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The Super Bowl Commercials That Drove Abortionists Absolutely Crazy
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The Doritos Super Bowl commercial has the abortion industry absolutely losing its mind.
The commercial shows a baby in an ultrasound.
NARAL—the abortion industry's top lobbyists—immediately took to Twitter in outrage, fuming, "#NotBuyingIt - that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses..." That "anti-choice tactic of humanizing fetuses" is called an ultrasound, which shows a baby human inside the womb.
Yet this wasn't the only commercial big abortion was flipping out about Sunday.
The NFL released a series of ads during the big game on that premise that "Data suggest 9 months after a Super bowl victory, winning cities see a rise in births." They are known as Super Bowl Babies.
NARAL again couldn't stand the idea of babies actually being born, tweeting, "Super Bowl Babies? Use protection, sports fans."
The abortion industry was actually going out of its mind about these fun Super Bowl commercials because they promoted the simple idea that life is precious and should be celebrated. I guess an idea can be a dangerous thing.
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Planned Parenthood tweeted a pro-life message. (Flickr/Creative Commons)
Planned Parenthood just doesn't get it. They're so blinded by their own ideology of defending the indefensible—the murder of the most vulnerable members of our society—that they often speak in paradoxes.
Just last week on Twitter, Planned Parenthood quoted Hillary Clinton in a way that made every pro-life advocate (and probably more than a few pro-abortion advocates) wince and cringe at just how galling their advocacy could be: "Every child deserves the opportunity to live up to their God given potential. @HillaryClinton#blacklivesmatter"
Every word of their tweet seethes with irony and hard-heartedness to what truly matters. Let's break it down.
"Every child"—From the start, this quote makes clear that every life and every child matters, no matter how small or what stage of development they may be in. No matter what their condition or disability. No matter what level of dependence they may have on their mother, father or caregiver. Every child matters, even the 330,000 unborn children murdered by Planned Parenthood each year.
"deserves"—America's founding charter is clear. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Throughout our nation's history, we have had to fight to ensure that the Truth of the Declaration is a reality for all people. This battle is not over. Yet, the unalienable Right to life is still being denied by Planned Parenthood to hundreds of thousands each year.
This right to life doesn't come from our laws or our government because it is more fundamental than one nation's laws and government. It is universal and it comes from our Creator, from whom all life is originated and sustained.
"the opportunity"—Pro-abortion advocates and Planned Parenthood's allies are great at talking about opportunities of all kinds, except when it comes to that one opportunity that matters most—giving vulnerable unborn children the chance to live and grow. This opportunity is key, and it's one of society's most important obligations. If we don't protect those who need protection until they can protect themselves, our society's values really are upside down.
"to live up"—This statement implies that a child is alive. The problem? Planned Parenthood denies children the ability to live up to their potential every day when they abort them. It is unimaginable to think that in its history, Planned Parenthood has denied over 7 million children the chance to live their lives and discover their unique abilities.
"to their God-given"—Imago Dei, to be made in the image of God. Every person is a reflection of our Creator God and we derive our worth and our dignity from being made in his image. In order to justify their actions, Planned Parenthood has to ignore the imago dei in each unborn child they abort. Instead, they attempt to "play God" and decide which children are deserving of life and which are not. They deny the imago dei of a child simply because of the child's current residence—inside her mother's womb.
"potential"—Every human being is bursting with potential. Inherent in each one of us is the potential to do amazing things. Yet Planned Parenthood has snuffed out generation after generation of potential. They have undoubtedly annihilated America's next great doctors, teachers, community leaders, parents, grandparents and heroes. That is potential that will never be realized, because of Planned Parenthood.
If only Planned Parenthood could grasp the profound goodness to which their tweet speaks. Truth is literally on their lips, yet they are blinded to it. Let us pray that their eyes would be open to the truth that is before them, so that millions of unborn babies will have the opportunity to live up to their God-given potential.
