Saturday, February 22, 2014

Arise and shine

Bobby Conner: Purified, Prepared, and Predestined

Bobby Conner:
Purified, Prepared, and Predestined
The Elijah List

Bobby Conner
Days of Preparation

Beloved, we are in the midst of a great, divine acceleration in the Spirit. The Body of Christ is being prepared for a fresh, new day of God's plan. The Spirit of God is doing a new thing and we must be prepared to move with Him (see Isaiah 48:6-7). Although this process could take a long time to mature fully, God has been preparing us for this day for many years! 

We are moving into the destiny the Lord has prepared for us before the foundation of the world.

This is a season of preparation. 

The Spirit of Truth is dealing deeply with Believers, calling us to draw near to Christ Jesus Himself with a holiness and single-mindedness like we have never before experienced. The Lord's people are being groomed to encounter Him in the fiery cloud of His Presence, and God will be found by, and in, all who are seeking Him with their whole Deep Calls Unto Deep by Mike De Lorenzo heart (see Jeremiah 29:12-13).

Truly, "deep is calling unto deep" (see Psalm 42:7). This is not the time to remain half-hearted and shallow: Now is the time to launch out into the deep and cry out with the apostle Paul, "That I may know Him" (Philippians 3:10), to be conformed to His image and to carry His presence. The Bride is being prepared to experience true union with Christ, to know Him intimately in order to be like Him in every aspect of our being, in spirit, soul, and body.

Revelation of Purity

How is this transformation happening? The Spirit of Truth is highlighting purity and uprightness so we may all walk in true holiness and the fear of the Lord (see 2 Corinthians 7:1). 

This lifestyle is not legalism but purity produced by love and loyalty for Christ the King
Truly, the Body of Christ is no longer satisfied with knowing our Lord and Savior as a doctrine of our mental understanding. As the Lord responds to the hunger of His people, He is revealing the Person of Jesus in the inward parts of our spirit. What we've understood with our "head knowledge," we will begin to experience through spiritual revelation. And as the eyes of our heart become enlightened, our character and lifestyle will be transformed (see Ephesians 1:17-18). 

Integrity and honesty will become paramount. 

We will live each day in such a manner that greatly pleases the Lord (see Colossians 1:9-10).

Revelation of Strategies
Springs of Life Key by Lillis BoyerAs a result of this deeper consecration to the Lord, many will receive divine strategies for this pivotal season (see John 16:13). 

The Spirit of Truth is releasing revelatory insights for all who are willing to hear Him with a heart set to obey what He is requesting (see James 1:22). 

Prepare to see an acceleration of the advancing of God's plans and purposes. God will have a people of purity and power, who live, move, and have their being in the absolute authority of Christ.

Revelation of Destiny

Whether or not you feel you are fulfilling your destiny, you are being prepared by the King of kings for His good purposes. You were chosen by God and have been given a divine destiny in eternities past. Why? The Lord is calling you to partner with Him to shape the future of the Kingdom of God (see 2 Corinthians 6:1)! This seems almost too marvelous to be true, but it is the Word of God. Ephesians 2:10 explains:

"For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."

What does it mean to be "HIS workmanship"? The Greek term translated workmanship ispoiema, from which we derive the English word poem. Indeed, we are God's poem, written in ages past to be a living testimony of His presence on earth (see Psalm 139:16-17). Without exception, every Believer has been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has ordained for us.

Revelation of Anointing

In Yeshua's Presence by Jennifer PageThe desperate cry of many Believers is: "Oh, Lord, let Your works appear unto Your people" (see Psalm 90:16-17). The good news is that God's anointing rests upon pure, upright followers of Jesus, and we will fulfill His purposes on earth. God has not only ordained good works for us, but He has also provided the grace we need to perform these works (see Philippians4:13). We all have "an unction to function." Each one of us is anointed to fulfill the purposes of God (see Acts 1:8).

As we move deeper into this season of sensitivity and revelatory enlightenment, we must never forget that our calling and destiny, our chief aim, is to abide in our Beloved Jesus Christ, fixing our eyes on Him and Him alone. 

Only in His light do we see light (see Psalm 36:9). Only in His presence do we obtain a happy, holy heart (see Psalm 16:11).

Leaders With Pure Hearts

These marks of maturity are being seen in many lives, but it is imperative that leaders set an even higher standard for the Body of Christ. Purity of heart and purity of motives are required if we are to behold the Lord (see Hebrews 12:14). 

Divinely appointed leaders are emerging who have a single heart's goal to establish the King in His Kingdom on earth.

Heart of Fire and Passion by Lillis BoyerThis purity of heart is an absolute requirement for every Believer and leader, because we are entering into a season of signs and wonders on a level never before experienced. But we must be on the alert: the supernatural will be displayed not only from the Holy Spirit but also from the dark side. 

Scripture warns that, in the last days, deception will be strong (see Matthew 24:24). Even though the enemy will attempt to deceive many, Christ Jesus will have for Himself a people prepared to do greater works (see John14:12).

