Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Watchman: The Battle Over Jerusalem - 2014

Eric Stakelbeck

Published on Feb 11, 2014

On this week's edition of The Watchman, we analyze attempts by the international community—led by the Obama administration—to divide the city of Jerusalem and give half to the Palestinians. We also sit down with author Jonathan Schanzer ...

Cozy place...where I like to be.

Southeast corner faces Jerusalem.

Abe liked Israel too.

A few memories and photos of family and friends.

Back in the day...continues today.

Hand embroidered gift from a friend in 1998. 
The Aaronic Blessing - English & Hebrew
Hangs on my east wall above that desk.

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12Tribe Films: Anti-Semitism Growing in Europe? See What this German Girl did FOR Israel! and MORE!

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Click here to watch: While Anti-Semitism Grows in Europe, 
This is a Must See – A German Girl Playing Israel’s National Anthem, Hatikvah!

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The truth that the Media is not telling you.

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Are you a Member of the tribe?

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 – It REALLY Happened!

Unbelievable find yet again! You got to see this.

Click here to watch: This is What it Looks Like When Jewish Comedians get out of Hand

This is a classic you don’t want to miss!


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Alex Levin Artwork

Mike Huckabee Jamming to “Hava Nagila” in Samaria, Israel

Mike Huckabee

Exclusive Footage: Mike Huckabee Jamming to “Hava Nagila” in Samaria

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee recently visited Israel. On his 41st trip to the Holy Land, Huckabee took a few moments to pay tribute in a musical way. Joining famed Israeli singer Aharon Razel at the Psagot Winery, Huckabee showed off his guitar skills jamming out to “Hava Nagilah”. Simply, an “Only in Israel” Moment.


Robin McMillan - The 3-H Club: Hungry, Hope, & How…

Robin McMillan

The 3-H Club: Hungry, Hope, & How…

NewYear'sConf1203 023My friend Bob Jones passed away last week. It was a bitter sweet time; sweet for him and bitter for us. He had been suffering a lot physically the last several years, but not now. He’s in heaven more alive than he has ever been but we will surely miss that man!

I met Bob in the spring of 1989, but I had heard of him the year earlier. During that season I could be accurately described as a weary man who had lost his vision and purpose in God. I continued to look after my family of 6, take my kids to church, but I was deeply dis-satisfied with my life in God, and extemely disappointed as a result of having been fully committed and involved for a decade in a spiritual enterprise that ended poorly.
At this critical crossroads of my life I listened to a tape series from the Kansas City Fellowship that highlighted Bob and the remarkable supernatural relationship he had with God. Immediately I regained my capacity to dream, both in the night and in the sense of once again seeing my destiny in God and believing I could successfully fulfill it. Bob made me hungry for God. Thats ‘H’ number one.

I grew up Reformed Presbyterian tradition and am grateful for that heritage but I had experiences in God that were much different than what they were used to particularly in the late 1960′s and 1970′s. The supernatural reality that Bob communicated and radiated, and the unusual nature of his relationship with God gave me hope. Bob ‘legitimized’ my kind of relationship with God.

As I got to know Bob and ministered with him to many people I learned a lot. He had an unusual ability to see exactly what a person needed and could speak into their lives with power and compassion. As I watched and participated with him, he showed me how to be effective in prophetic ministry.

The 3-H Club
Bob made me hungry, gave me hope, and taught me how. That's my job now too; to make people hungry for God, give them a legitimate reason to hope, and show them how they can help other people. I know Bob did this for many other people. He left a great deposit in the world and I am honored to have been a part of his life.

Joseph’s Coat

Josephs coat
In a recent dream I found myself in an expensive clothing store filled with the most marvelous garments. Rack after rack of amazing colorful coats filled the fine establishment. I thought, “Who wouldn’t want one of these fine garments?”

As I gazed over the racks of coats one in particular caught my attention. I carefully pulled it from the racks and tried it on. The coat had a ‘Carolina’ sky blue front, a colorful wide striped back with a delicate expensive amber colored leather collar. I looked at myself in a full-length mirror admiring the fit. It had unusual ¾ length sleeves and was made to fit as a waist length jacket. It fit perfectly. It was as if it were tailor made for me.

