchfulness 
resulting in a spiritual focus considered as dead. 
Pergamos, the meek, had allowed the entrance of 
confusion and fallen into doctrinal compromise. Ephesus, 
who had been known for their hungering and thirsting 
after righteousness, had become complacent and lost 
their first love. Laodicea, the merciful, had become 
seduced by their own accomplishments, replacing their 
zeal with a cautious, lukewarm approach. Thyatira, 
the pure in heart, whose spiritual fire and works 
knew no bounds; were experiencing defilement due 
to the infiltration of unchecked influences within the 
ranks of their leadership.

In short, none are exempt in having the standard 
raised. It's not about position or past accomplishments. 
It's a part of the truth of the parable of the talents 
with each judged according to their own abilities. It's 
ow the Kingdom advances. It involves getting beyond 
ourselves to face the realities; and then together 
pushing back.

The Alignment with the Turning

There comes a point when the Spirit of the Lord 
draws a line in the sand. However, that will not 
happen until leaders anointed and called have 
transcended the threshold of operating on their 
own abilities and are truly demonstrating the 
humility and reach needed to advance to the 
next level.

The opening scripture points to applying God's 
strategy sufficiently in the right way to accomplish 
the turning. The story of David at Ziklag is one in 
which from the time of turning, that step by step, 
little by little, everything began coming together. It 
was a process, a time of alignment.

God never intended those known by His Name to be 
like everyone else. We've passed a generation marked 
by superstars and have come into a time in which God 
shows Himself strong by means of ordinary people 
doing extraordinary things.

The standard is not just higher; it is not even on the 
same page. Yet in the midst of the turmoil of getting 
beyond ourselves will come times ordained by God in 
which a remnant stands up as catalysts for change, 
as God releases His fire into the hidden lairs of darkness 
that manipulate the world's infrastructures. It is a time 
in which the remnant realigns and then pushes back.

"Lift up a standard on the bare hill, raise your voice 
to them ..... enter the doors of the nobles; for the 
Lord has commanded His consecrated ones, He has 
even called His mighty warriors. The Lord is mustering 
His army for battle." Isaiah 13: 2-4

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman 
for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. 
As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer 
of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, 
Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community 
builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and 
non-Western world.  

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" 
"Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" 
"The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" and 
"Righteous Power in a Corrupt World," which 
address the mobilization of business and 
governmental leaders called to impact their 
communities with God's blessings. They are 
available in print and e-versions and other popular outlets.  

Global Initiatives Foundation (
is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts 
are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful 
friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's 
heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head 
and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made 
out to Global Initiatives and mailed to 
PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 
for access information on our secure web-site.

Likewise, email us to schedule a briefing for your 
congregation on the state of the persecuted 
church and how you can more effectively pray for them.  

2013 Copyright Morris Ruddick - 

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission 
is given by a SIGN advisor. Since 1996, the 
Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) 
has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders 
committed to targeting strategic-level issues 
impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous 
posts or more information on SIGN, check: 

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Ben Martin - birthday on Nov. 18, 2013!

Happy Birthday Ben!

Arriving in Israel Nov. 3, 2013

Our son Benjamin James Martin ("Binyamin" - Hebrew for "son of the right hand"!) has a birthday Monday, Nov. 18, 2013.

To this day I remember the Sunday he was born in 1979. Laurie had gone into the Illinois Valley Community Hospital that Saturday night before. Ben was born around 4 am, and I was scheduled to give the church announcements the next morning at the 10 am Illinois Valley Community Church meeting. That was held at the Peru, Illinois Northview grade school on Shooting Park Road. Laurie's Mom worked there as secretary to the principal.

When I made the announcements at the meeting, I finished by saying, "Well, I have one more announcement. We now have a catcher in the family, to go along with our first born son Josh." (Baseball talk.)

So that is a bit of how it was when Ben came into the world. We named him Benjamin, as we believed the Lord had wanted. ("Son of the right hand" is the Hebrew meaning of the name, as I wrote above.)