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In keeping with this social madness, the state of Florida recently changed its marriage certificates, removing the terms "bride" and "groom" and replacing them with "spouse." (Flickr)
Say Goodbye to Bride and Groom in Florida
N.T. Wright is one of the most world's foremost New Testament scholars, a sober-minded man not given to extreme rhetoric. Yet when it came to the question of redefining marriage, Wright did not hold back, explaining how dangerous it is to change the fundamental meaning of words:
"When anybody—pressure groups, governments, civilizations—suddenly change the meaning of key words, you really should watch out. If you go to a German dictionary and just open at random, you may well see several German words which have a little square bracket saying 'N.S.,' meaning National Socialist or Nazi. The Nazis gave those words a certain meaning. In post-1917 Russia, there were whole categories of people who were called 'former persons,' because by the Communist diktat they had ceased to be relevant for the state, and once you call them former persons it was extremely easy to ship them off somewhere and have them killed."
He continued, "It's like a government voting that black should be white. Sorry, you can vote that if you like, you can pass it by a total majority, but it isn't actually going to change the reality."
That's why I have often said that once you redefine marriage, you render it meaningless.
It would be like saying a couple can now consist of five people, or a pair can refer to one item, or a tricycle can have two wheels.
Redefining those terms doesn't change reality, and when it comes to marriage, if you don't have the two essential components, namely a husband and a wife, you don't have marriage.
Consequently, if you change the fundamental meaning of marriage, you change the meaning of husband and wife as well.
As I pointed out last year in an article titled "I Now Pronounce You Spouse and Spouse," as England began to move toward redefining marriage, the Daily Telegraph reported, "The word 'husband' will in future be applied to women and the word 'wife' will refer to men, the Government has decided."
According to John Bingham, "Civil servants have overruled the Oxford English Dictionary and hundreds years of common usage effectively abolishing the traditional meaning of the words for spouses."
In the government's proposed guidelines, "'husband' here will include a man or a woman in a same-sex marriage, as well as a man married to a woman. In a similar way, 'wife' will include a woman married to another woman or a man married to a man."
So, a man could be a wife if married to another man (or not), while a woman could be a husband if married to another woman (or not), all of which begs the question: Why use words at all if they have utterly lost their meaning? It's like saying that up is down (or up) and down is up (or down), while north is south (or north) and south is north (or south).
In the same article, I cited the Huffington Post, which reported that "California's same-sex couples may now be pronounced spouse and spouse after Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed a bill (last) Monday eliminating outdated 'husband and wife' references from state laws."
Not surprisingly, according to California bill AB 1951, birth certificates will have three options: "mother," "father" or simply "parent," meaning that, in the case of two lesbians, one could be designated "father," while in the case of two gay men, one could be designated "mother." (The bill would also allow for three parents to be listed on the birth certificate, since there's obviously a missing third party in the event of two men or two women "having" a baby.)
This means that we've come to a place of semantic insanity, a place where you can have male wives, female husbands, male mothers, and female fathers.
Do people really think you can just turn the world upside down without having any adverse effects?
In keeping with this social madness, the state of Florida recently changed its marriage certificates, removing the terms "bride" and "groom" and replacing them with "spouse."
This goes hand in hand with other international trends. As I pointed out in 2011, "In Ontario, Canada, as a result of the legalization of same-sex marriage, all references to terms like husband, wife and widow were removed from the law books in 2005. In Spain, birth certificates were changed from 'Father' and 'Mother' to 'Progenitor A' and 'Progenitor B.'"
But of course!
That's why principle No. 4 in my new book is: Refuse to Redefine Marriage, since, to repeat, once you redefine marriage, you render it meaningless.
The Supreme Court can give its ruling; laws can be passed; public opinion can shift and turn, but that doesn't mean we have to affirm it, participate in it or, God forbid, celebrate it.
But all is not lost. True marriage—natural marriage, marriage the way God intended it from the beginning (see Jesus' words in Matt. 19:4-6)—will endure, while radically redefined marriage will undo itself.
I was reminded of this as I watched some baby dedications at a church service on Sunday, with the proud moms and dads holding their precious little ones in their arms: There's no substitute for marriage and family the way God set it up, regardless of what Florida, California, England, Spain or Canada might say.
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I'm not sure how this works. But I believe a mother's mantle casts a long shadow. I saw my mother's fall during the going away celebration at her church. It then unfurled like a tailor-made garment of love and continued to spread. I believe her mantle is imparting spiritual inheritance to many, even those who never knew her.