I stepped outside to see how it looked in natural light. I was delighted with such a colorful and fine fitting coat. I turned to go back into the store to pay for it only to discover that the store was nowhere to be found. It had disappeared -but the coat remained. I could not pay for it.


God is ready to clothe many with a ‘tailored made’ new anointing in 2014 typified by the coat of many colors that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. This new anointing will release a new level of prophetic revelation represented by the heavenly sky blue color that covered the front of the garment.

In the dream I could not pay for the coat. It had already been paid for. We could never pay enough to obtain something that only God can provide. It is not something we can earn. It must be given and we must deeply appreciate that truth to wear it and use it with humility and wisdom.

The fact that the back was striped speaks of a new level of healing anointing. Isaiah 53:3 records:
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”

The expensive leather collar speaks of how everything of value must be paid for with shed blood just as the Lord shed the blood of animals to cover Adam and Eve with leather garments after their fall. Collars can speak of identity. Some crimes are white collar ones while other ones are blue collar crimes distinguishing between the societal level of the crimes. This collar was amber speaking of the color of the glory of God. This coat will be attended by the glory of God.

We find other significance of this anointing from the life of Joseph and his colorful garment:
“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. Also he made him a tunic of many colors” (Genesis 37:3).

Bible scholars have differing understandings of this coat’s appearance. Aryeh Kaplan in the Living Torah explains it this way: “It was a royal garment. The word passim can be translated as colorful, embroidered, striped, or with pictures. It can also denote a long garment, coming down to the palms of the hands and the feet. Hence, it may be translated as a ‘full sleeved robe’, ‘a coat of many colors’, ‘a coat reaching to his feet’, ‘an ornamented tunic’, ‘a silk robe’, or ‘a fine woolen cloak’.

The coat represents the favor Joseph had from his father and spoke of the primary leadership of his family he would one day obtain. His coat was one of great promise, giftedness and authority.

The coat was a gift. We could never pay for something so precious. But as many of us have discovered, some gifts become very expensive. This next new anointing will be that way too.

In Joseph’s case the coat focused his brothers’ jealousy and hatred. We will discover that this new coat may generate just such responses from those who don’t understand why God anoints those He does. Ultimately his brothers stripped Joseph of his coat, sold him into slavery, dipped the coat in blood, and lied to their father about him having been killed by wild animals.

It was necessary for Joseph to lose the outward sign of the anointing and be severely tested in order to function at the highest level the robe initially promised. The jealousy and hatred of his brothers were part of the price Joseph paid to live out the gift he was given. The garment being soaked in blood reveals that every anointing must be sanctified for it to be ultimately successful. 

When Moses anointed Aaron and his sons for service he stripped them, washed them, clothed them, then anointed them. Afterward he sanctified them with blood:  “Also he took some of its blood and put it on the tip of Aaron’s right ear, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot. Then he brought Aaron’s sons. And Moses put some of the blood on the tips of their right ears, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet.” (Leviticus 8:23-24).

How many men and women have been destroyed because they did not submit to the entire process meant to insure the success of the ministry gifts and anointing God gave them? Many. We must be men and women who have submitted to the processes of the Lord if we are to ‘wear’ his anointing successfully. We must never submit to jealousy and selfish ambition if we are to function effectively. Such selfish ambition releases much evil:

“But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there” (James 3:14-16. 

God is releasing new levels of anointing, colorful mantles He freely gives, but with each one comes a price. Joseph graduated from God’s school of the anointing and ruled in Egypt with dignity, mercy, and kindness. His understanding of the redemptive ways of God and his lack of self-centeredness enabled him to revive his father’s household and preserve the lineage of the Messiah. 

That is the purpose of the anointing. It is not primarily to make your ministry a success, although it can. Joseph used his anointing to empower and enrich many who had lost their inheritances. It is to restore households, free prisoners, reclaim legacies, and declare the glory of God through the lives of redeemed people.

