Friday, February 13, 2015

"Prophetic Alert: God Is Preparing the Nations of the World For True Prophets Of God" - Kim Clement

"Prophetic Alert: God Is Preparing the Nations of the World For 
True Prophets Of God"
Kim Clement, Camarillo, CA

Prophesied on January 17th, 2015 - From The Den

We Are Giant Slayers!

Is this the end? No! I see light in the nations. I see the Jews returning to their land from all over the world. "Do not fear," says the Lord. "If you fear, they will know it. If you fear, your enemies will know it. Do you remember when the spies returned from the land and they said we are afraid for the giants are in the land. They said these words: They said, 'They saw us as grasshoppers, therefore we saw ourselves as grasshoppers. Therefore, they saw us as grasshoppers as well.'"

We are not grasshoppers! We are giant slayers. We are Davids of this world! We are Davids of this world! We don't see the giants; we see the slayed. We see a mighty army being raised up.

Arise in this meeting, O Lord. Speak to us and destroy the power of our enemies, I pray in the Name Yeshua!

God is Preparing the Nations for True Prophets

And the Spirit of the Lord told me, "It is impossible for the nations to conduct this kind of warfare without prophetic insight and wisdom."And so as He said those words to me, He said,"I am preparing the world, the nations of the world, I am preparing them for the prophets.You may say, 'Well, there are plenty of prophets around.'" (Photo by Jennifer Page "Victory Shield" via

I want you to know that God is preparing the nations of the world for true prophets of God – not prophets that will prophesy the judgments that we continually hear about; God judging our nation and God judging America. We've heard that. Judgments will come and go; but what about the blessing of God that I have spoken about so many times?

God told me that it is time for true prophets to arise and offer an intelligence that is not available by the Secret Service, by the CIA, by MI5, 6 or 7. 

I want you to know, it is not available. God is bringing to the fore, true prophets that will show the exact whereabouts; it's happened with me. I saw this; I even saw a person arising out of ISIS and prophesied it years ago that would have one eye that would be blinded. But actually, underneath all of that, he became a Believer.
It is my firm belief as I address you today, and I will prophesy it to the kings of the earth, that: God has purposed to raise out of this horrific movement of terrorism and hatred, strong Believers that will proclaim the name of Yeshua. If you truly believe that, say yes!

Are you seeing what I'm hearing? I'm hearing the sound of victory. I'm hearing the sound of a multitude of God's army that are preparing for a global awakening in the world right now – a move of the Spirit that is unprecedented; has never been seen or felt ever before.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

God is Going to Deal with ISIS

God has purposed to confound this enemy like no other. Not Al-Qaeda; not one of them has ever been dealt with in the manner that God is going to deal with ISIS. Not only has ISIS come against God's people, but they have planned many other things in Canada. They're already present in the United States of America and in certain states. They're already present in Belgium and Germany. They're present in Turkey; they are present all over Europe as well. They are prepared for a huge battle.

However, when I was praying, I said to the Lord, "Open my eyes like You opened the eyes of Elisha." Suddenly my eyes were opened and I saw it. I saw thousands of angels gathered to fight this fight. Do you really believe that God's going to leave us alone? Do you really believe that God's going to do nothing about this terrible attack that's come against our children, against the children and the future? 

(Photo by Marybeth Stafford"Fear Not" via

They're not attacking the present; they are attacking the future. And when they attack the future, they are attacking Omega. When they attack the future, they are attacking the end, the last; they are attacking the One who is, who always will be, who has made a declaration that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.

Canada will be protected. Colorado will be protected. New Mexico will be protected (in the United States, now). New York, over and over and over, will be protected. God will protect even Chicago even though He sniffs at it and there is a stench, is what He said to me. He said He will even protect the Capitol... He's going to do it over and over again as long as you and I pray with insight and not with fear. We act out of faith and not fear and unbelief.

If the enemy is doing so much, why would God sit and do nothing? No, He's not. There are conversions taking place. Nine groups will arise that will be dissatisfied with ISIS and they will even be worse and yet they will not plunder the righteous of the Lord. They will not touch them. There will be a few deaths here and there, but what they are planning will not happen.

