Friday, February 6, 2015

Europe Helps Palestinians Create 'Facts on the Ground'

Europe Helps Palestinians Create 'Facts on the Ground'

Friday, February 06, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
The European Union has begun to engage in precisely the kind of activity against which it constantly cautions Israel: prejudging the outcome of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations by creating facts on the ground.
In recent weeks, the EU has erected several hundred illegal homes for Palestinians in the disputed territories of Judea and Samaria, the so-called “West Bank.” Most of the new accommodations are to be in the vicinity of the Jerusalem suburb of Ma’aleh Adumim, one of the largest Jewish settlements. And all the homes bear the logo of the EU (as seen pictured).
The Israeli government has thus far failed to publicly respond to this provocation, but Regavim, an NGO focused on legal issues related to land ownership in the territories, has shined a spotlight on the issue.
“It used to be restricted to diplomatic and financial support,” Regavim told journalists during a tour of the area. “But now it is about active cooperation with the Palestinian Authority. …This is part of their plan to unilaterally create a Palestinian state.”
Most of the newer EU houses were built in “Area C,” the part of the West Bank under full Israeli control, and given to the large Bedouin tribes dwelling there.
Regavim further noted that many of the houses were constructed on historically state-owned land, and in some cases on protected nature reserves.
At the end of 2014, the Knesset’s Defense Committee was presented figures showing that over the past year in Area C there were 550 cases of illegal Arab construction (some provided by the EU), compared to just 150 cases of illegal Jewish construction. Nevertheless, it was the Jewish cases alone that made international headlines.
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Doctor says mother's prayer restarted dead boy's heart - Newser

Doctor says mother's prayer restarted dead boy's heart

Doctor: Mother's prayer restarted dead boy's heart
Members of the Dubuque Fire Department perform an ice-rescue training on Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014, in Dubuque, Iowa. (AP Photo/The Telegraph Herald, Jessica Reilly)
When rescuers arrived to Missouri's Lake Sainte Louise on Jan. 19 after reports that three 14-year-old boys had fallen through the ice, John Smith had already been underwater for 15 minutes.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports he was taken to a hospital with no pulse, and while his companions were treated for hypothermia, staff performed CPR on John for 27 minutes.
"He was dead for 45 minutes," Dr. Kent Sutterer tells KSDK. There was a "very poor chance of survival." But when the doctor called John's mom into the room, "she started praying loudly," he says.
Adds Joyce Smith, "I don't remember what all I said. But I remember, 'Holy God, please send your Holy Spirit to save my son.' ... All of a sudden I heard them saying, 'We got a pulse, we got a pulse.'" Today, John's brain function is normal and he's at home walking and talking like any other teenager, KSDK reports.
He's getting physical therapy to regain some movement in his hands, but otherwise he's only battling a cough. "After listening to what the paramedics and doctors said I'm pretty surprised at the outcome," John says.
Dr. Sutterer, who says John's heart started within "a minute or two" of his mom's prayers, later wrote a note to make sense of the experience.
"His heart was jump started by the Holy Spirit listening to the request of his praying mother," it reads. Another doctor adds that "it's a bona fide miracle." John's rescuers from Lake St.
Louis Fire and Emergency had practiced ice rescues just days before he was saved. (A 2-year-old recently survived a night outside in freezing temperatures.)
This article originally appeared on Newser: Doctor: Mom's Prayer Restarted Dead Boy's Heart

"King Over All the Land" ✡ Shabbat Shalom

And the Lord shall be King over all the land; on that day the Lord will be One, and His name will be one.


וְהָיָה יְ-הוָה לְמֶלֶךְ עַל כָּל הָאָרֶץ בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִהְיֶה יְ-הוָה אֶחָד וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָד

זכריה י’’ד:ט

v'ha-ya a-do-nai l'-me-lekh kol ha-a-retz ba-yom ha-hu yi-h'-ye a-do-nai e-khad u-sh'-mo e-khad

Shabbat Inspiration

Jewish daily prayers conclude with this verse’s vision of the Messianic era when God’s name will reign supreme throughout the world. An incredible message emerges when you rearrange the Hebrew letters of the word for Messiah משיח / mo-shee-akh.  The name tells us what he will achieve: חי שם which means, ‘there will then live the name of the Almighty.' Learn more of the holy language of Hebrew with a free daily email.

