Tuesday, November 24, 2015

He who curses Israel... Any nation that comes against Israel will know the Lord God of Israel's promise.

Abram Journeys to Egypt

      1Now the LORD said to Abram,
            “Go forth from your country,
            And from your relatives
            And from your father’s house,
            To the land which I will show you;

      2And I will make you a great nation,

            And I will bless you,
            And make your name great;
            And so you shall be a blessing;

      3And I will bless those who bless you,

            And the one who curses you I will curse.
            And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

In a Culture of Death, Teens Succumb to Myths About Christianity - DEBORAH HAMILTON CHARISMA NEWS

Teens need to understand what faith is all about. (Flickr/Creative Commons)

In a Culture of Death, Teens Succumb to 
Myths About Christianity

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From violent video games filled with bloody action to blockbuster films that focus on teens fighting in a contest until only one "winner" survives, today's youth have been raised in a culture of death—even becoming desensitized to disturbing images and concepts.
It's impossible, says author and religion and culture expert Dr. Alex McFarland, to be embroiled in this culture of death and at the same time, embrace Christianity—the epitome of new life and hope.
McFarland speaks to and works with thousands of young people every year, and communicates to them the hope of Jesus Christ. In his newest book, The God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths About Christianity, McFarland dispels the myths and untruths about Christianity and replaces that with the truth of who God really is.
"Young people are leaving behind their faith at alarming rates, and it's no wonder," said McFarland said, who recently penned the column 'Valuing Life, in a Culture of Death' for CNSNews.com. "Very little shocks our youth anymore, as they are faced with violent images all their lives. We know that hope and life only comes from Jesus Christ, and His way of living is the only way. Through The God You Thought You Knew and events geared specifically toward youth, we hope to renew their faith in Christ and give them reason to embrace life in Him rather than hopelessness and death."
According to a new study released earlier this month by the Pew Research Center, young people entering adulthood are growing in the ranks of nonreligious adults. Millennials, the study found, are, in many ways, far less religious than their parents' and grandparents' generations.
"For example," according to Pew Research, "two-thirds of adults in the Silent generation say religion is 'very important' in their lives and that they pray every day, as do about six-in-ten Baby Boomers and more than half of Generation Xers. By comparison with older adults, Millennials exhibit far lower rates of involvement with religion. Fewer than half of older Millennials (adults now in their late 20s and early 30s) and roughly four-in-ten younger Millennials (adults now in their late teens and early 20s) say religion is very important to them and that they pray daily. And a majority of Millennials say they attend religious services a few times a year at most."
Oftentimes, McFarland adds, young people leave their childhood beliefs behind or shun Christianity altogether because of the myths and untruths they've heard about faith. In The God You Thought You Knew, available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats, McFarland works to dispel those myths with 10 truths:
  • Myth #1: Christianity is intolerant and judgmental toward others.
Truth: Christianity teaches to love neighbor as self and to share the love of Jesus with others.
  • Myth #2: Christianity cannot be true because of the evil and suffering in our world.
Truth: Christianity offers the best hope and power to deal with suffering.
  • Myth #3: Christianity is untrue because it is based on faith instead of facts.
Truth: The claims of Christianity are based on historical facts that can be tested.
  • Myth #4: Christianity has been disproven by modern science.
Truth: The latest scientific evidence points to an intelligent designer behind all creation.
  • Myth #5: Christianity is not a religion for the educated.
Truth: Many of the world's top past and present scholars are Christians.
  • Myth #6: Christianity is boring and would be a waste of my time.
Truth: Christianity is the most adventurous life a person can experience.
  • Myth #7: Christianity isn't real because it didn't work for me.
Truth: The Christian faith is difficult, yet also the most rewarding way of life.
  • Myth #8: Christianity is false because it is based on the Bible, which is filled with errors and contradictions.
Truth: The Bible is the most accurately preserved book in history.
  • Myth #9: Christianity can't be true because it is based on a dead man coming back to life.
Truth: If the best explanation for the empty tomb of Jesus is the resurrection, then Christianity can be true.
  • Myth #10: Christianity isn't real because a loving God wouldn't send anyone to hell.
Truth: God has made great efforts to make sure many will spend eternity with him.