As Long As the Church Prays, There Will Be Victory

There are many other states that God told me about."Even so because of My elect. Even because of My elect will I protect," says the Lord. This is a very big Prophetic Alert. I want you to listen.

Their names will be scrolled out... 1, 2, 3... 10, 20 of them at a time, as they are exposed. And one of the biggest leaders that has been in hiding shall cry out for help before the summer comes to this nation. They will say, "How could he have fallen so strongly?" Because, you see, God says, "I have put agents in their midst who will betray them and the betrayal shall hurt them so badly and pierce them so badly that they will cry out and scatter."

You've got to understand – God has a plan. Have you seen it?
Do you understand that He has young people that He's going to raise up – your young people, your grandchildren that He's going to raise up to be a voice in this nation and the nations of the earth. (Photo via flickr)

"England, watch out. England, watch out! Watch out who you align yourself with. Russia has stretched its hand out and it has said to the clergy and to the religious, 'Come, let us reason together, let us join our hearts together.' Pope Francis, watch out; watch out what you say, watch out what you do for I'm watching you as well. Even though I promised life to you, watch out, for you are also – there is also a spirit of betrayal that exists and speaks into your ear."

God is not pleased with religion yet we see from Russia, them stretching out their hand to shake. "What shaking is this?" says the Lord? "I will not allow it," for God says, "My Church is praying and as long as My Church prays, there will be victory," says the Lord.

Kim Clement
Kim Clement Center

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined "the prophet" for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. Kim's prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. 

His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

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The Guarantee of Prophecy - ISRAEL TODAY

The Guarantee of Prophecy

Friday, February 13, 2015 |  Ludwig Schneider
Over the centuries, many Jews and Christians have speculated about the coming of the Messiah and the return of Yeshua (Jesus). In recent times, it was supposed to happen in 1844, then in 1989 and then in the millennium year 2000. Yet time and again, they had to postpone the date and calculate a new one. The prophecy has not changed; it was just the interpretation that went awry.
The full article appears in the February 2015 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
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Paul Wilbur - Lord God Of Abraham - Live (Playlist)

Paul Wilbur

A toast to the Giver of Life! Recorded live at the L'Chaim worship service in Jacksonville, Florida.

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Shalom to our Jewish friends 
in Israel
and around the world!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Shabbat Shalom ✡ "Behold, I Am Sending an Angel"

Behold, I am sending an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared.

EXODUS (23:20)

הִנֵּה אָנֹכִי שֹׁלֵחַ מַלְאָךְ לְפָנֶיךָ לִשְׁמָרְךָ בַּדָּרֶךְ וְלַהֲבִיאֲךָ אֶל הַמָּקוֹם אֲשֶׁר הֲכִנֹתִי

שמות כג:כ

hi-nay a-no-khee sho-lay-akh mal-akh l'-fa-ne-kha lish-mar-kha ba-da-rekh v'-la-ha-vee-a-kha el ha-ma-kom a-sher ha-khi-no-tee

Shabbat Inspiration

In this week's Torah portion (Exodus 21-24), God promises He will send an angel before the nation to protect them on their way to the Promised Land. Why do you think God says He will send an angel instead of saying He will take them into the Land? And based on the description, do you think this angel is metaphysical or human? Find out the answer in the Israel Bible Reading Plan, where you'll get unique insights into the weekly Torah portion along with personal attention in an exciting virtual classroom forum.

Secret of Jewish Success

Someone, somewhere is learning Torah. And surprisingly, it's not only the people you would expect. From Hollywood screenwriters to African royalty and top businessmen, listen to their great instructions for living.

Israel to Thank Philippines

In recognition for close to 100 years of support and friendship from the Philippines towards Israel and the Jewish people, the Jewish country is kicking off a year-long celebration of cooperation under the title, “Thank you, Philippines.”

Shabbat Evening Siddur (Prayer Book)

The Shabbat Evening Siddur (Jewish Prayer Book) is the first siddur designed specifically for those striving for authenticity, sincerity and creativity in their traditional Friday night prayers. With its colorful photographs and innovative graphics, this siddur will certainly enhance your prayers.