This is not a time for any Believer or leader in the Body of Christ to be humdrum, expecting only what we have seen and experienced before. We have never been where we are going now (see Joshua 3:4). 

We all must prepare for what is ahead: The call to embrace the awe of Almighty God. A wonderful, reverential fear of the Lord is returning to the people of God, releasing the wisdom of God (see Psalm 111:10).

The hearts and lives of millions are going to be touched and transformed by the power of God during these days, as God's people return to a radical love for Christ.


Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries


Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous – healings, signs and wonders – reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! 

Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years.

Bob Jones - Coming Great Awakening, Inspired Teachers & Needed Networking

Bob Jones shares on the coming Great Awakening, inspired teachers, heresy in the Church, and the need for Church and People Networking to hold the harvest coming. Antioch International Church Feb. 16, 2011 Fort Milll, SC. (Video recording by Steve Martin)

Bob Jones' Celebration of Life Service - Music and Speakers - Don Potter, Rick Joyner, Robin McMillan, Bobby Connor - Feb. 21, 2014

Bob Jones - He Did Love

Bob Jones' Celebration of Life Service 

- Music and Speakers - 
Don Potter, Rick Joyner, 
Robin McMillan, Bobby Connor & More
Feb. 21, 2014

This celebration of Bob Jones life, who passed on Feb. 14, 2014 (Valentines Day) at the age of 84, was held at MorningStar Ministries Heritage International in Fort MIll, SC. Attended by several thousand, worship leaders and speakers gave tribute to Bob's life.

Bob, a Seer Prophet had an extraordinary supernatural prophetic gift, and was loved greatly. He was one of the most respected prophetic voices in recent times. Few touched the Body of Christ worldwide like Bob Jones. He was a forerunner and grandfather to the modern prophetic ministry, to leaders in almost every other field of influence for more than four decades. (You can read the full service booklet's words near the end of this blog posting.)

Rick Joyner gave the opening welcome at the 3:30 pm ceremony, which had followed the viewing from 1-3 pm.

Don Potter and Leonard Jones

Don Potter, on vocals and guitar, led the time of worship. He was joined by Leonard Jones (violin) and other musicians.

Mike Bickle, Paul Keith Davis, Gary Beaton, Robin McMillan, Bobby Connor, Bonnie Jones (Bob's wife) and Rick Joyner each shared heart touching stories and joyful moments of Bob's impact in their lives.

Robin McMillan

Bobby Connor
Video on YouTube: Bobby Connor - Texas stories

Lyn Kost, son-in-law of Bob, sang the closing tribute song "Let Your Spirit Flow".

Watch here: Love For His People YouTube channel: Lyn Kost - song video

A video of remembrance ended the service, before those gathered enjoyed a covered dish meal on Main Street of the beautiful MorningStar Ministries campus (formerly the Grand Hotel of Heritage USA/PTL).

Rick's closing of the service on YouTube:  Rick Joyner's closing remarks

Don Potter sharing song "Show Me Your Face Lord"

Here is the booklet passed out to the attendants.

Casket viewing

MorningStar front entrance

Bob's parking space

Reception on Main Street

MorningStar hotel reception area

Guest book


Rick Joyner & Bobby Connor

Rick Joyner with Leonard Jones in background


Guests enjoying the reception meal
-Chuck and Gloria Williams

All seven videos recorded by Steve Martin during the service can be seen on our YouTube channel:

As a personal testimony in knowing Bob, I want to share his prophetic word he gave to both Laurie and I, as written in my first book, The Promise - One Man's Journey To See God's Word Revealed. Here is an excerpt from Chapter 11, "Worship the Lord God of Israel", pages 82-85.

In the meantime, the Lord didn’t forget about those desires He had put in my heart from my early years.  From time to time, He would bring a word of encouragement, such as the following.

On the ninth day of January 1997, Mahesh and Bonnie had arranged a time for Bob Jones, who has an anointed prophetic voice, to come to the All Nations Church office.  He was to share with the staff and leaders of our young church.  I didn’t know much about Bob, only that the Lord was using him to speak things that others simply were not doing.  Some would think his prophetic gifting was strange, but I was open to hearing what the Lord would say through this vessel.  Laurie and a few other wives were able to join the staff too. 

We gathered in the ‘chapel’ room, a converted garage, where the Watch of the Lord was birthed only two years earlier.  Bonnie asked Bob if he would start with Laurie and I when he was ready to start to minister.

And so he began:

Bob:    Just move up here in front and face me.  Years ago, a bolt of lightning hit my hand.  In that, there comes a trembling or a feeling in my hand to the fingers.  When you feel that, I want you to move the fingers, and I’ll tell you what it means.  When the Lord intends to start a fire down here on the earth, He always does it with lightning.  Thunder is His voice, and lightning is His power. And several places in the United States now the earth is beginning to thunder and scientists can’t find out what it is.  I know what it is.  It’s God’s voice. ... it thundered continually out of a clear sky.  The voice of the Father went over this area in 1980.  What He spoke then is coming into being now.  So put your hands up like that, and when I begin to touch hands, some of you will turn totally purple.  The rest of you want to see, get up here behind.

