Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Holy Spirit Remains Alive in Catholics Worldwide

Outside of the United States, the Charismatic movement has flourished in the Catholic Church.
Outside of the United States, the Charismatic movement has flourished in the Catholic Church. (YouTube)
Listen to the new Strang Report podcast weekly at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Strang Report, by Steven Strang, Founder of Charisma magazine
The Charismatic Renewal began less than 10 years before Charisma first published in 1975. In fact, we get the name Charismatic Renewal from the Catholics who, when they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh and later at Notre Dame in South Bend, were called "neo-Pentecostals."
Apparently someone didn't like that term and, so, they referred to the movement as "renewal" of the charismata, which, in Greek, means gifts in the plural. So, Charismatic comes from the word charismata rather than the word charisma (which is the singular form).
The name stuck, and now most Pentecostals use it interchangeably with the word Pentecostal.  
The Catholics who experienced God's power believe that it was an outgrowth of when Pope John XXIII invited "a new Pentecost" at Vatican II in 1962. Few things have changed the Catholic Church as much in our lifetime as the Charismatic Renewal. By 2013, according to Catholic World Report, some 160 million worldwide had received the experience called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which almost always accompanied a renewed love for Christ and fervency about serving God and serving the church.  
In the early days of Charisma, we covered the charismatic movement a great deal. On our charismamag.com site, we are republishing some of those early articles about the move of the Spirit, not only among Catholics but other groups too. You can read a couple of those articles titled, "A Classic Pentecostal Encounters Charismatic Catholics," and "Charismatic Renewal: The Conference 'Heard Around the World.'"
The Catholics always saw their movement as "ecumenical," and they interacted with the Protestant charismatics and Pentecostals on the basis that the Pope had encouraged ecumenical dialogue.
In fact, I have had some people tell me that while top denominational leaders engage in ecumenical talks with other leaders, the only real grass-roots ecumenical movement in the world is the charismatic renewal.
As time passed, it seemed that Catholic charismatics became more Catholic and less charismatic. I could be wrong, but I have had some friends who have expressed that opinion to me, and that has been my observation. The huge conferences Catholic charismatics held back in that era are no more and the smaller conferences that are still held have a relatively low profile. No real large parachurch-type ministries have emerged like in the Protestant charismatic movement. For example, there are no large parachurch television ministries and so forth.  
This is not to say that the Spirit is not at work or that the Catholic charismatic movement has dwindled or died. In a way, that notion somewhat parallels Full Gospel Businessmen, which has declined a great deal in the United States but taken off worldwide. The same thing holds true for the charismatic movement in the Catholic Church.  
Bert Ghezzi, a graduate student who came from the Pittsburgh area but was studying at Notre Dame, worked as one of my editors for a number of years. During this era, he may have been the link between Pittsburgh and Notre Dame. Much of what I know about the charismatic movement I know from Bert and my interaction with him. He did a great job as an editor and is one of the most ecumenical people I've ever known. He retired a number of years ago and I still miss him. 
Bert recently made these observations to me in an email about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal: 
"The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has slowed in the U.S., but continues to grow in Latin America. It slowed when bishops tended to make prayer groups into parish organizations (instead of the freewheeling groups of the early days). ...  Observe that many Catholic Charismatics have followed the leadings of the Spirit into a wide variety of services: caring for the poor, religious education of the young and adults, evangelization and so on. Although EWTN is not a charismatic network, it began with Mother Angelica, a charismatic nun, and is now a worldwide media conglomerate."
You can check out Bert's blog titled,  "Praying in the Spirit" at bertghezzi.com.
I would be interested in feedback from Catholic charismatics who read this to see if you agree with my observations. Also, please check out the links to the articles that we're publishing. I believe you will enjoy reading them and reminiscing. I also think they are still interesting and pertinent after all these years.
Steve Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter @sstrang or Facebook (stephenestrang).
For the month of August we are celebrating the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
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5 Months of Grace by Doug Addison

5 Months of Grace by Doug Addison

 - Doug Addison

Indentity Network
We are coming to a tipping point that will be here from August through September. Over the next few months, things will be established in your life even though it may not be crystal clear just yet. God is revealing His hidden plans for you.