"The Good and Simple Land of Israel" - Amazing Music Video

Enjoy your weekend with this spectacular music video of the Good and Simple Land of Israel!

The Lone Voice of a Brave Young Arab

Why has Muhammed Zoabi, a 17-year-old Arab-Israeli, become a household name in the Jewish state? Why did he have to flee the country and go underground? Listen to his message of inspiration, courage and moral clarity.

Hebrew Name Necklace

Stay connected to your biblical roots by wearing your Hebrew name proudly! Don’t know your Hebrew name? No problem! Many English names derive from Hebrew names in the Bible, and the rest have etymological or spiritual cousins in Biblical sources. Just include your English name and we’ll find the Hebrew name in the Bible that’s most closely connected to yours.

Today's Israel Photo

Another beautiful day in the Land of Israel by Elad Matityahu.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Cheri Brown from Topeka, Kansas. Toda Raba!

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I just happened on your site while looking up the pronunciation of an Hebrew name. Thanks for the daily emails and beautiful photos and verses. I love Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Blessings to you! ~Rebecca Davis

I do love seeing your daily glimpses into Israel. It was also exciting to hear your radio discussion of whether God's hardening of Pharaoh's heart was too harsh. Thanks so much for all you do. Blessings, Donna, South Carolina
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Dreams from the Throne of God by Elaine Tavolacci

Dreams from the Throne of God 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Indentity Network
We have entered into a new year, which I believe is going to be an exciting year filled with encounters from God. Many will begin to hear the Holy Spirit in a new way through dreams and visions. 

I would like to share an incredible dream that I had several years ago which I feel is relevant for today. At the time I had just came home from a powerful meeting in which the anointing was so strong on me that I actually had to wait a couple of hours before driving home. When I got home I was still in the presence of God and I didn't get to sleep until 4 am. As I fell asleep I had an awesome dream - encounter.

In the dream I went somewhere with my family. My cousin Raymond showed up and I was happy to see him because I hadn't seen him for some time. I noticed oil splattered on the right leg of my jeans above my knee. I wasn't too upset about it but Raymond said, you better get that oil out before it sets in. Note: In the natural this is the same leg that I broke (hip - femur) in 2011. I had screws in the right side of the leg at the time of the dream but since that time I had the screws removed. Then the dream shifted to another scene.

There were two other ladies named Pat and Cathy with me in the dream who I don't know in the natural. We walked down the street, and I was looking for a place named "Crown Palace."  I noticed a little storefront, which had very bright fuchsia pink and purple curtains. It looked like a stage with curtains and I thought to myself that it looked tacky because of the bright colors.  I peeked in and I said, this must be the place. Pat and Cathy left as they were driven away in fear.

As I stood there observing, I began to hear ancient music with a constant drum beating. It was like a tribal or bongo drum. Everything was very vivid in color. Then people began to come walking out in a line. I recognized that they were Hindus or Muslims. The ladies were all dressed in long colorful gowns with veils. I don't think that the men had head wraps. They all moved at the same time doing some kind of dance ritual. 

They were in three groups of three people in each group. One group of three was making a motion with their hands as if they were winding something like a big wheel in reverse. They all moved and turned at the same exact time. Then they moved back in reverse in one accord. Then they all turned around and pointed towards me at the same time. Then one (or two) groups held their hands up to their eyes as if they had binoculars and they turned towards me and were watching me. They were doing everything in unison at the same exact time in this ritual.

When they were finished they all lined up and began to walk away. As I watched them, it appeared as if their bodies were turning into stone as they were leaving. I called out to one of them who was a Christian lady, and said: "What are you doing with them? Come on sister you know better than that, you know Jesus. You are not supposed to be with them."  