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Jonathan Cahn - Shocking France and Harbinger Connections - The Jim Bakker Show

Jim Bakker

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Jim Bakker Show 2015 | Show# 2886 | Aired on November 23, 2015

Jim Bakker Show © 2015 • Morningside Studio

Christian Surfers in the 'Promised Land' | Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY

Christian Surfers in the 'Promised Land'

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The following article first appeared in the October 2015 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
Todd Morehead had always dreamt of one thing—becoming a professional surfer. Growing up in California, he could think of nothing else. But there was a competing focus that eventually won out—a desire to travel in service to the Kingdom of God.
Fortunately, Morehead came to realize his two passions could be combined. “I found myself working for different Christian organizations, not only doing ministry, but also surfing,” he says in the opening to his documentary filmPromised Land.
Eventually, those travels brought him to Israel.
“I’ve been able to go all around the world, but Israel keeps coming to the forefront of my mind,” explains Morehead. “My heart is that all Christians would find a really deep-seated love for the Jews, and that they would discover how Jewish our faith is.”
Amid refurbishing bomb shelters in the Galilee with Shelters of Hope and befriending local surfers, Morehead realized other Christians needed to know the struggles of Israelis who want to live in peace but are forced to face constant conflict, and why this should speak to anyone who believes in the Bible.
“As Christians, God calls us to love the Jews,” he asserts. “I feel a debt of gratitude toward the Jewish people.”
Besides his hands-on, practical ministry work, Morehead began to lead groups of other Christian surfers to visit the Holy Land and catch some Israeli waves.
Promised Land is the continuation of that work. In the stunning, hour-long documentary, Morehead highlights his friendship with the Israeli surfer community, its history, the challenges faced by all living in the Jewish state, and how, in whatever small ways possible, a handful of Christian surfers are working with their Israeli counterparts for peace. He also intersperses biblical and historical teachings.
Two people along to help Morehead were world-renowned surfing champion Tom Curren and California-based Messianic rabbi Barney Kasdan.
“As Christians, [Israel] is a very important place for us,” says Curren. “It was really moving to see Jerusalem for the first time. To think that so much hinges on what happens to Jerusalem; it’s such an important place.”
While Curren was moved by his first Holy Land experience, those in Israel familiar with surfing were moved by the presence of such a legend.
“Almost everywhere we went, word got out somehow that Tom Curren is in the Land,” recounts Kasdan, adding jokingly, “I’d almost say it was like Elijah coming ahead of the Messiah.”
The film concludes with Morehead’s Israeli surfer friend Hani stating, “I believe that God gave the Jewish people this land. It’s there, it’s in the Bible.”
Nevertheless, Morehead has found that in the charged atmosphere of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, many Christians no longer believe that. He told Israel Today that his next project is a documentary “exploring my continued journey in Israel, seeking truth specifically behind the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with the goal of giving a proper Christian response.”
After already producing Promised Land which has had a positive impact on young people prone to adopting the “Palestinian cause,” we wondered why an additional documentary was necessary. Morehead pointed out that the new anti-Semitism disguised as social justice requires a direct response.
“Christians are being told from both secular and Christian media that if they believe in justice then they need to stand with the underdog, who are always portrayed as the Palestinians,” he said. “But we believe that if people really care about justice, then they need to look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a broader lens, a lens that considers the destructive influence of radical Islam within Palestinian society and the Middle East.”
And, of course, for Christians there is the fact that all of this is part of “God fulfilling His covenant promises to the people of Israel,” which includes “a redemptive plan and a deep love for the Arabs living in the region.”