My mother, Gertrude Yount, went to be with Jesus on March 2nd. 2015. Multitudes have been touched and encouraged by her many healings and miracles that God gave her in this lifetime. But what I will remember the most about mom is her persevering faith in spite of her many hardships. She found God in the storms of life. She touched so many people with God's love. She was 90 yrs. old. She is now totally healed forever.
Mom had an unusual request when she left this world. She said, "When they lay me in the casket, I don't want them to put any shoes or socks on me. I want to dance on the streets of gold in my bare feet." I called the funeral director and told him mom's unusual request and why. He agreed. Someone came up to me right before mom's funeral and said, "It's going to be hard to fill your mother's shoes." I said, "She doesn't have any."
Just hours before mom met Jesus, my sister visited her and said her face was glowing and she couldn't find one wrinkle on it. She was even walking on her own. One of my brothers stopped by also to see her minutes later. I called her around 7:30pm that evening and she said, "I was going to call you" Her voice was strong and clear. She told me that she had called my other brother Jim and talked to him also. Then within three hours of talking to us children, she left. The last words my brother heard my mother say was: "Tell everyone I love them."
When it came to loving people mom broke the rules. I remember growing up when she took us five kids to church she always squeezed other people into the car like sardines. On Sundays she would pick up a woman and her three kids ( which made ten of us in the car ). Many times mom would holler at us kids in the back seat, "There's a policeman, get down!" She seemed to get away with some things when she was helping people.
At eleven yrs. of age my mother often attended Kathryn Kuhlman meetings in Pittsburgh, PA. She saw unusual happenings that forever changed her life. A huge goiter on her mother's neck instantly disappeared before her eyes. The next second a five year old boy began jumping up and down shouting, "Mommy, where are you? Where are you mommy?" The mother on the other side of the boy said, "Honey, I'm right here." Mom said. "I saw that little boy jump up into his mother's arms and began shouting, "Oh mommy, I can see you! I can see you mommy!" The mother cried, "He was born blind!" My mother got the mindset at an early age: This is the way my life is going to be. And it continued the rest of her life.
She was 4' 11" tall. She found the key to long life. Twice cancer couldn't kill her. The first cancer spreading through her body, the doctors gave her five years to live. That was forty-five years ago. At eighty-seven the second cancer died through surgery. They got it all with no chemo needed. Years ago doctors witnessed a tumor disappear on her thyroid before taking a biopsy. Ten years ago doctors wanted to amputate her one foot. She told them, "Whenever I go to heaven, I'm taking my foot with me!" Later they changed their mind. She kept her foot and walked fine. Most doctors who told her she wouldn't live long are gone. She kept outliving them. Her famous prayer when she got attacked was: "Lord, if I get weak and sick, how am I going to help anybody and reach the lost?" That's it! Then healing would start attacking her.
After receiving that five year death sentence with cancer mom felt led to visit a different church in town. She went with Aunt Sophie. Aunt Sophie has been healed so many times, people thought she was crazy. They arrived early and sat near the front of the church before others got there. As soon as Mom sat down, she felt a hand touch her shoulder, shooting a bolt of electricity down through her body that burnt the hairs off her arms and legs. "I just knew God healed me of that cancer!" she said. They found out later that church didn't believe in healing. I think that's why God healed her before the service started. Mom loved to tell people of her healings and miracles. Then she would stop and say, "But you gotta repent!" as conviction fell on them.
Late in life my mother had an ulcer on her leg that wasn't healing because of sugar diabetes. Doctors discovered the main artery in her leg was one hundred percent blocked with plaque that prevented the healing. Two doctors wouldn't touch it because she was 90 years old. A third doctor said, "I'm going to try it." ( Sometimes we need to try some things that look impossible.) He told my sister, "I chiseled it. I kept chiseling it. Two days later he called my sister and said, "The blood is flowing!"
When I heard those words, I sensed the Lord saying to the Body of Christ. "The blood is flowing! The blood is flowing! I've been chiseling away at the blockages in your life. The blood is beginning to flow into the legs of my Body." The life is in the blood. Strength in our legs is coming from that blood. We are going to walk in newness of life. Walk in places we have never been. Do things we have never done. Try some things that look impossible.