Expect to see rapid changes begin to take place. You will need to battle through discouragement, attacks against relationships, and your health. The enemy is continuing to overplay his attacks against many people. This is because there is a powerful breakthrough coming for those who stand through the storms.

There will be a greater level of repayment coming for those who make it through the season. Prophetic dreams will continue to increase. An unusual amount of wisdom and favor is being released right now.

Humility is a Key

There is power in being humble. The spirit of pride has been disguising itself as righteous anger in many people. As you humble yourself (even if you were right), God will defend you and lift you up.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." 1 Peter 5:6

Attack on Strategic People

If you or someone you know has been under attack by the enemy then there is a good chance that you are a strategic person in the Kingdom of God.

The enemy is trying to take out those who will be a part of this new move of God that's coming. Those on the front lines have been suffering from burnout, repeated attacks from the enemy, sickness and discouragement.

The enemy is trying to take out those who have been battling and doing the work for the kingdom. The only way to get through this attack is to pull back and get a new strategy.

Those who stay on the front lines right now in the midst of this battle are in danger of being taken out. It does not mean you have to step out of what you are doing. Instead, step back and regroup. Increase your intercession, get a new plan and in many cases people need to establish new associations.

Five Months of Grace

There is a release of five months of grace to get into God's timing. Starting now through the first part of the 2016 God is releasing His timing and He is repositioning people for something bigger that is coming.

The source of the enemy's attacks is going to be revealed over the next five months. God is going to reveal the strategic attacks from the enemy that have been holding people down and keeping them from advancing. If you have been seeing a repeated cycle of defeat or discouragement in your life, then this prophetic word is for you.

You will need to exercise God's wisdom. There is power and favor in resting and regrouping. The next five months will be a strategic time to gain deeper understanding about your situation.

In October there will be a release of new assignments, and angelic help will come to move you swiftly into your calling. Destinies will be revealed. This is a time to plan long.

Flashlight Angel Dream

I had a prophetic dream that a silver glowing flashlight appeared in midair right before me. In the dream I knew it was an angel being assigned to shine the way through this dark season that many people are going through. I was jumping up and down rejoicing because of the angelic assignments that were happening.

Expect to see deeper insight into your situation as God assigns angels to shine His light and guide you during this season.

Swim Shorts Sale Dream

I was in a store that was bright white and an angel was there with me. There was a sale on swim shorts. They were a two-for-one deal and I saw a blue pair that I had owned years ago that I really liked. But there they were brand new.

The meaning of this dream is that God is bringing back gifts, anointings and callings that we have had previously. It is an invitation to go deeper into the spirit right now. Water represents the spirit and swim shorts represent our ability to go deep. That two-for-one means God is doubling what he has previously given to you.

Shark Turns to a Seal

I had a dream that I was standing on a deck that overlooked the most beautiful crystal clear blue ocean. Suddenly, I could see a very large black shark coming towards the deck. It jumped up out of the water and lunged at me. I ran back in the house where I was staying, and the shark slid across the floor towards me. But then it turned into a seal.

This dream indicates that the enemy is trying to attack us with fear, but God is going to turn that around and reveal something positive from it. Seals can represent fun and a good time, as well as God's seal upon you. One of the keys for now is to break through fear and not let the enemy intimidate you.

Dreams and Uncommon Favor and Wisdom

"And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." Luke 2:52

God will be speaking through dreams over the next few months. It will require wisdom not only to understand the dreams, but to know how to respond. As you get into God's timing, an uncommon amount of God's favor will begin to flow in your life.

Get ready for dreams and supernatural encounters. Expect wisdom, revelation and strategies. Watch how the plans of the enemy are revealed, while God releases strategic alignment into His timing for your life. Prepare yourself for unprecedented amounts of grace and favor!

Things are going to heat up in a good way in the spiritual realm. Grace, hope and love to you.