“That we might be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified” (Isaiah 61:3).

Prepare your hearts. A new precious and dangerous anointing is being released even now. Use yours with wisdom, humility, and dignity.


Mystic MooseTales: Redefining Wildlife

My primary purpose for writing MooseTales is to impart two things to the current generation: love for Jesus and authentic hunger for the historic supernatural God of the Bible. I chose the allegorical style because it lends itself to creativity in a wide range of expression and humor.

In my imagination there exists a world where animals walk on two legs, demonstrate all the attributes of humans, and live and interact together with people. In just such a world Theodore Conquest ‘Mystic’ Moose lives and does his exploits. Many of these tales are based on events that have literally happened to flesh and blood men and women. These people I know.

Other events originate from lives of historic Christians I don’t know but have read about or heard their testimonies.
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Recent Posts:Joseph’s Coat
Restored Cities: Ultimate Result of the Anointing
The Missing Piece
Offering Your Firstfruits

Copyright © 2014 Robin McMillan Ministries, All rights reserved.
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About Robin

Robin is the pastor of Queen City Church, meeting in downtown Charlotte, NC in the Visulite Theatre @ 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning. QCC is a growing relationally oriented community of believers whose goals are to love God, love one another, and equip folks to live productive lives that honor God.

Robin has a deep conviction that the Lord is preparing to move in our nation in an unprecedented way. In addition to pastoring QCC Robin has an itinerant ministry that is characterized by the presence of the Lord in signs and wonders, manifestations of the Holy Spirit, healings, and outbreaks of joy. If you are interested in inviting him to your church or conference you can contact him at or complete the form on the ‘invite’ page.

Some Honest Questions for Andy Stanley - Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Michael Brown

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Some Honest Questions 

for Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley
According to megachurch pastor Andy Stanley, if your religious convictions conflict with your ability to serve those you differ with, that’s your business, but you should “leave Jesus out of it.”
What exactly did he mean by this? And has he thought through the implications of his statement?
Since I have been unable to reach Pastor Stanley directly and since he expressed his views publicly, I want to take this opportunity to raise some questions for him—really, for all of us—to think through carefully.
But first let me give the background to the controversy, which surrounded Kansas House Bill 2453, designed to protect religious individuals, groups or businesses from being penalized for refusal to participate in services related to same-sex marriage.
Although the bill has been dropped from consideration for the moment, many critics have been up in arms about it, comparing the bill to Jim Crow laws. (For a refutation of that complete misrepresentation of the bill, see Ryan T. Anderson’s article“‘Homosexual Jim Crow Laws’? Get Real.”)
One of those critics was Fox News correspondent Kirsten Powers, who wrote that pastor Andy Stanley told her that “he finds it ‘offensive that Christians would leverage faith to support the Kansas law.’ He said, ‘Serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity. Jesus died for a world with which he didn’t see eye to eye. If a bakery doesn’t want to sell its products to a gay couple, it’s their business. Literally. But leave Jesus out of it.’”
He further stated, “Jesus taught that if a person is divorced and gets remarried, it’s adultery. So if (Christians) don’t have a problem doing business with people getting remarried, why refuse to do business with gays and lesbians.”
Here are my questions for Pastor Stanley, and I ask these for the purpose of clarification, not as an attack on his faith or his commitment to the Lord:
1. Were you responding to the actual content of the bill, or were you responding to how critics misrepresented the bill? As Ryan Anderson notes, “The bill would protect all citizens from being forced by the government into recognizing or celebrating a same-sex marriage if it ran contrary to their religious beliefs.”
So, the issue is not whether a bakery would be willing to sell cookies to a same-sex couple or would “do business with gays and lesbians.” The issue is whether the bakers could be punished by the government if they declined to provide a wedding cake for a same-sex ceremony, which would mean inscribing it to “Bob and Bill” and putting two male figurines on top of the cake. Were you aware of this distinction?
2. Why do you find it “offensive” that people of faith also “leverage faith” when it comes to freedoms of conscience, speech and religion? If the government told you that you were required to perform same-sex weddings in your church, would you not “leverage faith” in your response?
3. You stated, “Serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity,” and I absolutely understand the point you are trying to make. But are you telling me that, if I am in the medical supply business and I am asked to supply medical equipment for a late-term abortionist, I should do so, since “serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity”? Are you saying that it is the “essence of Christianity” to help a late-term abortionist rip up a baby in the womb?
Are you telling me that if I lived in the days of slavery and I was asked by some slave traders to manufacture shackles for the slaves that I should do so with excellence and diligence, since “serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity”?
Is that what you mean? If not, could you clarify what is different between these scenarios and that of a Christian being asked to help facilitate a homosexual marriage, something that our Father clearly abhors?
4. Do you see a difference between Jesus dying for a world “with which He didn’t see eye to eye” and Jesus participating in sin? According to the Scriptures, Jesus didn’t participate in the stoning of the woman caught in adultery—to the contrary, by His words, He stopped it from happening—but He certainly died for those who wanted to stone the adulteress. (He died for her too.)
Can you agree that it is one thing to lay our lives down for our lost friends and neighbors and another thing to participate in their sin? Didn’t Paul tell us directly in Ephesians 5 not to partner with the sons of disobedience in their works of darkness?
5. Is it right for you to tell a Christian company that if they want to act on their convictions, that’s their business, but they should “leave Jesus out of it”?How does a Christian business “leave Jesus out of” their business? How do people who seek to put Jesus first in every area of their lives now leave Him out of their lives when it comes to making important moral and spiritual decisions?
Pastor Stanley, if you were a Christian photographer and a nudist colony asked you to do a photo shoot for their annual volleyball tournament, would you “leave Jesus out of” your decision and just tell them, “I’d rather not”? Or would you tell them that, as a follower of Jesus, you could not do this in good conscience? Or perhaps you would do the very best photo shoot they’ve ever had, since “serving people we don’t see eye to eye with is the essence of Christianity”? Is that what you mean?
My dear brother, would you please clarify your position? The stakes are very high.
Michael Brown is author of Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.
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The Truth Behind Palestinian Water Libels - Israel Today magazine