Check out Promised Land at promisedlandthemovie.com
To contact Todd Morehead about this and his upcoming project:promisedland@walkingonwater.com
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Monday, November 23, 2015

Planned Parenthood Tweets Ironic Pro-Life Tweet - PALMER WILLIAMS/ACLJ CHARISMA NEWS

Planned Parenthood Tweets Ironic Pro-Life Tweet

Planned Parenthood tweeted a pro-life message.
Planned Parenthood tweeted a pro-life message. (Flickr/Creative Commons)
Planned Parenthood just doesn't get it. They're so blinded by their own ideology of defending the indefensible—the murder of the most vulnerable members of our society—that they often speak in paradoxes.
Just last week on Twitter, Planned Parenthood quoted Hillary Clinton in a way that made every pro-life advocate (and probably more than a few pro-abortion advocates) wince and cringe at just how galling their advocacy could be: "Every child deserves the opportunity to live up to their God given potential. @HillaryClinton "
Every word of their tweet seethes with irony and hard-heartedness to what truly matters. Let's break it down.
"Every child"—From the start, this quote makes clear that every life and every child matters, no matter how small or what stage of development they may be in. No matter what their condition or disability. No matter what level of dependence they may have on their mother, father or caregiver. Every child matters, even the 330,000 unborn children murdered by Planned Parenthood each year.
"deserves"—America's founding charter is clear. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Throughout our nation's history, we have had to fight to ensure that the Truth of the Declaration is a reality for all people. This battle is not over. Yet, the unalienable Right to life is still being denied by Planned Parenthood to hundreds of thousands each year.
This right to life doesn't come from our laws or our government because it is more fundamental than one nation's laws and government. It is universal and it comes from our Creator, from whom all life is originated and sustained.
"the opportunity"—Pro-abortion advocates and Planned Parenthood's allies are great at talking about opportunities of all kinds, except when it comes to that one opportunity that matters most—giving vulnerable unborn children the chance to live and grow. This opportunity is key, and it's one of society's most important obligations. If we don't protect those who need protection until they can protect themselves, our society's values really are upside down.
"to live up"—This statement implies that a child is alive. The problem? Planned Parenthood denies children the ability to live up to their potential every day when they abort them. It is unimaginable to think that in its history, Planned Parenthood has denied over 7 million children the chance to live their lives and discover their unique abilities.
"to their God-given"—Imago Dei, to be made in the image of God. Every person is a reflection of our Creator God and we derive our worth and our dignity from being made in his image. In order to justify their actions, Planned Parenthood has to ignore the imago dei in each unborn child they abort. Instead, they attempt to "play God" and decide which children are deserving of life and which are not. They deny the imago dei of a child simply because of the child's current residence—inside her mother's womb.
"potential"—Every human being is bursting with potential. Inherent in each one of us is the potential to do amazing things. Yet Planned Parenthood has snuffed out generation after generation of potential. They have undoubtedly annihilated America's next great doctors, teachers, community leaders, parents, grandparents and heroes. That is potential that will never be realized, because of Planned Parenthood.
If only Planned Parenthood could grasp the profound goodness to which their tweet speaks. Truth is literally on their lips, yet they are blinded to it. Let us pray that their eyes would be open to the truth that is before them, so that millions of unborn babies will have the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential. 

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COMMENTARY: Why Aren’t We One, As Yeshua Prayed? - Brian Hennessy ISRAEL TODAY

COMMENTARY: Why Aren’t We One, As Yeshua Prayed?