Doug Addison

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"I Am Releasing the WHISTLE BLOWERS Throughout the Earth!" Steve Shultz

August 25, 2015 - Important Repost from April 2, 2015: 
"I Am Releasing the WHISTLE BLOWERS
 Throughout the Earth!"
Steve Shultz, Albany, OR

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

In light of many recent events in the media and news, some of our readers have written to me about this prophetic vision and word I posted on April 2, 2015 about God releasing "Whistle Blowers" throughout the earth... and as you can all see, it's been happening, BIG TIME!

Because of that, some have written to me asking if I would re-release (or repost on Facebook) this word because it's been coming true in a big way, even in recent days!

We are in a season of seeing more and more whistle blowers... and hidden things all over the earth have been or are about to be revealed.

Many of our readers know that I am a grace-filled messenger and I continually talk about God's amazing, life-giving GRACE.... and for that reason I believe He is giving a message to the Church at large about this as I share in this word:

"...He is going to release the whistle blowers, first a few at a time and then more, and finally a massive release of whistle blowers will be released on the earth, such that the hidden corruption many are playing with – "FROM THE AVERAGE HOUSE to the CHURCH HOUSE, from the STATE HOUSE to the WHITE HOUSE" – will be revealed to all.

"...this is a good time for EACH OF US to walk circumspectly, living a life of repentance, being faithful in the small things..."

I encourage all of us to read this word again and ask the Lord if there are any areas in our own lives that need a healing/transformation, etc.

Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe just below...

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 


P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to: http://elijahlist.com/subscribe. PLUS: HEY! Please EXPLORE our more than 4,000 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts at: elijahshopper.com.


Important Repost: "I Am Releasing the WHISTLE BLOWERS Throughout the Earth!"
Steve Shultz, Albany, OR

Prophetic word previously posted on April 2, 2015:

This week (in a vision), I saw a football field that looked more like a college field with the bleachers on only one side of the field. Both teams were playing on the "Left" and the "Right."

As the teams played, all seemed normal. From time to time, the refs would throw down a penalty flag, as one team or the other was caught in an infraction of both the letter and spirit of the rules. The crowd watching had no inkling that much more was going on, which was "illegal or improper" within the game – but the refs would only call the normal or rare penalty.

On the opposite side of the field was a large rectangular, plain brown building, with no apparent reason for it being there. Suddenly the door was quickly opened, and a man in a business suit and a nicely dressed woman came running out onto the field during the game. Each threw a penalty flag down and blew a loud whistle. The field refs were confused, as was the crowd. These "trespassers" were ushered off the field by security and the game proceeded.

Suddenly a large door opened in the same brown building and 4-5 people, dressed in various ways, from a plumber and a baker to a doctor and a nurse, ran out on the field in the middle of the game, throwing down penalty flags and all blowing whistles at the same time.

Finally, they too were cleared and the game continued one last time until suddenly, multiple doors were flung open from the brown building and hundreds and hundreds of men, women and children ran onto the field, throwing down penalty flags and blowing whistles. The sound was deafening. The game had been overwhelmed and had to be cancelled.

The official refs were left clueless as to what to do. Their day was finished as well. Their own GAME WAS OVER!

ElijahList Prophetic Resources


I heard the Spirit say, "I AM releasing the WHISTLE BLOWERS throughout the earth! Prepare, for everything hidden will be revealed!"

Then the Spirit began to lay out God's plan:
He is going to release the whistle blowers, first a few at a time and then more, and finally a massive release of whistle blowers will be released on the earth, such that the hidden corruption many are playing with – "FROM THE AVERAGE HOUSE to the CHURCH HOUSE, from the STATE HOUSE to the WHITE HOUSE" – will be revealed to all.

I knew in my spirit that since the Whistle Blowers are being released, this is a good time for EACH OF US to walk circumspectly, living a life of repentance, being faithful in the small things, because God is about to BLOW HIS WHISTLE and RELEASE THE WHISTLE BLOWERS – and END THIS GAME.


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News 

Steve Shultz is the Founder of The Elijah List, the largest online publication focused on the prophetic ministry. Steve Shultz had his first prophetic dream in 1984 and spent much of the 1980's and 1990's learning to hear God's voice. His first book, "Can't You Talk Louder, God"details a lot of his prophetic journey. In 1994, God released him to prophesy to others and he's been doing it ever since. He began publishing The Elijah List in 1997, which now goes to many hundreds of thousands of readers daily through the web, emails, Facebook, and Twitter. 

