Thursday, February 13, 2014

Olympics - Holocaust on Ice for Russian Yulia?

Holocaust on Ice

Thursday, February 13, 2014 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY

This week Russia won their first gold medal in the 2014 Winter Olympics with a performance by Yulia Lipnitskaia, the 15-year-old figure skater who performed to a Holocaust theme. A lot of criticism has followed the young skater for using the theme from “Schindler’s List” in a figure skating competition. But is it wrong to use a Holocaust theme in a sporting event?
This was not the first time Steven Spielberg’s film on the Holocaust has been reenacted in a figure skating performance. Katarina Witt first skated to the John William’s theme to “Schindler’s List” in 1994. At the time, Spielberg himself was so moved by the performance that he went out of his way to express appreciation to Witt. It is especially noteworthy that Witt is German.
Like Witt, the 15-year-old Lipnitskaia also skated wearing a red dress in memorial to the little girl in Spielberg’s film. In the award winning film, Oscar Schindler watches intently as a little blonde Polish Jewish girl rambles about the ghetto streets among the horrors. She is wearing a red dress, the only splash of color in the black and white movie. It is the red dress that makes the little girl stand out so vividly in the film, as it does in the mind of Oskar Schindler. The little girl so touches Schindler and fills him with remorse that he is compelled to find a way to save as many Jews as he can.
Lipnitskaia’s routine was choreographed by Ilia Averbukh, a former Olympic ice dancing medalist who is a Russian Jew. Her artistic reenactment of the film on figure skates is especially effective because she is so close in age to the Little Girl in the Red Dress. Yet even more so as the petite 15-year-old Lipnitskaia’s movements on ice make her performance seem effortless, like a child at play.
Why would anyone criticize such a young teenage girl reminding us again in such an artful and compelling way of the horrors of the greatest tragedy in modern times, if not in all of human history? The world has yet to internalize our need to learn from history. We must continue to use any medium that helps us “never forget” the Holocaust whether in museums, films, books or dance. We should be very thankful for young people who are still so moved by the heartbreak of the Holocaust that they are willing to explore new and creative ways of helping all of us to cry out “never again.”
Watch the routine as Lipnitskaia performed it at the European Figure Skating Championships and the Girl in Red from Schindler’s List: 

Israel Today: Holocaust on Ice

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I'M HELD BY YOUR LOVE by Karen Lim and Bob Fitts - music video


I'm Held By Your Love Lyrics

Bob Fitts
I'm held by Your love

Upheld by Your strength
On Your shoulders You bore me
By Your faith I stand
Cherished by You, Lord
Treasured in Your sight
So close to Your heart
Held firm in Your hands

So awesome is Your love
So mighty is Your hand
On eagle's wings You carry me
Your grace shall be my strength
So perfect is Your love
You sacrificed Your Son
Amazing love reached out to me
With joy to You I come

Bob Fitts

Bob Fitts is a well known Christian Singer and song writer. 
He has recorded on the Integrity and Maranatha! music labels. 
Some of the songs that Bob is well known for are Blessed Be 
The Lord God Almighty, Take My Healing To The Nations, 
He Is Lovely, He Will Come And Save You, and Glory Glory Lord. 
Bobs latest project Restore (2008) is a solo project.

Some of Bob's other CDs are: 

Take My Healing To The Nations - 
Solo Project 1988 
The Lord Reigns - Integrity Music 1988 
The Highest Place - Integrity Music 1990 
Live Worship With Bob Fitts - Maranatha! Music 1990 
Sacrifice - Solo Project 1991
Bethlehem's Treasure - Integrity Music 1991 
He Will Save You - Integrity Music 1993 
Comfort My People - Solo Project 1994 
A Taste of Heaven - New Creation Church 1995 
I Will Bow To You - Integrity Music 2001 
I Will Not Be Afraid - Live Worship Project 2001 

In 1990, Bob pioneered the School of Worship which 
has now been multiplied in different areas of the world. 
Bob and his family have been part of Youth with a Mission, 
(YWAM) which is a international, interdenominational missions 

KEEP ON PRAYING - Now Think On This by Steve Martin


Always be joyful.  Pray regularly. In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who are united with the Messiah Yeshua.” 
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Complete Jewish Bible)

“You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13, NASB)

Bob Fitts, a worship leader and a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) contact, sings a song entitled “Keep on Praying”(Hosanna!Music/Integrity Music). Sticking the ear buds in, listening to his melodic voice and then getting my eyes fixed on the Lord, seated on His majestic throne, sure gets the day started right.