She avoided me and tried to hide her face as she was leaving with them because she didn't want them to know that she was a Christian. When they left I called out to Pat and Cathy again. They came out from hiding and asked me if I was alright. I said yes of course, I am fine. They told me that they were afraid of those people. They recognized that it was spiritual but not from God. I told them that they shouldn't fear them.

End of dream.

A Spiritual Journey into the Spiritual Realm

The dream was so profound that as I was waking up I felt a strong presence of God and I was still hearing that ancient ritual Egyptian sounding music. It also reminded me of the four living creatures which were all moving in one accord with the wheels within wheels in the book of Ezekiel.

This is what the Lord is showing me. The spirit realm is real. As long as we don't open ourselves up to anything, there is no need to fear. We must have discernment in the times that we are living. The Lord is calling us to a season of prayer. This is so important to stay connected to Jesus so that we will recognize the genuine from the counterfeit and understand our assignments. We must stay in His word, pray in the Spirit and stay in the communication of prayer so that we will not be deceived in the days ahead. Also our words have power. Death and life are in the power of our tongues. Our words carry authority.

In the natural I know a restaurant named Crown Palace. I passed by it the day after this dream to see if the Lord would show me anything. There is a huge sign advertising for psychic and tarot card reading right above Crown Palace. This is the demonic counterfeit of the works of the Holy Spirit.  I also looked up the names in the dream.

Raymond means "Wise protection, adviser"
Cathy means "Pure, purity"
Patty means "someone of noble and high rank"

A friend of mine who is a prophet sent me the interpretation of the dream at that time. This is a small part of the interpretation that he gave me. He said: Your dream is a spiritual journey (through the dream) into the spiritual realm to observe what the enemy is doing, so you in turn can veto or over rule it. (Ezekiel and others (Ezekiel Chap 40) and other prophets were often taken by the Spirit of the Lord into the spiritual realm to observe) Notice the winding and unwinding motions which are depicting (visually or by interpretative dance) the reversing of something through the dance ritual. This reversal is focused on reversing what God is doing through Spirit led worship and ministry.

So we are living in exciting times. The Lord wants to do wonders among us and He will use us and give us discernment as we are submitted to Him.

Job 33:15-16 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.

Daniel 2:22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him.

Matthew 13:11 He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given.

Elaine Tavolacci

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Overlooked Treasure - Bill Yount

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 
 Have we overlooked the treasure in older people in rest homes? I visited my mother in an assistant living center a few days ago. I met an eighty some year old sister who was a missionary to the Indians. She showed us photos of her life story. A newspaper article read about her mother who was blind for sixteen years and suddenly could see. This sister shared how one day she hugged her mother and said, “Lord, I want Momma to see.” Suddenly her mother got her sight back.

She went on to tell other stories how she had the gift of healing for many people. I said to her. “Would you pray for me? I have a bone spur that still gives me pain.” Before she prayed, she said, “You will feel heat in my right hand as I touch your neck. And you will be fine in the morning.” That night I slept without pain and it has never come back. While I was among these older people the Lord said to me. “I am giving you the wisdom of the ancient. Thanks for visiting Me.”


Bill Yount 


Eva Haglund, Sweden

Sometimes things done for God seem more important for Christians than the relationship with God. But God wants us to have the relation with Him as first place - not what we do for Him. Visions must not take first place. Some are never at home as they go about many things, but the relationship with God needs time seeking Him.  

We can read in the Bible in Luke 10:38, “Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village, and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary,  who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me."

And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Here we learn that the relation with Jesus ought to take the first place. Mary was taking time with Jesus and sat at His feet.

We can understand that David spent much time  in his relationship with God, as we see when we read the psalms.

Jesus spent time in fellowship with the disciples. In John 21 He fixed a warm fire, breakfast and had fellowship, after the disciples had been out with the boat fishing. It is written in verse 12 that Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” It was at this occasion in fellowship, in verse 17, that Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.” He wants us to spend time with Him and have Him as his friend, not one who just comes and ask things from.