Today's Israel Photo

The Dead Sea by Daniel Malkiel. Fresh water flows into the Dead Sea but no water flows out. Its stagnant water represents one who fails to grow and develop. We should choose rather to be like life-sustainable water and continue our learning and growing each day!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Patricia Jimenez from San Antonio Belen, Costa Rica. Toda Raba!

“Thank You for Sharing the Light of Israel Every Day!”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
Thank you for sharing with us the light of Israel every day! Very best wishes from Argentina, Ezequiel Leiva

I love the photos. Israel is awesome. I pray for Israel and the wonderful Jewish people. Thank you...Judy Finney
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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2015: A Year of Revealing Hidden Things - RYAN LESTRANGE

man praising God
"The Lord is bringing His bride into purification and dealing with the inner motives of the heart." (Charisma archives)

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma MediaAs 2014 began to draw to a close, I heard The Lord speaking to my spirit that 2015 is going to be a Year of Revealing, hidden things are going to be made known. I sense that it is a time of things being brought to the light.
Luke 8:17 says, "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and revealed."
The Lord is bringing His bride into purification and dealing with the inner motives of the heart. We must ask ourselves why we are doing what we do. God wants to bring pure and authentic ministry from His bride to the hurting and the broken
I sense that things will be revealed among the nations. Hidden agendas and plans will be exposed as God's people claim the land and pray. Prayer is the catalyst for exposure.
The Father is peeling back the layers that have created a dull edge and sharpening the prophetic voices. The prophetic ministry is coming to the forefront in this season as there is a growing hunger to hear from God. Much of the church world has restricted the Holy Spirit and limited His flow in their meetings but there will be a breaking forth of genuine prophetic ministry among those who are hungry. This is a time of refining for the prophetic community. The words, revelations and voices must be on target and specific. The sword is being sharpened and accuracy increasing!
Amos 3:7 says, "Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His purpose to His servants the prophets."
The prophets will be a friend to the church as they partner with the apostles to release direction, insight and instruction, bringing much needed transformation.
  • God is revealing His heart by sending forth messengers of love to release His love over the wounded. Many people in the body of Christ are carrying old wounds. It is the heart of the Father that brings deep healing. A fresh revelation of the love of God will bring healing to many.
  • God is revealing assignments and empowering Holy Spirit shifts.
There are many divine shifts taking place in the body to align people with great purpose. For those who seek the Father there will be revelation of assignment and destiny. God is illuminating the path and revealing His plans.
  • It is a time of seeking, shifting, and moving in obedience—no fear. Fearless obedience. At the beginning of this New Year, the Father is drawing people aside to seek Him. There is much shifting and releasing coming on the horizon. People will be released from dead and unfruitful works to move into kingdom plans. There are also those who have been in a season of separation and will be brought forth into purpose that they saw a long time ago. It seems as if the word has been delayed but in fact God has been preparing their character and getting them ready to steward what is coming!
  • There are shifts and alignments into greater purpose. Many have been faithful in leading what God has given them but there is an elevation coming. They will have to say goodbye to one season in order to say hello to a greater season. Some of the shifts will not make sense to the natural mind but are kingdom advances and will bring great honor and glory to the kingdom. It will take radical obedience to navigate the shifts! Just as Abraham was asked to let go of the familiar, so are many being asked to journey into the unknown (see Gen. 12).
  • There is a spiritual earthquake shaking and breaking false foundations and shifting people into proper position. As I was praying, I saw a spiritual earthquake coming upon the body of Christ. It is going to shake, chip and break the false foundations and religious structure that is holding back the move of God. At the same time, I saw people being moved under the shaking as they were being divinely positioned for the hour! Just as a chess player would move the pieces in position so the Father will rearrange the board during this time.
  • God is calling forth the voices of revival and awakening and enlarging their borders. Those who are carrying the message of revival and awakening are being sent forth in this season. God is enlarging the borders of this message. He wants to awaken His people and there is great favor upon the message of awakening for those who will steward it properly. There is going to be expansion of revival ministry as the Lord opens new doors and provides new platforms.
  • I see ... God amplifying the voices of awakening and the message going forth with power and authority.
    There is an authority arising upon messengers of awakening. The message will go forth with clarity, power and boldness!
    I see ... A powerful generation of miracle ministries arising! The Father wants to demonstrate the kingdom. The move of miracles, signs and wonders is coming back and being led by radical ministry gifts who are not afraid to step out in faith and tap into the power!
    The emerging move of God is a fullness move with every believer being imparted, equipped and activated. I saw in the Spirit the casting of a mantle from the last generation to this generation. There is an invitation going forth in the Spirit to move in the miraculous.
    God wants to demonstrate His power in the earth. There are healing ministries being formed right now in this season. There are many who have abandoned the message of power but there is a great hunger in the nations for the supernatural and those who will heed the call will go forth with the same power that the disciples carried to heal the sick, cast out devils and minister salvation to the lost. There is a fresh move of miracles coming forth for those who will embrace it!