Monday, November 23, 2015 |  Brian Hennessy  ISRAEL TODAY
Just before his death, Yeshua prayed for all those who would become his followers, “Father, may they all be one, even as You, Father, are in me and I in You…so that the world may believe you sent me” (John 17:21). 
However, according to official estimates there are now around 40,000 Christian denominations in the world, with the Catholic Church being by far the largest. It has become painfully obvious to all that this often boisterous disunity in the body of Messiah has presented a flawed testimony to our gospel of love and truth. As a result, all sorts of ecumenical discussions have transpired in recent decades to try and put Humpty-Dumpty together again. 
All I can say is God help us if they ever do (and they might). Not only would it be declaring the Reformation a mistake, but staring back at us would be the same monolithic, intolerant, ecclesiastical power that dominated the Western World for over a thousand years. The one which brought us such loving ministries as the Inquisition and the Crusades. So even if the Church does manage to solve its unity problem (at least on the surface), it would hardly convince the world the Father had sent Yeshua. Least of all the Jews, who probably suffered the most from our ‘togetherness.’
The problem is that the Jews are the one people upon whom our unity most depends. But they have been historically excluded from ever being majorly included by Replacement Theology. After all, when Yeshua prayed his prayer of unity the Church was 100% Jewish. At the time, only he understood there’d be a lot of folks coming in after he left who wouldn’t be Jewish. He tried to prepare his little flock that some outsiders “would hear My voice also, and [you’d all] become one flock with one Shepherd” (John 10:10). But even Yeshua’s heads-up couldn’t numb their shock when the new sheep joining the fold turned out to be – ugh – uncircumcised goyiim.  
At first, it was thought the best way to clean up these unsavory new sheep was to apply circumcision, not understanding yet that the circumcised heart was all that was required under Israel’s new Covenant. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit vetoed that approach at the Council of Jerusalem. Our oneness would now be based on faith alone. But no sooner had we begun moving towards unity when Rome threw everybody out of the country. And everything was put on hold for some two thousand years. 
That separation, of course, gave God time to find all those missing descendants of Abraham scattered among the nations whom He’d marked for salvation. But instead of all those new believers remaining as one body with one head, Yeshua, each functioning in their place in the power of the Holy Spirit, we turned it into 40,000 disconnected, squabbling organizations with multiple heads. Perhaps the one thing that united the Church most was its profound dislike for all things Jewish.
In the world’s sight, these two peoples called to proclaim the one true God appeared to have nothing in common. The Jews became the most despised and persecuted people on earth. And the Church a kaleidoscope of unfathomable theologies and diverse worship practices. Jeremiah’s words could not be more fitting: “Have you not observed what this people have spoken, saying, ‘The two families which the Lord chose, He has rejected them? Thus they despise My people, no longer are they as a nation in their sight” (Jer. 33:24).
But in spite of our continued separation we can be certain our Father heard Yeshua’s prayer and has every intention of answering it. Above all else, He wants the world to know His Son is who he said he was. 
Furthermore, I‘m convinced this coming together of Christians and Jews in our day under the banner of Zionism is God at long last starting to make us His “one new man” in Yeshua. And when our true unity in Messiah is complete, I believe Yeshua will be gloriously revealed to the world in a way we could have never imagined. 
And the best news is – “none will be missing!” (Jer. 23:4; John 6:39). 

Brian Hennessy is the author of Valley of the Steeples, available at:ketchpublishing/BrianHennessyBooks.htm
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Geological Discovery Proving Source of Earth’s Water Amazingly Similar to Biblical Account of CreatioN - BIN

(Photo: Graphic Stock)

(Photo: Graphic Stock)

Geological Discovery Proving Source of Earth’s Water Amazingly Similar to Biblical Account of Creation

“Then God said, ‘Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.’ God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so. God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.” (Genesis 1:6-8)
Scientists have struggled for years trying to understand the source of Earth’s oceans and the planet’s water. Until recently, the prevailing scientific theory held that icy comets hit the Earth while it was still forming. A discovery last year by geologists seems to prove that the real source of the earth’s water is from deep underground, amazingly similar to the Bible’s account of creation, which described waters below and waters above (Genesis 1:7).
The first clue came in the form of a battered diamond found in Brazil. Graham Pearson, lead study author and a geochemist at the University of Alberta in Canada, discovered the diamond quite by accident while searching for a means of dating the diamonds. Diamonds that have come up from so deep from the earth are usually discarded by diamond miners since they are scarred and discolored, having little commercial value. This diamond contained a rare mineral called ringwoodite, which has never been found on the planet’s surface before. It only forms under extreme pressure and is only found in meteor fragments or is artificially made in laboratories.
The diamond was brought up from the earth’s mantle region, which stretches from 254 to 410 miles deep, by volcanic activity. The mantle, the hot rock layer between the crust and the core, makes up most of the earth’s volume. It has never been explored since it is incredibly deep and inaccessible, and the geothermal energy at that depth would melt any drill bit.
The ringwoodite found embedded in the diamond was 1.5 percent water, contained not as a liquid but as hydroxide ions (oxygen and hydrogen molecules bound together). This suggests there could be a vast store of water in the mantle transition zone.
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“It translates into a very, very large mass of water, approaching the sort of mass of water that’s present in all the world’s oceans,” Pearson told Live Science’s Our Amazing Planet.
Brandon Schmandt, a seismologist at the University of New Mexico, set out to test the theory. Using the Earthscope USArray, a network of portable seismometers across the United States, he found the waves slowed down upon reaching the layer of ringwoodite, indicating that they were passing through water as well as rock and confirming that the transition zone is an enormous water reservoir.
“The surface water we have now came from degassing of molten rock. It came from the original rock ingredients of Earth,” Schmandt told Live Science.
One of the researchers with Schmandt said that if conditions had been slightly different, and the water was not stored underground, “it would be on the surface of the Earth, and mountaintops would be the only land poking out.”
While critics of the Bible claim Biblical stories are improbable and lack factual basis, scientists and archaeologists are discovering that in many cases, the Bible is an accurate guide for their investigations.