In Song of Solomon 6:3 we find the words “I am my beloved`s and my beloved is mine.” I  am  thinking about the relation with Jesus here - the friendship with Him.  I also think worship is important.  David had learned this and also Paul. We read when he worshiped in the prison in Acts 16:25, “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.” In worship God is in the center. In Ps.113:1 we read, "Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord!" In Ps.149:3 is written, "Let them praise His name with the dance." So we can also praise God with dance as God is in the center and He is honored.

God wants us to take time in prayer and  we also need to spend time with the Word, reading the Bible. God is love (1 John.4:8) and  we need to learn to know this God of love more. In Eph.3:17 Paul prays that "that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you being rooted and grounded in love, what is the width and length and depth and height - to KNOW THE LOVE of Christ which passes knowledge , that you may be felled with all the fullness of God."

If God is love then love is important.

Sometimes friendship and fellowship is not counted as so important among some Christians but Jesus say in John 15 to His disciples, “This is My commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.”

Jesus does not just mean to say hello but to have real friendship  and care for each other. I think He showed this when He washed the feet of the disciples. It is like a picture of showing care and love  among Christians.  Jesus also showed practical care at the beach. He fixed a warm fire and made breakfast with fish and bread. Jesus talks about friendship when He says “Greater love has no one than this than to lay down one`s life for his friends.”

The greatest love in friendship is then one is willing to give his life for a friend.  I also think we can get back relationships as Job and Joseph got back. We can have friends globally as we are in Body of Christ, but I think it is also good when we have friends who do not live so far away,  as  Ps.133:1 tells us.

It says “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” In 1 Cor.12 it is written about how we are members in a body who need each other. As members in a usual body need each other, each part has value.  The “hand” needs the “foot”. In a church building, the church is not a building but we need each other with different gifts with Jesus as the head. Then Christians also need a place to have meetings in. 

In the Old Testament we read about David and Jonathan's friendship in Scripture in 1 Sam. 20.
We can also understand that Elijah and Elisha in the Bible were friends. I think Elijah was Elisha's spiritual father and a close  friend. In 2 Cor. 2 I think that Elijah was a dear friend to Elisha when  when he knew that Elijah would go to heaven and said in verse 2:2 ”As the Lord lives and as your soul lives I will not leave you.”

In John 17:21 Jesus prays for Christians “that they all may be one as your Father is in me, and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” I think He talks about the love in the Body of Christ as we get from God and love as a testimony. I think God wants to restore more of real friendship in the Body of Christ where it needs more.

In Rev.3:20 is written, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with Me.” If anyone does not know Jesus, He is knocking at the door and wants to come in.

Jesus (Yeshua)  is a real friend – the best Friend who gave His life for us because of His love for us (Isaiah 53).

VIDEO: A Land of Diversity

VIDEO: A Land of Diversity

Thursday, February 05, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Israel is often maligned as a racist, even apartheid state. But the truth, as demonstrated in the following video, is that Israel is a land of unprecedented coexistence given its tiny size.
The video was put together by filmmaker Matty Brown who during his travels through the Holy Land was overwhelmed by the local diversity. Modern city life, Bedouin desert encampments, Orthodox Jews at the Wailing Wall, and so much more are what make up the fabric of Israel - a land of true diversity!
By the way - as Brown points out, the title of the video is not misspelled. It is an invitation to take a peek into the real Israel, not the negative caricature the international community likes to promote.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Christians Urged to 'Stand Firm' with Israel at CO Summit

Christians Urged to 'Stand Firm' with Israel at CO Summit

Hundreds of Christians and Messianic Jewish believers from nearly two dozen states and more than a dozen countries have gathered in Loveland, Colorado, for a Stand Firm with Israel summit.
Pastor Wayne Hilsden of Jerusalem's King of Kings Congregation and Pastor Jonathan Wiggins of Resurrection Fellowship in Loveland organized the summit amid growing concerns that Christians around the world need to stand with Israel in a time of growing danger to Jews and Christians and rapidly growing anti-Semitism, especially in Europe.
Hilsden also announced the formation of a group called FIRM, Fellowship of Israel-Related Ministries, to emphasize the biblically based importance of supporting Israel and the Jewish people.
Standing with Israel doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with every decision made by the Israeli government, Hilsden explained. But it does mean acknowledging the eternal covenant the Lord made with the Jewish people in the land with Israel.