The Truth Behind Palestinian Water Libels

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Earlier this month, the president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, sparked a political and media brouhaha when, from the Knesset podium, he suggested that Israel severely limits the Palestinians’ access to clean water.
Israelis from across the political spectrum were incredulous that Schulz would repeat blatant Palestinian propaganda without bothering to check the facts, which he admitted to not doing prior to addressing the Israeli lawmakers.
The facts, as they relate to this issue, are readily available to anyone interested in the truth.
But, just in case others engaged in commenting on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict similarly don’t have the time for checking facts on their own, Prof. Haim Gvirtzman of the Israeli think tank Begin-Sadan Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) has published a thorough review of the situation titled “The Truth Behind Palestinian Water Libels.”
The executive summary of Prof. Gvirtzman’s survey reads:
"Water shortages in the Palestinian Authority are the result of Palestinian policies that deliberately waste water and destroy the regional water ecology. The Palestinians refuse to develop their own significant underground water resources, build a seawater desalination plant, fix massive leakage from their municipal water pipes, build sewage treatment plants, irrigate land with treated sewage effluents or modern water-saving devices, or bill their own citizens for consumer water usage, leading to enormous waste.
“At the same time, they drill illegally into Israel’s water resources, and send their sewage flowing into the valleys and streams of central Israel. In short, the Palestinian Authority is using water as a weapon against the State of Israel. It is not interested in practical solutions to solve the Palestinian people’s water shortages, but rather perpetuation of the shortages and the besmirching of Israel.”
This is the same tactic that we have seen with the so-called “Palestinian refugees.” While Israel has fully integrated the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Arab countries (and while their descendants would never dream of considering themselves refugees), the Arabs have purposely kept Palestinian Arabs and their descendants living as refugees for nearly 70 years.
Click here to read the full text of “The Truth Behind Palestinian Water Libels.”
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