More French Jews Aim To Make Aliyah In Wake Of Paris Terror Attacks By Jonathan Benedek - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Memorial for terrorist attacks, November 19, 2015. (Photo: Kobi Richter/TPS)

Memorial for terrorist attacks, November 19, 2015. (Photo: Kobi Richter/TPS)

More French Jews Aim To Make Aliyah In Wake Of Paris Terror Attacks

“Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” (Psalm 122:7)
“The time now is ripe to help French Jews immigrate,” Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder and president of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, told Tazpit Press Service (TPS).
Rabbi Eckstein’s organization, largely known for supporting Jewish communities in poverty such as those from the former Soviet Union, has also been involved with helping Jews immigrate to Israel. “We talked to the French community and its leaders and there are tens of thousands of Jews in France who want to get out and come to Israel,” Eckstein said.
Rabbi Eckstein told TPS that his organization will aim to help those Jews in France who would like to immigrate but have been discouraged from doing so because of various stumbling blocks. “They don’t have a job waiting for them in Israel and they don’t have money for an apartment,”  Eckstein explained.
“We need to provide them with more than a plane ticket in order to incentivize and motivate more Jews to come from France to Israel,” continued Eckstein . “What we are providing for the mainline Jewish community is the aliyah funds with the benefits and the plans that we have.”
The terror attacks over the weekend pushed some Jews in France who had already been in contact with Rabbi Eckstein’s organization, to speed up their Aliyah plans. “Two couples wanted to advance and to come quicker than our scheduled Aliyah flight next month in December,” noted Eckstein. “They arrived on Monday and although they did not come on a chartered flight, they still received all the benefits that we provide new immigrants with.”
Rabbi Eckstein told TPS that his organization is already developing plans to help other French Jews over the next month. “We have the money and the resources to do so and we were able to help move these two families overnight,” Eckstein said. “If we have to adjust now and have a flight in both November and December, we can do that.”
Rabbi Eckstein also informed TPS of the support his organization is now providing for the security of Chabad houses in France. Chabad houses are Jewish community outreach centers that are managed and run by the Lubavitch Hasidic movement.Get Your Own Personal Israel Flag Today!
“In light of the terrorist attacks in France, we’re now funding all of the 25 Chabad houses in the country,” Rabbi Eckstein told TPS.
Rabbi Eckstein elaborated on the need to concentrate on Chabad houses. “Jewish institutions are being secured by the police of France and by the Jewish institutions themselves, but the Chabad houses are not,” explained Rabbi Eckstein. “Chabad is not always recognized by the local Jewish community or even the police as a Jewish institution as it is not your typical synagogue or dayschool.”
“Chabad also doesn’t have access in the same way to the resources that the Jewish community as a whole does,” Eckstein added.
Rabbi Eckstein’s fellowship was already providing support for the Chabad house in Toulouse after the 2012 terrorist attack at a Jewish school in the city.
Meanwhile, Rabbi Eckstein told TPS that the organization will determine what else it can provide for Jews in France. “We have our staff there on the ground obviously and we’re seeing that there’s certainly an anxiety. We’re taking a good look as to how much more we can do.”
Israel has experienced a significant increase in immigration from France over the last few years. Since 2009, more than 20,000 Jews in France have moved to Israel. Last year alone, at least 7,200 Jews in France immigrated to Israel.