When Steve ministers on the prophetic, his purpose is not only to encourage others with this prophetic gift, but to train them on the lavish grace and mercy given to us by Jesus Christ. "Ministry to others without really stretching them regarding the PROPHETIC GRACE and THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD, would be no fun at all!" he says. Steve has been married 37 years and he and his wife, Derene have 3 grown children and one grandchild.

To subscribe to The Elijah List go to:http://elijahlist.com/subscribe

President of Refugees or Holy Land Celebrity?

President of Refugees or Holy Land Celebrity?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The Palestinian Authority and its collaborators in the mainstream media like to paint the Palestinian-controlled territories as a land oppressed and destitute. But one has only to look at the palatial living standards of the Palestinian leadership to realize something’s fishy.
This week, photos emerged on social media showing the newly completed palace of Palestinian “president” Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah (pictured left). Many commenters could be excused for at first glance thinking this was an artist’s rendition of the historical and grandiose Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
Plans to construct this princely dwelling were not unknown. Years ago the Palestinian Economic Council for Development & Reconstruction (PECDAR) posted the project details. And in late–2010 Abbas was photographed by the AP as he laid the cornerstone of this new “West Bank” chateau.
But there seemed to be some discrepancies between particulars provided by PECDAR and, well, reality.
First, the Palestinian leadership described the project as a “public facility,” though it is doubtful the average public will ever see its interior. It is listed as a “guest palace,” ostensibly a residence for visiting dignitaries. But that begs two questions: a.) can the cash-strapped Palestinians really afford to be building such lavish “guest houses”?; and b.) if that’s the presidential “guest” palace, what does Abbas’ primary residence look like?!
By way of comparison, here’s a photo of the official, Israeli taxpayer-funded residence of Israel’s prime minister (foreign dignitaries have to stay in a hotel):

The second glaring issue is that PECDAR claims construction of Abbas’ palace was “self-financed.” But as any informed observer knows, the bulk of the Palestinian Authority national budget comes from foreign aid, and even then there’s a huge deficit.
In other words, take a look at the new home your taxes just bought for the head of the PLO!
And, in the meantime, Abbas and his regime are still spending very, very little of that aid to actually boost the Palestinian economy and better the lives of the people he claims to serve.
Several years ago, the Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) conducted research revealing that since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1995, the Palestinian Authority had received 25 times more financial aid per capita (considering current inflation) than the citizens of Europe received under the Marshall Plan following World War II.
For those who know their history, the Marshall Plan financially enabled Europe to successfully rebuild following the most devastating war in history.
And yet, having been handed 25 times more cash and resources than post-war Europe, the Palestinian Authority continues to complain of unemployment, a faltering economy and destitute living conditions.
But hey, they’ve got enough to build presidential palaces!
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Israel Photo Trivia ✡ "Behold, Days are Coming" - ISRAEL365

Behold, days are coming - the word of the Lord, God - when I will send hunger into the Land; not a hunger for bread nor a thirst for water, but to hear the word of God.

AMOS (8:11)

הִנֵּה יָמִים בָּאִים נְאֻם אֲ-דֹנָי יְ-הוִה וְהִשְׁלַחְתִּי רָעָב בָּאָרֶץ לֹא רָעָב לַלֶּחֶם וְלֹא צָמָא לַמַּיִם כִּי אִם לִשְׁמֹעַ אֵת דִּבְרֵי יְ-הוָה

עָמוֹס ח:יא

khi-nay ya-meem ba-eem n'-um a-do-nai e-lo-heem b'-hish-lakh-tee ra-av ba-a-retz lo ra-av la-le-khem b'-lo tza-ma la-mai-yim kee im li-sh'-mo-a ayt div-ray a-do-nai

Today's Israel Inspiration

While one can say that today's generation has more material belongings than any other in history, we see a lack of contentment, a hunger for more spiritual fulfillment. This incredible rise in spiritual longing, where the soul thirsts for connection, makes true the words of today's verse - we feel "not a hunger for bread nor a thirst for water, but to hear the word of God." Into this arena steps author Roy Neuberger, whose new book brings an awareness of what the days of the Messiah will be like, and how we can spiritually prepare ourselves for those holy days. You won't be able to put this book down!