"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12
Mom was a fighter. 'A contender of the faith that was once delivered to the saints.' ( Jude 1:3 ) She fought for what she got. Her strong faith was like a runaway freight train that could not be stopped. In the Spirit mom could take out Muhammad Ali. She seemed to have the gift of faith. But there were times and seasons when God seemed distant, when the healings and miracles weren't arriving on time. But her faith kept going. Mom's answer to heaven's silence was: "I'll be ok. Let's see what God will do." It was these bumps in the road of mom's life that caused her to know the Lord like she did. Her life taught me: There's a whole lot of living between healings and miracles. And a whole lot of living after them. She knew how to run this race of life with patience. "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1 She ran with patience. Patience was her friend.
Near the end of mom's life she would always tell us. "When I get better, I'm getting my license back." She still blamed the state for taking her license. She told everyone, "They made a mistake about me." I have a gut feeling mom got her license back. I feel like she's driving something up there. Maybe a chariot. "Look out for those speed limit signs mom!"
A faith so strong, yet childlike. I remember when the doctor wanted to amputate mom's foot. She told me her childlike prayer: "Lord, you don't need my foot, and I do."
This story seems to sum up the fabric of my mother's prophetic mantle.
A mother had a little daughter playing down the neighborhood. A storm was brewing and the mother called the neighbor and said, "Send my little girl home quick." The little girl started walking home two blocks away as the storm broke loose. A torrential downpour of rain beat the earth as thunder and lightning came crashing down. As the mother watched anxiously out her kitchen window she noticed every time lightning flashed her little girl would stop and start to smile. Several times as lightning flashed her little girl again would stop and a smile would break out on her face. The mother terrified ran out of the house and down the sidewalk and picked up her little girl in her arms and ran inside the house. As they got into the house, the mother said to the daughter. "Honey, how come every time it lightninged, you just stopped and started to smile?" The little girl responded. "Mommy, all the way home God's been taking my picture!"
Oh, to have a childlike faith. To know in our worst storm, God is taking our picture.
Raise your hands and receive the power in my mother's mantle right now: The gift of faith that only believes and doesn't know how to doubt. The patience that outlasts every storm. And God's love that breaks the rules.
And don't forget to smile. Cause all the way home God is taking your picture.
WATCH: Mother Asked Why She Didn’t Abort Baby With No Eyes - Her Touching Answer
Christian Buchanan and his mother. (YouTube still)
Christian Buchanan's parents chose life for him even amid his disability, and then faced hate and scorn from abortion activists online after they shared their video about why they rejected abortion.
The video—already seen by millions around the worlds–is also an account of what happened when she first took Christian out in public (of how that sapped her spirits) and what has transpired since. Lacey tells the story by holding up to the camera pieces of paper with short narratives.
In my opinion, life is about people. I would like to introduce you to Shmuel Carmeli. Born 1934 in Austria.
In 1944 with the Soviets pushing their offensive on the Nazis eastern front, Shmuel's mother, sisters and extended family were shipped to Aushwitz to be murdered. His father and brother took to the woods and met up with Jewish partisans running illegal "teen immigration" past the British naval blockade of the soon to be formed nation of Israel.
This 10 year old dodged Austrian Nazi death squads and fearing conscription into the advancing Soviet infantry Shmuel and his brother linked up with what would become Israel's Mossad and boarded a ship to Israel.
Upon arrival, he settled in Tel Aviv and was given an ID number and was placed in a kibbutz for the children from Europe to learn Hebrew and build a new life.
Shmuel witnessed the rebirth of Israel. In 1967, Shmuel was a member of the Jerusalem Brigade that fought the Jordanian army from the UN complex in Jordanian controlled east Jerusalem into the the Abu tor wadi ( now called the Forest of Peace) up the ridges of Mt Zion to recapture the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.
When not in uniform Shmuel spent his entire career working as a youth worker for the city of Jerusalem .
Shmuel told me that: "Every Jew has a Hagadah and an Agada. I have just shared a portion of his Agada.
(Hagadah is our Passover story Agada is our personal story.)
Shabbat Shalom!
לכל יהודי יש הגדה ואגדה
A friend From Jerusalem. Friday, May 17, 2013