Now this man’s hands are turning brown.  That is the love-slave.  You understand that?  Now, can you feel where the flow is coming through your fingers?  Now, you can’t feel it with your head.  Close those eyes, and just let faith arise and move those fingers.  Good. That’s right.  Here and here.  You feel it flowing? 

·                     So one thing the Lord is doing with you, you have got a pastoral anointing on you right here.
·                     Also evangelism, brother, and teaching.  And the revelation is coming for this. And this in here, the evangelism, the church needs the evangelistic encouraging edge. 
·                     Also this in here, and the revelation gifts in here are for counseling people and setting people free from all manner of things. 
·                     So what the Lord is bringing you into is also a deliverance ministry.  You understand that?  You can open your eyes now.  I just wanted you to see it, so if there is anything you don’t understand while I’m speaking.  What this is doing is confirming what you are.  You got it?  Do you?  What this is doing is showing people they are qualified to do these things. 
·                     So there’s beginning to come a good teaching ministry in you to prepare people for this evangelistic ministry, which is setting people free from all manner of things.  Healing the brokenhearted and setting the captive free.  This is what He is beginning to work in you.  And in that, the word in season will come out of you continually, so you already have the word in season for people. 
·                     And what the enemy has been trying to do to you is misdirect your visions and everything to where you’re not doing the proper intercession.  So he’s really trying to make you so busy that the intercession doesn’t get you to where faith arises in you.  You understand that?  So don’t let him do that.  Spend that quality time with Him, because you can get through to Him now.  So you’re going to be part of the soul winning, too.  Got that one?  And so, He’s bringing you to where that love in you comes to that point that it boils over and isn’t denied. 
·                     So He’s working the work of faith in you to do the things He’s called you to do.  And already He has qualified you to begin to do these things now.  And the evangelist ministry in you is to bring the Word of God and to free people from defeat, disappointment, disgust, disillusionment, and confusion.  You understand that one? 
·                     These are the things that have been coming at you.  And you’ve got a victory over that, and anything you’ve got victory over, you can free others from.  So He’s really putting the earring in the left ear to where when you stand up — whether you’ve got the word or not — the only way you can fail is to shut up, and that’s what the enemy has been wanting you to do.  So stand up instead of shut up.  Go forth and speak that encouraging word that sets people free from the change of the inner man to where the Spirit of God can get out of them and go forth and do things.  You got it? 
·                     Now the third, which you’ll begin to see, look how their hands begin to shine.  Oh, it’s a beautiful oil.  Also they’re beginning to turn purple, so here’s an intercessor, too.  Can you feel where the flow is coming up? 
·                     You have the teacher, counselor, deliverance ministry, and the praiser.  You understand that?  This is really.... sometimes you can lead others into praise, even both of you.  You’ve overcome your selfishness and self-centeredness.  You can’t praise God and remain selfish.  So you’ve got a calling right in here. 
·                     Get ready for this to start coming to blue in you — revelation.  You got that?  This is the driest thing in you.  Feel this counsel in you.  Oh, we can see it here.  Look here?  See it?  That love in you is ripe. 
·                     That pastoral mother in you is real.  I feel the balm coming.  Good, good, good.  Let it flow in your hands.  That anointing is there now.  You’ll feel the trembling and things coming.  This is Isaiah 66:2.  This trembling that came into you like it did then, you’ll feel it when you’re praying for others.  See?  When you begin to pray for others, come.  You got it?  Good. 

·                     Take a deep breath now, brother.  Good.  There it comes.  Good.  I want to show you something.  The rest of you watch this.  Okay.  Keep going.  Now let your spirit ... that’s it.  That’s it.  Good!  It’s like pouring water out of a well.  There you go.  That’s pulling Jesus up.  Good.  There it is.  See how it comes on the back of your head?  Good, that’s where you set ‘em free.  You set ‘em free with power.  Take that breath.  Good, good.  There’s your spirit man.  That’s it.  Good. Hallelujah.

·                     Now, when you’re ministering to people, this is what you do.  You can’t do anything for them.  It’s Jesus in your spirit that does it.  And when you put faith in love, releasing them, He’ll do the things He always did.  See that flow?  That’s power, brother.  See it?  See how it comes through you?  If you’ll just love.  You don’t have to know anything.  If you know, then God teaches you over on the side.  But when the Spirit comes, He’ll do what He wants to do. 
·                     One thing He’s doing here in a big way, He’s going to heal emotions.  Bonnie’s done a teaching on that, and later on today she’ll be sharing with you.  You got any questions?  It’s sort of like family here.  If you’ve got any questions, let’s get it out.  Amen. 
·                                                                     He’s preparing you ... all this preparation ... He’s like a surgeon preparing people for a new heart.  People need to be prepped for the surgery.       This is your job — prep ‘em.         
·                     This is your heart coming here — a divine heart.


Steve and Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.