Israel's Solutions for a Thirsty Planet

Israel's innovative spirit has produced some of the world's greenest innovations. See how countries around the world are benefitting from Israeli know-how and water technology.

A Vision of the End

Can you imagine yourself caught up in an apocalyptic drama? In Roy Neuberger’s compulsively readable novel 2020 Vision, on an ordinary summer day, July 5, 2020, in a matter of moments, the world ceases to function normally.

Pure Natural Honey from Israel (250gr)

Every autumn at the celebration of the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashana, we express our hope that the new year will be “sweet” by dipping apples in dishes of honey. This year celebrate Rosh Hashana with delicious, 100% pure natural honey from Israel, the land of milk and honey!

Israel Photo Trivia

Do you know where today's fabulous photo by Boruch Len was taken? Send me an email or post your answer onFacebook!

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Linda Keeling. Toda raba!

“I Am Learning So Much”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

To all at Israel365 may G-d bless you all, and your families.. Thank you with all my heart for the ebook Eicha of Lamentations. I can't even begin to express my gratitude.... The words and the photos humbles my heart and makes me want to cry out to G-d for Israel.... Thank you for all of your emails. I am learning so very much... Since I've followed you in email and on FB I have seen G-d's hand moving across Israel and the world helping His people.... He would never abandon His own. Thank you for helping me grow in G-d's word and truth.. Love you to the heavens and back...- Margaret

Shalom Aleichem Rabbi Tuly, I live in Coral Springs Florida. I want to say thank you for the daily Manna.... Shalom, Immanuel
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Jonathan Cahn - The Shemitah - Sept 2015

Published on May 29, 2015
The follow up Video to the Harbinger where the 7 year Shemitah cycle is looked at over history with the next 7 year cycle heading towards end on the 13th of September 2015 and the beginning of the Jubilee (50th) on the 23rd of September ( Day of Atonement ) Yom Kippur it certainly should be a very interesting week especially in New York and America generally. If you have a holiday booked maybe consider another location...

Available now on Amazon.com: The Mystery of the Shemitah

Jonathan Cahn Offers Prophetic Insight Into Stock Market Drop

Jonathan Cahn Offers Prophetic Insight Into Stock Market Drop

Jonathan Cahn explains that its last two cycles saw the greatest collapses in Wall Street history on the biblical day of the Remission/ Shemitah—on the exact once in seven-year day.
Jonathan Cahn explains that its last two cycles saw the greatest collapses in Wall Street history on the biblical day of the Remission/ Shemitah—on the exact once in seven-year day. (YouTube)
Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

China's Black Monday triggered a ripple effect in the global stock markets. Chinese stocks dipped more than 8 percent Monday, causing investors in America and other nations to question the stability of the Asian economy.
The latest crash comes at the heels of last week's stock market declines. The Dow Jones industrial average last week dropped over 1,000 points. That marked the worst week since 2011.
Is this a much-needed correction, as some analysts say? Or are prophetic voices that warned about a financial collapse watching prayerfully as their fortelling rings true?
Charisma News asked Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah, for his thoughts. He reminded us that on Aug. 18 he posted a warningconcerning the approach of September and the Shemitah. Two days later, the stock market collapsed.
"Ever since the release of The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, I've been asked about what will happen in the autumn of 2015. The phenomenon of the Shemitah has been so strong, that it has produced a financial or economic collapse in every one of its last seven cycles."
Cahn explains that its last two cycles saw the greatest collapses in Wall Street history on the biblical day of the Remission/ Shemitah—on the exact once in seven-year day. The pattern of the Shemitah historically has been that it's greatest repercussions tend to come not at its beginning but in its end. 
"Its end is now approaching as we near the autumn. Its climactic day of Remission will take place this September," Cahn says. "Though I always I want to emphasize God's sovereignty, in that He is not bound to do anything according to our understanding, at the same time, I believe it is wise to be prepared. Whether or not there is a rebound, we are approaching a most dangerous period, and we need to take warning."
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