    Ryan LeStrange started in ministry after training and serving under his spiritual father, Dr. Norvel Hayes. Ryan and his wife, Joy, lead Impact International Ministries based in Bristol, Virginia, which consists of several local churches and revival ministries. 
    Through Ryan LeStrange Ministries, he travels the globe preaching, igniting revival and moving in the power of God. Ryan can be seen weekly on his television program, Power 4 Today, airing around the world on GodTV. He is the founder and Apostle of Impact International Apostolic Fellowship, networking and fathering ministers around the world. Ryan has authored several books releasing an apostolic and prophetic perspective to the body of Christ. Ryan and Joy have one son, Joshua, and live in Abingdon, Virginia. 

    Thursday, February 12, 2015

    Messianic Pastor: Israel Not Perfect, but Still the Chosen People

    Messianic Pastor: Israel Not Perfect, but Still the Chosen People

    Thursday, February 12, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff

    In the March issue of Israel Today Magazine we explored the mounting wave of corruption plaguing Israel at this time, what Israelis think about it, and what can and should be done.
    We also provided examples of how while this corruption is a stain on the Jewish state, it is also an opportunity for Israel to fulfill its role as a light to the nations, all of which likewise suffer from corruption, and how that opportunity is being seized with greater frequency.

    As part of our investigation into this issue, Israel Today spoke with a Jerusalem-based Messianic pastor, who asked that we not use his name in publication. While there was not room for all his remarks in the magazine article, they are important as the pastor spoke strongly regarding those who would use the imperfect nature of nation of Israel to argue against the modern rebirth of the State of Israel.
    His argument is as follows:
    The problem of corruption is ever present in the Bible. Despite being a chosen people, the people of Israel experienced corruption.
    The nation of Israel today, just as in the past, is not perfect, and does not live according to the Word of God. Nevertheless, the nation of Israel remains the chosen people and the beneficiaries of an unbreakable covenant with God and many accompanying promises. However, Israel can not fully enjoy these blessings until it stands before God clean of sin.
    God returned the People of Israel to the Land of Israel not because of our purity, but rather despite our impurity and lack of repentance. (Ezekiel 36:16–32)
    There are critics who say that as the chosen people, the nation of Israel must live according to the Word of God in order to enjoy His blessings. These critics insist that so long as Israel is not practicing biblical morality, they can not be the chosen people and certainly can not enjoy the blessings of God, including possession of the Land of Israel.
    These arguments have a certain legitimacy. But if we use the same argument in looking at all the nations that claim to be Christian, or all the Christian Churches and Evangelical communities, we suddenly realize that God chose to dwell in and work through imperfect human vessels. If God were to wait for people perfect and without sin, then the Kingdom of Heaven would be empty.
    He who would argue against Israel for failing to practice biblical morality must judge all nations by the same standard. Every person, of every nationality, race and sex is called to live according to God’s moral code, and every person has fallen short and is in need of redemption and forgiveness.
    God has a plan of redemption for all mankind, [and] in this plan there is a place for the salvation of Israel as the chosen people, and for all other nations. God is implementing this plan now in Israel and the surrounding nations.
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    6 Reasons You Should Never Give Up on Church - J. LEE GRADY

    Lonely guy
    Have you simply given up on church? (iStock photo)

    Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady
    I've experienced heaven on earth the past few days. I found it in Durban, South Africa, while visiting one of the most joy-filled congregations I've ever encountered in my travels.
    It's called His Church, and this 1,000-member multicultural church has many wonderful qualities: a loving pastor (a brave woman, Fiona Des Fontaine) who is committed to preaching God's Word without compromise; a powerful outreach to the community; a healthy team of pastors who serve with no signs of competition or ego; and a Bible college where many young leaders are being trained.
    I know there are many churches around the world today that have qualities similar to His Church. Yet many Christians—especially in the United States—are giving up on church because they were hurt by pastors or wounded by other Christians, or because they simply decided to "go it alone." They are knows as "dones"—people who are "done" with church.
    "Dones" might watch an occasional church service on television or meet with a few Christian friends over coffee for a casual Starbucks version of "church lite." They still consider themselves serious Christians, but they want nothing more of pastors, tithing, scheduled meetings or church drama.
    If you or someone you love has given up on church, I'm not here to condemn you. I've had my share of disappointments in church over the years, including some spiritual abuse. But I want to offer six reasons why you shouldn't let a bad experience end your connection to God's people.
    1. The church is Christ's body on earth. With all its flaws, the church is still God's Plan A. Jesus announced before He went to the cross: "And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). Jesus intends to use the church—even in its weakness—as His primary tool to reach the world with the gospel. Heaven does not have a Plan B. Jesus is the head of his church (see Col. 1:18) and we are His hands and feet. To reject the church is to reject God's ultimate strategy to bring heaven's kingdom on earth.
    2. The Holy Spirit has called us to work and flow together. When we were born again and baptized, the Bible says we were mystically unified with all other born-again believers and connected to each other by the Holy Spirit. The Lord also connects people in local congregations. This connection is holy and we should never make light of it or damage it. Paul told the Ephesians to "preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" by being in close fellowship with each other (Eph. 4:3). To reject this union of believers is to dishonor the work of the Spirit.
    3. God accomplishes more through His corporate people than through isolated individuals. In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit worked primarily through the nation of Israel, and through individuals who had special callings and remarkable courage. But in the age of the New Covenant, the Spirit dwells in every Christian believer, and the corporate church makes a much bigger impact. This is why Jesus told His disciples after He went to the cross that we would do "greater works" than He did on earth (see John 14:12). And because healthy churches can pool resources and organize volunteers, they are able to offer ministry to children, youth, families, singles, the needy and the lost overseas—in a way you could never do while sitting home alone.
    4. God's authority flows through His church, not through "lone ranger" Christians. Some people who've been hurt by church leaders feel they can never submit to another pastor again, nor will they honor a person who is called by God to carry the authority of a minister. Yet God has delegated to certain people the task of building up the church (see Eph. 4:11-12). It's totally acceptable for you to leave an unhealthy church with poor leadership, but you should quickly find a new church where you can be equipped to fulfill your ministry. It was never intended for a Christian to live with a my-way-or-the-highway attitude.
    5. It is by living in Christian community that we learn to love and serve. The Book of Hebrews was written to a group of Jewish Christians who were thinking of abandoning their Christian faith because of persecution. Some of them even stopped attending church, but Paul addressed their disillusionment by saying: "And let us consider how to spur one another to love and to good works. Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but let us exhort one another, especially as you see the Day approaching" (Heb. 10:24-25). People who live in isolation find it difficult to develop character, and they often get discouraged; those who walk together in close fellowship inspire each other, and they improve each other just as iron sharpens iron.
    6. If you leave the church because of hurt or resentment, you make it more difficult to find healing and reconciliation. It might sound spiritual to say you are pulling away from people to focus on God. But the New Testament says your relationship with God is directly related to how you relate to others. John wrote: "Anyone who claims to live in God's light and hates a brother or sister is still in the dark" (1 John 2:9, MSG). People may have hurt you, but God will also use people to heal you. Don't let the hurts of the past paint you into a lonely corner. Choose to forgive. Take a risk and keep loving.
    Please don't check out of church or give up on God's flawed saints. There is no perfect church—and if there were, it would not be perfect after you joined! There is a place for you in God's eternal family.
    J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. You can follow him on Twitter@leegrady. He is the author of several books including his latest, The Truth Sets Women Free (Charisma House.) You can learn more about his ministry, The Mordecai Project, at
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