I’m not sure you know this, but when I was 9 years old, I had my first encounter with abortion.
I had been looking for something to read in my parent's house, and I pulled a book off a shelf and opened it in the middle. What I saw deeply grieved me.
There was a baby, perhaps 10 weeks old, with newly formed arms and legs and a little face - but he had been torn apart by a first trimester suction abortion.
I soon learned that the lives of precious little babies were taken every day, over 1 million every year. I learned that this barbaric practice was sanctioned and protected by the law, and that all over the country, and within 10 miles of my childhood home, there was a Planned Parenthood abortion facility open for business.
The more I learned about abortion, I had the growing sense that, while I was alive and healthy and safe, millions of children were dead and were continuing to die every day, and I wanted to do something about it.
At 15, I was working with a group of friends, and we began to educate people through my local community, focused on conveying the brutality and inhumanity of abortion and the humanity of the preborn child. There had been so many lies told and believed about life and abortion. I felt certain that if people were able to have an encounter with the beauty of life and the inhumanity of abortion, that minds and hearts would be changed.
This was really the start of Live Action. And after this start almost ten years ago, we are seeing proof of just that.
Since those early days, Live Action has built the largest social media following in the pro-life movement. These powerful media platforms have allowed us to share more pro-life content with more Americans than ever before in the history of the pro-life movement.
Live Action became the first organization to use former abortionists and medical animation to explain the four most prevalent abortion procedures through our “Abortion Procedures” campaign, exposing the horror of the violence inflicted upon preborn children.
Since the launch of “Abortion Procedures,” the campaign has been viewed over 80 MILLION times, and we directly know of at least seven lives that have been saved after expectant moms watched these short videos!
But friend, Live Action’s story is still being written and our impact is only just beginning…
During this incredibly important time in the fight for life, we must do everything we can to change more hearts and minds against abortion.
I want to personally ask if you would consider helping us reach as many Americans as possible in these next few months with the truth about abortion through a gift to Live Action. When you make a gift of $50 or more to Live Action today, you will not only help us change our culture for life, but you will help us reach our critical $40,000 goal by June 30!
You can make your tax-deductible gift here: https://www.liveaction.
Our education campaigns have decisively shown how hearts and minds can change on abortion – we just need to ensure we can get our content in front of people and you can make that happen.
Right now, we have an opportunity like never before to build a lasting culture of life and secure critical protections for the most vulnerable – the preborn.
My friend, can I count on you?
I appreciate you standing with us and giving to help us meet our goal by June 30.
For life,
Lila Rose
President and Founder
Live Action
About Live Action President Lila Rose
Lila Rose is the founder and president of Live Action, a human rights organization dedicated to ending abortion and inspiring a culture that respects and protects life. Lila founded Live Action when she was 15 years old.
Live Action is a nonprofit working to spread the truth about abortion and counter the deliberate misinformation campaign of the multi-billion dollar abortion industry and lobby. The organization changes hearts and minds about abortion and promotes respect for human dignity through national media campaigns, investigative reporting, and targeted youth education programs.
Since Lila’s first undercover investigation in 2007, Live Action has grown to become one of the leading national pro-life organizations in America. It conducts never-before-seen, hard-hitting undercover investigations of the abortion industry that garner national headlines; it publishes one of the most widely read and often-cited pro-life news sites, Live Action News; and it hosts the largest social media platform in the pro-life movement — one that reaches millions of people each month with compelling pro-life content.
Lila leads national undercover investigations of the abortion industry, exposing sex-selection abortion, the cover-up of sexual abuse and sex trafficking, medical misinformation, infanticide, racism, and other lawbreaking and abuses.
Lila’s media appearances include CNN, ABC’s Nightline, Fox News’ The Factor, The Sean Hannity Show, Dr. Drew, and many other national television and radio programs. Her work has been featured on most major news outlets, including CBS, ABC, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. Lila has also written for USA Today, First Things, Breitbart, Politico, and others.
Lila has been named among Red Alert’s “30 under 30,” National Journal’s “25 Most Influential Washington Women Under 35,” and Christianity Today’s “33 under Thirty-Three.” She serves on the board of the Queen of Angels Charitable Trust Foundation. She is also an international public speaker on family and culture issues.