Now using his artistic gifts, which we first noticed when he was in grade school and won ribbons for his many drawings, Ben has a company for web design and more, called Possible Web Marketing. Among their clients is our ministry. He does our main website Love For His People.

We are proud of Ben, and bless him in this coming year, with the desires the Lord has put on his heart.

Happy birthday Ben!


Dad & Mom

With our good friend, Avraham Saiden, in Jerusalem.

At the baptismal site of the Jordan River, 
near Jericho, Israel.

Ben around 9 years old.

With nephew Jensen 2011

With Mom, brother Josh, 
sisters Hannah and Christen,
nephews and niece 
Mother's Day May 2013

Ahava Love Letter - “Dad, Are You There?” (Steve Martin)


       “Dad, Are You There?” 

"Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. "He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse." Malachi 4:5-6 NASU

Dear family of friends,

Many of us have been desperate for a father’s love. Sure, we know mom always loved us, but sometimes we wonder if dad did (or does). With all the time spent on his job, going about taking care of the cares of the world, he may have had little time for the family. Or me. Or you.

If he did, it may have been spent sitting in the same room watching the football game or some comedy show, as he fell asleep from exhaustion. I get it. As a father, I have done my share of that with my own kids.
But at the same time the connection I needed with my father, my dad, may not have been what my heart longed for. I mean, sometimes I really didn’t know who he was, or what he wanted. Sometimes I just needed some affirmation from him, but it rarely came.
My dad did what he knew to do – work hard, provide for the family, keep the bills paid. Growing up without a father himself, being his dad died when he was only five, I am sure that model he needed just wasn’t there for him. His big brother didn’t fill the same void that his own father was meant to.
As I pressed on in my daily walk with our Lord Jesus, year by year, I became more aware of the heavenly Father’s ever present Spirit in my life. Even if I did not know it at the time, He was there, even as my earthly father could not be. I have come to realize that God the Father has encouraged me, filled the void I longed to have been made full, and showed me the path along which to walk. My heavenly Father has always been there. It just took me a long time to realize that.
Jesus (Yeshua) continually pointed to the Father. The relationship He had with His Dad is the same one He wants us to have with the same heavenly Dad. We are to know of His arms around us, His providing that meal, His speaking into our hearts the way we are to go.
In these days of absent fathers, earthly dads who know not how to raise kids, or model the Father’s love in practical ways that are needed, my heart is to see the Father’s love expressed in tangible ways, and help fill the much needed void empty hearts have. Learning to express His affirmation, His provision, His protection from the ways of the world is now my heart’s desire. I pray that I can express through me what He, God the Father, truly wants for each of His kids.
“You are the best, Father. Thank you for leading us to You. May Your godly men instruct Your kids of Your eternal love, that we can know and experience each and every day. Even today.”
Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

P.S. At my fulltime accounting job, a young black man, maybe in his late 30’s or early 40’s, continually calls me Dad. I am not sure why, being I am Caucasian. (I do know that he is separated or divorced and has kids.) But I think it is because he has not known a father’s love himself, and he has seen a part of God the Father’s love in me for him. My heart goes out to him, and I try to express the Father’s love to him as I can.
P.S. S. One of my all-time favorite worship songs is sung by Don Moen, entitled “Wonderful, Magnificent God”* I have added the lyrics here, as it helps express my love for God, my Father.

Verse 1:

At Your feet I bow
There is none like You
For all that I have found
All I want is You
For all the wonders You do
And all that You are
What I can bring to You
I offer my heart


Wonderful magnificent God
I'm humbled by the life You gave
Beautiful Redeemer You are
Worthy of my highest praise

(Repeat Verse 1 and Chorus)
[ Lyrics from: ]

What can we give to You o God
For everything You have given to us (3x)

We offer our lives to You o God
For everything You have given to us (3x)

(Repeat Chorus twice)


Wonderful, You are Wonderful
Wonderful, You are Wonderful
Wonderful magnificent God

*(Copyright: (P) 2004 Integrity Media, Inc.)