I can just feel my faith spirit rise up within me as the song calls out to keep on praying for family, friends, work, Israel, our own country and friends in other nations. Encouragement to keep on pressing on comes, as refreshment comes through the music He shares.

The Holy Spirit Himself, Ruach HaKodesh, enjoys connecting with us, drawing us daily to the Father and Son through the communion of prayer.

Often He will wake me up and politely ask me if I want to get together with Him. Sometimes I resist, for sleep is pleasant too, but more than not I respond, get up, and meet with the Lord. In the quiet of the night, before the sun breaks over the Carolina horizon, He speaks to my heart. Words of encouragement. Insights into the coming days. Prophetic words to share with others.

Those who long to be where the Lord is, seeking Him as He leads us on, will find He is near. When we think He is far away, inattentive to the on goings in the nations, we will find that He is passionately involved. His Spirit is speaking to people through dreams in the night, visions during the day, and soft words of love as they go about their normal routines. He is calling out, as the Shepherd watching over His sheep. He wants to save the people. He is the God of Love.

Protection. Provision. Providence. All good things come from Him. Our faith level rises when we spend time to know Him, and learn of His ways.

My prayer today, as I seek His heart for that which matters most to Him, and thus more and more so to me also, is as follows. Make it your prayer today too.

“Lord, I will bow to you and to no other God. I will seek Your face. I will follow hard after You, to hear Your voice. Today You are the joy and the peace that only You can put in my heart. Thank you Lord for Your love, for Your presence, for Your care and provision for my family, friends, co-workers, and those you have connected me to in the nations.”

And yes Lord, thank You for our daily bread!

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People

You can watch/listen to the worship song of prayer here: 

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Contribution checks can be sent to: 

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Now Think On This with your friends.

Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #115 – Keep On Praying   Steve Martin 

Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.13.14 Thursday at 5:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

Good reading for times like these. Buy a book. You will be pleased!

Good reading
For times like these.
Buy a book...
You will be pleased!

Steve Martin

All books are available on Amazon 
in paperback and Kindle editions.
Click on the link below each book to see more, 
buy now, and start reading some good stuff.

Or you can support the ministry of 
Love For His People 
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Blessings on ye heads!
Steve Martin

Israel Has No Right to Exist - Former NSA Chief

Former NSA Chief: Israel Has No Right to Exist

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni  ISRAEL TODAY
A former head of America’s National Security Agency (NSA) said Israel was behind the American invasion of Iraq and that the Jewish state has no right to exist and will ultimately disappear.
That according to Professor Yossi Shain, head of the Political Science Department at Tel Aviv University, who made the remark during a Knesset discussion on the various boycotts targeting Israel.
Several government official continued to claim that there is no boycott of Israel, and that every time the media speaks of one, it only empowers the groups that are trying to instigate worldwide boycotts of the Jewish state. But representatives of academia who were present at the discussion, such as Prof. Shain, called on the nation to wake up and realize that this is a very real and serious problem.
In response to the government’s belief that there is no boycott problem, Prof. Shain argued that senior members of the American administration in Washington have already been infected with anti-Israel perceptions.
“When I taught in Washington I once met a very senior US official - I don’t remember his name, but he was the head of the NSA - who told me that the [US] invasion of Iraq was because of us [Israel],” said Prof. Shain. The US official added that “Israel has no right to exist and that is what will happen in the end.”
Prof. Shain said he responded to the American by “asking if he was feeling well.”
He want on to argue that the moment a major anti-Israel proposal passed through the UN or other international body without an American veto, a wave of anti-Israel action will be unleashed. And, as the above example demonstrates, the seeds of anti-Israel sentiment that will one day result in Washington no longer blocking anti-Israel motions have already been sown.
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Love For His People Editor's Note: 
We only have one thing to say -