Post-Charlie Hebdo: Does France Face Civil War?

Post-Charlie Hebdo: Does France Face Civil War?

PARIS - French Holocaust survivors gathered last month on the 70th anniversary of the liberation the Auschwitz.

They are men and women who saw terrible anti-Semitism as children and who must again live in a time when some in France and in Europe want to kill Jews.

France's Jews have felt like a target for a long time. And the killings by Muslim terrorists at the Charlie Hebdo newspaper and kosher supermarket have only confirmed their worst fears, and it will cause more of them to leave France for Israel and the United States.

Post-Charlie: Same Old, Same Old

Some have called the massacre France's 9/11. But America clearly changed after 9/11. It's not at all clear if France has changed enough.

Yes, there have been arrests and more police and soldiers have been deployed. But political correctness is still so deeply rooted in France that speaking out too strongly against Muslim immigration and being labelled a racist can still end a career.

French TV commentator Eric Zemmour was fired in December for saying that Muslims should be deported to avoid "chaos and civil war."

Zemmour has written the bestseller, The French Suicide, about how France is being destroyed. CBN News had hoped to interview Zemmour, but his publicist told us he was in hiding because of death threats.

One week after the killings, Paris police banned an anti-Islamization march.

Even popular far-right leader Marine Le Pen has been tiptoeing around the subject. She's reportedly feuding with her foreign policy adviser, Aymeric Chauprade, who gave an exclusive interview to CBN News.

Chauprade angered Le Pen by saying that France is at war with some Muslims and in danger from what he called a fifth column of 1 million radical Muslims in France.

"The problem, which is maybe worse, is the sympathy from a large part of the Muslim population in France toward jihad and towards the radical idea," he told CBN News.

"(French leaders) refuse to accept the idea that violence is rooted in Islam. I do not say all Muslims are violent but that violence is rooted in Islam's holy texts," he said.

An Outpouring of Hypocrisy

The world saw millions of Frenchmen flood into the streets to say "I am Charlie." It was a touching outpouring of support for free speech in the face of Muslim terror.

But conservatives in France saw something else: hypocrisy.

The same French leaders marching for free speech have not allowed free speech critical of Islam, except for few Charlie Hebdo cartoons, and have crafted policies that have allowed Muslim extremism to flourish in France.

French author, journalist and publisher Jean Robin says the government brought on the attacks, by being harder on critics of Islam than on Muslims.

"The people who are responsible for these attacks are the ones showing off now and demonstrating for freedom of speech, which they crushed year after year," Robin said. "We don't have the freedom to say the ones who demonstrated are the ones responsible for what happened."

When CBN News asked French writer Renaud Camus about the French government's commitment to free speech, he burst out laughing.

"They have not been protecting free speech," he said. "The aim of the government over the 40 years has been to impeach free speech, to express itself on the main subject of the replacement of population, which is totally banned from the media, and which is what you're not allowed to talk about it."

Camus has been banned himself because of his warnings about Islam.

A Self-Inflicted Wound?

And France's unwillingness to confront the problem of Muslim immigration and radicalism strongly enough could help ensure there will be more attacks like the one on Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket.

All of those French conservatives we interviewed warned of civil war, and of a future like Lebanon or Yugoslavia, although Camus added that, "Civil war is the wrong expression. There will be nothing civil about it."

After what should have been a clear wake-up call for France, it's not at all clear that France will do what it takes to prevent the next attack.

Chaurpade said France has to "fight very firmly, very strictly, against the Islamization of French society. There is an Islamization process, and we have to stop it clearly."

The number one best-selling book in France right now is Submission, by Michel Houellebecq. The story is set in the future when France has a Muslim president and French women begin wearing veils. It was released, coincidentally, on the day of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

There are likely to be more terrorist attacks in France, not only because of the government's fear of political correctness, but because there are simply too many Muslim jihadists in the country to stop all of them.