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless the known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. 

Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
Be sure to get my two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through Xulon , plus other website book stores.
You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for $14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)
Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

            Ahava Love Letters
Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #86   “Dad, Are You There”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (11/170/13 Sunday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC)

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

Wonderful Magnificent God - Don Moen worship video


Don MoenAsk Don Moen what he does, and the answer might surprise you. He won’t say he’s a songwriter even though he’s written more than 100 songs. He won’t say he’s a worship leader even though he’s led worship on every continent but Antarctica and recorded numerous albums. He won’t say he’s a businessman or producer even though he has produced and directed hundreds of successful projects. 
If you ask Don Moen why God put him on this planet, he’ll tell you, “To be an architect who designs products and events that help people experience God’s presence in a new and fresh way.” And in more than three decades of ministry, he’s had lots of opportunity to fulfill that purpose.
 His discography reflects his passion to create resources for the church that lead people into an honest and intimate relationship with the Lord. In 2002, his peers recognized that lifelong commitment and presented him with the Ray DeVries Church Ministry Award.
Moen Leading Worship
Don has also received a Dove Award for his work on the musical “God With Us” and has received multiple Dove Award nominations for his songs, CDs and choral resources.
In addition to his writing and recording, Don makes time to tour domestically and abroad and has performed with artists such as Chris Tomlin, Twila Paris, Sara Groves and Paul Baloche to name a few. 
He also has served as worship leader for past National Day of Prayer events and as a music industry spokesperson, having been featured on Fox News, NPR and in USA Today.
Don is as popular overseas as he is at home in the U.S. His travels for concerts and seminars have taken him to Ghana, South Africa, Singapore, the Philippines, South Korea, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Guatemala, Honduras, and elsewhere. Today, Don is President of Don Moen Productions in Nashville, Tennessee, where he resides with his wife Laura and five children.

Celine Dion & Josh Groban Live "The Prayer"

Uploaded on Mar 10, 2009
Celine Dion: Live on CBS That's Just the Woman in Me The Canadian singer performs in a concert from the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles, featuring duets with Josh Groban ("The Prayer") and ("Eyes on Me"). Other songs include "My Heart Will Go On," "Because You Loved Me" and "Taking Chances."

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Jerusalem - Old City & The Western Wall (Kotel) at night

The Old City  of Jerusalem is beautiful at night. 

I feel safer walking there than in my hometown!

Enjoy a few of my favorite night time photos I took in Nov. 2013 on our Love For His People annual Ahava Adventure trip.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

King David near Zion Gate

Hurva Synagogue

The square next to Hurva Synagogue
 in the Jewish Quarter. 
Beautiful cool night!

The Golden Menorah
- taller than me!

A view of the Old City walls 
above the new Teddy Park.
(A new hangout place too 
for those young couples "courting.")

The Western Wall Plaza at night.

Church in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City

Zion Gate in the Old City

Ben Martin taking photo in the Teddy Park - Jerusalem

Western Wall (Kotel) at night

An ark (holds the Torah) 
inside the Western Wall prayer room

Jewish men praying inside the Western Wall prayer room

Praying at the Western Wall (Kotel)

Western Wall video I took

BO RUACH ELOHIM - בא רוח הקודש - Come Holy Spirit music

YouTube: Bo Ruach Elohim

Lyrics: Hebrew: 

Bo Ruach Elohim, 
u'male et nafshi. 
Hadrech otanu k'yeladim 
rak b'cha anu chafetzim. 
Anachnu mazminim otcha lavo

Lyrics: English: 

Come, Holy Spirit, come. 
Come and fill us now. 
For You are welcome in this place. 
Show Your mercy and Your grace. 
Come and fill us, Holy Spirit come. 

Baruch haba, baruch haba Ruach Elohim
Baruch haba, baruch haba Welcome Spirit of God.
for more video visit my website!
Thanks! and God bless you!